Updating Problem

Aug 29, 2007

hi everyone,

I have a "subformB" wich is inside a "MainForm". When "MainForm" loads up (and therefore subformB loads as well), "subformB" does not show the results it is supposed to show until I click on it. It doesn't update itself 'till I click on it. Can anyone give me a hand on this?

Thank you very much

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Forms :: Updating Fields Via Code Not Updating Table

Dec 16, 2014

I have a form that has combo boxes and text fields (as well as sub forms). There is also a button linked to some code that says'

Private Sub cmdQuote_Click()
'Creates quote date and prints quote
Me.QuoteDate = Now()
DoCmd.OpenReport "Quote", acViewPreview, , "BookingID = " & Me.BookingID
End Sub

When the button is pressed the QuoteDate field (it is bound) should be be populated, but unfortunately it is not. I have played with refresh and requery but cannot derive a solution.

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Apr 1, 2005

I have a form with a combo box. If the supplier(s) name is not in the combo box, it asks do you want to add that supplier address? If yes, a popup form displays, where the name and address are entered. THis updates the table. But the problem is the combobox doesn't refresh so the user isn't aware that it has updated.

I've tried updating the form, but that results in the question being asked again, do you want to add that supplier address.

Here is my code

Dim intNewCategory As Integer, intTruncateName As Integer, strTitle As String, intMsgDialog As Integer

' Display message box asking if user wants to add a new category.
strTitle = "Shipper Database"
intMsgDialog = vbYesNo + vbQuestion + vbDefaultButton1
intNewCategory = MsgBox("Do you want to add this Company and Address to the List?", intMsgDialog, strTitle)

If intNewCategory = vbYes Then
' Remove new name from CategoryID combo box so
' control can be requeried when user returns to form.
'DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdUndo

' Display message box and adjust length of value entered in
' CategoryID combo box.
strTitle = "Name Too Long"
intMsgDialog = vbOKOnly + vbExclamation
If Len(NewData) > 50 Then
intTruncateName = MsgBox("Name of the Supplier can be no longer than " _
& "50 characters. The name you entered will be truncated.", _
intMsgDialog, strTitle)
NewData = Left(NewData, 50)
End If

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Updating Another DB

Jun 10, 2006

Hi all

I have a curly problem

A sent a mate a DB a while ago and I want to update it for him... so I need to send him something that will automatically update the forms, queries etc... progamatically i.e without him having to do anything to it.

Ideally, I'd like to front end/back end the DB. But server infrastructure doesn't allow for this. 2 networks are operating and they don't talk cleanly. Essentially, a FE/BE DB will work on one of the networks but not the other. Therefore, the DB is one whole DB so that BE tables don't need refreshing.

The way I see it... I have 2 options. Or maybe there are other options??
1. Export forms, queries etc... to the old DB or
2. Import the data tables into the new one.

At this stage I prefer option 2.

I have some idea how do this this but would appreciate some advice. Ideally, I'd like the user to click an update button to import tables, delete the old DB and transfer the new DB into the appropriate folder (and maybe rename the DB if it needs it??)

Any help appreciated.

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Dec 29, 2007

I want to make an update code without referring to the form

My update query reads in is sql as follows
Dim SQL As String
StrSQL = "UPDATE products SET products.new = [products].[grossprice]-[products].[grossprice]*28/100"
I want to rewrite it in the following way :
Dim Diff As String
Diff = [products].[grossprice] - [products].[grossprice]
SQL = "UPDATE products SET products.new = diff*28/100 "

However this effort fails since i have to refer to a form.Can i build a code without referring to a form?

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Updating An Already Installed Db

Oct 8, 2005


I have a database that has been in use for sometime but it needs some amendments.

I have burnt the db to cd and plan to make the updates and then take it back and import the tables from the one in use to the newly updated database.

I remember trying this before and it wouldn't let me import the tables as it said they had relationships.

Surely there is an easy way to do this? I don't have to delete the relationships, import the tables and then re-do the relationships?

Many thanks,

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Updating Records

Mar 31, 2006

I have a database with details about employees in it.

There is a field with yearly salary in it and another with an ID number. Recently these slaaries have been increased by a non-standard amount. I have another table with the emplyee ID number and their new salary. I need to update the slaary figure in the first table with the salary figure in the second table. Is there anyway of doing this?

Any help would be most appreciated


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Updating A Date

May 1, 2006

I need to be able to update all the date records in a table using an update query. Any ideas of what i have to put in the 'update to' box to get all the dates to change from dd/mm/2005 to be dd/mm/2006

cheers for any help

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Updating Records

Sep 27, 2006

Hi there people...i'm doing a databae project for A2 level coursework and have encountered a problem..please help me if you can.
I have a table of names. Also another table (actions) which contains several fields, but 2 of them are names, (1 being Proposer, and other being Actionee), are obtained from the names table.
However, when altering for instance the spelling of one of the names in the names table it does not update the spelling in the actions table. i have tried using the relationship-update option but this doesn't work because the names appear more than once in the actions table. if it were to appear just the once in the actions table then i wouldn't have any problem. but it is a requirement that the 2 names fields are in the actions table.
Any ideas of how to solve this?

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Updating Forms

Nov 6, 2006

can someone tell me how to make a form's data change when related data is changed in another form. E.g. If I change the price of a product in 'products' to £3.00, how do I make it automatically show that it is £3.00 in 'orders' just by typing in the product code?

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Updating Table

Feb 24, 2005

I have used a make table query to create a table with text values. I need to convert these values to numerical data, for instance "Male" should become 1 and "Female" should become 0. I tried doing this in an update query, but had to use 2 separate queries. Don't know if a macro would work to update a table (there are no forms in this DB, it's all data fields). Same with code, I usually do this with forms. How can I update the raw data, which in some cases has multiple ifs, into the correct format? Thanks!

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Updating More Than 4 Tables

Oct 15, 2005

i have 4 tables in access and i need to be able to add information in one table and it to appear in the other 3 without me having to go in to each individual table and enter it.
Is this possible?

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Updating A Table

Mar 10, 2006

I have two tables. One table is linked to a text file that is always update by the another program. I have another table the is same exact one but it does not get updated.
I have access run these two tables to see the difference between. (Its basically and add/drop function) But after I run those two tables to see the difference, I want to update the nonlink file, so it is up to date with the "link" table. Thank you.

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Updating Tables

May 18, 2007

Good morning, I'm a newbie....and I inherited this db.

I have an existing table. I need to add two rows of information. When I add the rows, they are empty. I have tried running a query with all the fields from the table plus the two rows I need, but I loose 90+ records. What am I doing wrong???

Thank you for any help...

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Updating A Table

Feb 2, 2008

Here's my problem:

I have a table called WorkOrder. I have fields labeled:

JobID, which is an autonumber
WODate, which is formatted as =Date()
and WOID, long integer

Here's what I want to do and have done:

On my form I have WOID control source set to:

=Format([WODate],"mmddyy") & Format([JobID],"00")

I know that storing calculated values isn't the preferred method but it's what I've done.

The problem is I have a cmd button on the form, that when clicked asked for the WOID. This button is based on a query to print a specific work order.

The problems is that this calculated value (WOID) isn't appended to the table so nothing exists when the cmd button is click and the WOID is entered.

How can I update the table with this WOID for the specific job?

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Updating A Table

Mar 10, 2006

I have two tables. One table is linked to a text file that is always update by the another program. I have another table the is same exact one but it does not get updated.
I have access run these two tables to see the difference between. (Its basically and add/drop function) But after I run those two tables to see the difference, I want to update the nonlink file, so it is up to date with the "link" table. Thank you.

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Updating Date Using SQL

Mar 27, 2006

I have a table which contains dates in the format (mm/dd/yyyy) as well as other information, I am trying to get an ASP website to update the date with values chosen by the user. The problem is that when using the UPDATE command it returns an error, saying the syntax is wrong. Here is my SQL statement and the error message it produces, if anyone has got any ideas, please let me know -:

"UPDATE Users SET Name = '"& UpName &"', DOB = #"& AddMonth &"/"& AddDay &"/"& AddYear &"# WHERE ID = "& ID &" "

The error message I get in return is -:

Error Type:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers (0x80040E14)
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in date in query expression '#//#'.

Thanks in Advance

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Updating After Normalizing

Jun 1, 2006

I have a 1000 records with 4 columns , now normalized.
I can use set to update and set some of the records. Perhaps there is a method I am missing. Is there some script or stored procedure I can run in sql to speed this up.

I have 181 units to match 1000 records as well as business leads any hints would be appreciated.
I am matching the DepartmentID in the department table back to the field on another table.
Thanks in advance

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Updating Table

Jul 7, 2006

I have a table (A) with three variables: ProjectID, SubprofileID, and Budget. A projectID may have several subprofileIDs. I need to update this table monthly. Each month, I will get a table (B) with exact format. I want to update table A using data from Table B. I used UPDATE..... Left JOIN. But there is a probelm. For example, if project XX is not in Table B, the budget of project XX will be empty in Table A after updating whcih originally has data. Also, if Table B has a new Project YY, it is not added into Table A.

Could anyone help me with it?

Thank you very mcuh.

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Updating Year....

Aug 15, 2006

I have a church database for our choir...we are usually the same group each year ... I have built a database logging all robes, hymnals, etc... I have a table with the contact person (contact), address information, sizes, and yearly dues paid (year)... I would like to just update the year from one year to the next without having to change 135 individually... is there someway to automate this or a function that I can use.... I still would like to have access to the 2006 files to see if someone is making partial payments and check their records (as well pastdue balances) but at the same time move/update to 2007.... is there an easier way to this...I am fairly new to Access and don't mind trying something...I have backups of my database so I can try anything. thanks in advance..

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Updating Reports

Sep 28, 2006

Good morning!

I hope you don't mind extra questions from me on Access.

First I am creating a query, than I am creating a report with it. I am making for example query on pending projects, bring it to the report and then printing out. next week status of some reports changes to "executed" but I am getting new projects that are pending. will they automatically appear in my query and my report as a result simultaneously or I have to run another query just to make sure that I got all recent updates that I made in my table?

Thank you,

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Query Needs Updating

Dec 5, 2006


I've generated the following SQL statement...

SELECT (Int([age]/10)*10) AS MYG, Count([MYG]) AS Frequency
WHERE ((([Data].[Date of referal]) Between #1/1/2006# And #1/1/2007#) And (([Data].[Age])>10))
GROUP BY (Int([age]/10)*10);

the [MYG] field is basically an integer 10,20,30,40,50 etc I wish to change this field to 10 - 20, 20 - 30, 30 - 40 etc.

Is this possible using SQL?

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Updating Query

Jan 14, 2007

Hi all,
I have been trying to make 2 tables join (the end goal is to overwrite some data in one table, with data in another). The table layouts are as follows

Table: dbo_device
dev_name (prim key)

Table: firmware
name (prim key)

All data types are matching, so that shouldnt be the problem. I want to grab the value fware from the firmware table and put it into the dbo_device 'dev_memory' field, where the dev_name & name are the same. Here is my query...


UPDATE dbo_device
SET dev_memory = f.fware
FROM firmware f
INNER JOIN dbo_device d ON d.dev_name = f.name

I am getting the error 'Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression 'f.fware FROM firmware f
INNER join dbo_device d ON d.dev_name = f.name'

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Updating From Another Table

Feb 22, 2007

I want to update a column in table A with the value in table B where the value in A matches another column in B

This is what I have, which seems like it would be a valid query but Access is telling me its not an updateable query.

UPDATE PaymentBackup SET PaymentBackup.ClientID = (SELECT tblClient.ClientID FROM Payment,tblClient WHERE Payment.ClientID = tblClient.ClientIDx)

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Updating A Query

Jul 26, 2007

I have 2 fields in a form called 'Employee No's' which use a combo box (this information for these comes from a query). However, I have another form called 'Employee Details' (this form comes from the same table as the query is taken from).

The 'Employee No's' form opens by a command button in the 'Employee Details' Form. However, what I need to be able to do is for the query (used for the combo box) to update with information I have just put in the 'Employee Details' form while I have not yet closed the 'Employee Details' Form.

Would I use an SQL statement for this? If so what would I put?

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Updating One Table From Another

Mar 19, 2008

I want to add a lot of e-mail addresses to a membership database.
The database has 2 relevant tables

Home details
with fields Group ID: various Address fields: E-mail

Personal Details
with fields GroupID: FirstName: Surname: etc etc

These two are linked by the GroupID field

I have another table with fields FirstName: Surname: E-Mail

I would like to be able to design a query that checks in the Personal Details table for match with FirstName and Surname, and then updates the E-Mail field in the Home Details table.

Is this possible, and how should the query be designed?


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