Updating Tables With Imports

Jul 17, 2005

Hi Im quite new to access, but Ive got a little database running thats contains balances of customers account over 30 days 60 days etc and logs querys on there accounts, Im given a spreadsheet each week which shows that the customer may have paid something to their account so I need to import these new balances into the table and update the record. Can anyone give me any pointers as how Id achieve this, as append query or import dont seem to fit what I need.

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Tables :: Assigning IDs To Excel Imports And Relating Tables

Mar 5, 2014

I need assigning IDs across tables so I can relate them. I have two tables.

The first table contains data regarding schools.
SchoolID [autonumber, primary key]

The second table contains data regarding children numbers in each year group for each school
VaccinationSessionID [Primary Key]
SchoolID [want this to match the school id assigned in the first table!]

In the second table the data was imported from Excel, so all but the School ID was imported. Each school name appears 7+ times in the second table.

How do I get the school ID assigned to a school name in the first table, to automatically assign and fill in the (currently blank) School ID field in the second table? I want to remove school name from the second table eventually, to use the Primary Key school ID in the first table, and Foreign Key school ID in the second table.

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Bulk Imports

Jan 10, 2007

though my actual application contains 6 tables, I will give an example with 2 to simplify my question:

Say I have a simple DB with a Company table and an Employee table....the only attributes are CompanyID (autonumber/PK) and CompanyName for the Company table and EmployeeID (autonumber/PK) and EmployeeName for the Employee table.

Now I have an excel spreadsheet with Company Names and Employee Names on a worksheet. How can I import these to both tables and keep the relationship of who works where? Keep in mind that I have 6 tables in my actual DB.

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Conversion Errors Table For Imports

Jan 30, 2006

In previous versions of access when importing data from text files a conversion error table was created.
In access 2003 this facility no longer appears. It tells me there are import errors, imports the acceptable records but then no errors table.
Am I being stupid, have I got something turned off. Many thanks for any support anyone can provide.

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Modules & VBA :: Error - Type Mismatch On Imports?

Mar 17, 2014

common error in VBA imports. It has happened with spreadsheets and text files I have users importing. An error message pops up "Type Mismatch." But the import appears to work correctly. So I added code that On Error, if error Like "*Type mismatch*" continue to next step. Now the user gets a longer error message: "The expression On Click entered as the event property setting produced the following error: Type mismatch." Again, the import still works, but this message is annoying! The even stranger thing is that I do not get this error message on my machine. Just the other users.

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General :: Copy Saved Imports From One Database To Another

Apr 2, 2013

I pasted the tables, modules, macros, etc. from one database to another and the only thing left is the Saved Import. How can I get that into another database? It is quite a large import, otherwise i would just recreate it.

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Tables :: Updating Fields In Multiple Tables Without Onclick Event

Oct 23, 2013

I am working on a database which has two tables used as part of a registration and login process.

I would like a couple of fields from table one to automatically update in table two, once the fields in table one are populated without using an 'on click' event.

The reason I would prefer not to use an onclick is because the completion of the form used to generate the users table does not require any buttons for the data to save.

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Access Imports Blank Validation Cells From Excel

Jul 13, 2007


I have an Excel file that I use to enter data. About half the columns are validation cells to minimize human error. The validation cells are in rows 2-200. I then import the data into Access.

The problem is that, even if I only enter or select data in one row, Access imports all 200 rows that contain validation cells. I only want the rows in which I've actually entered/selected data to be imported.

I've searched this forum, but may not be using the correct search criteria.
I've also searched Google for "Access Imports Blank Validation Cells from Excel" and other variations of the same words, and switched empty for "blank".

Can someone recommend a thread or on-line article that will give me an idea how to work around this?

Thanks in advance for any assistance.

PS. Sorry, I wasn't sure under which category to post this.
Again, thanks for your time.

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Large Data Imports Expanding File Size

Dec 7, 2007

Morning all,

I'm having a problem with mdb file size. I'm importing a large amount of data from a number of tab delimited text files via a simple transfertext function. The process goes: empty the tables in the database, then import the data into the tables.

All this works fine, but the file size rockets to over 1.5Gb. When I then compact and repair, it goes down to 420Mb. I'm not deleting and recreating the tables, and at no point is there 1.5Gb worth of real data, so what's causing this?

N.B. I realise I can call compact and repair following the import, but this is going to take too long as they are user-initiated imports.

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General :: Merging Databases - Importing Saved Imports And Exports

Aug 22, 2013

I'm merging a few databases together. They're fairly simple on their own but I'd like them as one big database. I read that I should import each access database into a new, blank one.

It all works fine, but none of the saved imports and exports come with them. Unfortunately, these imports and exports are relied upon quite heavily.

Is there a way to bring saved imports over from other databases, or will I have to rebuild each one?

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Updating More Than 4 Tables

Oct 15, 2005

i have 4 tables in access and i need to be able to add information in one table and it to appear in the other 3 without me having to go in to each individual table and enter it.
Is this possible?

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Updating Tables

May 18, 2007

Good morning, I'm a newbie....and I inherited this db.

I have an existing table. I need to add two rows of information. When I add the rows, they are empty. I have tried running a query with all the fields from the table plus the two rows I need, but I loose 90+ records. What am I doing wrong???

Thank you for any help...

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Updating Tables

Mar 8, 2005

I have a button on a form that queries my table for observations that meet a certain set of conditions, and then updates a field to mark these observations. But I keep getting the error message 'Compile error: Method or data member not found.' I have used the code successfully in a previous database and cannot figure out why it won't work here. Thanks for any suggestions. Here's the code:

Private Sub OK_Click()
Dim db As Database
Dim rst As Recordset

Set db = CurrentDb
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("Appointment Letter JW Q")

With rst
Do While Not .EOF
![Status] = "08"
![DateMail] = Date
End With
End Sub

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Tables Not Updating Properly

Jan 26, 2005

Need help and advice desperately,
I am trying to update about 10 tables each time a visitor visits my site..
however there are often missing counts, meaning the total data in each table are not the same frequently They are supposed to be since all the tables get updated each time.
Im using MS Access 2003.
What could be the problem?

Below is an example of one of the function that updates one of the tables in my DB.
************************************************** *****
function GetIdRes(sName)
'Get ResID
sUserID = Request("UserID")
sSQL = "SELECT ResID, ResName, Total, UserID FROM Resolutions WHERE UserID = '"&sUserID&"' AND ResName = '" & sName & "'"
rs.Open sSQL,,,adCmdTable
if rs.eof then
rs("ResName") = sName
rs("Total") = 0
rs("UserID") = sUserID
end if
rs("Total") = rs("Total") + 1
GetIdRes = rs("ResID")
end function
************************************************** ****

I've got another 10 similar tables. The Column "Total" is often different among the tables.

Please kindly advise...

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Updating A Record Using 2 Tables

Apr 25, 2005

I have one table (call it tblMax) which holds a number designating a maximum amount for items. I have a second table (call it tblItem) which holds the items current inventory, along with several other values about the item. Is there a way to reference fields from both of these tables on one form, AND have the record be able to update? I've used a query to bring them all to one form, but the record is not able to update using that method. The tblMax will be used for reference only, after the initial values are entered. I also tried leaving the form's Control Source blank and typing in Control Sources for each field, but was unable to get that to work. TIA.

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Updating Two Tables From One Form

May 21, 2005

I have a table called Primary Employees and another table called Secondary Employees. I also have a form where you can add new employees, which updates the Primary Employees table. What I would like to do is, after I add a new employee have the new data update both the Primary and Secondary table at the same time. These tables have the same information within them. These two tables are currently relational to one another, but I still have to go in and manual update the Secondary Employee table after I add a new employee. I have to have two databases because of other form requirements. Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated.

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Updating Linked Tables

Oct 2, 2005

Hi all,

I have a front-end database with a linked (data) database. Problems arise when this goes onto other PC's on different directories and I get the error that it can't find the linked database. This is easily fixed by updating with the linked table manager, but as I am not sure which directories the database will be run from on other PC's, is there a solution that easily updates the linked tables? (the two database files will always be in the same folder). I realise that if I can identify a common directory that can be used on all potential PC's, then this problem can be avoided, but I can't guarantee this.

Thanks in advance,


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Updating Related Tables

May 15, 2006

Hi everyone!

My names james, im 18 and im a data manager for a school.

My schools database stores student data such as names, classes and exam grades. I have a table containing each students personal details such as name and address. Each pupil is assigned a unique PupilID which is the primary key. I then have a number of other tables linked to it with one to many relationships. Each of these tables holds a different set of exam results. The tables are linked through PupilID. The primary keys for the other tables are auto numbers.

The problem is this: when i add a new student to the Students table i cannot get their PupilID to automatically be entered into the other tables containing grades as part of a new field. How can i make this happen?


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Updating Tables Constantly

Oct 24, 2006

I will be updating a table in my database every week, via imports from a xls file. What I have going on now is a very inefficient way of updating. What I do is import into a table (x) and just keep adding to the table through the import wizard saying add to exsiting table. Then do a make-table query where I do "group-by" to get the unique ones and then run it to get the new table. I am sure there is an easier way to do this. Possibly, find duplicates in the import and then just append to the main table? Don't know how to do that one? Also I wanted to create a button that will ask for the xls file and then do the appending and clean up once the file has been asked for...any help please!

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Updating Related Tables.

Jan 22, 2007

Ok due to user error (and my own fault for not archiving an old database) we now have two databases which have had data entered into with the same table structure.

The table structure we have at the moment is with the related field in []:

Propertytbl[Propertycode] is related to Systemtbl[sysID] which is related to Assessmenttbl.

There is also another Temperaturetbl linked to Systemtbl by [sysID]

The problem i have is sysID is an autonumber. I can't simply paste in the difference in data as the assessmenttbl records and Temperaturetbl records will point to a different system (as the sysID will change in the Systemtbl data)

Can anyone think how i can do this either through using queries or programmatically so that i don't have to enter 5000 records manually.

I've tried using append queries but this produces the same affect as above.

Many thanks

Matt Collins

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Updating Tables Easily

Feb 13, 2007

I have two databases that are set up exactly alike - one for each office (Corporate and satellite). The Satellite office will have to send us their updated project, Proposal, and change orders data (which are in three different tables) every week so Corporate can update their database for the Satellite office and Corporate will have to do the same for them.

What is the easiest way? I basically just want it to look for changes to the tables and then update the table accordingly. I need it very simple for them because they don't know Access. Any suggestions?

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Updating From Related Tables

Apr 2, 2007

I have a combo box in my main form that gets its list of physician names from tblPhysician. When the physician is chosen and the record saved, it saves the PhysicianID to my main table, tblOncReg.

When I delete a physician, any record that had that name chosen continues to have that name in the record despite it being deleted from tblPhysician.

I thought that setting relationships would solve it, but when I select "Enforce Referential Integrity" and "Cascade Update Related Fields", I get an error saying "Invalid field definition 'ID' in definition of index or relationship.", and it doesn't set the relationship.

Would setting the relationship solve that problem?

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Updating Tables Using Macro

Oct 17, 2004

I have a command button that uses a macro called "update" to update the values in a table.
When I click it everything works fine, but I'd like to do the same job "automatically", when the value of a text box changes. I tried to assign the update macro to the "after update" property of the text box, the macro seems to run, but it doesn't work. I also copied the code that is run when I click the command button, to the "after update" code in vb, but still no luck. The text box is bound to the table that I want to be updated, and shown in a subform. Any suggestions? Thanx in advance

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Updating Tables Using A Query

Jan 4, 2005

Good Afternoon--- I'd like to use a query to update a table, however the query is based on several tables. I'm pretty sure this is possible, but I've only used a pre-existing query where this applied. Never had to build one like this from scratch.

Say for example you want to update the contact information for one record that occurs in several different tables without openning every table. I'm not sure that I should even be using a query to solve this problem, but any suggestions would save me a lot of time.

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Updating Access Tables

Apr 16, 2006

Is it possible to update Access tables through a macro of some sort.

Thing is:
I would like to collect a membership list in a table.
I will add new members on my database but i would like to update another database to have the same data as me. Especially for this particular table.

I will have a look around (i never used access before) but if there is a tip on where to go and find such a feature would be much appreciated.


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Updating Tables While Data Is Viewed

Apr 18, 2007

I have created a Production Tracking database for my company using
Access 2003. Everyone here uses Access 2000, so I have saved the file
as an access 2000 database. I am importing three tables from an ODBC
connection. These tables are being update by another department
constantly. I am using a centralized form for users to view the

If the users are viewing the information and we try to update the
tables they are viewing, we get an error. My question is: Is there a
way around this problem?

This what I have done:
In the module I wrote, I am importing the tables, then renaming them
to the tables the users are viewing, and then altering the structure
of one of the tables. We cannot use linked tables, the reason is we
have only three licenses to access the software through the ODBC
connection. So as soon as three people open the access database they
take those three connections.

Any Ideas?


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