Updating Tables With Missing Keys

Jul 25, 2005


I'm designing a database that is used both in the office and field and it has two tables - an "office" table and a "field" table. The office table is a list of addresses, cities, and counties, each with a custom-designed key field. The field table contains equipment information at each location specified in the office table.

What I want to do is set up the database so that field personnel can copy an updated office table (with new locations added or old locations removed) into their databse and click something and have the tables "resync" with each other - the field table automatically adding new records to match those in the office table or delete records it has that it doesn't find in the office table...

Any thoughts or helpful links?

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Foreign Keys And Tables

Sep 25, 2006

i need to create a table, i've figured out to make LastName the primary key. But im not so sure about the foreign key, and whether it is necessary to put it into the table in order for all my tables to relate? Sorry if this doesn't make much sense.
Also, to clarify.. 3NF primary keys in one table cannot be used in another table??

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Join 2 Tables With Composite Keys

Oct 3, 2007


I am trying to join 2 tables with composite keys - each of them have the same 4 columns as part of its key - date/person/problem/date sent.

Table 1 has 5 columns (4 key columns + 1), Table 2 has the same 5 columns plus 1 additional column (Comments).

I am trying to match the Comments column in Table 2 to Table 1 and show the output in another table.

Currently, I've related the 4 columns in each table to each other, each relationship defined as including all records from Table 1 and only the records from Table 2 where the fields are equal.

In the fields, I have 5 Columns from Table 1 and the last column (Comments) from Table 2. When I run the query, I get all the records from Table 1, but not all of the Comments that match from Table 2 are shown.

Any Ideas on how to improve this link?


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Merging Tables With Unmatched Keys

Nov 12, 2007

Hi all, im hoping someone can help. This is the problem.

I have 3 tables that have tax payer information for 1 year broken up into 4 months, 1 table for each 4 month chunk. all 3 tables mostly have the same taxpayers, but each table has payers that are not in 1 or both of the other tables. each table has a 2 part primary key, the business number is the first part, and branch number for businesses with chains. the next 4 fields are each month of taxes paid. heres the design of each table.

ID 1ID2Data1 Data2 Data3

ID1ID2Data1 Data2 Data3
31Data1 Data2 Data3

is there an easy way to merge all of this data into 1 table easily. ive tried using make table or append queries, but it only addes the information where the IDs are in each table. this leaves out the ids that are in only 1 or 2 tables.

if you need me to clarify or explain anything else, please let me know. i can post screenies or the design, but obviously, not the data.

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Bridge Tables W/composite Primary Keys

May 17, 2007

I am creating a bridge table to get rid of redundant data. I am doing it by making a composite of the primary keys from the two tables I am bridging.
The error message when I get to a certain point is "You cannot add or change a record because a related record is required in table tblMachCent." Both the numbers I am using to create this composite key are in the tables necessary, so I am not sure why I am getting this problem. Any suggestions??

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Tables :: Two Primary Keys Link To Another Table?

Aug 18, 2014

So, I have two Primary Keys in my table, how then do I link another tables to it?

PatientID Number Primary Key
Visits Number Primary Key

PhoneID AutoNumber Primary Key

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Tables :: Use Of Standard Access IDs As Primary Keys

Feb 12, 2014

I've built a system with around 20 tables in it. All of these use the standard ID field offered by default by Access as the primary key. A friend with a background in database design and development for large corporates using Oracle has reviewed the database (he is going to do some VBA programming for me) and suggested that we use more appropriate primary keys based on data attributes.

He has read "somewhere" that there are problems with the standard ID fields and that occasionally the fields are renumbered/reindexed and that this can cause problems. There are a fair number of queries and some complex forms which will need to be updated for these changes but it would be a shame to go through all this work if it isn't really.

Should we use the standard Access IDs and is it worth a chunk of effort to change from where we are now?

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One Primary Key In One Table Linked To Two Foreign Keys In Two Different Tables!!!

Sep 22, 2007

Hi there,

I am trying to model my database to create relationships between different tables in my database. During the process of doing so I ended up having one primary key in table A linked with to foreign keys in two different tables ( table B & table C) and both of those two table are junction tables to break out many to many between many other tables

Now for some reason!!! I feel that there is something wrong with my logic mapping and modeling of the relationships between tables due the fact of having one primary key linked to two foreign keys in two different tables :(

Is my intuition is right? should such case be considered as indicative of wrong modeling of relationships between tables in a single database
And if so what is the disadvantages of that link (talking down the road) when the database if fully populated? :confused:

By the way I am new member and new to database, so please take it easy on me :o

Many thanks

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Tables :: Inserting Foreign Keys Within A Text Field?

Aug 28, 2013

I've got a table - "Products" - in my database, with a text field - "Info" - which contains info about products.

Within this field I would like to have footnotes. To do this, I think the best way to do it is by putting numbers inside the text at the location of where I want the footnote to refer to. These numbers will actually be foreign keys to a table called 'Footnotes'.

I can then program the forms and reports to show any numbers as superscripts or whatever.

(Of course, if the user will actually want to insert a number into the text field which is NOT a reference to a footnote, I will have to make a workaround e.g. by making access put a symbol in front of the number, so access will know the number is just part of the text (and I will program the form to not show the symbol in front of the number)).

Is it wrong to have foreign keys within a text field? I think if executed correctly, it should work perfectly.

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Tables :: One Primary Key To Multiple Foreign Keys In The Same Table?

Aug 29, 2013

Right now, I have 4 related tables. There's a table with companies, one with people involved with companies, a table linking the two by having foreign keys of the company number and people names, and a table that indicates directors and their alternates.

Since there's a one-to-many relationship for companies/people to company-peopleID (A person can run multiple companies, a company has multiple directors, it's easier this way), a person's name can appear multiple times, as can a company, within that table.

In a company, a director may or may not have 1 and only 1 alternate director to him/herself. So, I thought the easiest way was to put an autonumber in the Company-personID table and have a table (alternates) that had two fields, "alternate" and "director", both using that autonumber to link them. However, it appears as though I can't link the same primary key twice to two foreign keys of the same table.


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Tables :: Setting Primary Keys To More Than One Field In Table / But They Cannot Have Null Values

Nov 30, 2012

Access 2010..One organization that we work with provides us with a block of numbers for each of the two types of contract products we order from them; we do order non-contract stuff from them also.The block of numbers are the same (i.e. 20000 to 30000 this year) for each of the two products. This means that each product can have the number 20000, for example. We call this the Tracking Number. If it is one of these products, we need to select the Contract Number.

For all other one off orders we have with them, we assign our own Tracking Number starting with 00001. This Tracking Number cannot duplicate unless it is one of the aforementioned two products.Both the Tracking Number and Contract Number are in the same table. The user selects the Contract Number from a form (connected to the Contract Number table that has all the details on the contract) and the Contract Number is populated in the same table that has the Tracking Number.Each order must have a Tracking Number (no null)..Not all orders need a Contract Number (null okay).The Tracking Number and Contract Number combination cannot duplicate.I tried setting the primary keys to more than one field in the table, but they cannot have null values.

If not... I have been working on Plan B.... an AfterUpdate on the form (either the form or a field... don't know yet) that looks at a query that only has results if there are duplicate values.

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Tables Missing

Sep 15, 2006

I have a database that has just been split. In the back end, I don't see the tables. I have gone to Tools>Options>View and found that Show Hidden Objects is checked. When I go to the front end, the links to the tables show up and I can open them and see the data. When I check the Linked Table Manager, I see that the path for the links is leading to the back end database.

I also noticed that on the bottom of the screen, the buttons for the front end show the name of the front end database and have blue page-like icons, but the button for the back end has only the pink key icon. Also, when I try to link another mdb to these tables, the window for selecting the table for linking is empty. I also notice that suddenly, any time I close an Access database, it goes through a compact and repair cycle. This just started happening today. I'm fairly sure that yesterday I could see the tables in the back end.

Oh, yes. Just remembered one other thing. Not everyone here has that location on the network mapped to the same drive. In order to accomodate everyone, the linked table manager was set up with the complete path to the folder:

\companyname.comfolderlevel1folderlevel2folder level3...ackend.mdb instead of

Using Windows XP and Office 2003

There is no verticle scroll bar as was mentioned in another post I found when doing a search on "Hidden Objects".

Any ideas where I should try next?

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Tables :: Missing Criteria In Table?

Sep 12, 2014

I was wondering if there was a special character you entered into the column area if you have missing data.

For example,

I am trying to run some statistical analyses using a pivot chart. I want to make sure that every box in a specific column is filled. For some of rows I am missing numbers for some of there columns. If there is missing data do I put a wild card?


First Last Middle Average

John Smith Adam 100

Smith John Peter (Blank) <--- no data

(Now if I were to find the average of both it wont run)

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Tables :: Autonumber Field Missing Numbers?

Dec 12, 2012

I got a table with "ID" as autonumber field. However when I have ID numbers:


And I remove record 4, then I got


How can I make it fill up the missing "4"?

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Tables :: Missing NumberID 8 In Table With 22 Entries

Dec 30, 2012

I have a table with 22 entries and some how numberID 8 is missing . How can I get the numbers back in order without redoing the whole thing?

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Queries :: Joining Tables - Missing Data

Jun 4, 2014

I have 2 tables: one for repairs and the other for the billing for those repairs. There is a foreign key(record_num) in the billing table to match the primary key(prikey) in the repairs table. This works fine as long as the unit repair has been completed.

Now an employee wants to see records even if they are not completed and wants the rate to be $0.00 if the unit has not been completed. But by this method there is no record in the billing table.

My problem is if I have the 2 tables joined then I only see records that match both tables. Here is my SQL for the query:

SELECT DISTINCTROW tbl_module_repairs.end_user, tbl_module_repairs.pickup_date, tbl_module_repairs.complete_date, IIf([pickup_entity]="Storm","APS Storm","APS Field Tech") AS [Repair Pickup], tbl_module_repairs.mfg_part_num, tbl_module_repairs.manufacturer, tbl_module_repairs.module_type, tbl_module_repairs.incoming_module_sn,

[Code] ....

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Tables :: Updating Fields In Multiple Tables Without Onclick Event

Oct 23, 2013

I am working on a database which has two tables used as part of a registration and login process.

I would like a couple of fields from table one to automatically update in table two, once the fields in table one are populated without using an 'on click' event.

The reason I would prefer not to use an onclick is because the completion of the form used to generate the users table does not require any buttons for the data to save.

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Tables :: Accounting For Missing Values In A Calculated Field

Mar 24, 2014

I have a table that stores information for multiple behavioral surveys (numerical values). My goal is to add the proper fields that compose total scores value for each respective survey (do a summation of scores). Now, under design view for my table, I see that I can add a calculated field. When I create this calculated field, I can use the Expression Builder to do a sum of the proper fields (the fields that compose a total score for a survey). The only problem that I'm encountering is that if a field that is part of a survey is missing information, the summation disregards the rest of the values for that survey.

How can I account for these missing values so that, if 1 out of my 9 fields have information, I will still get a summation score for the 9 fields? I want to be able to do this without having to change the value of the missing field to 0.

In SPSS I can easily do this by computing a variable and using a code like this:
SUM.2(field1, field2, field3, etc.)

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Update Tables With Missing Data Without Using Unmatched Query?

Aug 13, 2013

I have an access database with several linked tables (linked to MySQL database) and several local tables. The theory is that if there's ever a connection issue, the device connected to the computer will continue logging data to the local tables. Once a connection is re-established, the linked tables should be updated with all the missing records which appear on the local tables.

I found several possibilities which I outlined below, but I've been asked to investigate whether there's a built in function in access that does this for you and use the other options as a last resort. Does access have any program feature that updates one table with missing data from another table, or will I have to write VBA code to do that? Options I've discovered:

1) Write unmatched query and insert missing data into table.

2) Create a linked table on MySQL that will link to the local tables on access, then compare the records there.The boss isn't happy with those options because he wants to keep the amount of code we add to a minimum. Ultimately, we hope that a program feature that does this is built in to access. If not, I have no problem adding code to do this instead.

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Tables :: Random Missing Data After Importing From Excel To Access

Mar 8, 2014

I've got an Excel sheet with +700k rows and 20 columns that I wanted to import to Access. All fields are text except the field that I want to use as a primary key, but I planned to import that as a text as well.

When I used the import wizard, I set all fields to import as text except for three that I set to memo. The wizard didn't say there was any error after importing the data, but when I checked the table, I noticed there were *a lot* of records where many fields where blank. Some fields where completely unaffected by this problem throughout the entire table, but in the rest of them, there is data missing in many records, and when there is data missing, it is not always the same fields that are missing. I have been unable to find any pattern that explains why sometimes the records were imported correctly, and why sometimes they were not.

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Tables :: Multiple Parents Table Linked To Child Table - Primary Keys

May 28, 2015

I have a table for a multiple parents linked to a child table. I need to figure out a way to only allow 1 parent to be coded as primary, 1 as secondary, and then the rest as other... I thought about making Primary/Secondary/Other a primary key. But then I can only have 1 other. I would have to make a finite number of parents that could be entered and I want an infinite number.... My end goal is to have a report that only has a primary and second parent on it, but the rest of the parents still exist in the table...


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Missing Records (and Missing Updates)

Oct 7, 2005

Hi all

This is an ongoing problem I have had for 4 weeks now.

I have made a a system thats acts like a clock In/clock out Out system.

the structure is somthing like this

All fields apart from ID (autonumber) and username (String*255) are Date field (there are a few others like DateOfTimesheet etc but they arnt important here)

When a user arrives in the morning they make a record which they use for the day

They then have a form with a whole bunch of buttons which simply updates the correct field. For example they click the "Sign in for the Day" button and it updates the correct field with the current time.

Everything was going fine until people noticed that every now and again a sign in time dissapeared.

I have hacked myself to death trying to solve this problem but still the updates go Astray.

Now each time a time is updated the process goes somthing like this

1. the user opens their timesheet for the day (the RS is SNAPSHOT and no locks)

2. User Hits a sign in/out button
3. The record source is changed to "" and all buttons hidden (to ensure the record isnt locked and to make sure you dont do two things at once)
3. The table is updated with the new time (using some dynamic SQL)
4. The table is repeatadly checked using a DO loop to make sure the the correct time went in.
5. when the returned time value of the field matches the varaible used to update it, the form is returned to normal and the user carries on his/her merry way (if it never matches the screen should crash but this never happens).
6. A New record is added to another table called "tblbugfixinglog" which records which field was updated and when. This is so that I have two records in two different ways (figured if one went astray I could pull it back off the other)
7. Another new record is added to yet another table called tblSQLRecord, which simply logs all .RUNSQL statements that are executed.

I thought that the two extra tables (and the check that the record had been updated) would help me track down where the records are going missing, but this isnt the case.

Now it appears that some records arnt being added to tblBugFixingLog and to tblSQLRecord either and some of these tables are getting quite a few #ERROR's in them..

None of the tables are related to any other and i've no idea how #ERROR lines are appearing in a table that has 1 function... to recieve new records ... no editing, no viewing, no deleting.

Does anyone have any idea how these updates/inserts can go missing or create #ERRORs.
I've built plenty of Databases in my time and have never come across this.
__________________________________________________ ______________

This is the function I use to add a record to tblBugfixingLog and tblSQLRecord

Private Sub AddBugLog(ByVal TimesheetNumber As Long, ByVal FieldUpdating As String, ByVal NewFieldValue)
Dim TempSQL As String
TempSQL = "INSERT INTO tblBugFixingLog (TimeAndDateOfEntrySERVER,TimeAndDateOfEntryPC,Fie ldUpdated,NewEntry,UserID,TimesheetNumber,Computer AssetNo) VALUES (" & _
"#" & Format(ServerGetTime(Environ$("LOGONSERVER"))) & "#," & _
"#" & Now & "#," & _
"'" & FieldUpdating & "'," & _
"'" & NewFieldValue & "'," & _
"'" & GetNTUser & "'," & _
"'" & TimesheetNumber & "'," & _
"'" & fOSMachineName & "')"
' MsgBox TempSQL
DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO tblSQLRecord (Username,DateAndTime,Screen,TheSQL) VALUES('" & LoginInfo.sUsername & "','" & CStr(Now) & "','Add Bug Log function','" & CleanData(TempSQL) & "')", False
'CleanData is a function that removes ' and " from the SQL string so i can easily add the SQL string into the table
DoCmd.RunSQL TempSQL, False
End Sub

Public Function CleanData(ByVal DataToClean As String)
Dim TempData As String
Dim i As Integer
TempData = ""
For i = 1 To Len(DataToClean)
Select Case Mid(DataToClean, i, 1)
Case "'"
TempData = TempData & "`"
Case """"
TempData = TempData & "`"
Case Else
TempData = TempData & Mid(DataToClean, i, 1)
End Select
Next i
CleanData = TempData
End Function

__________________________________________________ ____

I have no idea how this can create #ERROR lines in the table when it is just added to and nothing else.

Does anyone have any clue to what may be happening here.

(Oh yeah and no matter how hard I try, I can't replicate the problem.... works for me every time no matter how harse I am to it!)

Please save what little hair I have left and give me some hope


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Updating More Than 4 Tables

Oct 15, 2005

i have 4 tables in access and i need to be able to add information in one table and it to appear in the other 3 without me having to go in to each individual table and enter it.
Is this possible?

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Updating Tables

May 18, 2007

Good morning, I'm a newbie....and I inherited this db.

I have an existing table. I need to add two rows of information. When I add the rows, they are empty. I have tried running a query with all the fields from the table plus the two rows I need, but I loose 90+ records. What am I doing wrong???

Thank you for any help...

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Updating Tables

Mar 8, 2005

I have a button on a form that queries my table for observations that meet a certain set of conditions, and then updates a field to mark these observations. But I keep getting the error message 'Compile error: Method or data member not found.' I have used the code successfully in a previous database and cannot figure out why it won't work here. Thanks for any suggestions. Here's the code:

Private Sub OK_Click()
Dim db As Database
Dim rst As Recordset

Set db = CurrentDb
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("Appointment Letter JW Q")

With rst
Do While Not .EOF
![Status] = "08"
![DateMail] = Date
End With
End Sub

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Tables Not Updating Properly

Jan 26, 2005

Need help and advice desperately,
I am trying to update about 10 tables each time a visitor visits my site..
however there are often missing counts, meaning the total data in each table are not the same frequently They are supposed to be since all the tables get updated each time.
Im using MS Access 2003.
What could be the problem?

Below is an example of one of the function that updates one of the tables in my DB.
************************************************** *****
function GetIdRes(sName)
'Get ResID
sUserID = Request("UserID")
sSQL = "SELECT ResID, ResName, Total, UserID FROM Resolutions WHERE UserID = '"&sUserID&"' AND ResName = '" & sName & "'"
rs.Open sSQL,,,adCmdTable
if rs.eof then
rs("ResName") = sName
rs("Total") = 0
rs("UserID") = sUserID
end if
rs("Total") = rs("Total") + 1
GetIdRes = rs("ResID")
end function
************************************************** ****

I've got another 10 similar tables. The Column "Total" is often different among the tables.

Please kindly advise...

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