Upgrading Amended Db Schema Via Mde

Aug 22, 2007

We have added new columns to a table in our developer db. Now we need to get these columns into the client's system.

Their computer is running on Access runtime, so if we change our existing Access db into a Mde would it be possible to upgrade their database with the changes without corrupting any of the client's data? We're quite happy to overwrite the forms, queries etc. but what happens to the client's data? especially when we have made some changes to the database schema e.g added new columns to the table?

We'd be grateful for any help.

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Forms :: Capturing Who Amended Data

Mar 22, 2015

I am sure I am not asking a question that has not been asked before. I have a form and i can capture who edited the form using log in ID. But now the issue that is coming my way is that certain date field are more critical and we need to know who amended those dates and whether it is possible to find out what was the pre existing date?

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Upgrading To MSDE

Oct 26, 2005

Hy all,

i have created a database with access 2003 that now experience some slowness problem. i have concluded that is a table that is becomed to big, but i can't delete any record...

it should help me upgrade the database to MSDE? if yes someone could help me?


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Access 97 Upgrading To 2003

May 9, 2006

My company has finally bitten the bullet and decided to upgrade their systems before their software goes out of date for user support. However, this means that they are about tio upgrade from Office 97 to Office 2003 running on a Windows 2000 operating system.
How much of an issue am I going to face in converting my databases into the new format. I realise there will be DAO/ADO issues but is there going to be anything else? I am acutely aware that I will be having to sort databases out across the whole company nationwide and the fewer surprises, the better.
Has anyone been through this and if so what were the issues?



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Upgrading Tables & Queries

Feb 17, 2008

I have several clients using the same database structure. If I do any upgrades or mods I currently manually add the new fields to each database. Is there an easier way?

Is there an easy way to upgrade a whole MS Database based on another? Can I either import just the new structure and not duplicate tables; or export and then import to my new blank database with the new structure?

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VB6 / Access / Schema

Nov 8, 2005


I would like to add to my VB6 app the ability to build an array of what tables are in my Access database, and the fields that are in each of those tables.

I am working with this database using ADODB, but it doesn't give properties like Tables and Fields, for example.

I am happy to open this database some other way, grab this info, close that connection, and proceed using ADODB.

What do you think


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Loop In A Schema?

Feb 6, 2006

I am very inexperienced in databases and I am currently attempting to design a database and there is one part of the schema where I am unsure how to proceed.

I need to model schools, pupils and teams. Schools have a number of pupils as do teams.

I rushed in with the following design but it just seems wrong to me. I don't know much about database design but I don't like the idea of having a kind of loop/triangle in the schema like this.

School(SchoolID, SchoolName, Postcode)
Pupil(PupilID, School, Team, Forename, Surname)
Team(TeamID, School, TeamName)

I was conscious of having a fan trap of a school has many teams and a school has many pupils.

Is this bad practice or is it fine?

Any guidance or related articles on this would be appreciated.

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Upgrading Secured Backend Database

Sep 15, 2006

Hi :)

(A2K format, but running on XP, etc)

I have used Microsoft’s Security FAQ and recommendations on this forum and build a split database; secured with one worgroup file for development and one for customers: what is the most appropriate way to upgrade the backend database content (tables mostly) (as the front-end database can just be replaced) at the customers site?

At the customer there is no development workgroup file, so no permissions to change database objects. I would really like to run sql updates from the new FE database. The solution I currently have devised to go around this problem, involves a lot of manual data moving code, to take care of referential integrity etc. However this approach has a higher risk of creating errors and also takes a lot longer time.

Is there something I have misunderstood of the Security FAQ or recommendation on this forum?


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Upgrading Application To 2007 Problem

Jul 24, 2007

I have upgraded an Access 2003 application to 2007. However whenever I go to edit the code in 2007 it reprots that the project is locked. I can't find how to unlock it anywhere? Can anyone help please....


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Print Table Schema

Jun 27, 2005


Is there a way to print the schema of a table right out of Access?? Basically I just want to print out all the field names, data types and descriptions. When looking at the table in design view MS Access 2000 does not give you the option to 'Print'.

Any ideas?



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Orphan Table In A Schema

Nov 3, 2005


I have some questions about a schema design I am working on. After much trial, it appears to me that a particular table is not and probably does not need to be related to any other table in the schema. So my questions are:

1. Is it right or quite typical for schemas to have some tables which are orphan (i.e. unattached to any other tables)?

2. If tables can exist in isolation, then what are the primary purpose they provide? I have a suspicion that if fields from an orphan table are used in query etc, then the possibility of Cartesian joins will arise. If so, how does one take care of avoiding such a problem?

Thanks very much for the enlightenment.

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General :: Changing Naming Schema

May 28, 2013

I have taken over exisiting databases and the names for the tables,forms,queries,reports are not technically named correctly.. What would be the easiest way to rename everything accordingly:

tbl for table
qry for query
rpt for report
mcr for macro
bas for module
frm for form.

Of Course they have names but it is hard to tell when viewing a query for instance if you are looking at a table or a query.... in the SQL View.

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Build Database Based On XML Schema?

May 16, 2012

I have a xml schema which defines all things necessary (tables, field names, relationships, etc) to build a database in access. The question is whether Access could decode xml schema and build the database (create all tables, fields and relationships) automatically by macro or something else. I have tried to load xml schema by using external data in Access. However Access can only recognize some tables, not everything.

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General :: Autonumber Is Out Of Sync After Upgrading To Access 2010

Aug 16, 2012

We have been using a shared database (on the server and it's not spilt) that was converted to MDE file and was created in Access 2003, without any issues for more than 5 years now.

Since we upgraded our office to 2010 (and access 2010) all the sudden the autonumber field starts generates a number that is about 40 to 50 records less than what is should generates. All the records for the missing 40 to 50 numbers are still there and we can search them.

The only work around is to run the database and open a new data entry form (at which time the autonumber field will generates a new number) then close the form, and we keep doing that until we reach the number that should be generated next.

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Form Design Strategy On Schema With Many M-M Relationships

Nov 4, 2005


I have a couple of elementar level questions on Form creation process and standards invloving a schema with several M-M relationships. I have a highly normalized design (thereby producing several junction tables). I have attached a picture of my schema to give an ideal of the schema I am talking about.

1. What is typcially the process of creating Forms on such a schema for the purpose of data-entry. Meaning, should there be several Forms (on the order of # of tables) or should there be a few that enables simulataneous data entry to many tables through one Form. What is typically the practise?

2. If there are 3 tables (A, B, C) so that A and C have a M-M relationship and B is a junction table that makes A &B and A & C have a 1 - M relationship, then how does one enter data for A, B, and C so that all the three get populated?

3. Can someone provide a copy or link to a sample database that has a similar normalized schema and Forms built into it that takes care of the data entry to the various tables?

Thank you very much for some light on this path.

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Multi-User - Can You Assign Which User Created/amended A Record?

Aug 4, 2007

Hi guys,

I've seen different log in forms and tips on multi-user use but can't seem to find info on the following...

We have 6 people at work and I'd like to assign which user updated a form or created a new record...this would be particularly useful on the sales part of the database to track who made a call to a particular customer...

Best ideas anyone?


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