Upper Case

May 2, 2007

Any ideas how to Capitalise data in a table.

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General :: Input Data In Lower Case And Automatically Change First Letter Of Word To Upper Case

Mar 16, 2013

Is there any way of making data that is inputted in lower case to automatically change to the first letter of each word being a capital ...

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Forcing Upper Case

Feb 23, 2006


I have a simple database where I wish to force only Upper Case text even if user inputs Lower Case text, how can I do this?


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Filter Upper Case

Aug 2, 2005

Is it possible to filter out entries beginning with a capital letter with a query?
Ive tried Like UCase, but that doesn't work, and there is no upper case wild card.
(I am creating a book index and want to have a look only at the entries that are people's names)

many thanks

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Upper Case Wildcard?

May 26, 2006

Just been searching around, found a few posts of uppercase questions, none that quite fit with mine, anyway,

Basically, the data I am working on produces names as such "JoeBloggs" "FredPerry"

Anyway, Im going to use a query to seperate these out into first name and last name, but, I can't seem to find a way to specify a capital letter as a wild card. So far:

CapPos: InStr(2,[calllogs]![CalledNumber],"A")

Then I am going to use the mid function to seperate the two, depending on the position of the first capital letter.

But I just need to replace "A" with something that will find any capital letter.


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Upper And Lower Case Changing

Jul 10, 2006

I have a field in the table that contains numbers and a mix of upper and lower case words.

I would like to have this to it check for numbers and then makes the first letter in a word upper case and the remainder lower case.

I know you can do it like this >L<????????? but that dow not work if the word lengths are different. Unless I am missing soemthing.

Example of text in field is this:


I would like the RCSCC to remain in UPPERCASE and then move to the next work and change the first letter to UPPER CASE and the remaining letters lower case then repeat this on the next word if there is one in the field.

Thanks for all your help.

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Upper And Lower Case Mixed In Table

Jul 10, 2006

Is there away to change what is in the table field [surname] to the first letter being upper case and the remaining letters lower case.


Sorry I found it. Just in a little rush.. Should have looked harder.

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Changing Fields In Table To Upper Case

Jun 19, 2007

Hi All, A quick question..

Is there a quick way to change about 5000 primary keys fields from lower case to uppercase?

Thanks Anna :)

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Change Table Entries To Upper Case?

Sep 13, 2004

Hi All,
I want to change existing entries in a table to upper case format. I know that it is possible with a query (update I suppose) using an expression with the "UPPER" function. But I am not quite sure how to implement it in Access. A little help would be welcome...

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Type Into A Field And First Character Becomes Upper Case Automatically

Oct 6, 2015

what do I do so that when I type into a field the first character becomes an Upper case automatically.

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Altering User Data Input From Lower To Upper Case?

May 22, 2015

I have a database containing a mixture of upper and lower case input. I can make upper case appear on the screen by using > in the format box in the property section for each field. This works great but the same old uncorrected stuff remains on the database. How can I get the database to store the corrected upper case data after I have entered it in lower case?

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Queries :: PROPER Function - Transform Names In Upper Case In Capitalized Word

Dec 16, 2013

I have a small issue where I do have names written in UPPER CASE, I would like to transform them in Capitalized (each word), I understand that I cannot use the same function as in excel (PROPER) but something like StrConv, but as I do have a ‘comma’ in between the names I have something like that

StrConv(Left(Tbl_Telephony_Temp.Agent, InStr(Tbl_Telephony_Temp.Agent, ",")-1), 3)&", "&StrConv(Mid(Tbl_Telephony_Temp.Agent, InStr(Tbl_Telephony_Temp.Agent, ",") + 1), 3) AS CompleteName

Which as you can see is quite a complex statement, how can I simplify it?

Example of a name: VITOR, FONSECA, preferable output, Vitor, Fonseca

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Change Case To Title Case

Aug 24, 2004


help is needed yet again :-)

I know when creating a text field in the format option
you can use the > or < sign so that when text
is entered it automatically changes it to uppercase or
lowercase - but i need it to be Title Case, any one know
how I can do this....

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General :: Minimize Navigation Pane And Upper Tabs

Jun 25, 2012

Is there a way to minimize the navigation pane and the upper tabs on start up? I have several big forms that don't seem to fit unless these are minimized.

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Forms :: Upper Limit On Amount Of Time Allowed?

Sep 28, 2014

How do I put an upper limit on the amount of time allowed in a date/time field?

For example - during a heart procedure a person is exposed to radiation, it will never be more than a total time of 10 minutes. I want to know how much, but I want data integrity so I don't want them to be able to enter more than 10 minutes.

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Forms :: Close Database If Click On Cross In The Upper Right Top Corner

Aug 26, 2013

How can I close database if I click on the small close cross in the upper right top corner on my logon form?

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Forms :: Calculate Subtotal On Subform And Display On Upper Subform

Jun 20, 2013

im having problems getting a subform to calculate another subform's total and display it as it keeps coming up with the #NAME?.Basically my database is like this

- tblOrders
- tblItems

and this is displayed on a form. so you can flick through clients, then flick through the orders and its broken down into the items inside each order.i have seen many answers that are only about calculating something on a subform and displaying on a form but this does not work when displaying on a 'parent' subform. the form structure looks like this

- sFrmCustomerItems
- sFrmCustomerOrders

i have a calculated control textbox in the footer of sFrmCustomerOrders with sums up all the prices using =sum([Price])and in my sFrmCustomerItems, i have a field called Amount (the total amount of all the items) and the Control Source formula i was using was =[Forms]![sFrmCustomerOrders]![sFrmCustomerItems]![txtTotalPrice] but i get a #NAME? error.

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IF OK, Case Not OK

Apr 7, 2006

I have an Option Box that contains three Report Choices, Report1, Report2 and Report3. I want to run the Reports. I coded using If-Then and it worked out fine. See code below:

Private Sub Frame0_Click()
If Me.Frame0 = 1 Then
DoCmd.OpenReport "Report1", acViewPreview
ElseIf Me.Frame0 = 2 Then
DoCmd.OpenReport "Report2", acViewPreview
Me.Frame0 = 3
DoCmd.OpenReport "Report3", acViewPreview
End If
End Sub

I would like to get the same result using "Case." However, when I use the Case format, it does not show all the reports as it does in the IF -Then format. See Case format below:

Private Sub Frame1_Click()
Dim Test As Integer

Select Case Test

Case Me.Frame1 = 1
DoCmd.OpenReport "Report1", acViewPreview

Case Me.Frame1 = 2
DoCmd.OpenReport "Report2", acViewPreview

Case Me.Frame1 = 3
DoCmd.OpenReport "Report3", acViewPreview
End Select
End Sub

Something simple is missing at the top. Please advise as to how to correct this?

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Case To Iif

Sep 28, 2004

Someone was helping me out and sent me the attached code to connect to a SQL server from Access2000 in a query. Access doesn't use the CASE statement, but the IIF statement instead. Can any of you help in deciphering the below CASE statement into an IIF statement?....

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Using Select Case

Jul 24, 2005

Can I use a [system number] value stored in a table in a select case?

Select Case [system number] "Tble system numbers"

Case 42144
do this

Case 88754
do this



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Need A Little More Help With A Select Case

Jul 26, 2005

I have this code in an event property on a report and it is working great. However, I now need to do a second case based on which modules are down. Is it possible to have a select case within a select case? I have the select case for the systems now with in each system I need a select case based on modules?

Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim rst AS DAO.Recordset

Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset("Select * From YourTable")
While Not rst.EOF And Not rst.BOF
Select Case rst![System Number]
Case 42144
' do this
Case 88754
' do this
Case Else
' do this
End Select
Set rst = Nothing
Set dbs = Nothing

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Case AutoNumber

Jan 1, 2007

How can I set up a table so that as we assign a case it generates a new number with the year in front of it. I would like for the case number to be generated by the program and when someone enter a new case the program generates the next case number and assignes it to that case. The format we use for our file numbers are year-XXXX (ex: 07-0001). With the new year I'm trying to set this up so that as we start the year the computer will generate the new number.

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Case Statement

May 23, 2005


I am trying to run the following query and getting an error. It looks like its because of the Case Statement.

SELECT Role.RoleID, Objects.ObjectID,
CASE MID(Objects.ObjectName, 4, 2)
END AS AccessType
FROM Role, Objects
WHERE (Role.RoleID > 2115)

Can you give me suggestions plzzz


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CASE Instruction

Jun 28, 2005

Hi everybody,
I'm having quiete a problem with the case instruction. I have the folowing query:

Select station, count(case poc_1 when 1 then 1 end), count(case poc_1 when 2 then 1 end)
From poc
group by station

Well Acces tells me there is a syntax error in the case instruction???Can't find!!!Can anybody help? Tanx

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Case Keyword

Jun 29, 2005


I'd like to know if the keyword CASE, or IF... is recognized in Access (sql) queries.

If not, wat should I do to implement a condition, in a query or in the source of a textbox in a report ?

The problem : I have a report that use this query in a calculated field, and I want to avoid results that are equal to zero (i.e.divising by zero).

Thanks :)


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Converting Iif To Case

Oct 10, 2006

Hi here is the original code

MAX(IIf([Book]='C',[Score]," ")) AS CScore,
Max(IIf([Book]='C',[PercentileScore]," ")) AS CPercent,
Max(IIf([Book]='C',[PassFail]," ")) AS C,
Max(IIf([Book]='D',[Score]," ")) AS DScore,
Max(IIf([Book]='D',[PercentileScore]," ")) AS DPercent,
Here is what I thought may work, but it seems like there should be an easier way
Case when Max ([Book]) = 'C' then [Score] else null as CScore,
Case when Max([Book]) = 'C' then [PercentileScore] else Null as CPercent,
Case when Max ([Book]) = 'C' then [Passfail] else Null as C,
Case when Max([Book]) = 'D' then [Score] else Null as Dscore,
Case when Max ([book]) = 'D' then [PercentileScore] eslse Null as DPercent,


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