Urgent Help Needed – I’m A Novice

Oct 11, 2005

Hi everyone,

Basicly I am doing an Access Project for my school coursework, but I am really confused and my teacher isn't that great.

My coursework is based on a video rental company.
The database (in breif) has to be able to bring up a customers details, and add a loan to/under that customers details. (as you would expect from a video shop).

Now, to be honest, I dont know if I have the correct items in each table, but was wondering if someone would be so kind to have a quick look to tell me what to change and where to put the relationships for the database to work correctly.

I have taken a screen shot of my current database:
http://img259.imageshack.us/img259/8216/accessproblem4de.th.jpg (http://img259.imageshack.us/my.php?image=accessproblem4de.jpg)

If you would like any other information, please let me know.
I am really grateful for this!


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Urgent Help Needed

Jun 19, 2006

A record in a table linked to various others has recently been corrupted in my database. When i try to delete the record an error message appears telling me that the 'Search key was not found in any record' and the record will not be deleted. This corrupted record is causing me serious problems and i need rid of it by the end of the day.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Urgent Help Needed!!!

Jul 5, 2006


I am having a problem with all of my comment fields showing up as Japanese and I need to get some reports printed...
Does anyone know how or why this would or could happen?

I have checked the tables but they are normal. When you query the tables is when the comments start to mess up.

Thank you.

Your help is really appreciated!

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Urgent Help Needed

Nov 7, 2006


I'm importing data of a query to excel from access; however, all fields that have combobox for input display numbers instead of text.

Any help will be very much appreciated.

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Urgent Help Needed!!!

Nov 14, 2007

Hello, I'm new to the board and I need an urgent problem fixed. Ok, I have a query that contains the type of TRAINING REQUIRED FOR EACH POSITION/PERSON IN A COMPANY . It has:-

1. Clock no. (uniqe for each employee)
2. Job Title
3. Position effective date
4. Training code
5. Description of training code
6. Retrain requirements ( number of days that are needed after initial training to reach retraining date, this varies from 0 to 365 days depending on the code)
7. Status of employee (whether active or inactive, the criteria for this is active)
8. Due date for completed training

I have another query which shows the TRAINING RECEIVED FOR EACH EMPLOYEE. IT has:-

1. Clock no.
2. Job title
3.Last names (employee)
4. First name
5. Status of employee
6. Training code
7. Date of training received


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Urgent Help Needed

Dec 25, 2007

I need to make a database for a association and collect the Business information and Personal information the following information is needed
For business
Business name
Corporation Name
Zip Code
alcahol yes/no
tobacco yes/no
EIn number
STI Number
Sale tax Number



*some things one owner might have more than one store.
i can make the form and everything just need help with relationships and that quiries that sort of stuff.

I am attaching a access 2007 file which i use.

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Urgent Help Needed

Apr 12, 2007

hi i am making a database for a company, in which i have the feild "joining date" and the feild "paymant method" which can either be yearly or half yearly

im looking for a quiery that will work out who need to pay when and also i need it to bring them up two weeks before due payment..... im then going to mailmerge them.. which i am not 100% sure how to do. :eek:

any help is highly appreciated :rolleyes:

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Urgent Help Needed

Mar 23, 2006


I was wondering if anyone might be able to help me here. how do i stop the combobox to print multiple duplicate records?

for example,

in the combobox dropdown, there are records as follows

How do i ensure that it only displays the unique records only without printing 05 three times?

Your help is greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much

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Urgent Help Needed!!!

Apr 28, 2006

Hi. I am creating a website for my employees. I have created a table, query and a form in microsoft access containing a lot of different fields, including employee ID and password. I have also created a form in Dreamweaver. How do i link the database to the form and how do i create a code that will log in the employee if his password and username are correct, into a new page and if the info is wrong, to another page. PLEASE HELP. This is very very urgent!

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Sep 25, 2006

Hi all,

Big problems on access 2003.

When opening my live db, the message

"The Visual Basic for applications project in the database is corrupt."

I've had a quick search but can't find a solution.
This db has always been access 2003 (Not converted from prior file version).
I can't even import into a blank db as the same error occurs.


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Urgent Help Needed For New System

Jan 9, 2008

Hello all being my first post i will try and make this as clear as possible...

its a new system my company.

my manager would like if possible the system to work in this way..

firstly a form whcih will book rides so when opened will ask current members to etner their card no which is a 16 digit number always beggining with 5555 1946 and the customer no. added on which is 0000 0001.

If a customer has not registered another link so they can register and enter details and once done this press enter and message generating a new 16 digit card number 1 mroe than the highest number in the system. new members are allocated 2000 points on their card and points are taken off when booking new rides plus a 10 point booking fee.

then a button will be clicked to take back to reserve rides which allows the customer to book a ride using the ride id and ride number on a specific Session of which there are 3 times in the day 11:00, 14:00 and 17:00 and with a maximum of 5 places on each ride during each session being able to book.

once session ID and time,date selected the next box should show the available rides

if member does not have enough points to book an error message is displayed.

I know this all sounds confusing and ive attached my progress so far its very basic being a basic user i hope users out there can help as this has to be done before friday

the attachment is below thankyou for all the help

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Oct 31, 2006


I have used sum() function in a query where I have got other attributes. However, the sum() doesn't work for some reason.

I could not attach my database as its size is too big. i have uploaded it to this server where you can download it.
aimreda.co.uk/db (http://aimreda.co.uk/db)

Any help will be very much appreciated.


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Query Needed Please Help Urgent

Feb 25, 2008

Original Table
ozip dzip shipdate wgt Transport cost

A B 12/1/07 20 450
C D 4/1/08 15 890
E F 9/1/08 78 750
A B 12/1/07 42 789
X Y 1/1/08 17 900
C D 4/1/08 34 90

Needed Output

ozip dzip shipdate wgt Transport cost

A B 12/1/07 20 450
A B 12/1/07 42 789
E F 9/1/08 78 750

I need to create a query which extracts rows with wgt >60 and also WHEN the fields ozip, dzip and shipdate are same, the query should add the wgts and then sum of wgts should be >60- for example the first and fifth rows should be extracted since sum is 62.

I have attached the output that is required for the above example. please help

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URGENT HELP Needed For VB Code

Feb 10, 2005

Hello all
I am having a problem with my vb code. I am realatively new to vb and what I am trying to do is search through a table according to what is selected on my form and delete the values that equal the value selected int the table. What I have so far is this

Private Sub cmdDel_Click()
Dim rsSource As DAO.Recordset
Dim rsDestination As DAO.Recordset
Dim theBug As String
Dim SelItm As Control
Set SelItm = Me.Users
If Me.Schedule.ItemsSelected.Count = 0 Then
Exit Sub
End If
Set rsDestination = _
CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("User_Course_Room", _

For Each Itm In Me.Schedule.ItemsSelected
rsDestination.FindFirst "User_ID = " & Me.Users & "" And "Course_Room_ID = " & Me.Schedule.ItemData(Itm) & "" ### THIS LINE GIVES ME A ERROR
'rsDestination!Course_Room_ID = Me.Schedule.ItemData(Itm)
'rsDestination.FindFirst "Course_Room_ID = " & Me.Schedule.ItemData(Itm) & ""

Next Itm


End Sub

In the line with the bold writing next to it I get an error. What I am trying to do is search for the record with the user id selected and the course room id seleceted and delete that record but I get an error. Any help would be highly appreciated.

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Urgent Help Needed In Formatting A Date??

Nov 16, 2005

I have a column called date, right now it is in m/dd/yyyy format and i want to convert this to dd-mmm-yyyy format how do i do this? thx for any help

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Urgent Help Needed With Table Create Query.

Aug 6, 2007

Hi all, i need some help constructing a query that will create a table for me that does not include the Type value of 'promotion' if the same ID value exists elsewhere within the query.For instance, in the example below, i would want to delete the first entry containing 'Promotion' because ID2001 exists in two other places. However, if only one instance of ID2001 'Promotion' existed in my query, i would want to keep that entry. I would prefer to write all my data to a new table called "Test", This query has to sort out about 1000 entries when executed, otherwise i'd do it manually.I'm pulling my hair out with this one, so could someone help me?ID Company Name TypeID2001 Disc plc John PromotionID2001 Disc plc Paul AgentID2001 Disc plc George Agent

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Urgent Required Field Advice Needed

Jul 1, 2005

I'm looking for advice on the best method to accomplish the following from the esteemed members of this Forum (You all have provided excellent advice in the past to this Access Dummy, with my thanks), (I've also searched the forums without result):

I would like to make several fields "required" fields on my form, easy enough, in that I set the Required property on the table to "Yes".

What I would like to happen on the form is that when a user tabs out of a required field, a message box pops up that says "This is a required field" and/or when they click any of the following command buttons I've created, "Save Record", "New Record" or "Close Form", that a message box pop up and list the required fields that they missed.

Any ideas, with code, macros, or other solutions would be greatly appreciated, keeping in mind that I'm just not that swift to start with.

Many Thanks,

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Novice Needs Help

May 17, 2005

I have created database but I now have 3 questions. I havce changed a subform to view as a pivot chart but I am unable to split and group in a similiar waay as in excel, is this just something I have to accept because otherwise my "lets have a works database" theory is shot.

2nd I would like to create a switchboard how do I do this.

and lastly some of the data I would like to utilise for mail merge document ( name and address stuff) are these easy to set up??

thanks very much


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Novice Help Please!!!!

Mar 14, 2006

I am completely new to Microsoft Access but otherwise consider myself to be a Tech Geek. I have made a very simple and small database. It contains the name of my customers and the orders they have placed with my company over the past three years.

Now i want to generate report which when given the name of my customer would give me all the orders placed by that specific customer. I know how it can be done query but i want to do it through some kind of access page so that my subordinate who is very technically challenged can manage that.

Though i know it is a very basic question but i tried everything and could not do it....can somebody please please please help me.!!!!

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Help The Novice

Nov 24, 2005

Hi. I have a problem. I want to make a search form that will collect info from several tables and show the results in a list box, like a list(for example with the same name but with different other attributes ). I know it is possible and it is not hard but i'm novice to access. Thanks in advance :)

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Novice User

Mar 28, 2006

I'm trying to set up a database from scratch and have never used Access before. It's being set up to hold information gathered from a survey of roughly 2000 people on their fave Manchester songs and artists.

It's going to include their name, email, city and 1,2,3,4,5 choices of fave songs. The aim is to have everything in a simple datebase where I can work out who has voted for what in each section, how many votes a song got a position 1 and so on. But I also want to be able to work out the total number of votes over the five catagories.

Is there a way of doing this? I can bring up information by using query but can I be specific as to what information the query brings up?

This is probably a stupid question but any help would be very useful. I'm using the Idiots Guide to Access and as I said this is the first time I've ever used the program only installed it yesterday!!



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Novice Requires Help...

Aug 23, 2006

Hello, this is my first post. I am very much a novice and have come across a problem that I'm sure is simple to solve but so far the solution has eluded me. All I want to do is subtract a field in one record from the same field in the next record in a query or report but I have no idea how to do it. Can anyone help please ?Thanks in advance.

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Novice Need Help About ID Field

Oct 17, 2004

HI all,

I am a beginner at access, please help me.

I need to create a customer id filed that has letter and number together, i.e. ZH72773. And the id must change incrementally, but no number 00000. Also it should change the letters after the number reaches 9999, i.e. ZH9999 --> ZI0001.

Would anyone tell me how to do this, please.....thanks in advance


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Novice Question

Jun 7, 2006

Hi everyone, heres a question I hope is easy to answer:

I have two tables, one containing about 1500 entires another with about 43,000.

I want to find out which entries in table1 are also in table2.

I really appriciate the help, thanks so much!!

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Form Help For A Novice!

Sep 21, 2005

I am quite new to access and am not sure if what i am trying to achieve is quite simple or needs some VBA Code written.

I have a large table (about 10,000 records) with a varitey of different fields, including "Member ID", "Banker Name", "Location" etc. I would like to develop a form where I can filter on a field such as "Banker Name" or "Location" (using a list box) and below (maybe in a subform??) for all of the records to appear that fall under that banker or location in a datasheet view.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Novice Queries

Jul 27, 2006

I'm brand new at Access and would appreciate your help.

I have an existing database (table) and would like to make a duplicate table so that I can modify the new one without messing up the old one. How do I duplicate the table either w/ or without the data?

I've created a name tag. I'd like to create another name tag that's the same format except for a different group of people pulled from the database. How can I do this without having to re-create the name tag all over again?

Thanks for your ideas!

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