Use A Combo Box To Control Another Combo Box

Feb 9, 2006

Ii want to make a combo box(a) for users to select it but there are many data, so i want to create another combo box(b) to control which data can display on combo box(a). Can i do so?

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Tab Control Selected Via Combo Box Value

Oct 10, 2006

I have a form that has a combo box with a list of selections. I also have a tab control with a tab that corresponds to each option in the combo box, so that I can show the details specific to the selected item.

Is there a way to have the value of the combo box select the appropriate tab in the tab control automatically? And I don't want it to select the tab only after I've entered or selected something from the combo box. I'd like it to select based on the already stored value of the combo box. So if the combo box shows Cars, then the Cars tab would automatically select.

Any ideas?

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Forms :: Combo Box Control By Tab

Jun 26, 2013

In different office application we see that drop down combo box is possible to control by pressing Tab button and drop by arrow key from key board. But I can't do this in Ms Access Database which I built.

So, How I can control the combo box value by pressing tab button and value select by arrow key pressing.

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Combo Box Value Dependant On Value In Control

Apr 22, 2014

I have a control called Pnummer (its personell number).After a user enters this number i want my combobox called Kenteken (Licenseplate number) to fill with only the licence plate numbers of the employee from the table Parkeerbeheer (Parking management).Should be simple enough, its like cascading comboboxes but then with only one combobox.So i put this code in the afterupdate event of the Pnummer control :

On Error Resume Next
kzlKenteken.RowSource = "Select parkeerbeheer.kenteken " & _
"FROM parkeerbeheer " & _
"WHERE parkeerbeheer.pnummer = '" & fldPnummer.Value & "' " & _
"ORDER BY parkeerbeheer.kenteken;"
I have left the rowsource blanc as above code handles that.

The only thing that comes to mind why it doesn't work is that the table bound to this form is NOT the source where i pull the licenceplate numbers from.

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Access Query Control By Combo Box

Jun 20, 2006

I'm currently using a Form with combo boxes to select query criteria. On the same form I have a control button which opens up a Report which is based on information generated by the underlying query. This is a fairly classic way to generate Report contents, and it works just fine when something is selected in each combo box.

The problem arises when I want to leave one or more of the combo boxes blank (i.e not select anything from the drop down list), basically to broaden the query output to include all entries for that particular field in the Table. The Report will open OK but have no content.

Is there any way around this? I'm using MS Access 97. Any assistance offered is very much appreciated.


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Modules & VBA :: Can Have A Combo Box Without A Control Source

Dec 21, 2014

I want to have a Combo Box on a form, that derives its values from a Table, but does not send selected values to another table. I want to use the value selected in the combo box in VBA code.I have set up a combo box, without a control source, and it shows the values in the drop down list but after I select one the box just goes empty. I expected that after selecting a value that value would be displayed in the combo box (and that would then become the value of the combo box that I could then use in code. I.e, CmdBox1.Value). If so, what do I need to do so that the value selected is displayed (and becomes the value of the combo box?).

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General :: Control Source Via Combo?

Jan 5, 2013

I have a combobox containing the "Field Names" of a table called "Main" Also, I have a report called xyz which only has one field.

All I want, whatever field name user selects in the combo, report displays the results of selected field name only.


Main Table has three fields (Fie1, Fie2 and Fie3) The combo box lists the names of all three fields (Fie1 to Fie3) Report has a textbox in the detailed section.

I want user to select the field name from combo click button to generate the report (lets say if user selected Fie2) and want textbox to list all the records of Fie2

i tried [Forms]![Fm1]! [cm1] but it is listing the field names not the values in the field...

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Need A Combo Box To Display Different Lists Depending On A Control

Dec 1, 2005

Hi, I'm not sure how to write something and would like assistance. The form is taken from a table and then there are two diffenterent forms displayed as datasheets within, on tab controls. I have a combo box taken from a query on each form and would like the combo box to display a certain list if the control on the form (the bit taken from the table) has a P in it, a different list if the control has an R in it or to display the whole list if the control has a B in it. Trouble is, I'm quite new to this and I'm not sure on how to write any code for if statements or whatever is needed. If you are able to assist I would appreciate it. Thanks

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Modules & VBA :: Passing Combo Box Control To Procedure

Nov 21, 2013

On my form I have a combo box where the user can select the sex of a person. I had set the row source of the combo to a table, tblSex and this works fine. Now I want to programatically add the table entries ( simply male or female) to the row source, having set the combobox to value list. I cant see how to pass the combobox and tablename parameters and I am getting an error on form load "The expression you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: UserDefined type not defined" The calling procedure from frmPeople is

' Procedure : Form_Load
' Author : Administrator
' Date : 21/11/2013


I think the way the parameters combobox and tablename are passed is incorrect. I want to write a robust procedure which I can use for each of the comboboxes on my form.

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Forms :: Setting Control Source To Combo Box

Jun 12, 2014

I have a combo box control in my form named PayDateID, but I told that control to DISPLAY the associated field PayDate.

I now am trying to make a separate control in the same form whose control source is the DISPLAYED PayDate, but it only wants to reference the underlying PayDateID.

How can I make the control source be the displayed value in that combo box?

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Forms :: Option Buttons (2) To Control Combo Box

Jun 10, 2015

I have 2 Option buttons that I want to use to control a combo box. If I select Option1 then I want it to pull from one table for the drop-down choices. If I select Option2 I want it to pull from a different table. The Option buttons and combo box are all on the same form.

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Frame Option Buttons To Control Combo Boxes

Jul 15, 2005

Hi all, a newbie with novice access skills.

I'm very good with utilizing the access tools however I can only code in vb editor minimally. What I'm looking to do is have the option buttons control two combo boxes. One to search by user name and the other to search by serial #. I've created an option group with two buttons I set the default values in the combo boxes in accordance with the option buttons However, the option buttons aren't doing what they are supposed to do. I've been told I need to tweak the code for the buttons in order to make them control the combo boxes. Does anybody know what I need to do to make this happen? Ultimately the user will be able to click either of the buttons to perform a search through a single combo box.

Thanks to everyone out there for making this possible. Your expert knowledge will help me grow into an expert myself.

Thanks to all in advance! :confused:

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General :: Control Source - Set Value Of A Combo Box To Time Field

Oct 10, 2012

i have a list box with 6 columns. in column 6 there is a time field. on selecting this list box i want to set the value of a combo box to the time field.

so in the control source i put


This has no effect. I am not sure if i have done this correctly. but the combo box has manual values in it. the reason i want to have values in it is so if the treatment is 45 minutes at default. But i want to change it to 30 minutes just for a single occasion then i thought that this would be the way to do it.

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Forms :: Document Control - Cascading Combo Select

Jan 16, 2015

I am creating simple db for document control..

DB consist of 3 Tables:

and a Form (frmCity) with cascading combo boxes that allows us to enter new City with existing data.

Combo's are displaying data fine but it don't allow selecting any item.

Shortly, this is what I have done so far:

1. Created cb's: cboContinet, cbo_State and cbo_City

2. Created query's:
a) qryState (added fileds are from tblState- State and Continent)
b) qryCity (fields are from tblCity- City and State)

3. Edit query's: qryState> added criteria for field Continent ([Forms]![FormName]![cboContinet])
I also added criteria in qryCity, field State ([Forms]![FormName]]![cboState])

4. Added VBA on After Update Event:

Private Sub cboDosje_AfterUpdate()
End Sub

[Code] .....

Macros are enabled in Trust Center and Combo boxes are refreshing fine, but somehow I can't select anything.

Also, I am working with Access 2007 if it matters, I've read something about allowing edits but didn't found how enable them.

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Forms :: SQL For Combo Using Text Control From Parent Form

Jun 22, 2014

Private Sub cboConsulta_GotFocus()
Dim strsql As String
strsql = "SELECT ID_Verificacao,Verificacao FROM tblVerificacao WHERE ID_Peca = '" & Parent!TxTId_Peca & "' ORDER BY Verificacao;"
Me!CboConsulta.RowSource = strsql
End Sub

Message Box: Data type mismatch in criteria with data

field ID_Peca = number

TxtID_Peca = receives from field = number

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Forms :: Combo Box Tied To Any Control - Adding Third Entry?

Jul 17, 2013

I have a combo box that is not tied to any control but uses a value list as the row source in the data tab. My question is... it currently holds two names but I am wanting to add a third but when I do the third name does not appear like the first two in the form view. The first two show:

Last Name, First Name, employee #

And the third shows
Last Name, First Name

employee #

And on the third entry... the first name shows where the employee # should be

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Forms :: Subform - Combo Box List Not Populating According To Main Control

Apr 17, 2014

I am using MS Access 2010, I have three tables,

Policies (Id, Client Id, Address, Policy Amount, Paid)
Payments (Id, Client Id, Total Amount)
Payment Details (Payment Id, Policy Id, Paid Amount)

I have created a form "PAYMENTS" that include a sub form "PAYMENT DETAILS".

In the sub form control Policy Id is defined as combo box, and retrieving the list from Policies and Payments where Policies.Client=Payments.Client the query of Combo Box is as follows:



Only first time Combo Box display the Policy Ids according to the Client, but when I change the client and always displays the previous clients Policy Ids.

how to retrieve correct list of Policy Ids according to the Input Client in Payments.Client control

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Modules & VBA :: Using Form Combo Box To Control Subform Button Visible Or Not?

Nov 24, 2013

How to use the combo box from the form to control subform button or textbox visible or not?

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Forms :: Cascading Combo Boxes Don't Show Control Source Value Until Requery

Dec 31, 2013

I have a set of cascading combo boxes. When a value is selected in Cat 1 ID, it narrows down the selections in Cat 2 ID which narrows down the selections in Cat 3 ID.

However, the values don't show up for columns Cat 2 ID or Cat 3 ID until I enter the row. Then I have it set to requery the fields because the underlying data isn't populated. But then when I leave the row, the values go away.

Why doesn't it show the underlying value from the table? Each column is bound to a field in a table - I would assume that the recorded value would show up. Did I miss something easy?

I've attached a picture of exactly what I mean.

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Forms :: Populate Combo Box Control On Form2 Depending On Form1 Which Opened It

Sep 6, 2013

I have a database of books. I have a combobox listing 3 different status W M R.

W is for Whats next to read, M is for more books too read and R for books read or reading now. I can enter a new book by calling up the add a book form from any of those 3 forms.

If I forget to enter a letter in the combo box then the book is lost to those 3 forms as what they see depends on that status letter and I have to go to the table and enter a letter from there.

I want to know if I can auto populate the field (W M R) depending on which form opened the add a book form.

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Forms :: Populate Combo Boxes With Values Depending On Selected Value In Previous Combo Box

Aug 5, 2013

I have several comboboxes (6) on my form.How to populate these comboboxes with values depending on selected value in previous combobox.

Example.Lets say that you select value "Audi" in combobox 1, then available values in combobox 2 should be "A4","A6","TT" etc. and if you selected "BMW" in combobox 1, then available values in combobox 2 should be "3-series", "5-series" etc...

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Forms :: Change Record Source Of Combo Box On Form Based On Another Combo Box

Mar 31, 2014

I have a form that currently uses a "catch all" table for listing available equipment to choose from for an equipment field. I call it tblEquipment. What I want to do is to make it so when I type a name in (1 of 35) in one field of the current record, the record source for the equipment field immediately looks at a different table that has equipment available only for that name. To do this I plan on making 35 different tables with limited data originally found in tblEquipment. I would call these tblEquipment1, tblEquipment2, etc. I do not use a sub form, nor do I want to.

So my questions are:

1) can this be done
2)If it can be done, how can I do it?

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Change Combo Contents Based On Previous Combo Selection

Oct 20, 2005

Hi everyone,

I have two combo boxes on the same form bound to a table. I want the contents of the next combo box to change based on the previous combo selection e.g

cboContinent cboCountry
Africa Zambia
Africa Congo
Africa South africa
Europe England
Europe Holland

If I choose Africa in cboContinent, I want to see only Zambia, South Africa and Congo under cboCountry and if I choose Europe I want to see only England and Holland


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Forms :: Filtering A Combo Box On A Subform From A Combo Box On A Main Form

Apr 27, 2013

I have a Suppliers database which contains a form that will allow me to place orders with Suppliers.The Main form has a combo box that allows me to select the supplier. The combo box is called SupplierID with the following:

Row source: SELECT Suppliers.SupplierID, Suppliers.CompanyName FROM Suppliers ORDER BY Suppliers.CompanyName;

The subform is called Stock Subform witha combo box called ProductID with the following:

Row source: SELECT DISTINCT Products.ProductID, Products.ProductName, Suppliers.CompanyName, Products.Discontinued FROM Suppliers INNER JOIN Products ON Suppliers.SupplierID=Products.SupplierID WHERE (((Products.Discontinued)=0)) ORDER BY Products.ProductName;
Event Procedure - AfterUpdate: Private Sub ProductID_AfterUpdate()
On Error GoTo Err_ProductID_AfterUpdate
Dim strFilter As String
' Evaluate filter before it's passed to DLookup function.
strFilter = "ProductID = " & Me!ProductID


The Link fields are done on the Purchase Order ID (PONoID).What I want to achieve is to select the supplier from the combo box (SupplierID) on the main form and then the combo box (ProductID) on the subform to filter to only show products directly supplied by the Supplier selected on the Main Form.

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Forms :: Fill Text Box Based On Combo Box (not Using Columns In Combo Box)

May 21, 2014

I'm looking for a way to have a text box auto fill based on the selection of a combo box on the same form. I cannot use the method i find all over the internet of using multiple columns in the combo box and basing the text box on that because the combo box already has multiple columns being used to determine its own possibilities and other combo box possibilities.

I would really just like the text box to work like this, but im still kinda inexperienced in VBA...

If combo box is "F004-001", then text box is "237"
If combo box is "F004-003", then text box is "280"

I know how to add in an "after update" thing, but i do not know how to do If/then statements.

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Populate Combo Box Based On Selection In Another Combo Box (Access 2010)

Jul 11, 2012

I'm have quite a difficult time getting a form in Access 2010 to perform the way I would like it to. I have multiple tables that I've created, and a query that contains the data from the various tables. I then ran the form wizard to select the data from the query that I wanted to populate in my form and I've added 2 combo boxes.

What I want to do:
1. I want users to be able to select a category in combo box #1 (example: "Bag")
2. I want users to be able to select a detail in combo box #2 based on the category they selected in combo box #1 (example: Combo box #1, "bag" would populate the following selections for combo box #2: "sandwich" and "tool")
3. I want users to then receive a list of suppliers that provide the product they have selected, either "Bag: Sandwich" or "Bag: Tool"

I have combo box #1 populating a list of categories already. However, I am not able to get combo box #2 to provide choices based on the selection chosen for combo box #1.

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