Use Code To Determine If A Record Is On A Query Or Not
Jun 6, 2007
I have a form that shows employee license information. I also have a query & form based on that query to show licenses currently suspended. I would like to on my employees form to flash "license suspended" label if their name/record id is on the license suspension query. For all employees whose license isn't suspensed I would don't want anything to show. I can get the label to flash and to appear. I just need help evaluating the query and comparing it to the current record. Example I
if = then....execute label flashing, etc.
Queries are run on a webpage: The queries would be a little bit different – instead of just one operator, it would get all operators for each category and then either create a record in Access (if it didn’t already exist) or update a record (if it already existed). For example, the first query might get
JSMITH 22 KWALTON 33 Since these records don’t exist yet, we’d do an insert for each. If the next query (for a different entry/verify category) got
JSMITH 44 VJONES 50 we would update JSMITH (since already inserted after first query) and insert VJONES. This has to be done since not everyone works in every category. Not sure if you can import different spreadsheets into Access and have it determine automatically for each row whether to do an insert or update (of course, we can do this in code in the web page).
I am very new to VBA and I have been self-learning VBA from two month and have been assigned to new project Work Authorization & Lock Out Tag Out.I have table called tblWA & tblLOTO.Basically most of the LOTO/s are associated with WA #, following example
WA # in tblWA Associated LOTO/s in tblLOTOs 25258 123456 123457 123458 123459 25259 123410 123411 123412 123413
However, both tables are in relationship right now..I have form called WA Switch Board where I have Datasheet View form with all WA records, fields are WA#, WAStatus, WAIssuedDate, IssuedBy, CompletionDate and etc but I have dropdown with with WAStatus with (In Field Today, On-Hold, In Approval, Cancelled, Close).Now from the main switch board when authorized people try to change the status of permit to Closed I want recordset or count to loop through tblLOTO and give me a message box if associated LOTO/s status not equal to Close.In other word, if the associated LOTO/s are not close then the selected WA # in WA Switch Board cant close.Here is the code I have been playing with no success
Private Sub PermitStatus_AfterUpdate() Dim db As Database Dim rs As Recordset Set db = CurrentDb
I'm trying to set up a looping code to go thru each record in a query. I know in excel I would set the cell value to a range and offset to get to the next value. How is this done in Access?
I have three tables for an event registration database based on Microsoft’s Event Registration template. The main tables are “Attendees”, “Registrations” and “Events”. “Registrations” is a swing table. Is there any way of creating a query to determine which attendees have not registered for a specific event? I have included a graphic of the table layout. I sure would appreciate some help on this. Thanks.
Im using square bracketed parameters in my query designs for user prompts. Now I want a similar feature to tell the query what field I want it to show. Is there a way of doing this please? - or does the fact I need to do imply a db design flaw?
I am making a query and I need to be able to determine if two number fields are with in 2.5% of each other. How would be the best way to go about doing this. I have two distances and I need to display them if there is a differenece of greater than 2.5% in them.
I have a field on a report which I am struggling to produce the right query for.
I have a table - tblTillDept which consists of a 4 fields. The first is the PK, which is the number of a till department. The second - fourth fields are names of 3 different branches of the small garden centre I am writing the database for. The values in these fields are the names of the corresponding departments. Not every branch has exactly the same name for each field.
Prior to the report being is run, a small form, frmCentre pops up asking the user to select the Centre they are printing the labels for. They select the name of the branch from a combo box (cboCentre) bound to a field list of tblTillDept. When the report is formatted, the intention is that the value of this combo box selects the field from which the value for the department is taken. I can see that I need to set the control source of this property to some sort of query, but I can't quite work out how to do it.
I've uploaded the database, written in Access 2000, here ( as it's too big to post as an attachment.
I have a query that runs just fine and takes about 1 minute to run on average. I have vba code that uses Dlookup to determine if the query returns any records. The problem is that each time it runs it has to crunch all the data, all I care about is if there is any result at all. Is there a way to get the query to stop after it finds one record to speed things up greatly?
I'm working on a report called Open Orders and when the database loads, it takes you to a Navigation Form. You make some selections mostly from combo boxes, then click run report which runs a query then launches the report.
I want the user to be able to click a check box called "Ready Only". If the checkbox = True, then I would like the field "Ready Pieces" in the query to have the criteria ">0". If the checkbox = false, I want that field to show all values (*).
I have no problem setting the criteria of a query field to equal that of a combo box value (Warehouse Like ([Forms]![Process Form]![Warehouse] & "*") but have problems when the criteria isn't the exact same as the value of the control.
Things I have tried to no avail: Putting a Iif statement in the query criteria: gives an error that criteria is too complex Creating an invisible text box whose value is determined by the checkbox to ">0" or "" then basing the Ready Pieces criteria equal to this....doesn't work Trying to use the DoCmd.RunSQL with my SQL code that changes via VBA when the checkbox is changed...Get an error and the SQL doesn't run
I have a file that I want to import on a daily basis and append to an existing table in my database. The date changes each day. I want to create a query that checks to see if the date (of the first record) already exists before I import and append the new file. If it does, I want to show a message saying something to the effect of "This file has already been imported".
First off let me say there is some terrific info here on this site, great job! Also, let me state that I'm designing my first database so I'll likely be asking some really stupid questions.
I'm designing a database which will allow customer work orders to be entered. The main form is pretty big but it requires a lot of info. Eventually I want to add a search option that will allow the user to search for all records for a specific customer, or address.
Anyway, I had an Add Record button working but it was causing other problems so I had somebody help me out but now I have problems with what they added to the add record button. If some of the required fields are not filled out there is no action when the add record button is pushed. I was getting into an endless loop because the "Resume" command was in the code so I took it out. Can anybody help me with this please?
Here's the code on the Add Record button:
Private Sub addnew_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_addnew_Click
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
MsgBox "customer added", vbOKOnly, App.Title Exit Sub
I have this code on the a Close Button and if the record is incomplete I want it to be deleted from the table. The ID field is an autonumber so it is the 1st field to get a value if a user starts entering data. I get a msg box saying 0 fileds will be deleted why? the id's do match but it does not delete??
Ive added my own navigation buttons as I needed to add some code to them, but when a user gets to the first / last records & presses previous / next record, they get an error message 'cannot go to the specified record' and have to close & reopen the form. It's prob. quite simple, but how do I get round this please?
This should be an easy one...I would like to save a record part-way while filling out a form. I know this can be accomplished by pressing Shift+Enter, but does anyone know the vb code for saving a record while working on a form?
I have a form where people can enter multiple records. In a command button on that form I have code that assigns a unique identifier for the record. Unfortunately I am getting an error and I think it is b/c the code is not running for each record. Is there a way to tell the code to run once for each record?
does anyone know the code to save a report with a changing file name?
here are the details. i have a reoprt that changes weekly. i want to save a weekly file with the end result to be called "Downtime Cost Report #/##/##", where the date is pulled in from a qry called "qry_Actual_Costs_Thru" and field name [Fiscal Week].
I'm going live with my DB tomorrow morning. I wanted to to Edited Records for my lock type but ran into a problem, this weekend when I took it to our office and had it on multiple computers for the first time. (I've been designing at my house, in my spare time (right), so I couldn't test for the problem I have now.) When a user is on a record and I open the same record up on another computer it locks ok and shows in the Record Selector that it's locked but if I begin to tab through the form I have at least one code that pukes. In my LastName field, in the On Exit event, I have the following code: If Not (IsNull(Me.LastName)) Then Me.LastName = StrConv(Me.LastName, vbProperCase) End If As I try to Exit this field, only when the record is locked, the code pukes. Can some one lend a hand and give some advise on how to prevent this?
Hello, I need some help. I have a form named MASTER based on a table also called MASTER. A control of my form in names SSN which stores the client SSN.
On the same form I have placed a subform which has its record source to a table named 21.
What I am trying to do is: When I enter a new record in my form MASTER, the code should: 1) Verify if in table 21 a record with that SSN already exists. If YES, skip the code and do not add the SSN. If NO, well, run the appendquery.
2) At the same time, verify if a record with that SSN already exists in table MASTER. If NO, add the data, if YES, abort the code and exit the form.
The form EForms is a menu form I use to access the records.
This is the code. Something is not going right, I think with the end if functions. Any help? I have placed the code in the AfterUpdate event of my control SSN.
Dim mydb As DAO.Database, MyRs As DAO.Recordset Dim strCode As String Dim strFilter As String Dim stDocName As String Dim stLinkCriteria As String
Set mydb = CurrentDb Set MyRs = mydb.OpenRecordset("master")
stDocName = "MASTER"
stLinkCriteria = "[SSN]=" & "'" & Me![SSN] & "'"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria
If Not IsNull(DLookup("[SSN]", "21", "[SSN] = '" & Me!SSN & "'")) Then Forms("EFORMS").Visible = False Else If IsNull(DLookup("[SSN]", "21", "[SSN] = '" & Me!SSN & "'")) Then DoCmd.OpenQuery ("Appendssa21tax") End If End If
If Not IsNull(DLookup("[SSN]", "MASTER", "[SSN] = '" & Me!SSN & "'")) Then MsgBox "Sorry! A record with this SSN is already in file. Retrive case from E-Forms Menu.", vbOKOnly, "Warning" DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acEditMenu, acUndo, , acMenuVer70 DoCmd.Close End If Forms!eforms.lstPreInterview.Value = Null DoCmd.Close DoCmd.OpenForm ("Eforms") DoCmd.RunMacro ("CloseEforms") DoCmd.OpenForm ("Eforms") End If