Use Network And Local Backend

Nov 15, 2012

I have a database on my laptop that normally accesses a backend on a local server. However when the laptop isn't on that network I would like the database to switch to a local backend on the harddrive. What is the best way of doing this?

I was thinking on startup a simple check to see if the network file exists and if not use the local one but I don't know if this is the best way of doing it.

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Database On Local Network,need Help

Jan 24, 2005

i have done a database for a library that enables the user to enter the information about the books and search for it, the administrator have the right to enter the info about the books and edit and search the others have more limited rights depending on which group they belong, i used for the connection (currentProject) because i did all the forms and tables in one DB
a friend from this forum told me and i think he s right, that if i want to put it on the network i have to separate the forms and the tables ie save the tables and the queries on another database that i put on the network
i have a problem
1- im not sure how to connect to another database can i do it like this
Dim conDB as ADODB.connection
set conDB=new ADODB.connection
conDB=openDatabase("the path") or not
2-i have done the result form with a record source (search-query) and then inserted the fields into the form in the design view
can i do that with a query if it was from another database or i need to write it all in code (taking into consideration that i havent found how to insert datacontrols and do the binding, because im using french access, that s why i assigned automatically a record source for the form)
thanks in advance

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Multiple DataBase Working On Local Network

Jan 14, 2008

Hi! I work at a company where a same DB is being opened by more than one user, is there any way to allow many users be working on a same DB?

Actually I cannot even open it if its already opened. It appears another file with a "lock", which seems to be protecting the DB. :confused:

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General :: FE On Local Machine To Limit Network Traffic Only?

Mar 27, 2013

I've been told numerous times that a shared database should have each user with their own FE. I've also seen in a number of places that the FE should be on the user's local machine. Is the FE on the local machine to limit network traffic only, or is there a greater reason for it?

I was under the assumption that the seperate FE's were to lower the probability of corruptions and sharing of local temp files... If this is the case, is it reasonable enough to have each user have their own FE in their own user folder on the network?

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Access 2003 Backend On Shared Network Drive.

Feb 8, 2006

Hi all...

I have an ACCESS 2003 application with front end in the local machine and backend on the shared network drive. I mapped this drive to E: in my computer and all my linked tables show the E:folernameDatabasename.mdb as the source.

When I install this application in an other computer where they have mapped the same drive to F: , I am getting error that says "E:foldernameDatabasename.mdb" not found. How can use absolute network drive(like \cscrd eamfoldernamedatabasename.mdb) name to link the tables?

Thanks in advance.

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Local Query - Remote Db.

Oct 10, 2005

Ladies and Gentlemen,
I'm sure you gurus have an answer for me.

I have a MDB (MS Access 97 db) on a shared drive. All my data resides here.
I have a local MDB (MS Access XP db) on my hard disk. Currently, I have queries located on the shared MDB that puts out a table. I then execute queries on my local DB, linking to the table I have on the shared db.

My requirement is this.
1. I want to be able to run queries against the shared db from the local db.
2. When the create table query is run, I would like it to create the table in the local db. I can live with creating the table in the shared db, but local would be better.

I'm sure that this can be done. I've seen it. But, that has always been a client/server system.

Thank you.

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Linking Local DB To Website DB

Oct 25, 2005


I've searched the web for almost 2 days...and i'm completely lost:

I've got a simple online DB which stores information from a webform (e.g. name, adress, order, etc). Let's say it's called:

Is it possible to link the online DB to my local DB (e.g. c:localDB.mdb), without downloading it manually?

Or do I have to put the webform information in a MySQL DB and link that one to my online DB?


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Copying Sharepoint Database To Local

Aug 10, 2005


I have a database that the table is located on a sharepoint website. This worked out well in the beginning but now that the database has thousands of records, it has slowed up a bit. What I want to do is at the load of the the database, it will automatically copy Sharepoint table to a local table located on the computer to speed up querys and such.

I was thinking an append query, am I right?


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Returning A Row From SQL And Storing In Local Table

Oct 16, 2007

Hi all!

I have a bit of an issue. Im trying to retrieve a row from SQL and insert it into my local DB table.

However, when I try and execute the code, I get an error message. The data had not been inserted into my local DB table.

Here is the code:

strsql = "INSERT INTO EntryDetail_Local SELECT EntryDetails.* FROM EntryDetails where entrykeyid = " & plngentrykeyid & ";"
Set qdftemp = mydb.QueryDefs("qry_Append_EntryDetail_Local")
qdftemp.SQL = strsql

Any ideas?


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Can't Write Data To Local Table

Mar 12, 2008

I have a form based on a query where I want to document the status of certain records. The original data is on a SQL server so I am linking to it in my query. I have a local table with the added fields to document my review and status. My query has both tables in it and are linked by the report number. So I have join properties to show all records from the SQL database and only the records in the local table that match. So initially the data in my local table will be blank. I want to use the form to add comments on the status. The problem is, when I type in the form fields nothing happens. It's like the query is confused and won't let the form write back to the local table.

So my question is, do I have my query set up properly so that I can read the fields from the SQL database and yet write in my comments to the local table. I am using a select query.

Thanks for the help.

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Selecting A Column Into A Local Variable

Sep 13, 2005


In a form event script, I need to select a variable from a table into a local (or host) variable. I cannot seem to find how to do this.

I have tried:

strSQL = "Select count(*) into intMyVar from TableA where FieldA = 3;"

but all I could get was zero in my variable instead of a record count.

This is very common in Powerbuilder and Sybase. What is the trick in Access?



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Formating Local Date Problem,

Dec 1, 2004

Hi helpers,
I need to have a specialized field for my voucher's local date which is totaly based on different calendar and formats with the system's. (English)
So I created a feild in my table, as text data, and gave it a YYYY/MM/DD input mask in forms, but this field in many places like combo boxes, and reports controls is shown as a number, such as 31940. pls note that there is no similar calendar format in Windows system for my purpose.
How can I avoid this, I mean I need this text (my local calendar date) to be shown as it is and entered. I dont need this feild for calculations, so text is appropriate.
thanks in advance.

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Using Access On A Server With Database On Local PC

Jun 29, 2014

I'll try to explain what I'm trying to do. I want to use the MS Access (2010) application residing on the remote server on a Access database(accdb) that is located on my local (home) PC. I copied the database from the server. How do I get Access (running on the server) to work on my copy of the database?

I tried using my local (on my PC) copy of MS Access (2007) to work on the database, but but I get file errors (file paths look like server paths).

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Using Images Stored In Local Folder In Report

Apr 25, 2005

Hi All;

Any advice would be much appreciated….

I have a db of products which drives an ASP website, and includes links to images, which I have now stored locally (with the image path amended to point to the local images folder) along with the images folder containing all the images.

What I now need to do, is produce Access reports using these images, this I initially assumed would be a simple task, but hasn’t in practice worked out that simple!!

So, I now have local folder containing the images, and the products table with an Image field that stores the local path to the image – How can I now get the record and corresponding image to appear in my report? I’ve tried using an OLE field for the images, but this means updating each record manually (unless there is any way of updating the OLE field from the existing image path field??)

Am I missing something totally obvious here?

Thanks in anticipation!

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Tables Changing From Linked To Local At Runtime

Feb 18, 2008

Hi Guys,

This is one of this only times i've had a problem whose answer i couldn't find on this or other forums, so here's the question.

My DBase links to the back end tables

The following two tables are local, not linked

After running through the following code, all of the four above mentioned linked tables are now local. It's vexing. I'm terribly vexed. If you can help, my status would chnge from vexed to joyous....:

Thx in advance...

' 1) Join all together (Each Table)
' Create two recordsets, One for the Brkdn set, one for the Tradespeople Set.
' Brkdn: Want it to be the Union of all records in (tblBrkdn, tblBrkdnArchive) without duplicating BrkdwnID
'Standard Union Query with no duplicates. Transferring data into a temporary table
SQLStr = "SELECT * INTO tblBrkdnArchiveTemp FROM ("
SQLStr = SQLStr & "SELECT tblBrkdn.* FROM tblBrkdn INNER JOIN tblBrkdnArchive ON tblBrkdn.BrkdwnID = tblBrkdnArchive.BrkdwnID "
SQLStr = SQLStr & "Union ALL "
SQLStr = SQLStr & "SELECT tblBrkdn.* "
SQLStr = SQLStr & "FROM tblBrkdn LEFT JOIN tblBrkdnArchive ON tblBrkdn.BrkdwnID = tblBrkdnArchive.BrkdwnID "
SQLStr = SQLStr & "WHERE (((tblBrkdnArchive.BrkdwnID) Is Null))"
SQLStr = SQLStr & "UNION ALL SELECT tblBrkdnArchive.* "
SQLStr = SQLStr & "FROM tblBrkdn RIGHT JOIN tblBrkdnArchive ON tblBrkdn.BrkdwnID = tblBrkdnArchive.BrkdwnID "
SQLStr = SQLStr & "WHERE tblBrkdn.BrkdwnID is null);"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

' BrkdnTradespeople: Want it to be the Union of all records in (tblBrkdwnTradespeople, tblBrkdwnTradespeopleArchive) without duplicating ID
'Standard Union Query with no duplicates. Transferring data into a temporary table
SQLStr = "SELECT * INTO tblBrkdwnTradespeopleArchiveTemp FROM ("
SQLStr = SQLStr & "SELECT tblBrkdwnTradespeople.* FROM tblBrkdwnTradespeople INNER JOIN tblBrkdwnTradespeopleArchive ON tblBrkdwnTradespeople.ID = tblBrkdwnTradespeopleArchive.ID "
SQLStr = SQLStr & "Union ALL "
SQLStr = SQLStr & "SELECT tblBrkdwnTradespeople.* "
SQLStr = SQLStr & "FROM tblBrkdwnTradespeople LEFT JOIN tblBrkdwnTradespeopleArchive ON tblBrkdwnTradespeople.ID = tblBrkdwnTradespeopleArchive.ID "
SQLStr = SQLStr & "WHERE (((tblBrkdwnTradespeopleArchive.ID) Is Null))"
SQLStr = SQLStr & "UNION ALL SELECT tblBrkdwnTradespeopleArchive.* "
SQLStr = SQLStr & "FROM tblBrkdwnTradespeople RIGHT JOIN tblBrkdwnTradespeopleArchive ON tblBrkdwnTradespeople.ID = tblBrkdwnTradespeopleArchive.ID "
SQLStr = SQLStr & "WHERE tblBrkdwnTradespeople.ID is null);"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

'delete everything from the four non-temporary tables
SQLStr = "DELETE * FROM tblBrkdn"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

SQLStr = "DELETE * FROM tblBrkdwnTradespeople"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

SQLStr = "DELETE * FROM tblBrkdnArchive"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

SQLStr = "DELETE * FROM tblBrkdwnTradespeopleArchive"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

' 2) Paste the entire record set to each Brkdn table
SQLStr = "SELECT * INTO tblBrkdn FROM tblBrkdnArchiveTemp"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

SQLStr = "SELECT * INTO tblBrkdnArchive FROM tblBrkdnArchiveTemp"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

' 3) Delete from Active & Archive Brkdn tables WHERE [DATE] < txtArchiveDate.Text
SQLStr = "DELETE * FROM tblBrkdn WHERE ([DATE]<#" & dateStr & "#);"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

SQLStr = "DELETE * FROM tblBrkdnArchive WHERE ([DATE]>=#" & dateStr & "#);"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

' 4) Paste to Active Tradespeople table WHERE Associated Breakdown Record [DATE] >= txtArchiveBeforeDate.text
SQLStr = "SELECT tblBrkdwnTradespeopleArchiveTemp.* INTO tblBrkdwnTradespeople FROM tblBrkdwnTradespeopleArchiveTemp INNER JOIN tblBrkdn ON (tblBrkdwnTradespeopleArchiveTemp.BrkdwnID=tblBrkd n.BrkdwnID)"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

' 5) Paste to Archive Tradespeople table WHERE Associated Breakdown Record [DATE] < txtArchiveBeforeDate.text
SQLStr = "SELECT tblBrkdwnTradespeopleArchiveTemp.* INTO tblBrkdwnTradespeopleArchive FROM tblBrkdwnTradespeopleArchiveTemp INNER JOIN tblBrkdnArchive ON (tblBrkdwnTradespeopleArchiveTemp.BrkdwnID=tblBrkd nArchive.BrkdwnID)"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
' 6) Clean up: Delete all records from the temporary tables
SQLStr = "DELETE * FROM tblBrkdnArchiveTemp;"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

SQLStr = "DELETE * FROM tblBrkdwnTradespeopleArchiveTemp;"
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

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Save Data From ODBC To Local Table

Jun 27, 2005

Hi there,

I am about to start working on a new project where I have a front-end in Access2000 that is linked to a ODBC Data Source (ORACLE).

There could be some performance issues in the future, when the users have to retrieve (query) the data from the ODBC over the network and it slows down. Nothing is sure yet, but when this is the problem, I will need to look at an alternative plan. I had the following in mind:

I would like to create a scheduler program, that will retrieve all the relevant data from the ODBC and update the tables that are local to each user’s Access .mdb file. Can I do something like this in VBA, or do I need to do something with the Windows Scheduler?

Any tips are welcome, thanks in advance


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Link To Tables On Server From Local Machine

Oct 10, 2004


I'm trying to establish the link from my local mdb to an mdb on a commercial server I'm using.

The problem is there's no way to locate the remote access database when using the Link Table wizard.

Anyone knows how to establish that connection??

Thanks in advance!

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Access Data Base On Local Machine

Mar 12, 2005

Hello, I'm a newbie at using access database on local machine.
I have worked with it before on a hosted site ,but need to know how to go about using it to host my database driven site on my local pc.I'm using maxwebportal ,which I have been using for a few years, After I install iis on my winXP Pro pc ,what do I have to do for my database to work,? is there something that I need to enable? thanks for any help Aussie )

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General :: How To Copy ODBC Files To Local

Nov 19, 2014

I am trying to make a stand-alone version of a database whose files are mysql files connected by odbc. When I copy the linked files and save them as local files, they come in with the auto-numbered id field still marked as the primary key, but as just "number" and not auto-number. It does come in marked required. I can't change the type to auto-number, so it errors when the user tries to add a record using the input form. Also, I have the fields used to keep true/false data set up in the mysql files as integers with default values of 0. When they are saved as local tables, they come in marked required but without a default value. Hence, when a user enters a new record in a form that doesn't use that particular check box, it errors. What am I missing? Is there an easy way around this?

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Modules & VBA :: Convert Linked Tables To Local?

Jul 1, 2015

I have the following script that either converts a single linked table to a local table or ALL linked tables to local tables, however I am getting the following 2 error messages on several tables for the ALL tables script.

error 3709, the search key was not found in any record

Error 3300, cannot create a relationship.

Sub Convert_Linked_Tables_To_Local()
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef
Set dbs = CurrentDb
GoTo Multi1


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Replacement For Local Forms When Updating To Access2000/2002

Oct 13, 2005

Is there a good replacement for the use of local forms in an Access database? We have a large A97 replicated database application that we are trying to update. We use local forms for data output. Since these are no longer available we are looking for a workaround.

many thanks

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Tables :: Add Existing Field To Local Table Within Same Database

Oct 31, 2013

Adding a field in Access 2007.

I am adding a exisiting field which is already available on a Global Table and would like to add it on a local table within the same database. Also bearing in mind the db contains main objects - Tables/Queries/Sharepoint lists/forms/reports

Whats the process in doing this? Once added how does the data get populated?

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Forms :: Move Files From Local Directory To FTP Location?

Sep 6, 2014

I would like to have a Button "Files to FTP", So, the Macro should move the files from the Local Files from the Directory to the FTP Location.

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Question On How To Grab An Excel File On The Local Hard Drive

Jun 15, 2006

Hello, I was needing some help coming up with the code to search the local hard drive and grab a file and then import it into an Access table. I'm trying to do this on a form if possible. If you know of another way, that would work. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Backend Backup

Mar 27, 2006

is it alright to backup the backend while the database is in use by other users connected through front end or users must log off before the backup

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Path Of Backend

May 25, 2006

Anyone know how to find the path of your backend database using VBA code?

I am trying to determine whether the application is using a database via a network path.

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