Use Of OutputTo Method In Macros

Apr 7, 2005

Hi guys,

I’m working on a report that I want to show on the web as a Snapshot file. I created a Macro using OutputTo method to export the report. If I type the file name and location on the Output File it works perfectly, but the problem is that I want Macros to read the file name from a combo box since the file name will change every day. Here is the code I got so far.


Every time I run this Macro I got the following message:

“The report snapshot was not created because you don’t have enough free disk space for temporary work files.”

Now!, when I type the file name to that specific location Macro does the job perfectly.

Is there any way I can get the File name from a combo box located in FORM2.

Thank you so very much in advanced. Your help is always a blessing.


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Reports :: Setting Object To Visible When Using OutputTo Method

Jul 28, 2014

I have a series of reports that are built to replicate the order forms of our suppliers. On each I have a text box for Air Freight that I only want visible when the airfreight ID is ticked.

I have this working fine using an if statement on the Load Event of the reports. However when I use the OutputTo command in VBA it seems to bypass the Load Event. Any event that is triggered using OutputTo.

I have also tried setting the .visible in VBA but can't get the coding to work as I am using a variable report name depending on the SupplierName and when I try to use the Reports! nomenclature it will not accept the Report name being a variable (ie. Reports!ReportName![Airfreight].Visible where ReportName is a variable).

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AcFormatXLS In DoCmd.OutputTo

Mar 23, 2006

Hi all,

To export a file to MS excel from my form, i used the command

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, langName & partName, acFormatXLS, exportPath, False

however, i realised that the format of the excel spreadsheet (excel version 5.0/95) that i have exported is slightly different from the format of the spreadsheet if i had exported by clikcing on FILE, EXPORT...

how can i specify the excel version for the exported file? i wan it to be in the latest excel version else i am unable to perform some of the marcos i have written in the latest excel format?

Thks FT

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Help Needed With OutputTo Function:

Aug 18, 2005

I am having trouble with the OutputTo function. I woul like to Output a report in html format but I would like Access not to record the file under the same name each time. So if my file is named 1_report.html I would like the second time I run the OutputTo function that it is name 2_report.html. Or as an alternative have the name include data from a form/table (In my case an order number).

I have a sample of the code from the converted macro:
Code:'------------------------------------------------------------' Output order to file''------------------------------------------------------------Function EnvoyerCommande_EnvoyerCommande()On Error GoTo EnvoyerCommande_EnvoyerCommande_Err ' Envoi la commande DoCmd.OutputTo acReport, "EnvoiCommande", "HTML(*.html)", SaveAs, False, ""EnvoyerCommande_EnvoyerCommande_Exit: Exit FunctionEnvoyerCommande_EnvoyerCommande_Err: MsgBox Error$ Resume EnvoyerCommande_EnvoyerCommande_ExitEnd Function

Note: here I have used the 'SaveAs' instead of specifying a location. This is not really what I want as I would prefer no user interraction...

Thanx for any help you can provide
See ya

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Weird Bug: OutputTo Deletes (!) Query

Dec 1, 2007

Hi guys & gals,

I recently came across this really strange behaviour and was wondering if anyone else knows this bug or knows a better workaround than mine.

I've attached a little Events DB, which has a search interface. I've included an export button, which runs a macro that does an OutputTo (xls) of the search query.

Now if you do an export once, everthing is fine. The bug (at least I think it's a bug) occurs if you export a *second* time and *overwrite* the file you created earlier. The search query (which sits under the "Queries") tab is now empty and you get an error message.

My workaround idea was to dump the query to a new table every time you export and then do an OutputTo with this table. Not very elegant and you also have to do the whole error handling (e.g. user presses cancel) manually.

Does anyone have a better idea? Or am I doing somethng completely wrong and this is actually "by design"?!

Thanks in advance for any ideas!

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Modules & VBA :: OutputTo Hangs On Error 52

Nov 10, 2014

Some of my users do not have access to all of our servers. In trying to automate I've hit one user whose system hangs up when Access tries to write to a server folder she does not have write (or even read) permissions for (Error 52, Bad file name or number). See the "Me.CitationType > 500" line below.

Private Sub comboStatus_AfterUpdate()
Dim hDate As String
Dim sFile As String


It gets as far as "If Len(Dir(hDate, vbDirectory)) = 0" and then hangs with Error 52. Testing for Dir() sooner doesn't work either.

how to either test for read-write permissions or trap Error 52. "On Error GoTo ErrorHandler" never fires to even test for 52, unless I'm missing something.

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Forms :: Export Data With OutputTo

Apr 2, 2013

I am trying to export the data from a form to a textfile by using the following simple piece of code:

Private Sub Command188_Click()
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputForm, "CC_MAIN_PROJ"
End Sub

it works, but gives me the data like this:

| SPEC | SIZE_1 | SIZE_2 | C1_s | C2_s | APS1 | APS2 | BPS1 |

what I really want is for the data to be without all the bars "|" and dashes etc. and even without headers. I just want a straight text output, maybe delineated by spaces or commas only.

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Where To Use DoCmd.OutputTo To Create An Excel Spreadsheet

Sep 19, 2004

I want to run a report, I need to provide an option to export the output to an excel file or provide a print view. Where would I put the DoCmd.OutputTo command in the report to acheive this??


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"DoCmd.OutputTo" To Excel Truncates Character/ Field

Aug 24, 2007

Hi all,

I have been using this command in VB to export Access tables to Excel. Everything works fine except when the table contains a large Character/Text field- it gets truncated to around 200 chars. Is this a known limitation or I am doing something wrong? DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet command works correctly but there are some limitations to this command.

Can please somebody help

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Help With Macros

Sep 22, 2004


I have a form which has several checkboxes and several textboxes and a command button. the user selects some checkboxes inside the form. when he clicks the command button, i need to run the select query. the select query would be like "select col1,col2,col3 from tablename where check1 = (checkbox1 value) and check2 = (checkbox2 value) and check1 = (checkbox1 value) and so on. ". i have tried this query using VBA. it is working fine. the problem is i have run another query which is very long in characters(like 15 lines involving self join). when i tried to run this query inside VBA i am not able store the query inside a string. Is there a way to come around this problem? I think it would be easy if i can use macros to build this query. please suggest me the ways to do this.


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Mar 11, 2005

I inherited this database where there is very little code, most of the commands are in macros. I know nothing about macros. I am having a problem with the database. Some of the records are not printing when I print the schedule(this is a scheduling database with dates and job quantities). There is a display checkbox that gets checked when we want a job printed on the schedule. Sometimes it will not print it if we do not have a date for when the files are due or when material is due, so if we put those dates in they will show up on the schedule. Lately though I can't even get it to print some of the jobs if I put in the date when the files and materials are due and when they come in. They just don't want to show up. If anyone could help, I would greatly appreciate it!! Thank you


PS I am working on getting db small enough to paste. Don't know how else to make it so you can see db.

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Jul 26, 2005

I am trying to invoke a microsoft Word recorded macro ("Macro1") in the microsoft Access VB code. I am trying to do this after I open the Word application and the file. This is my code so far:

Dim objword As Object
Set objword = CreateObject("Word.Application") '
objword.Visible = True
objword.Documents.Open ("I:FIRST DRAW CHECKLIST.doc")
objword.Run Macro1

The bolded line is the one supposed to tell word to play the recorded macro but after it opens the document, Access gives me a message that says it can't run the macro. Can anyone tell me the correct syntax that will help my code work?

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Queries, Macros Of VBA

Jun 28, 2005

When you need to run a series of Queries.

And they must be sequential.

Is it better to use a Macro or VBA to call the queries?

Thanks Everyone.


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Edit Macros

Oct 4, 2004

I've got a project where an existing access db is being converted for use on a web site.

Our problem is that several of the macros apparently reference an 'S:' drive.

Is there any way I can edit these macros to change / remove the drive reference?

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Help With Access Macros

Aug 18, 2004

I have a report that spans 4 years, and for each year it takes about 25 queries to produce the report. The queries for each year are only different in one number in the criteria, so what I'm trying to do, instead of having to manually copy and edit all of those queries every year, is make a macro that will do it instead.

I can make it copy all the queries and rename them, but I can't make them change the criteria in the queries.

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Macros And Cancellations

Sep 19, 2005

I'm leaving my job of 21 years soon to finish school and hopefully moving on to bigger and better things doing what I like (hopefully something with DBs) and I've got 2 DBs I've built for them. The other day I combined them into one and really started to make sure that there was no need for them to ever get into design mode (not that they could without me -thanks sbaxter).

So while I was testing all the cmd buttons, there's some reports that were made in the early stages that are fed by a parameter query, and are opened by a macro. I've found that the more I'd learned, the less I use macros now, but I did more in the beginning. Anyway, when the input box pops up looking for the parameter, when I hit cancel, I get the "Action Failed" box and then the cancelled by user box. How can I avoid them getting the first error box when they decided they don't want that option?

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Macros Not Responding

Jan 17, 2006

I am using Office 2003 on XP. I have a number of reports generated by macros in the database. Once I moved the application to a different pc the macros don't respond, I have set the macro security to low and still no. If I operate the application through the network all works fine but using at the pc no. Any suggestions?

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Access Macros

Mar 1, 2006

Hi there, forst post here so go easy.

What i need to do is copy the contents of certain fields in a subform onto empty fields on the primary form, can i do this, i gather it wold use a macro, but i checked no the list and i cant see anything wihch immediately jumps out at me as doing the job, any help

Thankyou, dragon2309

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Renaming Controls, Macros, Etc.

Jun 5, 2006

I have built a fairly large access database (office 2003) and unfortunately I was a bit careless about naming my controls and macros. I would like to go back over all of my form controls and macros so that they have more descriptive names, but I'm afraid this will break alot of dependencies. How can I have the macros autoupdate to compensate for renamed controls and vice versa?

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Scenario-help (posted In Macros Too)

Aug 10, 2006

Hope I am posting my question in the correct place. First of all I am entry level user in access, but knowledgeable in excel. As I am working with data containing over 65,000 rows I decided to use access however I don’t know how create a function that will work give the same result as (vlookup) in excel. Scenario case: first column “Serial Number” contain a list of serial numbers, 2nd column will be fed manually or by a bar-scan, the third column should show the value of “1” if the value in the 2nd column exists in the first column else a value of “0” should appear

The validation formula in excel looks like: =IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(B2,$A$2:$A$65000,1,FALSE))=TRU E,0,1)

Serial Number Confirmed Serial Validation

Thanks in advance,

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Macros File Name Property

Aug 23, 2006


I am using a macro to export a table to an excel spreadsheet. It seems like I have to write the absolute path in the macro's file name property, otherwise it doesn't work. The problem with that is that I have to change the path name whenever I move the folder to another location.

Any help will be very much appreciated.

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Can Not Import Macros To 20007

Mar 7, 2007

Just started with 2007. For some reason I can not import any of my macros from 2003. I get a message "You don't have permission to import, bla, bla,

In the same message it also say:
"you must have read design and read data permissions".

It sounds like that I don't have full rights, although Im the admin of the DB.

Now I can create new macros in 2007 but just can't import any.

Any ideas.

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Tables And Forms And Macros Oh My!

Jul 17, 2007

Hello everyone! I’m new at building databases; actually, I’m learning as I go as I’ve never had any formal training and this is my first significant attempt. So with that said, I’m hoping someone out there may be able to help me and I apologize in advance for how long this is. A little back round—I’m writing a database to create a report showing the loan history on an account—basically it shows how many loan payments came in with the dates they were processed and amounts of each payment. I created a table that is supposed to populate after entering the policy number, original loan amount and original loan date into a form. I have a macro that when a button is pushed on the form, should run a query (this query is made up of the table I created as well as tables from our data warehouse and when ran, gets the loan payments, dates processed, amounts, etc), opens a report in print preview (showing this loan info), and then deletes the record from the table that I created via a delete query (I do not want a history of each policy number that is entered into the form). Now to the issues—when I enter the info into the form, it does not automatically populate the table that I created, therefore the report does not show any loan data and obviously the delete query would not work. If I move to the next blank record, the table does populate with the info I just entered in the previous record, the report runs, but the delete query still does not work. I’m not understanding why my table won’t populate right away—the record source on the form is my table. I assume the delete query not working could have something to do with my macro? Here is how I have my macro set up:

Action: Echo Action Arguments: (Echo On) No (Status Bar Text) blank

Action: SelectObject Action Arguments: (Object Type) Query (Object Name) qryFormInfo (In Database Window) Yes

Action: OpenReport Action Arguments: (Report Name) rptFormInfo (View) Print Preview (Filter Name) blank (Where Condition) blank (Window Mode) Normal

Action: SelectObject Action Arguments: (Object Type) Query (Object Name) qryDeleteRecord (In Database Window) Yes

Action: Echo Action Arguments: (Echo On) Yes (Status Bar Text) blank

So if any of you made it this far, can anyone see anything obvious that I have wrong? Just a warning—I’m not good with VB code. I appreciate any input/suggestions you may have.

Thanks for your help!

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Running Query With Macros

Dec 8, 2005

hi guys!

Is there a way to run a query with macros? I don't want to open it. I just want to run it, generate a report which will then be sent via email. How do I go about it?

Thx a mill!


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Running A Query Using Macros

Sep 23, 2004

I want to run a existing query residing in my Access database using macros (MS Access 97)
Can someone suggest me the steps to go ahead ?

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Problem Dealing With Macros

Feb 11, 2005

Hello all,

Ok, let's see if i can explain this so that anyone trying help can understand. I have a form that's unbound (Music) with a subform (Arist Info)that is bound. The subform also contains two other Subforms (bound). The subform (Artist Info) contains a few Macros set up to do
some general searches with some Option groups and also one cmb box with vb code that access wizard wrote up. They all work great, with no problems at all when I open up the subform all by itself. It's when Main form is open where i run into some glitches. In then option groups all tgl & radio buttons work with exception to the two named ALL. I get a ballon message stating There is no field named
'GenreGroup or AlphaGroup' in the current record. Genre and AlphaGroup are the names of the option groups. The cmb box dosen't even work at all. There ars some other problems also but i'll ask for help later if i can reslove this. LOL I've attached a bare bone sample db to look at. I thought I was doing great learning new things every day, till I ran into this one.

Thanks for your help
Rich M.

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