User ID & Password

Dec 16, 2005

I have successfully created a user id & password prompt which works excellently.

The database i have created has three forms inwhich two departments access. I have an issue where one department is only allowed to view a search screen and the other department is allowed to enter in information and search. I also have a section for managers to login and run reports.

In my userid & password table i have created and field called Level which includes: Administrator, Manager, Bookings,User

Admin - Full Access
Managers - Full Access - But not able to edit queries and tables
Bookings - Order Form, Search Form
User - Search Form

Here is the code i have used:

Login OK Button:-

Private Sub login_Click()

If txtPassword.Value = DLookup("Password", "tblAccess", "[UserId] = txtUser.Value") Then
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmUserLogon"
MsgBox "INCORRECT PASSWORD! Please try again"
End If

End Sub

Option Compare Database
Public Flag As Integer '1: Reports Opener 2:Log 3:OpenUKSupplier

Function CheckFlag()
Select Case Flag
Case 1
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmReports Menu"

Case 2
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmbooking"
Case 3
DoCmd.OpenForm "Frmsearch"
Case Else
'Should never be here

End Select
End Function

Where would i add the code to the module or to the event?

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How To Crack Ms Access Password, I Have Set User Name And Password

Sep 12, 2006

hi pals

i have set username and password for ms access file.

unfortunately i have forget that password?

how to crack that username and passowrd?

is there any softwares available?

i can easily crack the database pasword? but how to crack username and password of ms access file.

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How To Set User Password?

Dec 10, 2007


I add a new user through the menus

Tools -> Security ->User and Group Accounting -> users -> new

But I do not know how to set a password to the new user.

Please help me to find out this



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Multi-user Password

Mar 11, 2008

At the moment I'm writing a production database for work, which include parts in/out, production planning, kitting lists and other forms. What I'm after is a way that when the database opens it asks for a password and depending what it is, is what you can do. Administrator can do all, Stores can only enter parts and scheduler can only enter planning and so on.

How easy is this? :o

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Login Forms, With User Name And Password

Oct 18, 2005

I have created a login form, with a user name and password. It works great. However I need to use the login form for three different command buttons, on my main access form. The same login form will be used but It will need to open three different forms depending on what command button was selected on the main page.

Main page- PID
3 command buttons- building, documents, assessments
login form- login
3 documents- build, docs,assess

I open main page, PID- click on buildings the login form pops up and I enter the correct username and password the building doc opens. Got it?? The same process for each, I would like to know how is this possible? How do I change the differnt documet that opends according to the command button that has been pushed? :confused: Thanks in advance

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Modules & VBA :: User Change Password

Jun 22, 2015

So I have a login system established with loginID, passwords, and different user types. I also have a User Change Password form. However, this form only allows the user to change their password to something new. Also, for some reason the form only allows the first user in the table (ID#1) to be changed regardless of who is logged in. I was using an embedded Macro. I need to be able to have the old password entered and verified before the password can be changed to something new.

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Adding A User In A Password Protected Database

Feb 8, 2007

I use a database that someone else set up and is no longer here. To get access to the database you need to enter a user id and password. I have a new user who has been getting into the database using an established user's id and password.

I went into the file and found the table with the users, their id's and passwords listed, and added the new person to the table, but I still get an invalid user message when trying to access the database with the new user's information.

I went through the Access Help and tried a couple things it said for adding users to a password protected database, but either I didn't do it right, or the way to add a user is different from what I am getting from Access Help.

Lastly, this database is different in that if I would add a report, it only shows up on my computer when I access the database, the report doesn't show up on anyone else's. That is odd to me, but it is how it works.

Thank you for any help you can give.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Handle User Forgot Password

Apr 16, 2015

code for the "Forgot Password?" button on a login screen? I want an email notification sent to me if someone has forgotten their password, and/or automatically reset their password to a default value based on their user name.

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Modules & VBA :: Change / Reset User Password

Jul 10, 2014

I have this code to change user password

Private Sub Command3_Click()
If IsNull(Me.cboEmployee) Or Me.cboEmployee = "" Then
MsgBox "You must enter a User Name.", vbOKOnly, "Required Data"
Exit Sub
End If

[Code] ....

But it doesnt change the password....

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Login Form With Network User And Password?

Nov 27, 2014

Into the form named: Administratorsfrm, I added a textbox defined as usertxt and also a textbox named passwordtxt as well as a button named logincmd.

The user defined is the Network user and this is added automatically to the usertxt field everytime when I open the Administratorsfrm form. To do this I use the next code:

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Dim wshNetwork As Object 'New wshNetwork
Set wshNetwork = CreateObject("WScript.Network")
Me.Usertxt = wshNetwork.UserName
Set wshNetwork = Nothing
End Sub

I would like that the user types his/her password (Network password or Unlocking computer) and after this could Login to the database application. I mean, the user will type his password and then the event should compare the password typed with the network password or unlocking password and if this is correct should open the database application (Main Menu Form: Mainfrm)

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User Security Levels And Password Login Screen

Jul 13, 2006

Does anyone have any sample code or a sample database?

I'm looking for a login form that has security level and passwords.


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Modules & VBA :: User Account Form - Encrypted Password

Apr 7, 2015

I am using an RC4 vba function to encrypt the password when a user account is setup in the front end of my split database. The password is stored in the backend encrypted. It is encrypted in the before update event of the form by calling a function against the bound password field. My problem is that when I want to maintain user accounts using this form, I want to be able to see the password as plain text.

I can decrypt it and display it in the form in plain text but cannot update it. This is because to display the password in plain text requires me to use a query as the record source for the form and this query requires an expression to call the decrypt function against the password field. The form will not allow any changes against a field that uses an expression as the control source.

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Identifying Form - Check Username And Password Of A User

Jan 15, 2015

How to make a form that must Check the username and password of a user, in case if they are true then let the user to visit other forms and Tables...

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Modules & VBA :: Create A Login Form That Allows User To Change Temporary Password

Feb 25, 2014

I have been trying to create a login form that allows the user to change his/her temporary password logging it to the proper table along with timestamp and who done it info.But, after spending the morning trying to find the proper syntax I am flummoxed.

I can get everything to work accept the update of the fields. I can get the command to work (writes to the location) but it does the pop-up what is the parameter thing when it works. I have all the information just need to get it in so the command recognizes it.

DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE lut_TeamList SET Pass = txt_Password.value WHERE TeamListID = Me.cbo_UserName.Value"
DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE lut_TeamList SET UpdatedBy = Me.cbo_UserName.Value WHERE TeamListID = Me.cbo_UserName.Value"
DoCmd.RunSQL "UPDATE lut_TeamList SET UpdatedWhen = Now() WHERE TeamListID = Me.cbo_UserName.Value
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

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Prompt User To Enter Personal Password When Ticking Option Button

Mar 24, 2015

I have a form in which I collect approvals from two different departments. To approve an item the user selects their name from a combobox, and then tick an option box to indicate approval. The combobox is from table 'Users' and has a query as a source with the following fields, 'UserNum, First, Last, Password'. The 'approval' fields are on table 'Approvals' and are yes/no fields.

What I'd like to have happen is that the user chooses their name from the combobox and then ticks the option box for approval; when ticked I would like a messagebox to appear asking for the users password based on the name chosen in the combobox.

Is this even possible?

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Forms :: Password Validation - Message Pop Up With Specific Error User Has Made On Entry

Jan 6, 2014

I am looking at the public function routine, that validates the password entry. I want to know how i can make a message pop up with the specific error the user has made on entry.

Public Function ValidatePwd(varPassword As Variant) As Boolean
Dim blnValid As Boolean
Dim blnValidCriteria As Boolean
Dim intChar As Integer

blnValid = Len("" & varPassword) >= 4 And Len("" & varPassword) <= 12

[Code] ....

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Not Prompted For Password When Relinking - 'Not A Valid Password Message'

Mar 29, 2007

I have recently split my database and added a password to the back end. I am now trying to re-link the tables as I have seen in other threads, but when I do this I am not prompted for the password I just get the message 'Not a valid password'

I must obviously be doing something wrong, can anyone help?

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Password Issues With Non Protected Database Asking For Password

Nov 8, 2005


Firstly thank you for your help, this should be a simple one I hope, but is cracking my head on the wall. Have searched and searched and can't find an answer.

I have an Access Db that is not password protected, but is asking for a password.
It opens on any other machine fine?

I think my version of Access is playing funny buggers with me, any suggestions?

I was trying to implement some security on this Db, which is why it happened I'm sure. I ran the security wizard, set-up two users and admin with passwords, I have the output file to "recreate" something too.

Issue is, I then copied this Db to another computer for use on there, it worked without a Password, so didn't need to worry about it, now I can't open any Db on my machine??

Your help on this obvious pointer would be great!


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Forms :: Password Protecting Field With Password?

Oct 24, 2014

i have found a code that brings up a box when tab or clicking in to a box for editing as below:-

Dim strPassword As String
If InputBox("Please enter the password:") <> strPassword Then
TextBox1.Locked = True
End If

its just that need to add a password as well, i have tried to put this in between the <> but this does not work. i would like a message to say incorrect password as well if possable.

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Forms :: Restrict User Input In Textbox Depending On What Option User Has Selected

May 22, 2013

I am building a form in access and I am trying to find a way where user input isn't possible in the associated textbox when "No" from on option box is selected.

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Multi-User - Can You Assign Which User Created/amended A Record?

Aug 4, 2007

Hi guys,

I've seen different log in forms and tips on multi-user use but can't seem to find info on the following...

We have 6 people at work and I'd like to assign which user updated a form or created a new record...this would be particularly useful on the sales part of the database to track who made a call to a particular customer...

Best ideas anyone?


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General :: Access Multi User Database - Error On Only One User

Apr 24, 2013

I have a multi user database in Access 2000 that is on a server. The individual users have shortcuts pointing towards the server instance. One user and one user only when opening the shortcut gets the error "you do not have exclusive rights to the database" .

All other users can enter the database with no error box. I have checked the advanced setting under options and they are correct. Ironically if you go to start and open access then navigate to the database shortcut. It opens with no error.

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Calc User Totals Table 1 And Enter In User Records In Table 2

Oct 28, 2004

I have two tables. The first contains details of a budget holders money allocation for a given period, and the other tracks their spend on products over that period. How can I generate a query to calculate the total running spend for each user from the "budget spend table" that will be written into the users record in the "budget allocation table".

My aim is to show details of budget allocation, total spend to date and remaining budget for each user in an Order form / report.

Can anyone please advise me on how to do this or suggest another way of doing it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

Regards Peter

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Password Help

Aug 19, 2005

Hi all

Firsty i am a novice to Databases so i only really know the basics, heres my problem.

I have a database at work that i need to password protect, but i want it so when people open it up, it gives them the option of viewing it in read only mode, but if they have the password then they can use it properly and edit things, is this possible? and if so is it easy??

Thanks everyone


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DB Password

Sep 1, 2005

Ok I want to do auto backup using the auto compact db, I think I got from here., anyways I want to copy it but the auto compact cant because of the DB password is there a way around this like have the password in the path of the db?

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Jan 17, 2006


In my database I've two diferents forms but I want one of them to be accessed only for few users where they have to type username and passaword.
Is anyone there could tell me how can I do that please?

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