I have a query that prompts the user to display certain/all of the members in my member table. The problem is, using a parameter query in the memberID field only allows the user to send the message to one member, not multiple members. "1 or 2 or 3" or "1,3" obviously don't work.
I've tried creating a form with a list box to select the members (which I;ve done) but obviously you need code and stuff to get it to work which I think will be too complicated. Is there a simpiler way or is the form the only thing that will work?
When I added this field/function to the query, I got #error values and when I clicked on one, I got an error that said:
The expression you entered as a query parameter produced this error:The object doesn't contain the automation object 'Please Enter Year'.'
I assume the problem is that I have the user filter the report by use of the Like() function for [Year] in the query when the report is accessed. How do I tell the DLookup function to search the column as filtered by the Like() function?
How can I have a user enter the WHERE criteria in the Set Rs statement below.
Set Rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT [Net] FROM [tblRecap] WHERE [Yr] = 2000 and [Event] = 'lancaster'")
I would like a message box to ask the user to define the [Yr] = and [Event] = fields since they would change from time to time and then pass the values to the OpenRecordset method. Is this possible? Can someone help supply the code?
A parameter query won’t work because when you manipulate these queries in DAO through VBA you need to supply the parameter value before you open the recordset object. If you don’t DAO generates an error.
Here is my code:
Option Compare Database Option Explicit
Private Sub ReportFooter_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
Dim ConsqWin As Long Dim ConsqLoss As Long Dim tmpWin As Long Dim tmpLoss As Long Dim Rs As DAO.Recordset Set Rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT [Net] FROM [tblRecap] WHERE [Yr = 2000 and [Event] = 'lancaster'") Do While Not Rs.EOF Do While Rs!Net > 1 tmpWin = tmpWin + 1 Rs.MoveNext If Rs.EOF Then Exit Do Loop If Rs.EOF Then Exit Do If tmpWin > ConsqWin Then ConsqWin = tmpWin tmpWin = 0 Rs.MoveNext Loop
Set Rs = Nothing
End Sub
By the way the YR field is a number and not a date so the WHERE clause doesn’t need #2000#
I am trying to get my VBA code to dump a query once the user pushes a button. I have the following code to call up the Excel app.
Option Compare Database Private Type BROWSEINFO hOwner As Long pidlRoot As Long pszDisplayName As String lpszTitle As String ulFlags As Long
The qry_PP_Errors_Union is a Union query. In this query there is a date field. I would like to be able to to use that date field as a parameter. So I have written this VBA to prompt the user for a Begin Date and an End Date.
Now the part that I am missing is that I am not sure how to make the "strBegindate" and "strEnddate" the criteria for the union query.
The following is the SQL for my union query.
Code: SELECT LastName, FirstName, Title, TeamName, WorkOrderNumber, DateCompleted, WorkCode, UICError AS Error, "Update and Internal Correspondence" AS Category FROM qry_PP_UIC_Error UNION SELECT LastName, FirstName, Title, TeamName, WorkOrderNumber, DateCompleted, WorkCode, BIDError, "Bids" FROM qry_PP_Bid_Error
[Code] ....
Without the criteria, my code works for dumping everything out into Excel. However, dumping all the data results in a 7 mb Excel file that requires manual deletion of the information that is not pertinent.
I have a search form that looks up a value in a field and lets the user know if it is there or not, they have now asked to put in multiple values to search... eg. searching containers number, I will put user input box where they can put these numbers
NYKU023561 TRLU102356 TCNU123023
This will search my container number field and show a pop up message box saying.. Please note below NYKU023561 - has been found you cannot use this container TRLU102356 - has not been found please check internal system TCNU123023 - has beeen found you cannot use this container
Below is the basic search I had before which was all I needed.. how can I adapt this?
Code: Private Sub Command256_Click() If (CntSearch & vbNullString) = vbNullString Then Exit Sub Dim rs As DAO.Recordset Dim CNT As String
I am building a form to create a user record and at the same time i have some yes/no options which are located in other tables but when i want add a user i cannot select any yes/no options they seem locked?
I am trying to put together an form to be used in an academic administration database. Ideally, I would like to create a form that will allow a user to select criteria and get a list of all students fitting that criteria. For example: Show me all a) all Economics majors with b) 30-50 Credits who c) have not taken English 101. All of this data could be compiled into one query, but I would like to create a form that will allow a user to select what data he or she would like to see. (Maybe they only want to see graduates) I hope this makes sense. And I hope someone can help point me in the right direction.
I have a user form with six different dropdown boxes. I would like to create a query that gets its criteria from users selecting values from one or more of these boxes.
I have tried:
[forms]![frmName]![comboboxname] or [forms]![formName]![comboboxname] is null
in the corresponding query fields and get a "query is too complex" error message, even when only selecting one criteria.
I am building a form in access and I am trying to find a way where user input isn't possible in the associated textbox when "No" from on option box is selected.
I created a form that allows the user to choose the criteria that they want to see on a report using =Forms!formname!controlname in my query. It works great but I want to also allow the user to choose nothing and return all records instead of limiting them to choose just one type of record. Is this possible? Before I created the form my query had the [Enter parameter] on one criteria line and [Enter parameter] Is Null on the next criteria line and that was working great for my use but I need to create a simple form for other users.
I'm reasonably new to all this, and have read many posts and got most of my answers from reading the posts here! THANKS.
However I need some help with the following: I have a form that allows someone to input information about products being booked in. However sometimes we have the same product from the same supplier with the same invoice number etc.. but they have individual serial numbers. So the scenario is I have ten items being booked in, they are all the same product from the same supplier but they have individual serial numbers. I have created a do while loop where I can duplicate all the information for each product, but I need it to pop up a box asking the user for the serial number each time it goes through the loop. He is what I have so far.
Dim MyQuantity As Integer Dim TempSerial As String Dim rs As DAO.Recordset Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("BarcodesDB") MyQuantity = 1 Do While MyQuantity <= Me.Quantity 'insert into table using either a recordset or Append Query rs.AddNew rs!Supplier = Me.Supplier.Value rs!Date = Me.Date.Value rs!Invoice_Number = Me.Invoice_Number.Value rs!Pcode = Me.Pcode.Value rs!Item = Me.Item.Value rs!Quantity = 1 rs!Serial_Number = Me.Serial_Number.Value 'Get this value from user each loop rs.Update MyQuantity = MyQuantity + 1 Loop rs.Close Set rs = Nothing
I am trying to make user input forms for each of the tables in my current database. I have made the forms, but I am required to have the forms come up blank first (so they can create a new record), but allow the user to edit existing records too. How do I do this?
Hello, all. I have created a project in Access 2003 to track a student's progess toward a college degree. I want the user to enter their student id in a text box on a form, look up if that user is present in the student table, and if not show the form to enter their student information.
I can't get the text box to accept user input, and return the student info as a single record on the form. I have a query but I don't know how to set the proprerties to run the query.
I want to put a textbox on a form that will take user input (a postal code) and put it into a table. I'm not sure how to do this. Is it even possible, and if so, any suggestions?
i have a database that users log into before they can do anything, after they log in, when they open up a form, i want the username that was used to log in to be displayed and stored in a field. how would i do that?
Here are the relevant fields and tables Name ---------------------- Description USERS --------------------- contains username/password/success/date time for login Login ---------------------- Login form Username ------------------ Username field in 'Login' Password ------------------ Password field in 'Login' EXPOSURE_REPORT --------- Table that contains information for form VV EXPOSURE_REPORT --------- Form REPORTRECIEVEDBY -------- field that needs the current user stored in it
there are 6 or 7 users total, if that's at all relevant, thanks!
I want to put a textbox on a form that will take user input (a zip code) and put it into a table. I'm not sure how to do this. Is it even possible, and if so, any suggestions?
I have a form, and on the form there is a Provider Rate which is a combo box, if the user select a zero rate, then it has the description please enter manual rate in box below. There is another box which the user can enter a manual rate.
how I can limit entry into these boxes, as currently a user can select a rate in the provider rate box and still enter something into the manual rate box. I want it so that if a rate other than zero has been selected in the provider rate box, then they can't enter anything into the manual rate cell.
I have two check box controls on a form, and I would like to set some sort of validation rule to make sure that one of the boxes is checked before the form is closed. I also have many other forms with text, radio, etc. controls that I would also like to set the same rule for.
I am working on a database that uses a form requiring personnel to log in. This information comes from a user table and is something that I have added on numerous occasions to various databases. The question I have is in relations to a "lockout." How do I set it up so that someone gets locked out after so many attempts loging in on this form?
Hi all. Stumbled onto this forum during a google search.. looks like a great forum.
I have a question. this thread http://www.access-programmers.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=124689
goes into a simple function to group by the name and add their total.. however what i need to do is that plus have a user input of the date.
eg of the table
Date Title Invoice 02/02/07 ABC123 11.00 02/02/07 ABC123 12.50 02/02/07 DEC123 11.50 03/02/07 ABC123 10.50
What i need is a paramater query to be able to work to give me the total of the groups.. Whenever i try to join my Parameter query with my sum query it gets messed up..
heres the code... what am i doing wrong?.. What i want displayed after they input the date is the group by and sum total of the parameter query..
SELECT RawData_tbl.[Title 2], RawData_tbl.[Estimated Value], RawData_tbl.[Date In], RawData_tbl.Quote, RawData_tbl.GST, Sum(RawData_tbl.Invoice) AS SumOfInvoice FROM RawData_tbl GROUP BY RawData_tbl.[Title 2], RawData_tbl.[Estimated Value], RawData_tbl.[Date In], RawData_tbl.Quote, RawData_tbl.GST HAVING (((RawData_tbl.[Date In]) Between [Please Type the first day of the month] And [ Please insert the last day of the month])) ORDER BY RawData_tbl.[Title 2];
Please could somebody point me in the right direction of code.
I have a database which I would like to query using a form with a combobox or two, each of which containing a list of eg. Customer Names, or Reference Numbers, which will then produce a report which can be printed out.
I know basic ADO, like get the database, open it, find records, update and delete records, however I have been unsuccesfully searching for the code to open a report, which will respond to certain sql parameters that correspond with the values in the combobox. And then be able to print that report if possible.
I would be much appreciative if anyone would point me in the right direction, Thanks!!
Okay my access skills are low at best and I'm trying to build a database for work so hopefully this isn't to stupid of a question.
I'm trying to creat a query that will allow the user to type in a work type and have it generate the all records containing that work type. The way the data is in there to get it to generate just a specific work type without the input I have to use Like "*newacct*" for example. Is there any way to do this since there are more then one work types for some records?
I have a form where a user will enter a 11 digit number (12345043456). Using ASP (VB) this string of numbers queries an access database and returns the entry for that specific number to the user.
Unfortunately, the numbers in the access table are an 11 digit number with hyphens seperating the string like this 12345-04-3456 (the ndc # of a pharmaceutical).
So What i need is some code that monitors and modifies the form input so that the hyphens are added in to the string when the user is inputting the data.
If i cannot do this, then is there some VB that I can add which modifies the field in the text file when it is imported into access on a daily basis.