Using 2 Sum Functions In Multiple Join Query.
Sep 16, 2004
I have a problem with using two Sum() functions in a multiple join query. It is an Access database that is accessed by VB6.
These are my tables with some sample records:-
Payment(payID, payCustID, payDate, payAmount)
1, 4, 30/09/2004$5.00
2, 4, 30/09/2004$120.00
3, 4, 30/09/2004$20.00
Customer(custID, custName)
1, steven
2, julie
3, blake
4, kate
Invoice(invID, invCustID, invDate, invAmount)
1, 1, 10/09/2004, $50.00
2, 2, 11/09/2004, $50.00
3, 1, 11/09/2004, $150.00
4, 3, 10/09/2004, $20.00
5, 4, 10/09/2004, $5.00
6, 4, 11/09/2004, $120.00
This is my query:-
SELECT DISTINCTROW Customer.custName, Sum(Invoice.invAmount) AS SumOfinvAmount, Sum(Payment.payAmount) AS SumOfpayAmount
FROM (Customer LEFT JOIN Invoice ON Customer.custID = Invoice.invCustID) LEFT JOIN Payment ON Customer.custID = Payment.payCustID
GROUP BY Customer.custName, Customer.custID;
custName SumOfinvAmount SumOfpayAmount
blake $20.00
julie $50.00
kate $375.00 $290.00
steven $200.00
The resulting SQL query returns incorrect invoice and payment totals for Kate. The Sum() function has duplicated. Can anyone tell me how I would change my query to fix this problem?
Thanks Steven
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Jun 11, 2006
Hello All;
Could someone please assist me on this?
The following is the Tables:
ContentTypes ---> Site Content Directory
Cats ---> Categories
Sierra ---> Store Content for Sierra
BrushStrokes ---> Store Content for BS
I have "tried" to create a QUERY for the 4 Tables
(The code that I have, originally came with 3-Table Query connection
I have added in the 4th Table "BrushStrokes")
This is the Query that I created. Before the code, a little insite
At first there was: RIGHT & LEFT JOIN's, But I would receive this:
Error 3258
After not really finding any good examples of how to create the
2- Queries and have then work together as one.
I decided to try something else, which was to create all [INNER JOIN]'s
Which got rid of the Error, and the code still will not work in my site.
Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80040e14'
Syntax error in JOIN operation.
So, here is the code, please let me know what is wrong with it?
And if possible, a good example of creating the [2 - Queries] that work as one.
Thank you all
-----------------------SQL QUERY------------------
SELECT Cats.CatID, Sierra.CatID, BrushStrokes.CatID, Sierra.ContentID, BrushStrokes.BSContentID, Sierra.Product_Title, BrushStrokes.BSProduct_Name, Cats.CatDescription, Cats.CatTypeId, Sierra.Product_Th_Image, BrushStrokes.BSThumbnail, Sierra.Our_Price, BrushStrokes.BSPrice, Sierra.Retail_Price, BrushStrokes.BSRetail, Sierra.Aff_Name, BrushStrokes.Aff_Name, Sierra.Brand_Name, BrushStrokes.BSArtistName, Sierra.YAvailable, BrushStrokes.BSStatus, Sierra.Percent_Savings, Sierra.Unique_Product_ID, BrushStrokes.BSProductID, Sierra.Main_Cat, BrushStrokes.BSCol_Cat, ContentTypes.ContentType, Sierra.Product_Description, BrushStrokes.BSDescription
FROM ((ContentTypes INNER JOIN Sierra ON ContentTypes.ContentTypeID = Sierra.ContentTypeID) INNER JOIN BrushStrokes ON ContentTypes.ContentTypeID = BrushStrokes.ContentTypeID) INNER JOIN Cats ON (BrushStrokes.CatID = Cats.CatID) AND (Sierra.CatID = Cats.CatID)
WHERE (((Sierra.Display)=1) AND ((BrushStrokes.Display)=1));
-----------------------------END SQL QUERY------------------
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Nov 16, 2014
I am trying to delete all records on [TableA] that Match [TableB] at Columns [SKU] and [ASIN].
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Jan 28, 2013
Here is my current table structure (I have omitted some fields from this example and have given some sample data in italics to make the table structure more clear.
ID (autonumber) 3
EmployeeName John
EmployeePhone 555999555
EmployeeLocation New York
ClientID (autonumber) 1 , 2 , 3
ClientName ABC Company , XYZ Company, PQR Company
LocationID 1 , 2
Location New York , Chicago
tblEmployeeClients (junction table)
fkeyID 3
EmployeeClients (multivalued number) 1,2
The junction table tblEmployeeClients only stores ID of the Employee and in the second column (which is a multi-valued field), the ID of each of the clients the employee Supports.
I am trying to generate a report that lists say, EmployeeName alongside the clients supported by the Employee (listing the client location is not required, however, it would be good to know how to do that as well).
The report (for the example above), should look like this:
Name Clients Supported
John ABC Company, PQR Company
Currently, I am able to get :
John 1, 2 i.e the client ID for the clients that the employee supports instead of the corresponding company names.
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Oct 12, 2005
I have a query that contains a field with 4 codes that I need to replace with values.
Replace([CE020]![LNCH_FLG],"0","None") Replace([CE020]![LNCH_FLG],"1","Free") Replace([CE020]![LNCH_FLG],"2","Reduced")
Replace([CE020]![LNCH_FLG],"3","State Free")
Replace([CE020]![LNCH_FLG],"4"," Paid")
I get an invalid syntax error, I know if I was to have one Replace function it will works fine, but I’ll still have 3 code to convert.
Any Ideas?
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Mar 19, 2013
Multiple IF functions in a form. I have a button that on click will print a report if certain fields in the form have data in them. If not, a msgbox pops up to let the user know that data must be filled and then sets focus on whichever field needs data in the form. There are many IF statements, and they all work fine until I get to a certain one then the remaining IF does not continue.
Here is some code:
If IsNull([Alert]) Then
MsgBox "An alert time is required." _
, vbCritical, "Data Required"
Exit Sub
If IsNull([Enroute]) Then
[Code] .....
The next IF argument will bring up the msgbox when there is no data, thats great. However, when the user fills in the field and continues with the button click to print the report, the button does nothing.
Here is the next IF, the one with the problem:
If IsNull([Combo608]) Then
If IsNull([Combo620]) Then
MsgBox "You must select either a planned event or an emergency event." _
, vbCritical, "Information"
Exit Sub
How to get it to work, to continue with the remaining IF arguments after this one (there are several more)?
Or are there a better way to code this and not have the many IF arguments?
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Dec 11, 2013
Any way to use multiple count functions in a query with their own individual filters without affect the others?
For example:
SELECT [E&I Table].System, [E&I Table].DeleteRecord, Count([E&I Table].[Status#1]) AS [CountOfStatus#1], Count([E&I Table].[Status#2]) AS [CountOfStatus#2]
FROM [E&I Table]
WHERE ((([E&I Table].[Status#1]) Like "ITR Rcv'd by QA" Or ([E&I Table].[Status#1]) Like "Completed" Or ([E&I Table].[Status#1]) Like "Ready for T/O" Or ([E&I Table].[Status#1]) Like "Reviewed by JVV") AND (([E&I Table].[Status#2]) Like "ITR Rcv'd by QA" Or ([E&I Table].[Status#2]) Like "Completed" Or ([E&I Table].[Status#2]) Like "Ready for T/O" Or ([E&I Table].[Status#2]) Like "Reviewed by JVV"))
GROUP BY [E&I Table].System, [E&I Table].DeleteRecord;
I am trying to count in each column of the E&I table with criteria using WHERE but the problem is when you have more than 1 WHERE it affects the other columns as well... tried a bunch of different ways and I am now having to create seperate Queries than combine them using another Query...
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Nov 21, 2014
I have a table that is basically a survey form. The same series of options was available for 35 questions, and the table used to have a text string written for each answer. Because of all the repetitive data, I created a second table that assigned a number value to each of the nine possible options in these 35 separate fields. What happened is that, instead of the same text strings repeated over and over (and taking up real estate), now each of the 35 columns had a single number in them.
Now comes the day of reckoning and TPTB want a query with the raw data and the original text strings back in instead of the numbers. I was thinking doing something along the lines of a DLookup, but I can't seem to make that work in a query correctly. Apart from calling the same table and linking it over and over to the different fields in the original data table (see photo for how insane that is).
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Feb 11, 2005
I am working on a "course registration" system using asp (vbscript) and MS Access. There are 4 tables as shown:
activity (1 entry per course - key is ActivityID)
activitysections (1 entry for each course section for an activity - key is SectionID - ActivityID is also in the record)
registrations ( 1 entry for each registrant in the section - key is RegistrationID - Section ID and PersonID are also in the record)
users ( 1 entry for each student with their demographic info - PersonID is the key)
When I run the following query on the test Access database:
SELECT activity.ActivityName, activity.ActivityStatus, activity.ActivityID, activitysections.SectionNumber, activitysections.SectionStatus, activitysections.SectionSchedule, activitysections.SectionCapacity, activitysections.SectionParticipants, activitysections.SectionDuration, users.FirstName, users.Initial, users.LastName, users.NameSuffix, users.PreferredName, users.Gender, users.BirthDate
FROM users INNER JOIN ((activity INNER JOIN activitysections ON activity.ActivityID = activitysections.ActivityID) INNER JOIN registrations ON activitysections.SectionID = registrations.SectionID) ON users.PersonID = registrations.PersonID;
I get the correct results - 1 entry wherever there is a registrant for a section of an activity.
However, I want to run a query that lists all the sections regardless of whether there is a person registered. To do that I changed the query to a left join as follows:
SELECT activity.ActivityName, activity.ActivityStatus, activity.ActivityID, activitysections.SectionNumber, activitysections.SectionStatus, activitysections.SectionSchedule, activitysections.SectionCapacity, activitysections.SectionParticipants, activitysections.SectionDuration, users.FirstName, users.Initial, users.LastName, users.NameSuffix, users.PreferredName, users.Gender, users.BirthDate
FROM users INNER JOIN ((activity INNER JOIN activitysections ON activity.ActivityID = activitysections.ActivityID) LEFT JOIN registrations ON activitysections.SectionID = registrations.SectionID) ON users.PersonID = registrations.PersonID;
I get this wonderful little message saying "join expression not supported". Can anyone give me some advice on what I am doing incorrect. Thanks.....
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May 1, 2014
When I join three tables I get duplicated records in Access SQL. How can I solve this? Using distinct is no options.
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Jul 1, 2015
I have been struggling with combining multiple rows into one row for an order summary report.
Specifically, I have three tables (Products, Orders, and OrderDetails)
ProductID = AutoNumber
ProductName = String
OrderID = AutoNumber
OrderDate = Date/Time
OrderInfo = Memo
CustomerName = Text
CustomerAddress = Text
PaymentDetails = Text
OrderNumber = Number (Linked to OrderID)
ProductNumber = Number (Linked to ProductID)
Notes = Memo (Notes on product customization)
The OrderProductDetails table is in many to one relationships with both Orders and Products table. If I place an order with 3 products, the OrderProductDetails datasheet would be:
OrderNumber ProductNumber
1 78 (Product 1)
1 89 (Product 2)
1 56 (Product 3)
On my report, instead of 3 entries for this order, I would like show just one entry under a column "Products Ordered" ---> Product 1, Product 2, Product 3.
I tried the Concatenate macros I found online, however, I am unable to configure them properly to use for this purpose.
I am using Access 2010.
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Aug 4, 2005
Hi there,
I have a list (listA) which has a record source of a query object (queryA).
The form (formA) which has listA in it, also has a text box for some of the fields requested in queryA. The goal is to provide a flexible filter for the records in the list, so the user can just type in 'K' in text box filter_name, and they will only see records matching the entry.
N0w, the scene is set! I can easily go into the query object, and in criteria type something like this:
Like "*" & [Forms]![formA]![filter_name] & "*"
This works! It flexible filters out the records matching the text box value..
But, if the record has NULL for the name, then it won't even match "**", which is the minimum criteria. So therefore I get exclusion of records, which I dont want.
So I thought perhaps there might be some control structure I can use in expressions... some if, else, end if statement? Does anyone know how to do this?
Alternatively I thought, I could write a function like this..
Function criteria(ByVal val As Variant) As Variant
If (IsNull(val) Or IsEmpty(val) Or val = "") Then
'do nothing
criteria = "Like *" & val & "*"
End If
End Function
And then in the queryA object for criteria you just use:
But this doesn't seem to work.. and I dont know how to debug this...
Any ideas? I thought the function was a neat solution, but it seems not!
Thanks in advance!
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Apr 3, 2007
Alright, I've got all the pieces to this puzzle, I just can't fit them together properly. I have two tables, tblTickets and tblTicketNotes. They are in a one-to-many relationship, there can be multiple Notes attached to a single ticket. I am trying to set up a query that will pull the first (earliest by date) note for each individual Ticket. Here are the fields from each table that would be of concern here:
TicketID - Autonumber - Primary Key
Issue - Text - I will be using this later as a criteria to limit with, but not neccessary
NoteID - Autonumber - Primary Key
TicketID - Long Integer - This is the foreign key of the relationship
DateStamp - Date/Time - This is the Note Date, I only want the first (earliest date) one
Content - Memo -This is the note information I want
So all I want is the Content of the first/earliest Note for each individual Ticket. I know this should be fairly easy, but I am at a loss.
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Nov 17, 2004
Hi all,
I have quite a large select query that pulls in Date values from different tables. The end result is a list of records, where each record has 7 types of dates, put in columns A, B, C, D, E, F, G. What I need to do is, for each record to compare dates in those columns and put the LATEST one of them in the column MDATE.
I've tried using IIF function, but it grows exponentially with the number of values involved, and it can only handle 5 values before its cause error "too large". Alternatively I thought I could write a function to return the max date and call it from within the query, something along the lines of "select *, fnMaxDate(A, B, C, D, E, F, G) as MDATE from tblBLAH etc". The function is:
Public Function fnMaxDate(a As Date, b As Date, c As Date, d As Date, e As Date, f As Date, g As Date) As Date
Dim Temp As Date
Temp = Nz(a, "01/01/1901")
If Nz(b, "01/01/1901") > Temp Then Temp = b
If Nz(c, "01/01/1901") > Temp Then Temp = c
If Nz(d, "01/01/1901") > Temp Then Temp = d
If Nz(e, "01/01/1901") > Temp Then Temp = e
If Nz(f, "01/01/1901") > Temp Then Temp = f
If Nz(g, "01/01/1901") > Temp Then Temp = g
fnMaxDate = Temp
End Function
I've put a break at the start of the function, to see what it'll come up with but when running the query it didn't appear to call it. All values in MDATE where #error.
Can someone advise me, please, on the best way of picking the LATEST date? I'd also appreciate it if you tell me why the function didn't get called, as I was quite certain it is possible to call user defined functions from within the query.
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Mar 14, 2014
I have to join multiple values into a string for summarizing data on reports and exports. This process in vba is taking up to 10 minutes to process and will get worse as the size of these reports grow.
My method so far is to query the individual items into a recordset, loop through the values, adding them to the string then return the string in the query.
Here is an example:
Public Function SO_Description(intSO As Integer) As String
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQLSelect As String
SO_Description = "Profiles: "
Set db = CurrentDb
[Code] ....
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Jun 28, 2013
I created two functions to use when I'm pulling data using a query (QBE). I would like to combine the two into a 3rd Function that works like this:
BB_Only = DishNetActivityCode = 1 and VideoActivityCode = 0
Hybrid = DishNetActivityCode = 1 and VideoActivityCode = 1
V_Only = DishNetActivityCode = 0 and VideoActivityCode = 0
Function DishNetActivityCode(service_code_string As String) As Integer
Dim CodeArray, i As Integer
[Code] .....
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Nov 10, 2006
I've been toiling with the issue of WHERE clauses on the "Right" side of Left Joins. I'm aware that you need to use JOIN ON......AND.... rather than JOIN ON....WHERE.... if the WHERE relates to the Right Hand table.
I've even got an example in my DB where the above works, but now am struggling to use the same theory for other tables. Therefore, I went and created two Mickey Mouse tables to test the logic but am getting an error.
I have
Table 1 with one field called Field 1 - values A, B, C
Table 2 as follows
Field 1.....Field 2.......Field 3
I hoped to have a query that finds all records on Table 1 and records on Table 2 where Field 1 matches on the two tables and Field3 = XXX
My SQL is
SELECT Table1.Field1, Table2.Field1, Table2.Field2, Table2.Field3
FROM Table1 INNER JOIN Table2 ON Table1.Field1 = Table2.Field1
AND Table2.Field3="XXX";
but I get Join Expression not supported
What am I doing wrong?
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Nov 16, 2013
And then called this join as a symbol or variable, and then have it use to select the items from these joined tables, can this be done in Access? Here is an example of a code that I created, but it has an error message saying the FROM syntax is incorrect.
SELECT firstJOIN.trainID, firstJOIN.trainName, firstJOIN.stationID, firstJOIN.stationName, firstJOIN.distance_miles, firstJOIN.time_mins
FROM (trains INNER JOIN ((station INNER JOIN lineStation ON station.stationID = lineStation.stationID)
INNER JOIN bookingLeg ON bookingLeg.startID = station.stationID or bookingLeg.endID = station.stationID )
ON trains.trainID = bookingLeg.tid) as firstJOIN
Can Access do something similar to this, in the FROM statement I joined 4 tables, because each unique fields are in each table and I have to joined them to get those fields. I called this join firstJOIN and in the SELECT statement, I list those columns in the table by calling it firstJOIN.trainID. Can Access do something like this, but syntax it differently?
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Mar 24, 2013
I am trying to do the good 'ol sales report (query) to include customers with no sales.
I have a customers table, account number table, sales table & sales (line) detail table. (all linked in that order)
If I run a query to show customers (in the customer table) with account numbers, that works
An unmatched query to show customer without an account number works (but of course the unmatched account number field isn't shown).
How can I get the two two be shown together with the "unmatched" having a null or 0 for their account number?
I am guessing in principle, the resulting solution can be modified to show customers without sales alongside those with sales?
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Jun 6, 2005
Hi All,
I have 2 tables. [1] AvailableCars [2] CarPics
[1] AvailableCars consists of fields as Zone (eg. ZoneA, ZoneB, ZoneC) , CarCategory (eg. CarAA1, CarAB1, CarAA2 ... and so on), DailyRates, and Valid DateBounds (FromDate, ToDate).
[2] CarPics consists of CarCategory and Carpicture (Path of the car image).
Now I want to Bring Only those cars from the AvailableCars table and CarPics which satisfy the criteria of falling between Valid Date Bounds...I am using join as the following :
Using above query, I am not able to get the desired results. :o
Can Any body help me in solving this problem ? :confused:
Thanks in Advance,
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Jul 14, 2005
I need to write a query which retrieves all the records from first table and those matching from second table and also satisfies a criteria.
I had
Table 1
Table 2
I had to get all the records from Table1 and also those matching with Table2
So i did left join and getting all the records.
And I also need to check whether F3 in Table1 is in between F6 and F7 of Table2.
So I wrote query like this
SELECT Table1.F1, Table1.F2, Table2.F5
FROM Table1 LEFT JOIN Table2 ON (Table1.F1 = Table2.F4) WHERE Table1.F3 BETWEEN Table2.F6 AND Table2.F7;
I am getting only those records which are matching where condition.
I need to get all the records including which match the criteria and also those which don't match.
Please any suggestions?
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Nov 30, 2005
I am trying to create a query which shows only the newest note for every prospect. I have the code below, but I get a 'Syntax error in JOIN Operation' when I try to run the query and TBLNotes is highlighted.
SELECT TBLProspect.CompanyName,TBLNotes.Note, TBLNotes.NoteDate
INNER JOIN TBLProspect ON TBLProspect.LeadID=TBLNotes.LeadID
WHERE ((((Select Count(*) from tblNotes where LeadID=a.LeadID and NoteDate>=a.NoteDate)) In (1)))
ORDER BY a.LeadID, a.NoteDate DESC;
Where am I going wrong?
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May 7, 2006
I hope someone out there can help me, I'm not an SQL experianced person, I only know enough to make problems. Anyway I believe my problem below is probably simple to someone that knows SQL very good. I have a link to a sample Access database if anyone is interested in helping me solve this.
The Sample Database (
Have a problem and can't quite seem to get it solved. I have simplified the whole thing to make it easier to understand.
I want a report that shows me the Product Category and Sum from work orders that were > $100.
I'm not quite sure how to do this, I've tried several methods of Joining and Sub queries but nothing really works. All I get in my results is product categories > 100. See I would expect the product category to be on the report even it it were $55 if it came from a work order containing total costs > 100.
I have manually supplied the results that I want, any help would be greatly appreciated. My real problem deals with larger results and numbers but these are the basics.
Linked is an Access database with one of my queries that show all work orders > 100. I would expect all those product categories in my summary report.
Redesign of the database is not an option.
These work orders are all > 100, the total on all reports should be $511
WorkOrderNo Total Cost
00001 $120.00
00003 $268.00
00005 $123.00
These product categories are associated with the above work orders and this is the result I am looking for.
Prod Cat Costs
12 $176
19 $89
22 $233
91 $13
The above results would come from this:
WorkOrderNo LineNo PartNo Cost Cat
00001 1 ABC $55.00 22
00001 2 XYZ $65.00 12
00003 1 ABC $89.00 22
00003 2 XYZ $77.00 12
00003 3 123 $89.00 19
00003 4 456 $13.00 91
00005 1 ABC $89.00 22
00005 2 XYZ $34.00 12
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Jan 3, 2007
Hi all, this is my first post to the board. I’ve been searching through the forums but haven’t been able to put all the pieces together on my problem. First some background on my application:
I have 3 tables ISSUES, UPDATES, and PRTS. Each record in ISSUES has several records in UPDATES, and may have a single record in PRTS. The issues and updates tables have 3 “clones” (everything except the table name prefix is the same) that are used by other departments. All of the clones use the same PRTS table.
I am trying to put a query into SQL (I first built it using the query builder & an example from Microsoft for a query to find the last record) that will return each issue, along with the last update associated with the issue. My intent is to switch the table names using code depending on the user’s selection. I know how to switch “ElectricISSUES” to “PowerISSUES” below, but I do not know how to switch the source for the “qryLastUpdate”. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
issueSQL = "SELECT ElectricISSUES.Index, ElectricISSUES.Status, ElectricISSUES.Description, ElectricISSUES.Driver, ElectricISSUES.Champion, ElectricISSUES.PRTS, ElectricISSUES.SubDate, ElectricISSUES.DateClosed, ElectricISSUES.Diamond, Date()-[Subdate] AS DaysOld, qryLastUpdate.Update, qryLastUpdate.Udate, qryPRTS.Step, qryPRTS.[Next Step], qryPRTS.Designee, qryPRTS.[Ewo#], qryPRTS.BreakPointDate " & _
"FROM (qryLastUpdate RIGHT JOIN ElectricISSUES ON qryLastUpdate.UIndex = ElectricISSUES.Index) LEFT JOIN qryPRTS ON ElectricISSUES.PRTS = qryPRTS.[Prob#] " & _
"WHERE (((ElectricISSUES.Status) = 'closed')) ORDER BY ElectricISSUES.Index;"
db.OpenRecordset (issueSQL)
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Jan 30, 2007
I really don't know how to describe this, so bear with me!
i have a table of sales data 'tSales' that holds 3 years of transactions.
Fields are
I have another table 'tLabRate' that holds our labour rates
e.g. in 2004 £20ph, 2005 £25ph etc
in the Form:
LabRate 20.00 25.00
LabFactor 0.6666 0.8333
LrFrmDate 01/01/2004 01/01/2005
LrToDate 31/12/2004 31/12/2005 etc
What i am trying to do is display the correct factor for the point in time, e.g.
LabFactor where sDate > than LrFrmDate AND < LrToDate
How do i do this in a query?? i can't join i don't think becasue there isn't a common field....?
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Mar 31, 2007
Hi all
How are you?
I have a small question....
I have a db with 2 tables (Contacts, Products).
Contacts table has 6 columns (CustomerID, CustomerName, Bread, Tea, CD, Pencil)
Products table has 2 columns (ProductID, ProductName).
I want a query that show this result:
Customer NameProduct Name
How can I do that??
Kindly, find attached the data base.
Sorry for bothering you.
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