Using Acsess As A Dual Key Checker

Jan 24, 2006

Hi Guys

Just like to say that I am almost ashamed at how little I know about access, so I guess over the months I will be taking out alot more than I will be putting in! Anyway, I have the following project to do.

Basically it will be necessary to download from an ODBC database on a daily basis, and there will be around 300 products. Each product will be made up of 12 individual fields. What I would like to do is manually key in against these fields from a paper reciept and it will be only shown if the manual input matches what has been downloaded ie Say one of the fields is "Colour", and from the download it says 'Red', therefore if I manually type in any other colour an error message will come up. The basic reasoning behind this is I want access to act as a kind of manual checker from our downloads, with an audit trail of what is being checked. Any typos would be negated as the field would be highlighted, and therefore the inputter can double check any incorrect fields. The current process is done by sight and obviously this means that errors get made as well as no audit on what has been checked.

Anyways thats the theory behind it, can anyone offer me any tips to help me off as I have no idea where to begin! Indeed, is Access suitable for the job? I am presuming that every field will have to have a Vlookup when text is manually keyed in against the download?

Any help is appreciated. Literally any as I am in way over my head!



Sorry for the typo in the heading!

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Tattslotto Number Checker

Mar 19, 2006

Hi All,

I have a database which contains all historical draws from our Tattslotto system here in Australia.

I want to get some comments on the best way to tackle checking two tables as listed below.

tblDrawn_No 'This is the table with drawn tattslotto numbers so only one row per draw
fldDrawn_No_7 'Supplementary number 1
fldDrawn_No_8 'Supplementary number 2

tblTicketNumbers 'This is a table with 24 rows and 6 coloumns, consisting of 6 numbers selected from 1 - 45 for 24 games.
fldRow ' field to describe each row "A - X" on ticket

So I suppose I want to compare the last row of tblDrawn_No, being the current draw with each fldTicketNumber(1-6) game on the ticket of tblTicketNumbers. Sample attached.

I was hoping to display the output on a form somehow?:confused:

Any help would be appreciated.


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Spell Checker Problem

Feb 7, 2008

Hi firstly I want to say I am not a programmer or anything like that, I know enough about Access to get me by with simple things but after that i get a little stuck so please dont baffle me with loads of technical coding terms :D

Ok..I have a database with a form where the users enter a subject and description. I have a spell checker running on these 2 fields which works fine up to a certain point. If the users goes in, adds a new record, tabs off the field, the spell checker runs, etc then it works fine. If the user then creates a new record and it picks up a spelling mistake in the new record it jumps back to the previous record that was created and spell checks that again.

If you close the form and open it again before creating the second record it is fine. Could anyone possible shed any light on the situation? Below is the code that I am using (found it on the internet somewhere)

Private Sub Description_AfterUpdate()
'If the textbox contains data run the
'Spell Checker after data is entered.
If Len(Me!Description & "") > 0 Then
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSpelling
Exit Sub
End If

End Sub

Private Sub Description_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)

End Sub

Private Sub Subject_AfterUpdate()
'If the textbox contains data run the
'Spell Checker after data is entered.
If Len(Me!Subject & "") > 0 Then
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSpelling
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub

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Dual Format Or Input Mask???

Aug 21, 2006


I am creating a database where the serialID can be a number of different 'formats'. TBH, I don't know if this can even be done in the first place, but on the off chance that it can....:p

Firstly, i'm not sure whether to use Input Mask or Format...

But the serial may be '1234567AB', '12345678AB' or '12AB1234AB'.

Or to put another way

'7 numbers 2 letters',

'8 numbers 2 letters'

or '2 numbers, 2 letters, 4 numbers, 2 letters'

I have tried creating a mask such as '00LL0000LL' (can't remember exactly, had some '9's in there too some where...) but just keep hitting a brick wall, whereby it not satisfying all of the types.

Any help much appreciated, Ben

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Dual Table Query In Subform

Nov 7, 2005

I want to do a query on a subform which picks up an ID field on the main form without using this as the connecting master, child key but finds this ID in one of two fields in the full table. My problem is, how to pass this field value from the master form to the query. I would use OpenArgs if I was calling another form, but how would one do this in a subform?

I would be most grateful for any assistance as this problem has been puzzling me for some time

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How To Use DUAL Table In MS Access To Add Rows To Query Result

Dec 2, 2011

How to add my own rows to a query in MsAccess ? I would like to do something like this: Select Name from Table 1 where age > 75 Union Select "Joe" from Dual; Expected Result: If Joe is not found in Table 1 ,then it would be added to the result of the query.How can I do it in MsAccess as it does not use " DUAL" table.

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