Using Append Queries To Move Start Date Contained Within Text Box

Sep 25, 2015

I have a text box named "scheduled_start" on my "JobsF" form.

Now what I'm trying to do is use two append query's to move the start date contained within the text box.

*The first append query will be on the before update and put this date in the "notesT" in the "old_date" field.
*The second append query will be on the After update and put this date in the "notesT" in the "New_date" field.

I'm trying to track date changes and this part of the process isn't working. For a start I don't know how to run the query on an event. I can open the query using 'openquery' but I don't wish to open it. Re query is also an option but the query I made isn't listed when that's selected.

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Rearrange Text Contained In A Mid Function

Oct 7, 2013

I am trying to rearrange text contained in a mid function. my code is:

Private Sub MaterialA_Reportable_Quantity_AfterUpdate()
Dim USDOTlen As Integer

If Me.MaterialA_Reportable_Quantity = False Then
USDOTlen = Len(Me.MaterialA_US_DOT_Description)
Me.MaterialA_US_DOT_Description = Mid(Me.MaterialA_US_DOT_Description, 7, USDOTlen - 6)


How do I rearrange the mid function to do this?

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Forms :: Start And End Date Text Boxes In Search Form?

Nov 7, 2014

I have a pair of captioned text boxes for taking the criteria for the search result. Currently the text boxes are tied with a date field. I would like to give the user's choice of a number of date fields. After some research, I believe option group control fits for this purpose. Unfortunately, I never try this function before.

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How To Automaticaly Move To A New Record On Start

Jun 18, 2005

Can anybody tell me how you automatically move to a new empty record when you open a Form? Till now, I always had the last record displayed.
Thanx for your help


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Queries :: Start Date And End Date Query?

Mar 26, 2013

I've attached a stripped down version of a small order database I'm working on.

A user would enter an order, the amount and the date the order is required by.

As you can see from tbl_seasons, the business has financial periods that match the first and last 6 months of each year. Each season has a start date and end date.

What I'm trying to build are two queries:

1. A query which lists all orders and has an extra field which shows the "season_id" that the order (date) relates to (based one the start date and end date in tbl_seasons)

2. A totals query which shows the total order amounts by season

how I might build these 2 queries.

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Queries :: See All Dates Between Start And End Date

Apr 22, 2013

I'm booking in my hotel booking system the start and enddate of renting a room.

Example: Room 12 is booked from (startdate) 16/05/2013 till (enddate) 19/05/2013.

Now i need a query where i can see all the dates between start and enddate.

Room 12 16/05/2013
Room 12 17/05/2013
Room 12 18/05/2013
Room 12 19/05/2013

This between function i really need.

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Queries :: DSum With Start And End Date

Oct 19, 2013

I am having a query showing customer as client, paid amount as pamount, billingdate, payment date as pdate.

I want to get dsum of pamount specific for each client with date criteria for example if i open query through form mentioning start and end date then the sum must vary as per the date given. the date is "billingdate" as mentioned above.

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Queries :: Adding Estimated Start Date With Days?

Feb 7, 2015

I'm working on a query ("Target Date of Completion") that takes the initial date started (from Step 1 of date started) and adds the EC (Estimated Completion) which is just shown in days. This will give an EST (Estimated Start time) for the next step in date format, which I would need the new column. Also, As you can see, the piece parts all have a different amount of steps, so this calculation would need to know when it's a different part.

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Queries :: Querying Dates Between A Start And End Date Field

Aug 25, 2014

I have a db tracking vacation times for staff. One of the fields tracks a members vacation start and end dates. I need a way to pull a report to see who is on vacation based on Date() (today).

For example:

A record for John Doe has him start vacation 08/19/2014 and end vacation on 8/28/2014. If I wanted a report that shows who is on vacation today, 08/25/2014, using the date() function), how would I do this?

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Using An APPEND Query To Move Records From One Table To Another...

Mar 10, 2008

I have an order system whereby there is a "basket" table and an order detail table.

I want to use an append query to move all the records from the basket table to the order detail table.

However, I also need to mark each record that gets appended to the order detail table with an "Order Id" that has already been saved in an Order table.

I.e. I save the main details of an order into the order table then copy records from the basket table into the order detail table along with an order ID that comes from a form.

The order ID is an autonumber.

Thank you all so much in advance =]

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Modules & VBA :: Import Excel File Into Access And Append A Date To A Field From Unbound Text Box

Aug 22, 2014

I have a form which i use for a user to select an excel file they want to import and then click a cmd button to import the file into a table which works fine, however i want to append a date into a date field from an unbound txtbx before the file is imported so it will look something like;

id;date;excel info;excel info;excel info.

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Queries :: Append Time Onto Short Date

May 14, 2013

I have a totals query that displays the sum of what products we ship each day. A process in the system automatically assigns the date/time to a ShippingDate field when an item is marked as despatched.

The totals query allows users to view what products are shipped between a period specified by the user.

The problem I am getting is that when the user inputs dates into fields [txtStart] and [txtEnd], the query fires up but will not display any records as a start time 00:00:00 and end time 23:59:59 was not input.

I don't want users to have to do this but cannot think of a way around it. My criteria code in the query for the shipping dates is

Between [Forms]![Switchboard]![txtStart] And [Forms]![Switchboard]![txtEnd]

Can I append the start / end time onto the code above somehow or is there another method I can utilise that is probably so glaringly obvious I have missed.

Usually a query allows me manipulate a field property sheet but in this case there is nothing obvious to select like format.

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Queries :: Take A Date From Textbox On A Form Into Append Query

Nov 26, 2013

how do you take a date from a textbox on a form into an Append query and increase the date entered into the textbox by 1 day.This is what I have so far but not working??

MealDate: [Forms]![FrmSwitchBoard]![txtweekend]=DateAdd("d",1,Date())

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Queries :: Append Query - Using Date Range From Separate Table?

May 1, 2013

I have an database that uses a couple of different date ranges, so I created a table that shows the different date ranges that may be required (xReport Dates) so I didn't have to keep manually editing queries or entering dates every time.

I have one query that appends data from one table into another based on a date range that you need to manually enter when prompted; I can't seem to get it to refer to my xReport Dates table for the range.

Its currently set up as below:

INSERT INTO 001_M_Gross_Telesales ( UpdateDate, OMSNumber, MediaRoute, ExecName, SaleType, Name,
[Reporting Campaign], [Reporting Team], [Sales Leader], [Reprting Name], [Media Route2] )
SELECT Max(L_ExecTracker.UpdateDate) AS MaxOfUpdateDate, L_ExecTracker.OMSNumber,
L_ExecTracker.Campaign, L_ExecTracker.ExecName, L_ExecTracker.SaleType, Z_Ref_Agent_Table1.Field23,

[Code] .....

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General :: Deduct Quantities Based On Date - Start From Lowest Date

Sep 9, 2014

I have attached a sample of a database.

Table 1 has all the items I am trying to sell with sell by date after which I cannot sell this item. Then in Table 2 I have forecasted sales. So now I am trying to calculate stock consumption to see if I will be left with any stock that I cannot sell.

So now somehow I need to deduct sales forecast from my stock holding but it needs to go by date i.e. consume all stock for Item 1 with date 16/09 before moving to Item 1 with sale by date 23/09.

So based on the attached example, I can see that on 16/09 I will consume only 5 cases from sell by date 16/09 and another sale is 18/09. So that would give me information that I will be left with 95 items dated 16/09, which I cannot sell because they will be out of date.

Ideally I would like also to include the logic that if Item is out of date it would move to the next sell by date.

So in this case sale of Item 1 forecasted for 18/09 (94) would consume the whole stock (50) with date 23/09 and another 44 from date 01/10

For Item 2 I can see that units with Sell by date 30/09 will be consumed on 25/09 and I will start taking stock from next sell by date which is 14/10.

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Forms :: How To Categorize Quarters Based On Start Date And End Date

Jun 23, 2015

I have a DB with Start Date (, End Date ( and Quarters. We have 4 Quarters (Jan-March, April-June, July-Sep, Oct-Dec) and extra columns of month (xxx) and year (yyyy) too.

The problem is the front end users have access permissions to modify the dates. if they change the start date and end date then they are manually gonna change other fields like quarter, month and year too (Which they don't want). The users don't need to manually update the column values for Quarter, Month and Year

For Example,

If the user modifies Start Date to: 22.05.2014 and End Date to: 24.06.2014 (then the quarter column should be fixed to 2nd quarter and month should be June and year should be 2014).

2nd Example: We need to consider the End Date for classifying the quarters, Month and Year

If the Start Date is: 22.05.2014 and End Date is: 24.12.2014 (then the quarter column should be fixed to 4th quarter and month should be December and year should be 2014).

The solution is when ever the front end user modifies the dates then automatically the quarter, month and year columns need to be changed.

Sample piece of Access data sheet with just 3 examples. Column names Start date, End date, Quarter, Month, Year.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Check For Start Date In Date Range Only Combo Box Value

Jan 22, 2014

I have some code that filters job raised I have 2 text box's txtdatestart and txtenddate after entering. date range between the too text boxs it shows me all job raised with in the period.i have entered what I would like is filter it again by client field using combo box cboclient so if the user enter's client name in cboclient combo box and date range in txtdatestart and txtenddate it will only show jobs raised with in the date range of the client enter in the combo box but if the combo box is empty show.


Private Sub cmdPreview_Click()
'On Error GoTo Err_Handler 'Remove the single quote from start of this line once you have it working.
Dim strReport As String
Dim strDateField As String
Dim strWhere As String
Dim lngView As Long
Const strcJetDate = "#mm/dd/yyyy#" 'Do NOT change it to match your local settings.


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Figuring A Start Date Based On End Date And Hours

Dec 27, 2006

I manage training for a large organization and am able to get a data dump that contains class end dates and class hours. Based off of those two, is it possible to determine a start date (excluding non-business days)?

For example, a 2 day class would be 16 'Hours' with an 'End Date' of Friday the 15th. Is there a formula that would give me Thursday the 14th as a 'Start Date?'

More importantly, if 'Hours' is 80 and the 'End Date' Friday the 15th, would it be able to give me a 'Start Date' of Monday the 4th? Can Access account for holidays?

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Using Dates In Domain Aggregate (end Date - Start Date)

Oct 15, 2007

I need to build an expression: calculate the total number of years worked given the start date and end date.

I put this as the expression in Field: Years Worked: [End Date]-[Start Date]

However, I keep getting #Error in datasheet view.

Can someone help? thank you.

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How To Categorize Quarters Based On Start Date And End Date

Jun 23, 2015

I have a DB with Start Date (, End Date ( and Quarters. We have 4 Quarters (Jan-March, April-June, July-Sep, Oct-Dec) and extra columns of month (xxx) and year (yyyy) too.

The problem is the front end users have access permissions to modify the dates. if they change the start date and end date then they are manually gonna change other fields like quarter, month and year too (Which they don't want). The users don't need to manually update the column values for Quarter, Month and Year

For Example,

If the user modifies Start Date to: 22.05.2014 and End Date to: 24.06.2014 (then the quarter column should be fixed to 2nd quarter and month should be June and year should be 2014).

2nd Example: We need to consider the End Date for classifying the quarters, Month and Year

If the Start Date is: 22.05.2014 and End Date is: 24.12.2014 (then the quarter column should be fixed to 4th quarter and month should be December and year should be 2014).

The solution is when ever the front end user modifies the dates then automatically the quarter, month and year columns need to be changed.

Need sample piece of Access data sheet with just 3 examples. Column names Start date, End date, Quarter, Month, Year.

I will see the logic and will sort it out.

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Subtract Sales From Stock With Oldest Date First And Then Move To Next Date?

Sep 16, 2014

Table 1 has all the items I am trying to sell with sell by date after which I cannot sell this item. Then in Table 2 I have forecasted sales. So now I am trying to calculate stock consumption to see if I will be left with any stock that I cannot sell.

So now somehow I need to deduct sales forecast from my stock holding but it needs to go by date i.e. consume all stock for Item 1 with date 16/09 before moving to Item 1 with sale by date 23/09.

So based on the attached example, I can see that on 16/09 I will consume only 5 cases from sell by date 16/09 and another sale is 18/09. So that would give me information that I will be left with 95 items dated 16/09, which I cannot sell because they will be out of date.

I would like also to include the logic that if Item is out of date it would move to the next sell by date.

So in this case sale of Item 1 forecasted for 18/09 (94) would consume the whole stock (50) with date 23/09 and another 44 from date 01/10.

For Item 2 I can see that units with Sell by date 30/09 will be consumed on 25/09 and I will start taking stock from next sell by date which is 14/10.

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Start Date And End Date In One Prompt Window

Jun 3, 2014

Right now I have this in the query criteria row:

>=[Enter Start Date:] And <=[Enter End Date:]

This makes two prompts pop up one at a time. I was wondering if there was a way to combine both start and end date boxes in one prompt so I can see what dates I decide to type side by side. Is this possible?

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Force Cursor To Start Of Text Box?

May 6, 2005

Is it possible to force the cursor to move to the start of a text box when it gets the focus? (I suppose what I am really asking here is, is it possible to force a 'Home' key event?)

There is a text entry box, which when people put the cursor into it, it sometimes sits part the way in, consequently the operator could end up trying to type in more information than there is available space. I know that education might go along way here, but you just can't teach some people.


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Start And End Date

Apr 20, 2006

How would you make two prompt boxes which ask for the start and end date so you can select all the data between the two dates...

[Start Date?] And [End Date?]

E.g., 01/01/2006 And 07/01/2006
So I can select all the data between that week. I also need to use this for the remaining weeks in January and February. This is really simple...gah. Thanks guys.

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Calculation Between Start Date & End Date

Jul 18, 2005

I have a form which has a start date field & end date field
i have a query that works out how many days from start date to end date that excludes weekends now my boss wants it to exclude any holidays we may have such as bank holidays etc
can any help me with this
i think i need a module and a new table with all the holidays in it
i am right or iam i going crazy?

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Calculate Between End Date And Next Start Date

Dec 20, 2007

I have a table that has the following feilds:

Person Start DateEnd Date
John Smith10/1/20061/14/2007
John Smith2/18/20075/31/2007

What I want to do is calculate the number of months between the 1st end date and the 2nd start date. Any ideas on how to do this?

Thank you in advance for your help with this!

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