Using Forms!FormName!Control Is Null In Criteria

Sep 12, 2007

I learned the criteria on this forum
Forms!FormName!Control or Forms!FormName!Control Is Null

It enables me to leave the text box on a search form blank to return all records. This seems to work but has a very odd behaviour.

In design view, I typed the criteria for 3 fields and saved the query, but when I reopened it, the criteria added 3 NEW COLUMNS and spread over 8 ROWS (as in the image attached.)

The SQL was even unreadable:

SELECT Table1.ID, Table1.FldA, Table1.FldB, Table1.FldC
FROM Table1
WHERE (((Table1.FldA)=[Forms]![Form1]![txtA]) AND ((Table1.FldB)=[Forms]![Form1]![txtB]) AND ((Table1.FldC)=[Forms]![Form1]![txtC])) OR (((Table1.FldB)=[Forms]![Form1]![txtB]) AND ((Table1.FldC)=[Forms]![Form1]![txtC]) AND (([Forms]![Form1]![txtA]) Is Null)) OR (((Table1.FldA)=[Forms]![Form1]![txtA]) AND ((Table1.FldC)=[Forms]![Form1]![txtC]) AND (([Forms]![Form1]![txtB]) Is Null)) OR (((Table1.FldC)=[Forms]![Form1]![txtC]) AND (([Forms]![Form1]![txtA]) Is Null) AND (([Forms]![Form1]![txtB]) Is Null)) OR (((Table1.FldA)=[Forms]![Form1]![txtA]) AND ((Table1.FldB)=[Forms]![Form1]![txtB]) AND (([Forms]![Form1]![txtC]) Is Null)) OR (((Table1.FldB)=[Forms]![Form1]![txtB]) AND (([Forms]![Form1]![txtA]) Is Null) AND (([Forms]![Form1]![txtC]) Is Null)) OR (((Table1.FldA)=[Forms]![Form1]![txtA]) AND (([Forms]![Form1]![txtB]) Is Null) AND (([Forms]![Form1]![txtC]) Is Null)) OR ((([Forms]![Form1]![txtA]) Is Null) AND (([Forms]![Form1]![txtB]) Is Null) AND (([Forms]![Form1]![txtC]) Is Null));

I don't know how to add the criteria for the 4th field.

Can someone help?


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Forms :: IS NOT NULL Not Working In Control Validation Rule

Apr 15, 2014

I am using Access 2010 on Windows 7 (64-bit).

I have create a table clients that contains multiple column i.e. Id, First Name, Last Name, Starting Date, Company , while defining the table I did not mark REQUIRED property of any column

I have created a form based on this table "CLIENTS",

I create the company as combo box and taking the list from COMPANIES.ID

I put the validation rule as IS NOT NULL and put validating text Select Company from list.

If I marked REQUIRED property of this column in table definition as YES then it displays system generated message with tablename.controlname, while i want to display my own message.

But when i input the data and leave the Company column blank the validation is not executed.

There are three columns in the form on which I want to apply the same validation.

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Forms :: Criteria For Text Box With Control Source?

Mar 19, 2013

My form is based on a table (SOP TBL) and has several text boxes with control sources of the records in the table. I need to add a criteria to one field (SOP Number) so that only current versions of the number show up. I have the SQL for a query that I use in another form for a combo box as shown below. What this criteria does is find the version number which is the last 2 digits of the SOP Number and displays only that record for the SOP Number in the combo box. How can I apply this code to the text box with the control source directly from the table so only the current records are displayed on the form?

In (select max([SOP Number]) from [SOP TBL] group by left([SOP Number], len([SOP Number]) - 2))

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Accessing A Form By Formname?

Dec 1, 2005

I currently am trying to do this:

dim a as form

a = me.form

I get the following error: "Invalid use of property"

Is there a function that lets you select a form using its name.
eg: makeactiveform("NameOftheForm")

Or alternatively if there is a function that gets the activeform. (it's for use in a module)

I you can help me Thank you!

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Forms :: Passing Criteria To Query From Option Group Control

Feb 2, 2014

I need to pass a criteria to a query from my option group control to my query.

It contains three options 1,2 and 3.

If option 3 then Pricing Type 1 and 2

How do I make the code below working?

IIf([Forms]![FrmUserSelection]![PricingType] Like 3,([dbo_AGPricingDiscounts].[PricingType])="2" Or ([dbo_AGPricingDiscounts].[PricingType])="1",",[Forms]![FrmUserSelection]![PricingType]")

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Forms :: Access 2010 - Set Calendar Control As Criteria For Date In VBA Query?

Aug 6, 2013

I need to set calendar control as criteria for date in VBA query. I cannot find Calendar control in ActiveX tools in Acc 2010. Where is it?

Date picker seams like very slick and simple solution but I can see it only in database. As it might be solution to my problem, can date picker be used on a form as criteria for VBA query?

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Forms :: Access 2007 - Binding Control To Form RecordSource With Criteria?

Nov 12, 2013

I have a form with a (large) number of controls which acts as a kind of read-only dashboard of data. The data is split across a number of tables (4, for now, but may grow) I've created a query which amalgamates all of the data from the tables into a single dataset and set that as the RecordSource (Snapshot) of the form. I now want to bind each of the controls to a particular field returned by that query.

However - I have a combobox (same form) which allows users to select a date and I need the controls to update with the relevant data for that date whenever the combobox is changed. The query already returns values for each field over a range of dates so the data is available within the form's RecordSource - I just don't know how to include the date criteria, as specified by the combobox, when binding each individual control?

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Combo Criteria If Not Null Or Is Null

Apr 3, 2008

I am having problems with setting up a set of combo boxes.

What I am trying to do is if combo Productline is empty then in combo PartNumber would show all products but if combo Productline has a value selected then in the combo partnumber would only be able to select the partnumbers in that productline.

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Field Criteria: Is Null; There Are Null Values In That Field; No Records Are Returned

Nov 16, 2007

I think the title pretty much sums it up....

I have a query where data is first sorted by user input; first field's criteria: [fieldname], then by another field's criteria: Is Null.

I know there are records containing null values in the second field, as I have run a select query with the criteria: Like "*", to make sure they are null, and not zero-length-strings.

The query is refusing to return any results...

Any ideas?

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Query- Assuming Wildcard If Control Is Null

Jul 12, 2006

I'm making a query which is used to generate a report. Anyways, I've ran into a problem. The query is based on some controls in a form, but what I would like to do is that if a control was null then a field in the query should be assumed to be a wildcard for the criteria, otherwise the data in the control should be used in the criteria of the query. Does anyone have any ideas if this could be done?


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Date Criteria As NULL

Aug 16, 2006

I have a form with two controls: DateFrom & DateToI want to filter based on those criteria but when the criteria is ommitted (NULL) I want to display all.In case of other controls I have an SQL as follows:... WHERE (tblClassesOffered.Course = Forms!frmClassReport.class Or Forms!frmClassReport.class Is Null)But with the dates controls the best I could come up with is:...Between IIf(IsNull([Forms]![frmClassReport].[DateFrom]),#1/1/1900#,[Forms]![frmClassReport].[DateFrom]) And IIf(IsNull([Forms]![frmClassReport].[DateTo]),#1/1/3000#,[Forms]![frmClassReport].[DateTo]) Or Is NullHowever that solution is kind of ugly becasue instead of wild cards (I couldn't make them work) I'm using those made up dates and I also wish not to use the IIF if possible (like the first statement).

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Modules & VBA :: Multi Criteria - Checking For A Value To Be Null

Oct 16, 2014

Me.Text11 = Nz(DAvg("[final whse-in diff]", "dbo_inventory", "[CAFETYPE]=" & Me.Text7 And "isnull(me.[DATE FIXED])=" & True And "isnull(me.DATE_IN)=" & True), 0)

I am getting a type mismatch error with this.

My question is:
1. is the syntax correct....
2. Is my way of checking for a value to be null correct....

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Queries :: DLookup Command And Evaluate Return Value For Null To Be Used To Control Program Flow

Apr 6, 2015

I have a search from that has an option group, text fields, and a checkbox where the users selects a variety of option that generates a query. If the query return at least on record a split form (form on top/datasheet on bottom) is displayed and the form has an Edit and Close button. If the query returns no records the form is still displayed except the buttons are not visible.

If I knew the result of the query and then made a decision whether to open the form or release control back to the search box that would be great. To open the form I am using VBA with the DoCmd.OpenForm(,,"MyQuery","criteria") command.I thought about using the DLookup command and evaluate the return value for null to be used to control the program flow.

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Queries :: Field Criteria - Cannot Get Blank (Not Null) Records

May 15, 2013

All. Using access 2010. I have a query that returns 92 records. When I put in the criteria for one field to leave out records with “approved” which totals to 9 records, the query only returns 10 records. It is not returning the records that are blank(not null) for that field. I want those records. Why is this happening and how can I get the blanks for this query?

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Queries :: Parameter Value Prompt In Query Using (Like Or Is Null) Criteria

Mar 29, 2015

I had an issue with writing LIKE statements in query criteria yesterday [URL]....

The answer they gave worked perfectly when I only used a single table in the query. But as soon as I did an INNER JOIN with two other tables, now I get parameter value prompts when I open frmSearch, and instead of seeing ALL my records when the controls are left null, I get only the first record in the table.

Here's the SQL of the query, can you point out what I messed up? NOTE that this SQL was 'written' by Access.. as I used the Query builder to set all the 'Like or Is Null' statements, then clicked SQL and sorta formatted the code so I can see what I'm looking at (instead of superthick wall-o-code):

SELECT, tblPeople.num
FROM (tblPeople INNER JOIN tblAddresses ON =


Basically, this is a searchable database of participants in a pet-adoption program, along with the participants' pets history and address history (hence the linked tables as opposed to additional columns in one single table for pets and addresses... there are more than one in some cases). The frmSearch allows a person to run quick searches based upon ANY item in the database, such as name, pets, addresses, pet age, pet type, county of residence, etc. I need to be able to pick ANY field on frmSearch and type a value, and have the qrySearch return records for ANY record's related column wherein any part of it matches what I typed.

The statements as written worked PERFECTLY right up until I added the INNER JOIN. Now I get a set of parameter value prompts for every field on frmSearch that's referenced in the SQL for EACH table I linked to tblPeople, and if I leave everything null and click Search, I want to see EVERY person, but I'm only seeing the very FIRST person in tblPeople.

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Query Not Returning Records When Criteria Set To Is Not Null Or Date Range

Feb 20, 2013

I have what I think is a simple query returning the names of students that have been dismissed since September 2012 using a "WithdrawnDate" field. The query pulls a lot of information from other related tables (about 6 different ones), and has two expressions.

When the criteria is set to either "Is Not Null" or a date range (which is all I need), it does not return the complete set of records based on the data that fits the criteria in the main table?

Could there be some sort of join preventing all records from being returned?

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Using A Tab Control As Query Criteria...

Nov 1, 2006


I'm trying to build a query criteria for a tab control with three different tabs. They are all using the same subform in each page. I want to be able to set the criteria for one specific field to the current tab control page that is selected. Does anyone know how to do this? I wasn't able to find it on the forums...

Thanks a bunch!

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Different Criteria For The Same Control Source

Dec 5, 2007

Hi all. Been away for some time due to the necessity of working two full-time jobs and maintaining house and family. I'm now back to one job and have a bit of time on my hands so I'm making a little db for myself.

I keep going to the video store and renting movies that I already have so I decided to input them into a db and play with it to resharpen my dull skills.

Very small and simple. I have a query that's fed by two tables. This is what I want to feed one form that will display in datasheet view when a selection is made from a cbo on another form. Not a problem. What I want to do is have the one query and one form for two or more cbo controls, each passing a different criteria. For example, in cboGenre when Action is chosen, the datasheet view shows all the movies with that genre. Then when another is chosen, it requeries with those (the requerying part isn't a problem). Then, when PG-13 is chosen from cboRating, the datasheet shows all the movies with that rating.

I can do this when it comes to passing where conditions when opening a report, but a report isn't really the cleanest way to go.

Hope everyone has had a great year (at least as long as I've been here) and look forward to your responses and also browsing the information here again.


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Toggle Button To Control Criteria?

Jul 25, 2013

I have form with a number of of combo boxes that filter a query that populates a list box. It's used to track inventory. I want to add a toggle button that when press will filter my query so that it shows only items with a value > 0 in the quantity field. And when not pressed it won't filter by that field at all.

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Forms :: Invalid Control Property - Control Source

Sep 24, 2013

I added a new field to one of my tables and query, but when I try to add a control for that field into my form it is not recognising it and the field isn't appearing in the sources for the form, even though the table is sourced to the form? Or am I going to have to do the usual and redo the entire form because I made a minor adjustment?

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Forms :: Web Browser Control Inside A Tab Control Display

Jun 18, 2014

I have a form with a tab control, inside the tab control I placed an ActiveX control (Microsoft Web Browser). These are at the bottom of the form.

Everything displays fine if the entire form fit on the screen but if the form is too long and I scroll down the browser control is getting obscured by the tab control and getting chopped off (the contents are covered). It is as if the browser control is staying in space where it was and moving behind the tab control as I scroll.

This problem does not occur if I place the browser control directly on the form. Also I note that the browser control is sitting correctly within the tab control.

I have been through all the settings and properties of both controls and haven't been able to fix it. I searched all over the web but no one has previously stumbled across this one by the look of it.

See the attached image ...

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No Data Returned With Criteria From Calendar Control

Mar 9, 2006

Hi All. I have a query that is based on 1 table. I am using a form with a calendar control for the users to select the date range. In my table the date format is mm/dd/yyyy. My calendar control is pulling the date format mm/dd/yyyy I need my query to only look at the mm/dd part of the field. In my criteria field inc_date I have Between [Forms]![frm_LookUpEnquiry]![txtSelectDate] And [Forms]![frm_LookUpEnquiry]![txtDate2] I have tried the datepart but Im not sure I am doing it right. Basicly Im not sure how to parse out the date to only look at the mm/dd. Or would this be better done in a SQL query Any Idea's for this would be very appreciated. Im kinda in a bind on this one and its the last thing I have to do to finish this database.

Thanks for all you assitance in advance

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Reports :: Give Control A Unique Criteria

Apr 15, 2015

I have a report that is filtered like Year_ = "2014/15".

Say for example on this report it contains two text boxes:

Text box 1 has a control source of "March_T"
Text box 2 has a control source of "Aprril_T"

How can I make text box 1 be filtered by Year_ = "2014/15" and text box 2 be filtered by Year_ = "2015/16"?

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Modules & VBA :: Using Form Control Value To Determine Query Criteria

Jan 26, 2014

I'm working on a report called Open Orders and when the database loads, it takes you to a Navigation Form. You make some selections mostly from combo boxes, then click run report which runs a query then launches the report.

I want the user to be able to click a check box called "Ready Only". If the checkbox = True, then I would like the field "Ready Pieces" in the query to have the criteria ">0". If the checkbox = false, I want that field to show all values (*).

I have no problem setting the criteria of a query field to equal that of a combo box value (Warehouse Like ([Forms]![Process Form]![Warehouse] & "*") but have problems when the criteria isn't the exact same as the value of the control.

Things I have tried to no avail: Putting a Iif statement in the query criteria: gives an error that criteria is too complex Creating an invisible text box whose value is determined by the checkbox to ">0" or "" then basing the Ready Pieces criteria equal to this....doesn't work Trying to use the DoCmd.RunSQL with my SQL code that changes via VBA when the checkbox is changed...Get an error and the SQL doesn't run

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Queries :: Formatting A Text Box Control For Use In Query Criteria?

Dec 11, 2013

I have a totals query that provides an avg for each month. i'd like to be able to use a text box control (named "Date") on a form (named "Report Runner") to show only a certain month and it's avg.

I tried using this as criteria on the "MonthGroupPMC" field:

Format([Forms]![Report Runner]![Date], "yyyy-mm")

but the results came up blank.

how can i filter the results of this query to show only one month, specified by the [Forms]![Report Runner]![Date] control?

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Queries :: Criteria Referencing Control On Form Not Working

Oct 10, 2013

I have a form (named frmAddSession) with a combo box (named Band_Name) and lets say i have it displaying the band "Band A"

I have a query where the criteria is [Forms]![frmAddSession]![Band_Name]. when i run the query the results are blank. but if i type ="Band A" it works just fine.

why won't my reference to the combo box on the form work?

In a series of deductions to try and figure this out, my form only has the one combo box, and my query is based on only one table and only has the one field.

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