Using Minutes & Seconds Not ShortTime

Aug 30, 2006

I am what you would consider an extreme newcommer to Access. I used to use FileMaker as my database app. I have a bunch of data in an excel workbook that now needs to be converted to DB and I want to use Access.

I have the form set up and I have a bunch of time fields entered in minutes and seconds. They show up as 12:05:32 AM. I want this to display only as minutes and seconds (5:32) drop the hours and am. Is there a mask I can use or how would I approach this?

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Minutes And Seconds

Dec 6, 2004

Here's one that I'm having difficulty on. I know just enough about code to completely confuse myself, so if you answer this, please explain in detail. I have a training database, in which a portion of it stores the scores of events of a physical fitness test. Part of this test is a times 3 mile run. I need to calculate a point value for the submitted time, but here's my dilema...If I use the time/date feature it accepts the input as hh:mm, and will not let a time of more than 24 minutes be entered, since it sees this as 2400, or midnight in military time. I need the data to be inputed as mm:ss, and I have another text box that accepts this info and converts it to a point value. I would appreciate any help you could provide. Thanks in advance.


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Adding Minutes And Seconds In Access

Jan 5, 2005

I am writing an Access program to compile Cell phone billing information for my company that has around 60 phones. I am entering the detail information and reporting on it. The problem I am having is with the minutes and seconds calculations. For instance employee A might have accumulated 630:59 minutes for the current month and employee B might have 250:12 minutes (Mins Secs) for the current month and so on. I want to be able to enter these amounts in a feild and then be able to sum them. Can you tell me how to format the field that the detail minutes will be entered into. I have been looking on the net for hours for a solution.
Also I want the sumation to be formated in minutes not hours. Example


Would = 1171:11 If this is possible, what would be the field data type and format.


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Field Storing/showing Minutes And Seconds Only?

Jan 5, 2005

ok.. i am storing CD info in a database, including track lengths, these are obviously in minutes and seconds.. I cant use short time because that is hours and minutes, which means any track longer than 24 minutes doesnt work.. i cant simply use text with an input mask because i want to be able to calculate the total length of the CD by adding the track lengths together.. if i use Long Time it also shows hours, which will confuse the user, and create more scope for errors.. any suggestions? I hope I am making sense here.. thanks for any suggestions :D

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Reports :: Average Of Time In Minutes And Seconds

Feb 7, 2014

Basically, I get daily reports from the client and the AHT and ACW values come in seconds. I've recently added code to the query changing the data to nn:ss which works perfectly. Below is some info:

[Calls] (number of calls answered)
[AHT] (in seconds)
[ACW] (in seconds)

[Code] ....

The above code works very well, where I'm stuck is in the attempt to average the fields [AHTMinSec] & [ACWMinSec] by Agent in a report.

Using [AHTMinSec] as an example:

I have the daily values for each agent [AHTMinSec] in the detail, Avg([AHTMinSec]) in the Agent group footer showing each agent's average, Avg([AHTMinSec]) in the Team group footer showing team averages and Avg([AHTMinSec]) in the report footer showing the campaign average including all teams. When I run the report the details are hidden providing each agent's average, the team average, and the campaign average.

The report worked just fine until I converted to minutes with the above code. Is there a reason that I'm getting an error stating that the calculation is too complex? I've done enough research to determine that the db can't Sum in order to average...

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Forms :: Auto Refreshing Form Every X Seconds / Minutes?

Oct 8, 2014

One of the directors of the company I work for would like to have a large screen display the current status of jobs that my database stores. To cut a long story short the table he is interested in is called tblJobsLogging and is updated manually by our laboratory on a regular basis as jobs are completed using a form linked to a query in turn linked to that table.

Think fast food chain order monitor. He wants to be able to look up from his desk and see the progress directly in front of him at any point.

Is there any way that I can have an access form displaying these records in a datasheet view which continuously refreshes every X seconds / minutes or updates as a record is updated in the underlying table?

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Calender ActiveX Control Display Also Hours, Minutes And Seconds

Jul 22, 2007

I am using the calender control 11.0. By this calender I can only set the date year, month and day. I can not set the clock time:Hours, minutes and seconds. Is there a calender that enables me to set the date in the format:dd-mm-yyyy HH:MM:SS, means day,month,year Hour:Minutes:Seconds.


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Converting Minutes From A Query To Hours:Minutes On A Report

Jun 12, 2013

Basically I have a table setup where Time Fields are stored. What I need to do is in a Query, have the difference of two Time Fields calculated, and then displayed on a Report. Here's what I have so far...


- Start Time
- End Time


Difference Time: DateDiff("n",[Start Time],[End Time])

All that works fine and shows up on the report, except for the fact that the time is showed in straight minutes, so for a difference of 1:30 minutes, it just shows 90 minutes. I need to make it so that on the report in the Difference Time Text Box, it's showed as 1:30 instead of 90.

I tried putting the following in the Control Source for the Difference Time Text Box on the report, but it returns an error.

=[Difference Time] 60 & Format([Difference Time] Mod 60, ":00")

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Convert Hours & Minutes To Minutes

Jan 22, 2008

How can I convert hours and minutes to minutes as an Integer?

For example, convert 2:15 to 135.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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Convert Hh:mm:ss To Seconds

Jun 1, 2005


This is my 1st post so please be gentle

I am running an Access Database for a large uk companys call centre.. I use many diffrent systems which allow me to show our centres productivity...

I have hit a wall

When i first developed the DB i used the time formatting hh:mm:ss but later down the line i found if you *the time by 86400 it converts the hh:mm:ss into a workable seconds format....

One of my old extracts that i feedinto the DB are in the old format therefor i do this calculation within an access query which *the time by 86400

however i have found an probelm.. if the time is over 24hrs it seems to double the time there or there abouts in seeconds


01/01/1900 01:42:00 which is basically 25 hrs should be around 92520 seconds

when is do this calculation in an access query it is coming out 178920 all the other times are correct so this rules out how i link 2 querys ....

any ideas???

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How To Delay The Processing For Seconds

Aug 1, 2007

Is there any function to delay the system processing for a number of seconds.

For the time being I am do it indirectly by using loops, however, it is un proper way, as it is not scalable.

Also I dont want to use the timer control.


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Calculating Split Seconds

Feb 2, 2008


I have an Access application that calculates elapsed time to the second. It works fine with a format of hh:nn:ss and input mask 00:00:00. Now the requirement has changed and I am required to do these calculations to the tenth of a second. As far as I can see Access doesn't accommodate split seconds. I realize I could put the split second time into another integer field but this makes calculations complex.

Can anyone help me here?



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MMMM:SS Conversion To Seconds

Mar 12, 2008

Hi can someone please guide me into getting this right in a query. I have searched, but all of the solutions I have seen are HH:MM:SS.

I need to convert MMMM:ss to seconds. My pitiful attempts.

Is 5 the limit of characters and starting from 2 from the right?


e.g. 19340 = 11620 seconds.

Thanks in advance.:)


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Convert Short Time To A Number (seconds)

Feb 26, 2006

This must have been answered before, but I can't find it by searching so sorry for the dumb question.

I input a time in hours and minutes in a field with a Short Time format. I would like then to convert this to seconds in a field with a number format so that I can total the seconds and then add them to the results of a calculated DateDiff control to get the grand total of time spent on a project.

Any help would be gratefully received.



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Modules & VBA :: Refresh Code After Every 10 Seconds Automatically

Feb 26, 2015

I want to call commandbutton1,2,3 after every 10 seconds automatically but following code doesn't do that.

Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
'Update the Barcodes printed today
Call CommandButton1_Click
'Update batches to be scanned / batches scanned today
Call CommandButton3_Click
'Update files batched and counted today
Call CommandButton2_Click
Application.OnTime Now + TimeValue("00:00:00"), "GoToSub"
End Sub


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Military Time Format Need To Include Seconds?

Mar 19, 2015

I am currently working on a database where my source data has the times in military format which includes the seconds; 18:45:30. All my time fields are set to data/time and format is Short Time. The Short Time format gives me military time but only down to the minute. I need to include the seconds into my time fields. I tried creating an input mask but it converts it to standard time.

how I can show military time down to the seconds as in my example above?

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Auto Refresh Opened Report Every X Seconds

Jun 26, 2013

I am working on making a DB to use as a production schedule. tblBuilds holds a list of builds. I have several reports to show this list with different filters. One such report is rptBuildsToday. This report will be open on the production warehouse computer and displayed on a huge screen all day every day.

Is it possible to make it so this report auto runs again every so often? When new builds are added to tblBuilds, or if a record on the table has its date changed to "today", It would be nice to have the report reflect this change within a certain time without having to manually refresh the report. The people looking at the screen will be doing so from their work benches and nowhere near the computer that has it opened.

If this is indeed possible, could the proposed method also work on a report or form inside the tab of a navigation control?

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2 Minutes Of Your Time Please

Mar 1, 2007

Hello all,

This forum has been a lifesaver in the past and I hope someone can help me now.

I have a Contacts form that is used to input all the client's information. (name, date of birth, address etc).

I want to be able to force the person entering the data to not be allowed to tab to the 2nd text box (or any other text box on the page) unless in the first text box data has been entered (the first text box is client name)

However, I also need to be able to overide this if the person entering the data clicks on a "Cancel" button (another button on the page which closes the form).

Is this possible and if it is any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you in advance,


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Converting Minutes

Oct 12, 2004

I have time sheets from the past I need to enter but have found that some years the time punch minutes are given as if an hour equals 100 minutes not 60. Other years the minutes are given correctly. How do I format this field so that if I type 3.75 it will convert to 3.45 hours? Will I have to add another field to enter this and then convert to my field where hours and minutes are correctly entered? :confused:

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5 Minutes Interval

Apr 20, 2006

I have a query that shows a list from GPS software (car fleet management), unfortunately the software is not capable of doing a decent reports thus I'm trying to use its data and do it myself.

The table structure is as follow:

Car, Date, Time, Position.

The time interval I have now is 1 minute (short time format), I don't need it so detailed, that's why I was thinking to limit this into 5 minutes interval.

Is it possible?

Thanks for any suggestions.

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Adding Minutes To A Time

Apr 20, 2006


If I have a time like 22:00 and I want to add lets say 300 minutes to it; so it now shows 03:00 how do I do this? I can do it in Excel alright with the TIME function but cannot find a similar feature in Access


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Day/Hour/Minutes Query

Nov 16, 2005

Can anyone tell me if there is a way of displaying a number, which represents the number of minutes of elapsed time, into the format days:hours:minutes elsapsed?

For instance the number (in minutes) 1530 would display as = 01:01:30. 1 day, 1 hour & 30 minutes of elapsed time.

Any help would be appreciated.


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Datediff Minutes And Hours

Feb 3, 2006

I would like to calculate the time difference between two dates, what ive got so far is

TimeSpent: DateDiff("n",[datein],[dateout])

This calculates the minutes between two dates, Can you format this so that it calculates hours. minutes for example 124 minutes would be 2.04?

I thought using "h/n" might work but it hasnt

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Same Query Takes 1 Sec Or 5 Minutes!

Jan 31, 2007

I am truly stumped. I have a query that sometimes takes less than 1 second to run, and sometimes takes close to 5 minutes. I am making NO changes to the query. I first thought it was a network issue, so I moved the whole db, both front-end and back-end, offline. No change. So I thought maybe it was a linked table issue, so I moved all the tables used by the query to the front end. No change. Every once in a while, the query runs at lightning speed, less than 1 second. Most of the time, it takes 3-4 minutes, or longer.

Here's the SQL:
SELECT PCAInternalPareto1a.row, PCAInternalPareto1a.column, PCAInternalPareto1a.Noun, PCAInternalPareto1a.Rev, PCAInternalPareto1a.InspPoint, PCAInternalPareto1a.cell, PCAInternalPareto1a.DefectType, CLng(nz([firstofTruncatedOpSeq],0)) AS ZOpseq, Sum(PCAInternalPareto1a.DefectQty) AS SumOfDefectQty, PCAInternalPareto1a.poo, PCAInternalPareto1a.repcode
FROM PCAInternalPareto1a LEFT JOIN BOMOutRefDesOnly ON (PCAInternalPareto1a.RefDes = BOMOutRefDesOnly.RefDesOnly) AND (PCAInternalPareto1a.partno = BOMOutRefDesOnly.PCAItemNo)
WHERE (((nz([FirstOfComponentItemNo],0)) Like "*"))
GROUP BY PCAInternalPareto1a.row, PCAInternalPareto1a.column, PCAInternalPareto1a.Noun, PCAInternalPareto1a.Rev, PCAInternalPareto1a.InspPoint, PCAInternalPareto1a.cell, PCAInternalPareto1a.DefectType, CLng(nz([firstofTruncatedOpSeq],0)), PCAInternalPareto1a.poo, PCAInternalPareto1a.repcode;

PCAINternalPareto1a is itself a query, which always runs fast. BOMOutRefDesOnly is a table with about 84,000 records. I have indexes on the joined fields.

I know the where statement looks useless but I have my reasons for doing it this way. I tried deleting the where statement and it ran really fast. Then I re-added it, and it still ran really fast. THen slow again. I can't find any relationship between anything I've tried and the speed of the query!!!! What's going on??????

Access 2002

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Graphs With Minutes Along The Bottom

May 19, 2005

I have some machine data to display showing running speeds. This is logged every minute when the machine is running but not when stopped.

how do I display a bar graph with a timescale along the bottom of minutes showing gaps when the mchine is down. :confused:

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Convert Time Into Minutes Value

Mar 31, 2008

Hope some one can help I have a field with a time value in it in the format:

08:30 (this is a date/time field) what I would like to do is convert this value in a query to minutes.


08:30 (8 hours 30 minutes) convertes to 510 minutes. any pointers. Thanks.

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