Using Table Data Query For Entry Validation Rule

Aug 15, 2007

I'm new to access so I thought this would be easier than it is. I have a list of cities in a simple table . I want use this list (or a query of it) to create a validation rule for a field in a second table "City". How, either with VBA or some other method do I use the Cities database to validate entry. These tables are both in the same project.

Any help is appreciated.

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Data Entry Validation Rule In Form

Dec 7, 2012

What I have:
Table named: clients table
Form named: clients data form

The form has the client information. The client sends me a document. I review the document. If the document has the correct info needed, then I have a field named "Incomplete" that is a Yes/No field in the clients table.If the field is clicked, then I want the next date field to appear and then I can fill in the date that it was sent back to them.If the field "incomplete" field is not checked, then I don't want that date field to appear nor do I want to fill it out.

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Validation Rule Based On Data In Table

Mar 8, 2005


Does anyone know if its possible to base a validation rule on the data that is already in the field in a table?

e.g. there are 10 records in a table each with an ID number starting at 1 and going up to 10. When new record added i need a validation rule that will prompt the user to enter a number greater than the previous number entered for the ID.

so they will not be able to enter 1 - 10.

hope thats clear


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Validation Rule By Relating Data With Table

Dec 18, 2013

I have tried several ways to validate my data with existing table I've developed.

Actually, I want the access to validate the data (Cellphone number) I've entered in the textbox by looking it in the existing table. So, if the data is there in the table, the message will pop up such as.. "Please continue". But if not, the message should be "this number was not registered yet.." and the textbox will be empty and ready for the new number...

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Data Validation Rule Help

Feb 15, 2008

I am an absolute beginner and urgently need help with a validation rule. I need to know how to set a rule to set a minimum and maximum length for a text field record. I want minimum to be 4 and maximum to be 15 (I know I can set a max field size and set to not null but not sure how to make a minimum validation rule.
I am a teacher (not ICT!) having to cover for a sick colleague and students have asked me how to do this and although I am working my way through many of the great learning resources you link to here I have not yet worked out how to do this.
Would really appreciate any help you can give me so I can do my best by the kids.

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Validation Rule - Table

Jan 29, 2005

I have field (SupplierID) set as Text and the field limited to 5.

I want the users to enter the first three digits as text e.g "ABC" and the last 2 digits as numerics e.g "01", thus the input would be "ABC01", I can validate it to 5 digits but cannot get the validation working on the numerics, e.g users can enter "ABCDE", Am i correct in thinking its because my field is set as text ?, is there a simple way to do this, thankyou.

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Validation Rule On Field In A Table

Apr 10, 2007


I have a form which people fill in (made up of fields from Table1) to record when sick days.

On the form, they have to enter the "week commencing" (which is set at Medium Date format); then they have to enter in a first day (which is set at Short Date format).

The First Day should be no more than 7 days from the date that they enter in the Week commencing field on the form.

I want an error message to pop up if they do this, for example:

Week commencing: 1st April 2007
First Day: 10th April 2007

(because the 10th April 2007 is more than 7 days from the 1st April). But it would be ok if they did this:

Week commencing: 1st April 2007
First Day: 8th April 2007




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Validation Rule In Table For A Field

Mar 5, 2012

This is pretty simple but I need to place a validation rule in my table for a field so that users can only enter data that starts with APB. What would the rule be?

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Table Validation Rule Doesn't Work...

Jan 28, 2005

Hello, all.

I have a table that contains a field (list) for categories [Inquiry Type], and a field that tracks category of any follow-ups [FU Inquiry Type].

The rule is: If [Inquiry Type]="F", than [FU Inquiry Type] Is not null.

For some reason, when I'm entering data, the validation rule does not take any effect....does not notice when [FU Inquiry Type] - which is also a list box - remains empty when [Inquiry Type] is an F.

I have entered the rule this way in the table property validation rule field:

(([Inquiry Type]="F" AND [FU Inquiry Type] Is Not Null) OR ([FU Inquiry Type] Is Null)

I already have data in this table, but have ensured that it conforms to the above rule. Can anyone help?

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Table Validation Rule - Field Accepts Only A-Z

Feb 9, 2006

I am wanting a text field in a table to accept only chars A - Z

In my validation rule I use

Like "a" Or "b" Or "c" Or "d" Or "e" Or "f" Or "g" Or "h" Or "i" Or "j" Or "k" Or "l" Or "m" Or "n" Or "o" Or "p" Or "q" Or "r" Or "s" Or "t" Or "u" Or "v" Or "w" Or "x" Or "y" Or "z"

Which works :D

Then validation text I use

Enter Alphabetical Letters only

Also works :D

Is there any short way to write Like A.....thorugh to Z without the long statement?

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Tables :: Table Validation Rule - IIF Statement

Feb 27, 2014

I cant figure out a fairly simple IIF statement I need for a table validation rule. I'll try to explain:

I have 2 fields in a table that are controlled through a form, which sets the fields either true (-1) or false (0). Lets call them Field1 and Field2. These fields need a validation rule which is dependent on FieldX and FieldY.

When FieldX = FieldY, I need Field1 to be either 0 or -1

if Field1 is 0 -> Field2 is -1 and the other way around.

if FieldX <> FieldY -> Field1 = 0 and Field2 = 0

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Help With Validation Rule In A Query

Aug 13, 2006

I’m trying to do something which should be very simple, I’ve added a new field to a table, but for some reason it won’t update the field when using the form. It’s quite a complex form and my Access abilities are limited so I would rather not create the form from scratch.

I’m trying to create a query that displays only entry’s which contain my new field. However since I have the above problem it doesn’t seem possible.
One way I see around this would be to create a rule in my query where only records were shown when the fields “price” divided by “number_of_players” = 12.5
Can someone please tell me how to write this validation into a query?

Many Thanks

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Validation Rule Query And Question

Apr 11, 2008

just woundering wheather you can enter a rule in textbox properties to check the data entered is equal to any of the data in a field in a select table.

Is this possible? If so can you give me an example how?

the table i will be check is "deliveries" and the field will be "driver code no"

i know its possible in vb but im not after that.

hope you can help


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Queries :: Append Query Validation Rule Violations

Jul 31, 2013

I'm trying to create an Append Query in Microsoft Access to add some data from one table into another table. I checked all of the properties and fields to make sure there are no validations. I have allowed zero length, and have tested the validation rules under the tools section of the design tab on both of the tables. When I run the Append Query, I still get an error that says 0 records added due to validation rule violations.

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Access Validation Rules To Ensure Accurate Data Entry

Jun 2, 2013

I have input boxes in access form. I want to limit entry of * in one of the input fields named "Name" anyway If * is found anywhere in anyform of data entry then it should show warning.

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Require Field Entry To Be One Of Entries In A Table? Validation?)

Oct 29, 2004

I am using Access 2002 database with ASP.NET(VB). I usually try to get something working in the access 2002 GUI 1st and I am having trouble with creating the code to require that a field entry be forced to be another exisiting entry in another table. For Example:

UNIT_TABLE has fields UNIT_ID(key), and UNIT_NAME having values of:
1 Tigers
2 Bears
3 Sparrows


I want the ATTACKER_MAIN and DEFENDER_MAIN choices to ONLY be members from UNIT_TABLE.UNIT_NAME

I set up a combobox and lookup in BATTLES_TABLE as follows:

this OFFERS the CHOICE of any of the 3 clans (ie Tigers, Bears, Sparrows)

but I cannot not FORCE the USE of these....because the end user can option to enter in anything else.(which is not wanted).

How do I add SQL to the LOOKUP such that... the user can ONLY choose to enter text that EXACTLY matches an Already existing entry in the UNIT_NAME field?

I tried to enter a validation rule:

I get an error that the field 'UNIT_TABLE.UNIT_NAME' does not exist.

Thanks for any help with this validation problem.

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Validation Rule

Nov 22, 2005

Hey I have a little problem, I have this assignment for school to make a simple database, I did all that but there's one little thing I can't seem to find.
I have to limit a Field's length to 15, but not through Field Size but thanks to a validation rule, and since I don't know a lot of validation rule commands I have no idea what the syntax is for the field length. How can I do this, it's pretty urgent actually, need to have this by tomorrow :s

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Validation Rule

Nov 27, 2005

Relatively new to access, just trying to create a range in a validation rule. What I have are 2 cells, Date_Taken and Date_Returned. I want Date_Returned to only accept values between: Date_Taken and equal to or less than the current date.

Between "Date_Taken" And <=Now()

is what I've got at the mo', yet it's not working. I'm gathering that I'm referring to the Date_Taken cell incorrectly. Any help? I don't see any tools to fix such a thing.

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Validation Rule

May 26, 2007


I need to know how to set a rule to a password field that the user
only be able to type english letters and numbers .

Any idea how?


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Validation Rule

Aug 20, 2007

Hey guys, what is the easiest way to validate a field based on another.

I have 2 combo box, lets say cboOne and cboTwo. If cboOne = 1 then cboTwo must be blank/Null. Can I place this validation in the table validation properties. If so, how do I word the validation code.

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Validation Rule Help

Apr 2, 2008

Hi,I'm really struggling to try and find a solution to a problem.I need to find a validation rule that only accepts:letters, spaces and hyphens (-) in the field.I have tried for at least 14 hours today and most of yesterday afternoon, but I just can't get it.The furthest I've got is rejecting everything except from letters and spaces, with each these codes individually:(I've only listed a few so you could see just a fraction of what I'd already tried)Is Null Or Not Like "*[!((a-z) or (Chr(32),Chr(45)))]*"Is Null Or Not Like "*[!((a-z) or (Chr(32)) or (Chr(45)))]*"Is Null Or Not Like "*[!((a-z) and (Chr(32)) and (Chr(45)))]*"Is Null OR Not Like "*[!((a-z) or (( ),(-)))]*"Is Null OR Not Like "*[!((a-z) or ( ) or (-)))]*"Is Null OR Not Like "*[!((a-z) and ( ) and (-)))]*"Is Null Or Not Like "*[!((a-z), ,-)]*"However, it is also rejecting hyphens, which I need it to accept.Also, unfortunately it is accepting bracketsHopefully someone here will have a solution, because I'm stumped, :confused:James

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Validation Rule

Nov 4, 2004

Question about validation rules. I have a user who has set up a validation rule to allow certain values to be entered.

Something like if the value equals 4 or equals 5 then it would accept it. Now she would like the validation be set so they can put both 4 and 5 in together. How can this be done?

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Validation Rule

Feb 18, 2005

What would be the 'validation rule' to input into the properties window for a Client ID? - (validation rule would make sure that none of the Client ID's are the same). ;)

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Help With Validation Rule

May 7, 2005

Here's my problem:

Field: PARM1

Field: DATE
Field: loads more...

What I want is a validation rule on the AMOUNT field, which says that the data entered cannot be greater than the number in the PARM1 field.
I can't get this to work, and I reckon it's becuase there's one record in the PARAMETERS table, but lots in TRANSACTIONS.
In solving this problem I do not want to add any more records to PARAMETERS. The idea of that table is that it is an easy way to customise the database, not a way of storing data.
I've putting this in the validation rule box (but it didn't work):

Please help!

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Validation Rule

Jun 1, 2006

hi i am new to access but i am trying my hands on it...i have a problem:i want to put some validation rule(constraints) on a field in the table such that user can only able to enter only 10 digit number and even if that number starts form "0" then it shows the starting zeros without concatenation.for ex if user put 0681482803 then it should not convert back to 681482803also one more thing i want to ask what is the best Field size for 10 digit number.. as long integer doesn't fulfill the requirement and double is very large

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Validation Rule

Jul 19, 2006

Hi all,

I have a form that records a unique number which requires a full stop to be present. Is there anyway of ensuring a user has to enter a "." somewhere in this box?


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