Using A Combo Box To Change Records

May 16, 2006

Hi all,

I was wondering how would we change the forms row source everytime a new new item is selected in a combo box.

For instance here is a table:

ID Name Status
1 Joe Active
2 Fred Inactive
3 Sam Inactive

So if the names were to be displayed in a combo box and the status is represented by a option group. How could I make the combo box change the record instead of having to use the record selector

Any help would be appreciated


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Forms :: Change Record Source Of Combo Box On Form Based On Another Combo Box

Mar 31, 2014

I have a form that currently uses a "catch all" table for listing available equipment to choose from for an equipment field. I call it tblEquipment. What I want to do is to make it so when I type a name in (1 of 35) in one field of the current record, the record source for the equipment field immediately looks at a different table that has equipment available only for that name. To do this I plan on making 35 different tables with limited data originally found in tblEquipment. I would call these tblEquipment1, tblEquipment2, etc. I do not use a sub form, nor do I want to.

So my questions are:

1) can this be done
2)If it can be done, how can I do it?

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Change Combo Contents Based On Previous Combo Selection

Oct 20, 2005

Hi everyone,

I have two combo boxes on the same form bound to a table. I want the contents of the next combo box to change based on the previous combo selection e.g

cboContinent cboCountry
Africa Zambia
Africa Congo
Africa South africa
Europe England
Europe Holland

If I choose Africa in cboContinent, I want to see only Zambia, South Africa and Congo under cboCountry and if I choose Europe I want to see only England and Holland


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Combo Box Value Needs To Change With Record...

Sep 22, 2005

There are two main methods of navigating around the top-level form on the database I am currently working on.

One is by a drop down menu listing GP practice names - so you can scroll down to "Dr Watson" for example and then all the subforms display the correct info.

The second way is by clicking on "Previous Surgery" or "Next Surgery". This is obviously a lot easier for data entry than having to use the drop down menu each and every time!

However there is a problem, in that when one uses the second method - the highlighted value in the combo box does not change! You can literally navigate through hundreds of surgeries, and though the address changes in the subforms etc "Dr Watson" is still proudly displayed in the combo box.

So we have a situation where it would be pretty easy for someone entering data to think they were on the correct record when in fact they were not, leading to errors in input.

Is there a way to force the combo box to "refresh" to the same value as the current record, effectively displaying the title?


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How To Change A Value With Choice In A Combo Box

Oct 21, 2013

i have a two column that one stores a professions and other stores a number of the profession like that:



police man


"number" column is a combo box, that boundColumn property is two.

i want that in the form when i choose a value in a combo box i will see the profession in other text box in my form.if i choose 2 in combo box i see in a other text box in my form police man.

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Change Text Color In A Combo Box

Feb 5, 2006

I have a report card program that I use in my classroom. The program calculates letter grades for various sub categories.

For example, under the Primary Category Math, the computer will calculate a letter grade based on assignment scores and place the grade into a combo box for the sub category "Able to use a graphing calculator."

If I override the grade the program calculated for a student, I would like the text in the combo box to change to red for that student only. Then I can go back and quickly see which grades I have manually changed.

I just cannot seem to figure out the logic to use VBA that would check to see if a user has changed individual combo boxes.

Thanks ahead of time for any ideas.

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Change Color Of A Combo Box...dynamically

Sep 28, 2006

What I want is in the combo box, I have a couple of options, say 1,2 and 3.
And I want the combo box to come up with different color when different option is selected.

I thought I have found out a way, with the following code to onClick:

If me.field.text = "1" Then me.field.backcolor = 255

The problem is, it's being shown on a continuous form.
And it changes the color on all the records. not just the one I am on.

Any thoughts?

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General :: Change Values In Combo Box

Aug 24, 2012

I have a form with a sub, and that sub has a sub. I'm on the first sub trying to change the rowsource of a combo box on the second sub, and none of the following want to work.


'Me!frmRentalsSubDetails.Form!cmbEquipmentID.RowSource = EquipFilter & Me.ToLocation & "));"
'Forms![frmrentalcontainer]![frmRentals].Form![frmRentalsSubDetails].Form![cmbEquipmentID].RowSource = EquipFilter & Me.ToLocation & "));"
'Me.frmRentalsSubDetails!Form.cmbEquipmentID.RowSource = EquipFilter & Me.ToLocation & "));"
Me![frmRentalsSubDetails].Form![cmbEquipmentID].RowSource = EquipFilter & Me.ToLocation & "));"

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Forms :: How To Change Combo Box Headings

Feb 3, 2015

How can i change the combo box fields headings. by default it comes according to the table/query field name. I need to put some thing meaningful.

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Forms :: Change Combo Box To Original Value?

Jun 11, 2014

I maintain a large database of employees. I have a form with a combo box (cmb_department) which I can use to select a particular department. I have written an After Update event procedure which updates the relevant fields on the form after I've selected a department - e.g. their new manager's name, phone number, etc. based on my departments table.

Here is my code, which works well:

Private Sub cmb_department_AfterUpdate()
If (Me.is_leaver = "" Or IsNull(Me.is_leaver)) And (Not IsNull(Me.employee_number)) Then
MsgBox "This member of staff is an internal HEY employee. Their departmental details will not change to that of the department, however they can still be set up with GP Browser access."

[Code] ....

However, I'd like to do two things which I'm currently unable to get working...

1. If I delete the department name from the box, or select a NULL value, I get a VBA error - run time error 94, invalid use of Null. I will sometimes want to select a Null value to "unassign" a person from this particular type of department but I'd like a way of selecting a Null value and having it simply set to Null which if the form's default value for this field.

2. As you can see I have a MsgBox which checks to ensure you want to overwrite the existing data for the member of staff. If I select Yes then it overwrites. If I select No I'd like for it to set the value of cmb_department back to the PREVIOUS value. At the moment my script sets it to NULL which doesn't really work - for example, say someone is currently set to the Sales department, and I accidentally click to change them to the Warehouse department, I'd like clicking "No" to revert them back to Sales...

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Change Photo Depending On Combo Box Value

May 29, 2013

I have a log in form and combo box.

Just want to ask if possible to change photo depends on combo box value?

Here is the link of my database. [URL] ....

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Automatically Change Combo Box Value Trigger By Text Box

May 9, 2006

This is the first time I am join this web & forum. My name is Angie.
I have face some problem for Ms Access. I would like combo box to be auto change when date due. Eg: combo box name: Status. Inside have info such as Expired, Active, Ignore. This info will base on the text box name txtenddate. When the date is due, (eg:today:09 May 06), combo box will auto change the status from Active to Expired.

Any VB code can be used. Thanks.

Hope to heard from you soon.


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Change An Entire SubForm Within A Tab Based On Combo

Aug 24, 2004

I have a Form with some combo box's in header and a TabControl with 5 tabs in Body.

In each Tab I have a subform. All is working as should.. each form is requerying perfectly based on user combo choices.

What I would now like to do is swap one subform in one tab for another subform, depending on what choice is made in combo box.

That is...

Combo choice 1 ... requires Subform's 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 in Tab's 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5 ..
Combo choice 2 though... requires Subforms's 1, 2, 6, 7, & 8 in same Tabs. .. Tab's are umbrella's for multitude of subform possibilities.

I really need some guidence here. Thanks.

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Code To Change Color Of Text On Combo Box

Dec 30, 2004

I have two forms sourced from one table. if the address of a client has changed then there is a Command button that opens a form to enter the previous address.

What I want is for the text on the command button to change to red if there is a previous address filled in. I have seen it done but cannot copy the code. What I have is on the OnCurrent event of the (main form)

Dim InColor As Integer

Me.[Command126].Forecolor=(And what I want to say here is "If the field previousaddress is not null then ...)*255

Any ideas??? (I wanted to have the database completed before the New Year (less than 12 hours to go!!!)

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Modules & VBA :: Change Width Of Combo Box Based On Value?

Jul 31, 2014

So how would I go about changing the width of a combo box to the length of the value in vba?

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General :: Change Photo Depending On Combo Box Value?

May 29, 2013

I have a log in form and user combo box.

I want to add photo of each user in this log-in form.

Just want to ask if possible to change photo depends on combo box value?

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Forms :: Change Field Depending On Combo Box

Mar 18, 2014

In the database, there is a table called "Jobs" which sales enquiries are entered into. In this table, there are fields called "JobStatus" which has the default text of "Quotation Pending" and a combo box "JobLive" which is a "yes/no" field. Normally a job will come in as quotation request and the "JobsLive" field will be set to "no".

Occasionally, a job will come in as confirmed from the outset. In this case, the job will be marked as "live" in the combo box "JobLive". Is it possible to change the "JobStatus" field to "Job Live" when this combo box is changed to "yes"?At any other stage, the "JobStatus" field will be changed using an update query as and when changes are made.

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Modules & VBA :: Combo Box Does Not Want To Change Background Color

Mar 1, 2015

I have some code to check a combo box if a date field is filled in, then the combo box can't be empty.I can make the error message appear, but the combo box does not want to change color and it does not recognize any other than value..This is the code that I have, and it does not work like I wish it could.(I took the database over from some one else and need to make improvements on it. the field names where not created by me).

Private Sub cmbCurrentStatus_AfterUpdate() '<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Working on >>>>>>>>>>>>>
If IsNull(Me.[STEP 1 4 check current status]) And Not IsNull(Me.[Checked__date_]) Then
MsgBox "Checked (date) can't be empty if Current Status is filled in!", , "Incomplete Form!"
Me.[STEP 1 4 check current status].Value = RGB(255, 0, 0)
Me.[STEP 1 4 check current status].BackColor = RGB(255, 255, 255)
End If
End Sub

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Change Memo Unbound Text Box When Combo Box Changes

Dec 8, 2013

I have

an unbound combo box
an unbound text box (made to resemble a memo field)

a continuous form with many schooltype

The form is filtered by schooltype when the unbound combo box is changed i.e. high school, primary etc

I have made a field in the tblSchoolType called emMessage1 (there is 2, 3 etc)

The idea is that you choose to filter the form and then the relevant type emMessage1 appears in the text box

So if you choose high school then the high school emmessage1 appears (filled with the text) because all the high schools are tied to tblschooltype - when you select high you are getting the high emmessage1

When I select all records I am guessing that the text box will be invisible until you select a school type in the combo box (to avoid problems)...

When you have selected a type, the text gets swapped accordingly to the corresponding id of school type id thus changing emMessage1 to suit and make the textbox visible...

Now I can type in the field and it saves it in the table however:

I do not know how to do this. I thought about dlookup but not sure if that will allow me to change or whether it will do this...

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Problems Using A Combo Box To Filter Records In Another Combo Or A Sub-form

Nov 8, 2004

I have seen a few articles here and there on using a combo box to filter records in a sub-form and to filter records in another combo box, but I am not getting anywhere. I hope someone can belp

Exercise 1

For this exercise, I have the following tables:

tblClients containing client names
tblProjects containing some project details

I want to set up a simple form, so that the user can select a client name from a combo box on the main form which filters the project detail records in the Projects sub-form.
Once the user enters project details, I want this info as well as the selected ClientID to be fed back to tblProjects.

Exercise 2

I have the following tables:

tblProjects as above
tblWorkstream containiig names of workstreams and some other details.

Every project has one or more workstreams

I have a form where users will enter hours worked on each workstream. They will first select Project from a combo box on the main form. This should then filter records to be displayed in the Workstream Combo box, before they can then enter hours.

Please let me know if you need me to explain any part of this better.

Thanks in advance.

ps. I am a novice, so I'm hoping to do the above using default MS stuff, not with complex programming!!!


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Update Combo Box When Change Made To Underlying Table

Feb 24, 2005

I have a form with a Combo box, populated from table A. From this list, the user can select a item for data entry into table B. If the desired item is not found in the combo box, the user can launch another form that will allow the item to be added to table A. However, when the user returns to the data entry form for table B, the new item doesn't appear in the combo box.

I saw this problem addressed in another posting, but the solution (which required code behind an Exit button) will only work if the data entry form for table B is open :eek: . So, if the user wants to only do data entry into table A, an error will be raised when they try to exit.

Other than creating a seperate data entry form strictly for table A, is there an easier way to update the combo box on the entry form for table B?

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!

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How Do I Change An Image (Ole Object) In A Form When Changing Value Of A Combo Box?

Mar 14, 2007

My Db has 1 table with 4 columns named ID, First_name, Last_name and Photo.

ID is a counter and primary key.
First+last names are text fields.
Photo is an Ole object.

I display everything in a form that is controlled by a combo box. The combo box displays the first name and when I chage the first name with this box the last name changes too. I use this code together with the event "after update"

Code:Private Sub Combo_First_name_AfterUpdate()Me.txt_last_name.Value = Me.Combo_first_name.Column(2)

Everything works perfectly fine (txt_last_name changes according to the first name in the combo box), except that the photo of the person doesn't change. Nothing happens to the photo when changing value in the combo box or it just displays a message box with an error messages when I have tried to get it to work.

I want the ole object picture to change too, when changing the first name in the combo box.

I hope you can help me out here.

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Forms :: Change The Value Of Yes Or No Record Using Combo Box And Command Button

Aug 1, 2013

What to do, I have a form that will reset online user of my system the field is yes or no type boolean and i using combo box that will show only online people but my problem is how to reset the yes to no when i choose from the combo box a username I want to logout. I use command button also.

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Forms :: Change Display Of Field Values On Combo Box

Feb 17, 2015

I'm trying to sort and filter a continuous form. I want to sort by descending and ascending, but I also want to have a combo box for filtering. For example, there a combo box for sorting with Value List as the RowSourceType, the list would be "Ascending" and "Descending", and there should be another combo box to choose the field to be sorted with RowSourceType as Field List from a query.

My field names are: "LastName", "FirstName", "MiddleName". But I want them to appear as "Last Name:, "First Name", "Middle Name". I want to be able to change the display of the field names within my combo box which should come from my query. How is that possible? I already tried to put caption in the properties but it didn't work.

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Forms :: Change Items In A Combo Box Based On A Field

May 29, 2014

So I have a combobox that pulls values from a table. I am being requested to do an update to the database which means that I have to filter some values on that combobox based on a field on a previous form.For example:The main form is called "frmcontacts" and has a table field called "txttypeofcustomer" which can have two values: "customer" or "dealer".

The form that contains the combobox is called "frmnewissue" the combobox is called "cmbissuetype". "frmNewIssue" is opened through a button on "frmContacts". This combobox pulls the values from a table "tblissuetype". The values in that combobox are then: "Repair" "Return" "Question" "Replace".

If the value on txtTypeofCustomer is "Dealer" then all the values for the combobox remain visible. If the value of txtTypeOfCustomer is "Customer" then "Replace" cannot be visible or has to be greyed out.

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Modules & VBA :: Beforeupdate Event Undo Change To A Combo Box?

Oct 7, 2013

I'm working on a bit of code that before a combobox is changed checks with the user to confirm that they want the change to go ahead, if yes a recorded is added to a table

This all work fine apart from if no is selected - I am trying to get the combobox to undo the change however when you select no the msgbox pops up fine but the combobox does not undo

Can't see where I'm going wrong I thought undo worked for comboboxes

' Displays a message box with the yes and no options.
Response = MsgBox(prompt:="Do you wish to change the status of this Job? 'Yes' or 'No'.", Buttons:=vbYesNo)
' If Yes button selected
If Response = vbYes Then

[Code] .....

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