Using A Form To Select Records

Jan 8, 2005

Ok I am probably goining nuts by now. I could have swore that I had a referance book that showed how to set up a form with multiple combo boxes that were used to filter forms/reports for desired records. Now I can't find that referance anywhere! Does anyone know how to do this or can they point me to a referance with this information? Please help me, this is one of the final touches I need for a project I have been working on for months.

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Select All Records In A Continuous Form

Feb 13, 2006

I have a continuous form that opens all of the records for a specific user on a specific date and displays them in a continuous form. Each record requires an approval check box be marked before it can be processed for reporting. I want the approver to be able to click a button and mark all of the records displayed at one time. Currently my button will only mark the current record. How to I select all of the records?

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Select Records To Insert Into A Field From Pop Up Form

Jul 4, 2005

Hi all,

I have a table which contains business details (name, address etc) and also a field for clients. I then have a table which contains client details. Is there anyway I can click a button on a form containing business details which brings up a form containing the clients which would allow me to click the clients I want to be inserted onto the clients field on the business details table?

Does anybody have an example of this.

Thanks for your help!

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Modules & VBA :: Select 3 Records And Display On 1 Form

May 6, 2014

I have a problem in which in the user may need to select 3 records at random from my table and display some details of those records in from view so that they can edit certain fields and just look at others.

Ideally I'd want a form with 3 separate dropdown boxes and each dropdown has the option to select 1 record from all the records in my table.

All 3 records must be visible on the screen at the same time.

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General :: Using A Combobox To Select Records To Edit On A Form?

Aug 21, 2012

I am creating a data base to handle access requests to a building. All has gone well so far and ive built tables, reports, forms and used queries. However now im trying to get abit more clever and ive hit a bump of understanding/apprach.

Whilst a ninja in Excel, im still working out which is the pointy end in Access.

The database holds all details of access requests inc: Company attending, Individual attending, Access Levels and Period of attendance. This is all done with forms for the users and functions beautifully (ish).

I can run reports on this data, based on queries (there is much more included than above but you get the idea) and generate all the reports I need.

What I wanted to do was add, following attendance to the site, the card details of the AC card they were given for the visit.

My intention was to have a form with three variables: a combobox that would let you select the individuals company and two text boxes to select a date range in. Leaving just say three or four people from that company on that day rather than everyone who had ever atteneded to sort through and add the card details.

The combo box comes from another query that gave me individual company names from the main table.

I thought a date query (as in placing a more than <> or less than criteria vs textbox value on form in the query build section) could be added but I hadnt got that far.

It seems what I have done works backwards (oops), I can adjust the query from the form but get every record in the table on the form to click through to add card details, which will be abit rubbish when i have 1000's of requests building up in the history.

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General :: Create Multi-select List Box For All Records In Access 2010 Form?

Jun 3, 2013

I would like to create a multi-select list box for all the records in an access 2010 form.

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Modules & VBA :: Possible To Export Select Records And Fields In Those Records To A Specific Location?

Jun 15, 2013

In an Access 2010 form is it possible to export select records and fields in those records to a specific location?

Set objDialog = Application.FileDialog(4)
With objDialog
.AllowMultiSelect = False
.Title = "Please select a File"
.InitialFilename = "C:"
If .SelectedItems.Count = 0 Then
MsgBox ("Action Cancelled")


The user can select the directory using the code above, but can specific fields in records be exported to a excel workbook in that selected directory?For example, if the are 5 records in the database can the fields LastName,FirstName,BirthDate in records 1,2,3 be exported to Setup.xlsx in that selected directory?

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Getting Query Criteria To Select All Records Or Specific Records In Query Design Section?

Jun 16, 2014

How can I get a Query Criteria To Select All Records or specific records in query design section.

I have a table that shows many departments with credit card transactions. I like to run a query to see specific department, or have an option to see all the departments when the query is run.

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Select Top 2 Records

Jun 12, 2007

My question 'sounds' easy, but i can't think of a way to do this. Please help!

Ok, i have an 'employee' history table with 200K records. Each employee could have multiple records with different 'effective' dates(please see below for an example of two employees' records). What I want to do is to run a query where it will pick up ONLY the top TWO records of each emplyee. How would I go about doing this?

Thank you.


Employee History Table:

Query result should be somthing like this:

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Select Last 3 Records

Dec 20, 2004

How can I restrict a continuous form to select only the last three records

any help would be appreciated


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How To Select X Random Records

Jun 20, 2005

I need to select 200 random customers from my table, how can I do that?

Table: tblCustomers
PK: CustID

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Select Range Of Records

Sep 1, 2005

Is there a statement that will allow me to select a range of records in the
middle of a selection of records? e.g. Rather than TOP 10, can I get like
records 10-20, or 50-65 etc?

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Select First X Amount Of Records

Feb 27, 2008

Hello All

if I have thirty records and have the end user select the first 8 or what ever amount they want, could be 3, 14, 9 etc, is this possible via a form ?


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Calender To Select Records

Oct 24, 2006

I was wondering if anyone has seen a easy way to use a calender to select records rather than having to type in a "between such and such a date".

Because what i have now is a qry that pulls data from a table between two dates. And i would like to make it more GUI rather than typing to prevent user imput error if you understand what i mean.

I tried searching but didnt know what to search for.

Thanks for anyone that has any input!


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ListBox To Select Records... Please Help

Aug 5, 2005

Hello All...

I currently have a ListBox which I am using on a form as a "jump To..." record selector. It has to show 4 values to the users, and so far it has worked quite well. However, I recently added some queries to the footer of the form to help narrow down the data for searches, or if the user wants to see all open data of a certain topic. I'd like to have the ListBox "refresh" and only display the results of the query, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do it. The root of the problem seems to be that the initial SQL for the ListBox is selecting values from the under-lying table, and when the filter is applied, it simply doesn't care. When you click on entries that aren't in the filtered dataset, it doesn't error out or anything, and when you click ones that ARE in the filtered dataset, it does work properly... I'm close... How do I filter the listbox as well?


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Group And Select First Records

Feb 9, 2015

how I would write a code that will recognize information by same “ID” and then only take the first 6 years of that information. Each row has an ID and a corresponding year with other information associated with it. The data looks similar to this:

ID Year Avg HR
JohnSmith 1988 .789 78
JohnSmith 1989 .854 85
JohnSmith 1990 .456 85

TomJones 1978 .465 56
TomJones 1979 .165 85

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Select And Write Keys From Two Records

Jun 7, 2007

Hello All,

If I want to select a row from subform A and a row from subform b and click a button and have the keys stored in another table what would be the best way to do that?


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How To Select Records Starting From Number?

Dec 2, 2005

Can anyone help me how to create query selecting only the records starting with the numbers?

Thanks a lot in Advance

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Returning Select Records In Query

Mar 30, 2006

Hello, I am sure this is quite simple, however I cannot figure it out. I have a query that shows tblPartNumber and tblAverage. The average is calculated in the query by taking the total minutes to assemble the parts, divided by the number of parts completed. What I am trying to do is run a query that will show me the most efficient (lowest average), time for each Partnumber. Ideally the query would show me something like this;

Part # Average
1234 .72
1234 .86
1234 .94

I searched on here and it seemed like the Top 10 is used, but in my application that ommits all of the other partnumbers because it only shows ten of the records for the first partnumber. I only want to see the five most efficient averages. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Tim

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Query To Select The Duplicated Records.

Jun 23, 2006


I want to make a query that retrieves me all the duplicated records from a table. Its possible?


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Select Query Showing Too Many Records

May 27, 2007

I have two tables, bad design, not my choice of the way it's set up.

Table a has Fields 1-2, dups allowed in all fields. No pk was originally assigned.
Table b also has the same fields 1-6, but also has field 6.

Table a has all of the records in question, table b only has some of the records from table a but does not have any records that are not in a.

Something like this.
Table a

Field1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5
John Shirt blue denim button
Mark pants green straight
John Shirt blue silk button

Table b

Field1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5 Field6
John Shirt blue denim button new
Mark pants green straight used

If I query the two tables, a left join to b, then I get the correct number of total records. If I select any records from b, then the total records goes higher than there are, even for the two combined, listing the same record multiple time.

Any suggestions are appreciated. I am a blood bank lab person, not an IT person, or DBA, so simple responses are greatly appreciated.

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Select Only Records For Specific ID Query

Jul 31, 2007

This is killing me,

I have a form with a unique ID, I have a query that pulls all data regardless of the ID on the form.

How can I get the Query to pull only the data for the ID that is currently in view on the form?

Please help..


Fen How

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Query To Select 20 Random Records

Aug 9, 2007

As part of my job, each month I have to select 20 problem report resolutions and grade them on quality. Typically we have about 100 problem report resolutions per month. Is there a way I can use a query to return a random selection of 20?


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Select 20 Random Records In Query

Mar 12, 2008

I have to review 20 reports each month for quality check. I have a query that lists the reports completed within the past 30 days. Is there a way to filter this query to show only 20 random records?

If there is no way to do this, can you suggest some way of doing this so that it's impartial? For example I don't want to select the first 20 of the month because everyone will catch on and wait late in the month to post their report. Normally about 70 reports are completed in a month.


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Select Specific Records In Forms- Help!

Nov 3, 2005


I'm sure this has a simple solution, but iv searched this forum and every solution that i get is filled with code that goes over my head! Well here goes...

I have a main form called expense... which contains a tab control. the tabcontrol in turn has three pages containing a subform each. (lets call them sbfrm1 sbfrm2 and sbrm3.)
All three subforms are based on three different queries (say Qry1 Qry2 and Qry3) but the three queries are based on the same table. this table contains all the expenses incurred over the months across three categories (hence three queries). the subforms are to display these expenses according to categories.. i.e. sbfrm1 displays records pertaining to Category1, sbfrm2 for category2 etc.(the queries ensure that!)

when the main form opens, the subforms display all the records in the table according to category...but not according to the month in which the expenditure was incurred.

I now want to add a feature that enables the user to choose records pertaining to a given month at the click of a button.

for eg. if there is an option group named month, (with toggle buttons as the month names), then if the user selects the month Aug, then immediately the subform1 displays records under category1 for the month Aug? However I want to include an "ALL" option as well whereby all the records are displayed for all months (the category criteria must be maintained at any cost!!!!
Is there a solution that will not use too much code!

Thanks in advance.

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Ways To Select And Consolidate Records

Nov 24, 2004

I am currently building a db that will handle information on many events around the world. What I would like to do is set a check box that when people scroll through the different records they could check it and it (the current record they are viewing) will go into a compiled list wherein the iindividual record details of that list which the user created by their choices could be exported to an excell sheet (to automate a reporting need in the job) I have seen functions like this in large websites particularly the classified job sections in the seattle Times . where as you scroll through you see something you like you mark it continue scrolling mark another and then when you are all done you go to a page that has all and only your selections.

Can anyone tell me where to start on this one what am I Looking for Etc.
This will be the next big step in this my first database.
All help greatly appreciated

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