Using Checkbox To Apply Date To All Records

Dec 8, 2005

Dear All:

I have a form with names, address, work completed on a certain date. etc. I have a bound textbox called "DATE" and a bound checkbox called "APPLY_DATE_TO_ALL". I wish to enter a date in a textbox called "DATE" then place a check in a checkbox called "APPLY_DATE_TO_ALL" and it applies this date to ALL records.

Any ideas on how to start?

Thanking in advance,


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Apply Changes From Date Changed

Jun 12, 2014

I have a database that contains a table with all tasks made in our team and the time it takes to perform the task. I have another table with month, year and value in which I put month after month the volumes that each task handles. So, in a query I multiply the time to perform the task and the volume; month after month I have different results. However "the time to perform the task" may vary depending on processes improvements that we made. If before I had 5 minutes to perform the task and now I have 2, I change it and then the results on the query are changed for all months. I do not know if there is a way to specify that that change must be applied from the month where it is updated to the following months and not retroactively.

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Apply Date Parameter To A Report

Sep 9, 2011

How do i can apply date parameter to a report which takes starting and ending dates from a form...

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Apply Filter From Subform To Form By DATE

Sep 21, 2005

Hello everyone.
I am having trouble with applying filter on 2 date fields in form. I have succeeded by applying fiter on report by Date, but I just can't seem to work it out on Form!
I believe there has to be something to do with the DoCmd code.

I have a main form (frmRate) which has fields (txtDate & txtValidity) that contain dates.
I have a subform called (frmSearchRateCustomer) which has 4 fields (txtStartDate, txtEndDate, txtStartDate2, txtEndDate2) where the data range should be filled in as search criteria. I have also an additional combobox (cboCustomer) where user can select customer as a search criteria as well.
I have a button that has to do the Search in frmRate.
The combobox criteria works very well, just the date filtering is not working. I am pasting my code as follows:

Code:Private Sub cmdSearch_Click()On Error GoTo Err_cmdSearch_ClickDim strCustomer As StringDim strFilter As StringDim stDocName As StringDim strForm As StringDim strField As String 'Name of your Order field.Dim strWhere As String 'Where condition for OpenReport.Const conDateFormat = "#dd/mm/yyyy#"Dim strField2 As String 'Name of your Arrival field.Dim strWhere2 As String 'Where condition for OpenReport.Const conDateFormat2 = "#dd/mm/yyyy#" strForm = "frmRate" strField = "txtDate" strField2 = "txtValidity" ' For the Order Date Search Criteria Date range If IsNull(Me.txtStartDate) Then If Not IsNull(Me.txtEndDate) Then 'End date, but no start. strWhere = strField & " < " & Format(Me.txtEndDate, conDateFormat) End If Else If IsNull(Me.txtEndDate) Then 'Start date, but no End. strWhere = strField & " > " & Format(Me.txtStartDate, conDateFormat) Else 'Both start and end dates. strWhere = strField & " Between " & Format(Me.txtStartDate, conDateFormat) & " And " & Format(Me.txtEndDate, conDateFormat) End If End If ' Debug.Print strWhere 'For debugging purposes only. ' For the Arrival Date Search Criteria Date rangeIf IsNull(Me.txtStartDate2) Then If Not IsNull(Me.txtEndDate2) Then 'End date, but no start. strWhere2 = strField2 & " < " & Format(Me.txtEndDate2, conDateFormat2) End If Else If IsNull(Me.txtEndDate2) Then 'Start date, but no End. strWhere2 = strField2 & " > " & Format(Me.txtStartDate2, conDateFormat2) Else 'Both start and end dates. strWhere2 = strField2 & " Between " & Format(Me.txtStartDate2, conDateFormat2) & " And " & Format(Me.txtEndDate2, conDateFormat2) End If End If If IsNull(Me.cboCustomer.Value) Then strCustomer = "Like '*'" Else strCustomer = "='" & Me.cboCustomer.Value & "'" End If ' Build filter string strFilter = "[txtCustomerName] " & strCustomer DoCmd.OpenForm strForm, acNormal, , strWhere ' for date DoCmd.OpenForm strForm, acNormal, , strWhere2 ' for date stDocName = "frmRate" DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, acNormal ' Apply filter to report With Forms![frmRate] .Filter = strFilter .FilterOn = True End WithExit_cmdSearch_Click: Exit SubErr_cmdSearch_Click: MsgBox Err.Description Resume Exit_cmdSearch_Click End Sub

I have used the same code as I have used for my Report, just changed few things like rpt --> frm etc...

Please Help me, because I am STUCK! Thank u~~

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Forms :: Apply Filter To Return Records That Matches The Text Exactly

Aug 2, 2015

I am using an apply filter in a form to find records in a split form.

The macro which I am using is:

[SLIDE] Like "*" & [Forms]![SALES]![ENTERREFDATA] & "*"

However I the filter to return only records which match the text exactly.

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Reports :: Apply Conditional Formatting For Dates That Were Equal To Date And Plus 14 Days

Apr 27, 2015

I have a field that displays a date on a form.

I set the conditional formatting to be

Value is Between Date() and Date() + 14

It would only apply the formatting for dates that were equal to the date and +5 days.

I then tried Between Now() and Now() + 14

Same results

I then tried Between Date() and DateAdd("d",14,Date())

No change

I checked the property for the box and the back style is normal.

I am making the back color a light red. I tried to change the fore color red. Nothing.

I displayed what Date() was giving me in a text box control and I displayed what Date() + 14 was giving me in a text box control. They both were showing the correct dates, but my date, which was in between them, was not changing colors.

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Seeing Certain Records Based On A Checkbox

Apr 5, 2005

How would I get a report to only show records that have a check box called "Display" checked? I have tried some code, I even put it in a couple of different places, but it still doesn't work. I put the code on the on click event of the command button that opens the report and I tried the code in the on open event of the report. It did not work either time. Here is the code that I tried.

'Display only records that have the box checked

If IsNull(Display) Then
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
End If
End Sub

Can anyone help me???


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Update Records Via Checkbox

Feb 12, 2007

Dear all:

I have an access database with about 200 records. Names, ID's, addresses, a checkbox called "apply_to_all" and a date field which is selected via a combobox.This combo box is called "date_started", and a textbox called "prefix". This textbox has a default value of "Given on".

What I am trying to accomplish is: A date is selected from the combobox, then a checkbox("apply_date_to_all") is checked and this date is applied to ALL records in the database along with the default value that is in the prefix textbox. (Concantenattion?)

I assume this can be accomplished by some soft of sql statement?

An help is greatly appreciated.

thanking in advance,


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Checkbox To Return Date Problem

Oct 27, 2004

New to Access...
With the following code, the checkbox works, yet in the form when you check the checkbox...all the other boxes
are checked as well.
1. Checking the box return the date
2. UNchecking the box does not clear the date but it unchecks all of the boxes on the form list.

Private Sub Check30_AfterUpdate()
If [Check30] = True Then
[DATE_PAID] = Now()
End If
End Sub


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Deleting Subform Records Based On Checkbox

Jun 21, 2005

I have a form with a subform inside of it. On the subform I have created a field for a check box. I wish for the user to be able to click 1 or more check boxes in the subform and then click a delete button that removes all selected entries.

I have this code from a seperate post regarding this problem, but am not sure how to edit it to reflect what I need.

Sub DeleteRecordButton_Click()

'Delete the selected record
dim strSQL as String
strSQL = "DELETE * FROM mytable WHERE mytblID = " & Me![mySubForm].Form![mytblID]

DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL


End Sub

Thank you!

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Uncheck Checkbox On All Records In Filtered Form

Jan 22, 2006

I have a db with a form showing all customers with communication checkbox checked, I want a button which uncheckes all chackboxes.. all I have now is a button which uncheckes the first record.. anyone an idea?

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Unbound Checkbox To Edit Selected Records

Dec 8, 2006

Hi i have a shared database and have a form with a string of records. Each record has its own unbound checkbox and I want to make it so you can select multiple records, then be able to hit a button on the top of the form to edit certain fields of the records selected. Please keep in mind that this is shared by 10 users, therefore a linked yes/no field would cause problems between the users.

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Queries :: Checkbox To Delete Specific Records

Jul 3, 2015

I have a form based on query. Each record has a checkbox.

I would like when activate checkbox to delete the specific record. from a button in the form.

Have not find anything around

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Input Current Date Into A Field By Clicking Checkbox

Oct 5, 2004

Does anyone know how to automatically enter the current date into a specified field by simply clicking on a check box. I imagine the IIf function would work when entered into 'Control Source' but I also need the check box to be linked to the underlying table.
i.e. I tick the 'Paid' checkbox and the current date is automatically entered into the 'Date Sold' field. I also need the -1 generated by clicking on the checkbox to be stored in the table.

Any suggestions would be appreciated, although I am no good with code, so if you could post an example or an easier way to do it I would be most grateful

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Modules & VBA :: Checkbox True When Current Date Is Passed

Dec 3, 2014

I have a form that allows you to search for records and displays all the information for that project, typical stuff.

On this form is a subform with the followings Fields:

Inspection Requested, Inspection Due, Inspection Done, Overdue

When you update inspection requested the inspection due is automatically updated to 30 work days from that day.

Now what I'm trying to do is get the overdue field (it's a yes/no field) to automatically check itself when the current date is passed the inspection due and the inspection done field is blank.

Here's what I have that isn't working:

Private Sub Form_Current()
If DateAddW([REQUEST], 30) < Date And [INSPECT DONE] = 0 Then
[OVERDUE] = True
End If
End Sub

DateAddW is a UDF that works just fine. I've tried replacing 0 with Null and neither works.

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Reports :: VBA Checkbox Code Ticking All Records On Report

Nov 13, 2013

I have the following code in the On Load of a report which shows multiple records:-

If Me.PaymentType Like "Debit/Credit Card" Then
Me.Check94 = True
Me.Check94 = False
End If

This ends up checking all check boxes in the report if any have "Debit/Credit Card" in the PaymentType field.What I wanted was to tick Checkboxes for those records where the statement was true, and not tick those where it is false.Do I need the code in the On Current event? Or do I need more sophisticated code?

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Modules & VBA :: Subform Checkbox Used As Condition To Update Records

Aug 26, 2013

My subform consists of a list of tasks that are waiting to be verified. in order to verify tasks, the user scrolls through the list of tasks and checks a checkbox (discrepancyverified) on each record they wish to verify. After the user has finished checking all the records they wish to verify, they click a verify button on the main form which should then go back through each record and update the verifieddate value of any that are checked to today.

This is what I have so far:


Private Sub Command19_Click()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim ctl As Control
Dim varItem As Variant


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Tables :: Syntax Error When Transferring Records With Checkbox Filter?

Jan 8, 2014

I'm trying to transfer records from a table in one subform to another subform (on same form) using a checkbox as a filter:

Private Sub TransferAndReview_Click()
Dim db As dao.Database
Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "INSERT INTO Forms![Extra Work Report Checksheet]![Equipment Input Subform1].Form[(QuantityUsed[, HoursUsed])] VALUES (QuantityUsed[, HoursUsed]) FROM Forms![Extra Work Report Checksheet]![Equipment Checksheet Table Subform] WHERE [Extra Work Report Checksheet]![Equipment Input Subform1].Form[EquipmentUsed]=True;"
Set db = CurrentDb
db.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError
End Sub

The Main form is: [Extra Work Report Checksheet]

Subforms are: [Equipment Input Subform1] & [Equipment Checksheet Table Subform]

Checkbox field is: [EquipmentUsed]

I keep getting the error "Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement" which points to 'db.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError' and I don't understand why. Neither of the fields [QuanityUsed] or [HoursUsed] are lookup fields, etc.

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Queries :: Getting A Query On Multiple Checkbox Fields To Work With A Date Range?

Nov 7, 2014

I have developed a database which has required many checkbox fields to enable analysis. It requires to have the facility to input random/variable date ranges for statistical purposes.

I have built a query which obtains the counts of multiple fields using the following parameters in Query Builder in Access 2010. Although this comes up with the correct results for these multiple fields when I try introduce date range the results come up blank for all results.

An example of the parameters used for one of the checkbox fields in Query Builder is as follows:

Field: SumAnger: Sum([Anger]*-1)
Table: Default as only one table
Total: Expression
Show: Checked

This works fine.

My latest parameters for the date range are this:

Field: [cDate]
Table: Default as only one table
Total: WHERE Corrected! Whoops Copy & Paste Typo. Too early AM!
Show: Checked or Unchecked makes no difference
Criteria: Between [From Date:] And [To Date:]

This gives a statement in SQL view of:

SELECT Sum([Anger]*-1) AS SumAnger, Sum([Anxiety]*-1) AS SumAnxiety, Sum([Depression]*-1) AS SumDepression, Sum([Listening]*-1) AS SumListenig, Sum([Psychosis]*-1) AS SumPsychosis, Sum([Stress]*-1) AS SumStress, Sum([Other]*-1) AS SumOther, tblCommsLog.[cDate]
FROM tblCommsLog
WHERE (((tblCommsLog.[cDate]) Between [From Date:] And [To Date:]));

what I need to get this to work in Query Builder or failing that recommend some VBA script/code with embedded SQL to achieve the required report.

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Forms :: Multiple Records From Single Form Based Upon Checkbox Values

Feb 10, 2015

Currently we track areas of non-conformance for a fleet of flight simulators. Each flight simulator has a particular ID number. In some instance an area of non-conformance is associated with a single simulator, at other times it is a fleet wide issue and applies to all or some simulators. In order to track as well as advise leadership and the contractor responsible for maintenance of the simulators of the situation we generate individual response letters.

In order to track each instance of non-conformance my idea was to create a new record for each deficiency. In the event that it is applicable to multiple simulators I would like to fill out the form with all pertinent data and then place a checkbox associated with each simulator and when the record is saved, it creates one record for each simulator with a checkbox ticked.

Once the deficiency on each simulator is fixed, I would check a box for a field called rescinded, which would remove that particular deficiency on that particular simulator from the active list of deficiencies but the others would still remain because they are associated with unique records.

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Queries :: Omit Records With Blank Field - Criteria With IFF Statement And Checkbox

Apr 18, 2013

I'm having an issue getting my query to omit records with a blank field - in fact, it omits all records.

What I'm trying to do is:

I have a list of customers, with phone and email addresses. I want to filter via query for only customers with their email address's entered.

Here is what I have:


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Forms :: Check / Uncheck Checkbox On Parent Form If Records Exist Or Not In Subform

Jul 23, 2015

I have a parent form which has a yes/no checkbox in the form's record source. Then in that parent form I have a sub-form. If NO records exist in the sub-form I want the checkbox to be UN checked. If records DO exist in the sub-form, I want the checkbox to be CHECKED.

But I want this to happen as records are added or deleted from the sub-form. In other words, if the parent form is opened and no records exist in the subform then the checkbox should be unchecked. But as soon as the first record has been entered in the subform, the checkbox on the parent form should be checked. Likewise, as soon as the last record has been revoved from the sub-form, the checkbox on the parent form should be unchecked.

What code do I need to accomplish all of this?

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Queries :: Date / Time Query - Return All Records Of Specified Date Or Date Range

Aug 19, 2015

I have a table that has entries recorded with date and time in one field, and I want to have a query that returns all records of a specified date or date range, regardless of the time in the field.

I have tried

Between [StartDate:] And [EndDate:]


Between [StartDate:] & "00:00" And [EndDate:] & "23:59"

Neither of which work ....

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Cannot Apply Filter?

Mar 27, 2007

I have a query where on an IIF result a field is displayed or an "OK"

I have an imported field of 6 chrs where I only want the left 5 so I use
Loc:=Left([Location],5) ,

I then compare the result in, MoveTo: to another fixed field [PreferLoc]

MoveTo: IIf([Loc]=[PreferLoc],"OK",[PreferLoc])

I wish to citeria out all the "OK" values so I have <>"OK" in the critria section but when I try to run the query I am presented with a selection box asking for Loc
This Query feeds a report so I set the filter to yes in the report properties and use [MoveTo]<>"OK" as the filter and this works great until I close and reopen the app where the filter has gone ?
Can anyone advise where I am going wrong with my query and or my report ?

thanks in advance

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Apply A Sort

Oct 21, 2005

Hello Everyone

I have a form with a "Keyword Search" This functions great. It applies a filter when I do the search. Which is what I want.
But when I'm done, I want the filter removed. I can do this with a macro "ShowAllRecords". This works fine when I click on the command button it is applied to. The only thing is, it is no longer sorted by the "Auto" number field :( . I would like this to be done automatically when I remove the filter.

Is there any way to do this without clicking on my field, and then clicking on the "sort" button on the toolbar?

Thanks for any help.

:p Up to now, I've been able to find the answers to my questions by doing a search on this forum.
So thanks to everyone who has been answering everyone's questions


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Queries :: Date Field With Time - Query For Date Only And Get All Records

Apr 26, 2013

I have a query based on a table which has a date field. the field both in the table and the query have the time also in the date value so when I try to query on a date I get nothing if I copy the date and time from the field I will get the result for that record if I just use the date I get nothing. I have tried the format which does display just date but if you click on the field the time is also there You must be able to query for a date only and get all the records.

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