Using Field That's Unrelated In A Report

Dec 6, 2005

I need to have a field show up in my report that is unrelated to all the other information in the report. It is a one-time entry that the person enters upon opening the database. It's basically the expected amount of work we'll be doing for the year. I need to display that at the top of my report and then utilize that number for calculations with other fields in the report to produce a couple of extra calculated fields in the report. I've tried it a few ways and I've either gotten #name? or #error.

Any ideas?

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Chaning The Value Of A Field From An Unrelated Form

Jan 2, 2007

I have a 'Services' subform that allows a user to enter payment information, but the amount entered is over a specified amount then a field's value in another data is supposed to change (in this case, the 'Contract Status' should change from its default 'Active' to 'Void'). I was able to get an error message to appear upon this occurrence, but I have no idea how to change the value in the other table. here is my code:

Private Sub MaxComp_AfterUpdate()
If Me.MaxComp > 50000 Then
MsgBox "The specified amount is above the $50,000.00 limit. This contract will be flagged and reviewed by HCC to ensure compliance.", vbExclamation, "FMV Limit Exceeded"
'*** [sbfrmContracts]![Contracts]![ContractStatus] = "VOID"
End If

End Sub

***:This is the line I attempted to use to change the field value on the other table

Thank you in advance and happy new year.

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Unrelated Tables

Feb 29, 2008

I have three tables DriversName, Route and Orderlines. My job, if I should accept, is to create a form for the dispatcher to assign a driver and a route to each order. Preferably in a query so I can create reports based on Route and Driver, for the loaders & production, and Driver and Route for the driver.

I have a nice query already built to capture the order lines to be delivered daily, averaging around 800 lines. My problem is relationship. There is no relationship to Orders from either the DriversName or Route tables. Unfortunately the Orders table cannot be added to as the next data download would just remove the fields. I have tried just to slam in the tables in my query but of course I get a repeat data line for every driver name and Route letter.

I need this form to have the dispatcher call up the order by number and have two comboboxes for them to lookup and assign order numbers to Driver and Route. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

My question is, does someone have a suggestion as to how I could build a relationship of Drivers and Routes to the Order query?

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Unrelated Tables In A Form

Aug 26, 2004

Im a new user to access and I was wondering if someone could tell me if it is possible to put two completly unrelated tables into a form. All I want to be able to do is look at the information from both at the same time without having to switch between forms. Ill apreciate any help you can give. Thanks.

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How To Query Unrelated Table To Do A Calculation?

Apr 30, 2006

Hi all, I have a problem in returning values from 2 different tables because they are not related. Let me explain:

I'm trying to do "Payment Due" query by substracting the amount in the "Cost" table with the amount in the "Payment" table ([CostAmount]-[PaymentAmount]). However, since no payment has been made, the table contains no related record.

At first I thought the problem lies in null values the table return hence I tried to use NZ function to convert null to zeros. Then I realised that no values has been returned from the table due to no related record available.

Can anyone help me?


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Lookup In A Query With Unrelated Table??

Feb 29, 2008


Is it possible to create a lookup in a query against a table which has not relationship but has a match?

E.g. iif(spec(in query)=Spec (match table) then bring back cost in (match table)

Hope this makes sense?


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Unrelated Subform Not Updating Automatically

Oct 22, 2006

This may be a simple question, but I'm not sure what to even search for. I have a form with multiple subforms. All the subforms have related fields that are linked via relationships. But one subform has no fields in common with the parent form.

I need to be able to have the subform update itself whenever the record is changed on the parent form. I can't figure out which event procedure to use. It updates correctly if I assign my procedure to the form_click sub, and then click each time I want it updated, but that's a pain. I've tried on load, on data change, on activate, on data set change, and a couple others, but nothing works automatically.

How can I make the subform run a subroutine each time the parent form changes records?

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Query Dates With Unrelated Tables

Aug 31, 2004

I am trying to design a report that will Give information about down time and work time during the day.

I have three tables that I am trying to query:
TimeSheet - Employee name, date, etc.TimeSheetSub - Times worked (related to TimeSheet)Orders - Including Start and Complete dates and timesI want to find out on TimeSheet.Date Between TimeSheetSub.Arrived And TimeSheetSub.Departed how many minutes were worked on an order and how many many were not (Orders.Start And Orders.Complete).

When I try to combine these three tables in a query, though, it either ends with tons of records or doesn't work because the tables are unrelated. I was able to do it by making a subquery for the Orders part, but this will not work to make a report.

Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated!


Email Me

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General :: Using Fields From Unrelated Tables

Jul 2, 2012

I am trying to take similar fields from unrelated tables. both fields contain information about the age of my clients. The tables they are in are unrelated, as they are different types of clients, and therefore can not find anyway to relate the tables. I need to come up with a total number of clients at particular age groups. Meaning i need to know how many clients from both tables are between the ages of 8-20, even though the records have no relation. All i need is a count, i dont need to display the records, i dont need to change anything, I just need to know how many.

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Multiple Match Conditions In A Unrelated Table

Jan 31, 2007

Hi All,

My database has two tables:
1. Complete Address Data
2. Address conditions.

Table 1. has verbose customer [address] data like 11 smith st, 14 Kent Rd etc.
Table 2. has [std] address conditions, ST, RD, Street, Road etc.

How can I query ALL records by field [address] in table 1 by using ALL [std] address conditions in table 2?

The address conditions can occur anywhere in the [address] string, so I was thinking about maybe a CONTAINS condition, but I'm not sure

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Queries :: Joining Unrelated Data In One Table

Dec 26, 2014

I have tried to combine data from 3 different tables (unrelated) to make a new one. However, as I understood I can not do this because these 3 tables are unrelated. In my case my 3 tables are for 3 labs' material requirements. I am planning that each lab will fill a form which directly related to there field and direct to me. That is why I intend to have separate tables for each. However, I want to create a table where I will be able to see all the requirements of different Labs altogether. This new table will be kind of Orders.

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Modules & VBA :: Delete Record From Unrelated Form

Jul 2, 2015

I have a form based on Table A. When a yes/no tick is clicked in the form, I want to delete a record from Table B. The tables are joined by ID numbers.

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Queries :: Select Random Records From Unrelated Tables

Aug 9, 2014

I am fairly new to Access 2013 but am trying to create a query that will select random records from three totally unrelated tables and display the results together as if one table -- think video slot machine wheels. Each table has two fields - ID which is the primary key and NAME. The data in the tables are names of states, names of colors, and types of animals. Each table has a different number of records. My end result is a table that selects X number of random records from each table and displays them side by side like this:

Desired Result:
Animal Color State
cat red Ohio
dog blue Texas
fox green Iowa

I have been able to create three individual queries that will pull X number of random records by using:

SELECT TOP 10 Animals.[ID], Animals.[Name] FROM Animals ORDER BY Rnd(-(100000*[ID])*Time());
SELECT TOP 10 Colors.[ID], Colors.[Name] FROM Colors ORDER BY Rnd(-(100000*[ID])*Time());
SELECT TOP 10 States.[ID], States.[LongName] FROM States ORDER BY Rnd(-(100000*[ID])*Time());

Using the three queries above I get three separate lists. how to make one query that will randomly pull from all three tables and make the display above?

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Forms :: Linking Two Unrelated Subforms To Main Form

Feb 5, 2014

I am trying to link two unrelated sub forms to a main form so I am able to query data all at once and make a report that displays all this data at once. I do not know if this is possible. I will tell you to the best of my ability about what I have going on.

My main form is a shift report. The primary key is a auto number ID. The rest of the fields are date, name, shift, vehicle. etc.

The first sub form is area attendance. Field are as follows auto number ID (primary key), report ID(which comes from the main form, linked), the area, and the area attendance.

The second sub form is the event log. Fields are as follows auto number ID (primary key), report ID(which comes from the main form, linked), time in, and events.

My relationship now is simply primary key from the shift report (the autonumber) going to the first and second subforms report ID's.

Problem is I can not query two distinct subforms like this (I realized).

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Modules & VBA :: Event Calls Seemingly Unrelated Procedure

Apr 11, 2014

I have two forms:


frmOperations allows the user to assign a manager to an operation by selecting the manager record from a combobox. Occasionally the user may need to setup a new Manager record if one hasn't been setup already. In this case there is a "New" "button" (it's actually a label with an on click event) that the user can click to open frmManagers and add the new manager record.

The code to open frmManagers is:

Private Sub lblNewManager_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmManagers", acNormal, , , acFormAdd, acDialog
Forms!frmManagers!cboMoveTo.Visible = False
Forms!frmManagers!lblManagers.Visible = True
End Sub

Once frmManagers is open the user creates the new Manager record and then closes the form using a similar label with an on click event:

Private Sub lblClose_Click()
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmManagers", acSaveNo
End Sub

frmMangers also has an OnClose event that will refresh any comboboxes on other forms that refer to tblManagers to make sure that new Manager records will be available immediately for the user to choose from:

Private Sub Form_Close()
If CurrentProject.AllForms("frmPlants").IsLoaded Then

[Code] .....

So the problem comes when the user clicks the Close label (acting like a button) on the frmManagers. The code successfully closes the form and the on close event successfully refreshes any comboboxes on forms that may be open, but then for some reason it attempts to run again or perhaps continue running the onClick event that opens frmManagers. Since the form is already closed it gets hung up on trying to change the visible properties of the controls and the code fails.

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Navigation Pane / Unrelated Objects - Access 2007

Feb 17, 2013

My Access 2007 database with one main table. There are associated queries and reports that sort under that table when I have tables and related views checked. The problem I am seeing is some clearly related objects fall under unrelated objects and not with the table.

Short of using a custom group and sorting them manually?

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Modules & VBA :: SQL - Select Multiple Fields From Multiple Unrelated Tables

Oct 28, 2013

A small issue I was wondering of for a few day . Is it possible in SQL query to SELECT multiple fields from multiple tables ? Example for the question is


dim my_var as String
my_var = "SELECT Emp_FName , Emp_LName , Emp_Adress " _
& " FROM Table1 " _
& " AND Emp_Date_Of_Payment , Emp_Sum_Of_Payment " _
& "FROM Table2 " _
& " WHERE Emp_ID = 3 "

Is this code actually valid in SQL gramatics , and is it usable if passed to a Recordset variable ( rs = CurrentDB.OpenRecordset(my_var) ) ? Just FYI - The two tables are not related and I want to keep them that way (If possible relate their records just via SQL/Vba )

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Reports :: Get Remarks Automatically In Field Based On Other Field In Report

Dec 15, 2013

I made a report that have 'txtRemarks' field, I just want to get remarks automatically in 'txtRemarks' field based on the other field in report. that is why I used a function like below:

Private Function Estd_Remarks(Estd_Point As Long) As String
If Me.Estd_Point < 20 Or Me.Estd_Point = 0 Then
Estd_Point = "Earlier Established"
Estd_Point = "OK"
End If
Estd_Remarks = Estd_Point
End Function

And I wrote in properties 'On Format' event this code below:

Private Sub Detail_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
If Estd_Remarks = "Ok" Then
Me.txtRemarks = "Ranked & Sortlisted"
Me.txtRemarks = "Estd_Remarks"
End If
End Sub

When preview the report then it shows
Compile error
Argument optional

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Reports :: Having Field In Report Change Based On Another Field

Sep 5, 2013

I have a report that is looking up min and max quality specifications for a product. The table with the specifications has a Yes/No check box field for when the specs are defined as "Internal". So the table looks like Product/MinValue/MaxValue/Internal

I want the report to display "TEST AND RECORD" when the Internal box is checked where the MinValue and MaxValue (that are stored in the table) would be displayed otherwise.

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Report Shows ID Of Field Rather Than Data In Field?

Oct 16, 2013

I am working on a report and have found a problem. I have a field called "region". The data is geographical and is basically stuff like "southeast", "mid-atlantic", "southwest", etc. I reference this field in the report but the report shows the ID field of the table where this data exists, rather than the data in the "region" field. So, instead of "southeast", it shows "3".

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Add Field To Report (not In Field List)

Dec 5, 2004

I created a report based off of several tables and queries. Now I need to go in and add another field from different table. The item is not on the field list and trying to edit the expression doesn't seem to be working. Any suggestions?

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Minimum Value For A Report Field

Dec 18, 2006

I have a field in a report that is calculated to generate a dollar amount. Well the people who need this have some strange rules about how they get their dollar amounts. Mostly they just round up to the nearest dollar, which is no problem. But they also want a minimum charge of $2.00. So my problem is if the calculation works out to be 0.01 to 1.00, it will say 1.00 and it is going to be wrong because they will want it to be 2.00. So is there a way to set a minimum value for this field, or where should I go to try this?

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Calculated Field In Report?

Mar 8, 2005

Hi. I have a calculated field in a form. I wonder if the result could be shown in a report?

The form field determines an age category based on date of birth entered. The expression in the form field is

=IIf([child age fall]<=1.49,"Infant",IIf([child age fall] Between 1.5 And 2.49,"Toddler",IIf([child age fall] Between 2.5 And 4.99,"Preschool","")))

Is there a way to have this result show in a report? Thanks.

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Display Field In Report

Nov 4, 2004

How do I set a field to NOT display in a report if the field is empty? Thanks!

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Set The Value Of A Report Field From Code

Nov 14, 2004

I am using this code on a button, to print a report:

Private Sub buttonPrint_Click()
Dim P1 As Integer
Dim R1 As Integer
Dim stDocName as String

R1 = MsgBox("Print;", vbYesNo)
If R1 = vbYes Then
If stDocName = "FIRST REPORT" Then

P1 = MsgBox("Printing options;" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
" YES: Option 1" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _
" ΝΟ: Option 2", vbYesNo "Printing Options")

If P1 = vbYes Then
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acNormal
End If
Exit Sub

Here is the difficulty I need help to overcome:
In report "FIRST REPORT" there is one field called txtSet1, Boolean.
Can I set the value of this field to either True or False from this point in my code ?

If P1 = vbYes Then
set Reports![FIRST REPORT]!txtSet1.value = True
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acNormal
End If
Exit Sub
I know that the answer is NO because the above does not work. I think the problem is that because the "FIRST REPORT" is not opened until line
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acNormal
is executed, the line
set Reports![FIRST REPORT]!txtSet1.value = True
can not find "FIRST REPORT".
Can I have some guidance please ?

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How To Count A Field In A Report?

Jan 31, 2005


I have a report with a field that returns data according to a date that the user enters when he opens the report for viewing (this is based on a parameter query). So for date 1 you have let's say 10 names and for date 2 you have 5 names. Now here is my question:

How do I create a box on the report wich returns a count of the names field? So for date 1 it should return the number 10 and for date 2 return 5. I don't particularly want to have this in the query but would prefer to have this just on the report...

Can anyone suggest a solution?


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