Using Form To Search Records

Jul 4, 2006

Hello Friends,
I had a problem with my database although the problem is very easy because I am out of touch I am not able to solve it. I am attaching my databases along with this thread.
I want that if the user enter First, Last or Inumber in a text field in the Form "search". After pressing the button ‘search’ a the form ‘search_results’ opens and displays all data records that match to the entered parameters.
By clicking on the data record the form ‘candidate’ opens with this specific record and the form ‘search_results’ is closed.
I would be happy if someone help me.

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Search For Records In A Form Via Combo Box

May 30, 2006

Dear all,

I'm trying to incorporate a combo box in my form to navigate through records. The plan is to select a piece of equipment listed in the combobox, and that record will then be displayed as an "after update" action.

However, I have tried through coding I have tried before and utilising the wizard to create this combo-box, but each time I get a "Complie Error - Can't find project or library".

The section of code is shown below:

Private Sub Combo227_AfterUpdate()
' Find the record that matches the control.
Dim rs As Object

Set rs = Me.Recordset.Clone
rs.FindFirst "[EquipmentID] = " & Str(Nz(Me![Combo227], 0))
If Not rs.EOF Then Me.Bookmark = rs.Bookmark
End Sub

Any help gratefully received!



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Forms :: Search Bar Is Only Looking At Current Form And Not At Records

Jan 9, 2014

I have several forms in a navigation form. On all the forms, the little search bar at the bottom shows # of 103 records. On my navigation form it shows 1 of 1 and won't allow me to search.It would seem that the search bar is only looking at the current form and not at the records.

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Forms :: Search Form - Showing All Records

Feb 7, 2014

I am building a search form in my DB. I have got this working by using a text search box on the main form which then links to a subform that shows the results. This works great, however, when the form is first opened, it shows all the records that be searched. Is there any way that I can stop this? I just want the subform to be blank until a search is ran.

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Search Form Not Finding All Records Though They DO Exist

Oct 27, 2014

What could cause certain records to not be searchable when performing a search?

I have created a pretty simple Search Form that I can look up a record by a Job#, Phone#, or Name. It populates a list of record(s) on the bottom pane using a split-form.

The issue that I have recently discovered is that some records are not showing up when searched, though the record does exist. I can find the record by manually going to a record in the database that is close to the one I’m looking for and then using the previous and next record button to view the record I want.

So if a record exist and has the relevant data for the field that is being searched, why would it not find it? Using the default search built into Access on the bottom record bar, I can find the record using the search criteria I mentioned above.

I also have the Search Form set that if no search criteria is entered, it will display ALL records. Even with all the records shown, these few records do not show up.

Could these few records have a feature or setting that is disabled that needs changed? If so, what to look for at this point.

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How To Search Sub Form Records From Main Form?

Nov 12, 2006

The situation is like this:

I am designing a db for a dental clinic. I created 3 tables as follows:

1.T_Patients (P_Code(PK) and other fields)
2.T_Diagnosis (P_Code(Fk), ToothRecId (PK) and 32 text fields for 32 tooth named (UR1 to UR8, UL1- UL8 for Upper left / right Arch and LR1 to LR8, LL1 to LL8 for Lower left / right Arch)
3.T_Pmts (P_Code (FK), PmtRecId(PK) and other fields

I created one main form based on T_Patients tbl and similarly another 2 forms from other 2 tables. In the main form I placed 1 sub-form and 2nd sub-form. Bothe the sub-forms are Master / Child relationship on form over P_Code field in the main form.

Single character length has used for all the 32 text fields in table T_Diagnosis. So only one single B, C, D, F, M could be entered.

Normally we search patient’s profile by patient’s code or by name that displays in the main form. But the client needs to search patient’s record by tooth criteria.

There may many tooth fields in the first sub-form that are null and only some of them with any one of the B, C, D, F, M character. Bcz there is very rare chances of damaging all 32 tooth of the patient.

Now my clients want to search based on the data which are B, C, D, F, M characters. Means once he types C (stands for Cavity) in a search text box then it should bring all the sub-form records that hold value C in any of the 32 fields.

1.How can I do this when the search based on SUB-FORM and not over the main form?
2.The entered criteria value might by in other field also. Like say if entered C then this value may be in any of the 32 fields. So how it would bring all records?

I am confused how to do it. I attached a pic of my form for your ready ref. :confused:

I would really appreciate if somebody could help me.

With kind regards,

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Modules & VBA :: Search Form Not Returning Records With Blank Fields

Nov 14, 2013

I'm creating a search form to filter out data based on certain inputs. My VBA code looks like:

Private Sub Command18_Click()
On Error GoTo errorcatch
Me.Filter = "([Experiments.Log] Like ""*" & Me.Text21 & "*"") AND ([Expdate] Like ""*" & Me.Text22 & "*"") AND ([BaseSolution] Like ""*" & Me.Text24 & "*"") AND([AddCom] Like ""*" & Me.Text25 & "*"") AND ([Test] Like ""*" & Me.Text26 & "*"") AND ([Plan] Like ""*" & Me.Text23 & "*"")"

Me.FilterOn = True
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Error #: " & Err.Number & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Err.Description
End Sub

However, the output does not include records where other fields are blank. I have read that I may need to use Is Null but am not sure how to.

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Forms :: Search Form Did Not Return All Data Records For That Particular Result Set

Jun 3, 2013

All using access 2010. Here's the situation. I built a searchform according to datapigtechnologies video. Used a query with criterias on fields i want to search on the form: ex.

Like [frm]![frmMyform]![MyField]

It worked fine i thought until i ran the same query outside the form without the criteria field. I filtered the query for the same result and the one used on the search form did not return all data records for that particular result set. Ex. on the searchform; I select the fields I wanted to filter then ran the query. I come up with only 9 records when it should be 18 I get with running the exact same query without the criteria and manually filter the results.

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Forms :: Set Up Navigation Form - Search Unbound Subform Records

May 16, 2014

have set up a navigation form which contains 5 unbound subforms that are made visible or not visible thru the on click event of command buttons on the main form, the subforms have a command button with an embedded macro that searches for a record based on what has been keyed to an unbound text box on the subform, this works fine when the sub forms are opened independently of the navigation form but when the search is done from within the main form, the error message is, "....cannot find the referenced from frmAQIFAList" subform, I tried referencing the main form name infront of the subform name but this also doesn't work, perhaps this would be better with code ? or is it because the subforms are unbound ?

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Queries :: Search Form That Fetches Records In Nested Tables?

May 25, 2014

I have three tables, tblPeople, tblAddresses and tblVehicles. I have a form called frmPeople that shows a single person record, and has subforms with the list of addresses and vehicles for that person (each record has several). I want to create a single search form with each of the fields in my tblPeople, tblAddresses and tblVehicle tables, and allow the user to type anything into any of the fields on the search form, and have the search form fetch records that match.

So far, I have the query built, and the tables all linked the right way (I think), and I have all the search fields coded. And it works GREAT... except for this one little issue: If I do a search, and I put "Smith" in the last name field, I will get several Smiths in my search result, one for each address and vehicle combination. In other words, if I have ONE Smith in the table, and two vehicles and two addresses for that Smith, the query results give me FOUR Smiths! One with Vehicle1 and Address1, one with Vehicle2 and Address1, one with Vehicle1 and Address2, and one with Vehicle2 and Address2.

What I would LIKE is to have ONE record in the query results, and that record shows me that one Smith. And if I then search for "Plymouth" in the VehicleType field, and I have Smith in the name field, I'll get ONE record, and it will be the one of Smith with his Plymouth (Vehicle2).

Here is how my query looks right now (this one ONLY has the last name and vehicle search function to save space), and this is the one that gives me multiple results (which I do NOT want, unless multiple PEOPLE match the search criteria):

SELECT DISTINCTROW tblPeople.LastName, tblPeople.FirstName, tblPeople.PersonID, tblAddresses.Address, tblVehicles.Vehicle, tblVehicles.Plate, tblVehicles.VehicleYear
FROM tblPeople LEFT JOIN tblAddresses ON tblPeople.PersonID = tblAddresses.PersonID
WHERE (((tblPeople.LastName) Like "*" & [NameField] & "*")
AND ((tblVehicles.Vehicle) Like "*" & [VehicleField]));

Did I write the query wrong?

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VBA - Search Button To Search Entire Records / Runtime Error 3345

Jun 18, 2014

why the code below is not functioning properly. When I type in an acronym in the textbox, it keeps saying there is an error "Run-time error '3345': Unkown or invalid field reference 'ABO'." I do have ABO in the field.

The dysfunctional code:

Private Sub btnFind_Click()
If (TxtFind & vbNullString) = vbNullString Then Exit Sub
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set rs = Me.RecordsetClone
rs.FindFirst "[Acronym] = " & TxtFind

[Code] .....

The red highlighted line is where the debugger leads me to. Something with identifying the field? I would like to enable the search procedure to search throughout the entire records rather than just a specific field. How may I write such a line or two?

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Queries :: Create Query That Takes Values From Search Form And Provides Records

May 5, 2015

I am trying to create a query that takes values from a search form and provides records. I was having issues with getting results when some boxes on the form were left blank. I found a solution to that and it worked with a small number of fields. However when I make the full form query (about 8-10 fields) and run it says the query is too complex. I wrote the sql as I could not get designer to do what I wanted. Attached is the sql that works and that which is "too complex".

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Reports :: Search Results Report Shows All Database Records / Not Just Search Results

Apr 29, 2014

I have built a custom search form in a MS Access 2010 database so that users can find specific records to edit. After entering the search criteria and hitting a Search button, another form opens up that shows the search results. This second form includes a command button for generating a report of the search results.

Right now, the custom search form and the search results form are both working properly, but the search results report is showing every record in the database instead of just the search results. This is true whether I access the report via the command button in the form or the navigation pane. I'm not sure if I need to correct my VBA code or the report's properties.

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Queries :: Search Form That Uses A Query To Show Results Of A Search

Aug 5, 2014

I have a search form that uses a query to show results of a search, but everytime I press search everything comes up even though I have entered search parameters, even though my search requeries every time and the search used to work before I added new records today. Also when I press the query alone on the navigation pane it asks me for the parameters and then it actually works but it won't when I use my form.

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How To Create Search Button Using Access 2007 That Can Search From Form

Jul 10, 2012

i need to create a system that can search data using i want to create search button that i will create it at form. currently i have 1 table and in that table i have 10 fields which are project_name, doc_ref_no, doc_title, volume, book_no, author, doc_status, box_barcode, filling_location, doc_availability.

i have create 2 forms, one form for user to add new record and another one is to search record. the user can search by enter project name, doc title, volume and box barcode. for project name and volume, i use combo box and for doc title and box barcode i'm using text box.

i want to create search function that can detect from user keyword and even user did not fill in all the form, the system still can search the record.

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Forms :: Search Combo Box To Search For A Field On Form

May 7, 2013

I have a search combo box to search for a field on my form. But it just goes to that particular record. The combo box is for client id and it has more than one record. How can I have it return just the records pertaining to the client id choosen in the combo box.

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What Is The Best Way To Search For Records?

Mar 15, 2006

Hi there

This may seem to be a very general question for some but im wanting to find out what the best possible way of filtering records?
I have a database that structurally is split up into 2 tables. The one table refers to primary address information and the other table with the more detailed table. These two tables are linked as one-to-many. Theres also about 20,000 records to my db.

When i use the advanced sort filter in Access my address table is the primary table im allowed to search by, not any of the secondary table fields.

Is there a way around this or should i be using other recordset or filtering techniques?

Does anyone know the code to use the advanced sort filter function, rather than going into the records tab in access?

Any comments to put me in the right direction greatly appreciated


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Search Records

Nov 5, 2007

Hello All,

I have a form that I want to search Criteria that is "Like" the data entered. So if I am looking for "VA11336", the user may enter "11336" it will pull that record up (VA11336) and any other records that are "Like" what is entered. Possibly with a "find next" to browse other records. I am not sure how to make the query do this......I tried

Like [Which Site #?] in the query but I know this is not right...

Any Ideas?


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Search All Records For A Given Month

Jan 11, 2007

Hi All,

I was wondering how would you search all records by a given month. What criteria would you put in the date field?

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ListBox Search Records

Jan 7, 2005

Having an excruciatingly hard time seting up a txtBox and listBox to search records

ListBox, which contains an agency name should display all but filter out as user types in the textBox above. this listbox should allow a user to double-click to bring up record.

Will really appreciate the help! I have seen it being done on Access – and was wondering if anyone knows of a link or tip on setting this up!

ThankYou Friends!

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Search Scrollable Records

Oct 31, 2006

On a form I have an scrollable listing of all records in my database, alphabetized by last name. There are alot of records so I would like to have a 'Search' text box -- that is, I would like to be able to type letters of the last name in the 'Search' text box and as each letter is typed I would like to see the records scroll to the first "last name' that starts with the text I have typed so far.
Any ideas ... Thanks ahead of time!

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Promting User For A Value And Then Using That To Search For Records

Nov 9, 2006

I have records in a table that contain many fields 3 of which are text fields that I use for storing a year eg 2002,2003 etc. A record may only have a value in the 1st text field whereas other recods may have values in 2 or all 3 text fields. The problem I have is I want to select records that have the same year in any one of the text fields. For example:

Record 1 may have text fields containing: 2002, 2003, 2004
Record 2 may have text fields containing: 2003, 2004, 2005
Record 3 may have text fields containing: 2002
Record 4 may have text fields containing: 2002, 2004, 2006
Record 5 may have text fields containing: 2006, 2007

In the query I want the user to enter one year value using the prompt [Please enter required year] eg 2004 and for the query to then select records that contain that year value in any of the text fields. In this example records 1, 2 and 4 would be selected. If the user entered 2007 only record 5 would be selected. How do I do this?

Grateful for any help!

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Forms :: Cannot Search Newly Added Records

Jun 25, 2014

I have a form that lets you add records to my table, it works well and I can see the records in my table but then once I use my search form, which also is working well, the new records won't come up when I do a search, it just keeps searching through the records that were there when I created the search form.

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General :: Search Records By Month And Year?

Dec 6, 2012

how to search records by month and year.

example i will have form that contain combobox that will list Jan-Dec.

and also unbound box for user to enter the year.

then, it will have search button. after the user click search button, it will show report of the selected month and year.

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Forms :: Search List Box Duplicate Records

Oct 15, 2014

I have used John Big Bootys Dynamic Search Form, however to search on the fields I want I have created a query which has mutiple tables and when I get a duplicate value in the search box, i.e. in Client, there are 2 client "A"s and when I click on one it automatically chooses both.From here I want to create a double click event to open that records in a form, but I can't if it defaults to both records.

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General :: Combo Box To Search Over 100k Records

Mar 17, 2014

I have a database with over 100k records and I want to use a combo box to search for records by typing in the name. I found code to do this at: [URL] .....

This is working, however i have many fields on the form that I want to populate from the table after the search. Right now only the 3 fields from my rowsource combo box populate.

In my select statement do I need to SELECT * (all) and then populate the fields that way, or is there a way to populate from the table based on the ID of the record that is found?

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