Using Images Stored In Local Folder In Report

Apr 25, 2005

Hi All;

Any advice would be much appreciated….

I have a db of products which drives an ASP website, and includes links to images, which I have now stored locally (with the image path amended to point to the local images folder) along with the images folder containing all the images.

What I now need to do, is produce Access reports using these images, this I initially assumed would be a simple task, but hasn’t in practice worked out that simple!!

So, I now have local folder containing the images, and the products table with an Image field that stores the local path to the image – How can I now get the record and corresponding image to appear in my report? I’ve tried using an OLE field for the images, but this means updating each record manually (unless there is any way of updating the OLE field from the existing image path field??)

Am I missing something totally obvious here?

Thanks in anticipation!

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Modules & VBA :: Using Images In A Folder On Report / Form

Feb 28, 2014

I have photos stored in a folder on a drive. I have referenced them before in a simple picture viewer I created in a form. I create the file name by referencing the values of a list box on the field.


The list box has piid.2005.001 and image name is 2

filename = C:Temp" & pidd & "" & piid & "_" & imageName & ".jpg"

Each piid has it's own set of photos in their own folder

Now. I want to be able to print out all the files in a report/form. The piid and image name are stored in a table called tblPhotos so I could reference there.

I want to have a button I click that generates a report/form that spits out all the photos in that folder. Next to a button would be a text box (txtWhichPiid) where you enter in the piid and that's how you know which piid's photos to use.

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Reports :: Make Custom Report And Show In It Images From Folder

Jun 22, 2014

i have a database. the database have a table called CardDetails in this table there is like 1000 rows.The table have a field named MedicalId. and i have a folder . it's destination (D:CardPic) . this folder contains 1000 pic has the same names as the medical ids....i need to make a report and show on it these pic's the database doesn't have a afield that contains the path.i need to auto display the images on the report depending on the medical id.

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How Do I Link Images To A Folder?

Mar 30, 2005

Hi there.....

I have a minor problem......if anyone could help me on this one, would be much appreciated.

I have a field "OLE Object".


BUT!! .......I want to be able to LINK my products to pictures from a file.

Product 1 = AB1.jpg
Product 2 = AB2.jpg

Both images are in C:/images

So...product ID1 is linked to image AB1.jpg...product ID2 is linked to AB2.jpg.

The images must also appear as images in the FORM.

Any ideas on how I can do this ?

Thanks in advance.


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Problem Displaying JPEG Images Stored In Access DB

Aug 12, 2005

It may seem a really silly question but is there any restrictions as to the file types that can be stored in an Access DB.

I havent used Access in a while, but have been asked by a friend to create a simple DB holding info about cars he is selling, he only wants to hold thumbnail images of the cars so I can either link or embed the pics! However if I try to link or embed a jpeg image nothing appears in the bound object frame except for the image title i.e. bmw325i.jpg if I do exactly the same with a bitmap image the pic is displayed???

The only other difference I have noticed is that in table view of the relevant table a bitmap appears as Bitmap Image whereas a JPEG appears as Package????

Any ideas

Thanks in advance


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Forms :: Full Path To Images Are Stored As JPG In ClientTable Not As OLE

Sep 27, 2013

I have several text boxes which I can populate using the DLookup.I have images I want to display for individual records.I use a search (textbox) to input client name and this populates all other textboxes. I am trying to get the relevant image to display also using this search box. I have also disabled record selectors just tidy up the form. I have tried coding the image control on the AfterUpdate event of the search box. Full path to images are stored as JPG in my ClientTable not as OLE.

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Display Images From Hyperlink Within Folder

Mar 9, 2006

i've looked but can't find the answer!! which is unusual as this forum covers everything.
i have a field [photo location] with a hyperlink to a folder within which is a number of images. at the moment i have 2500 folders and its growing daily. the action i want when the 'photo location' field had got focus or when clicked is for the photos within the folder to open [not within the form itself] - either in seperate windows or preferably all together. i am using irfanview to display the images but am easy on this point. i do not want to give each photo its own hyperlink because there are thousands of them. any suggestions as to how i should do this?


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Copying Images To Folder Location

Aug 21, 2006

Hi there,

I have a form which allows a user to click a button, select a image file and it then references that path instead of embedding it. At the same time I would like to write some code that will copy the image from wherever it is located and copy it into the application pathimages folder.

Can anyone help?

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General :: Extract Embedded Images From Database And Save In Folder

Nov 21, 2012

Many years ago I created a database that has one embedded image for each project.

I am now redoing this db in 2010 format and I want to extract these images and save them in a folder so I can link them to the new db based on the project ID number

The table is [Project main], the unique project ID is [R&D ID#] and the image file is stored in [Item image] as an OLE object. i would like to save them to C:db images

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General :: Pull Images From Shared Folder On Network With Links - Email Attachment

Jul 9, 2014

I have a database that pulls images from a shared folder on our network with links. Is it possible to create a button to email the current record on a form and attach the file it references in the link?

The attachment is a pdf signature. I didn't want to include the files in the database for space issues.

I am using Access 2007. We out outlook as our email client.

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Run A Report Using A Stored Procedure With Parameters

Jan 7, 2005

I would like to run a report that uses a stored procedure with parameters. Is there a way I can pass the parameters from the report to the stored procedure? I am NOT running it from a form.

I want to call the report from VBA code and pass it the parameters that are necessary to run the stored procedure. Any ideas?

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Images In A Report?

Mar 31, 2005

Dear All:

I have created a report in access 2000. What I wish to do is insert a signature on this report and as I scroll through the report, the signatures change. The fields on the report are name, major and dean.

The signatures reside on the "c" drive on the computer. This report is based on a query. I wish to link the signatures to a specific field(dean) so as I scroll through the report the signatures changes with the report.

I have searched the forums for a solution, but I am having difficulty.

Any ideas on how to accomplish this?

Many thanks,



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Images In Report - Limit To Name Criteria

Aug 16, 2006

i have created a form bringing together 3 queries. one of the queries contains images the other 2 queries are text/data information.
i am now creating a report to print out the queries. each query is made into a report and then combined with a main report [2 of the queries are subreports]. the code i have used to link the images so that i get a unique image with every record is

me.[cempic2].picture = me![combined_mage_path]

however when i print the report if the record contains more then 1 image i get the following [screenshot 2].
what i need to do is to limit the image print out for each record to the first image only. the only common naming criteria for all my images is 001.jpg, 002. jpg and so on
what i need to do is to show only the image for each record that ends with the criteria *001.jpg. how would i do this in VB?

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Trouble With Report! Images Don't Transfer To Other Formats?

Jan 18, 2005

I have a report that looks like a letter on company letterhead. I wrote a macro that changes the report to .rtf, attaches it to an email so that we can send it to customers. The problem I'm having is that the .jpg logo graphic doesn't show up on the .rtf version of the report.

I've tried using .html and .doc formats and it doesn't transfer to those either. Is there a way to make the graphic stay on the letter?


Thanks so much for any ideas.


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Images Not Showing Properly In Form Or Report

May 6, 2013

In one of my databases, I have a form and a report where the images stored in my tables are not showing properly for all entries. They show as an icon with the file name rather than the image itself. This is not true for every entry, so I don't think it would be a problem with how the form and report are set-up.

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General :: Stored Procedure And Parameter Pass Via Form To Generate Report

Jan 28, 2015

I have a stored procedure created in SQL SERVER 2008r2

I have a form in access adp project with combo boxes, when I click the submit button I want the values chosen to be the parameters and the stored procedure called to generate a report

Is this possible .

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Reports :: Display Grid View Images On Report

Apr 2, 2015

How can I display multi images on 1 page as a grid view in access report...

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Reports :: Varying Images And Logos In Report Header

Aug 2, 2015

I create several reports for several different companies. Report data is the same but the report header data changes based on the company selected. All works well until I attempted to add their individual logos. I have tried many of the suggested methods both here and elsewhere to set the image path in Image.picture and image.control source. But I get "windows can't open file". Access 2010 on Windows10 insists on using the insert picture window when i select an image control. There is a drop down in the property sheet. I've gotten it to work a couple times but then its gone after restart.

The header data comes from a table [Company] which has the fields - name, addr, phone, path to image, and active(yes/no)

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Reports :: Conditionally Show Images On Report Header

Oct 30, 2013

I'm producing PDF reports in a VBA routine in Access through the DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport.

The routine works great, however i have now a new requirement and i need to change the report header so to if Country X is selected in a drop-down menu, then only image X is shown on the report header; if country Y is selected then only image Y is shown on report header.

I was simply thinking to make this through the "visible" option of the image, however it doesn't work because i get error "report must be open".

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Reports :: Adding Images To A Report - Only File Path Displaying

Oct 15, 2014

I have to add 2 company logos and a phone graphic to a report.

I can only seem to add one logo and if i try to copy and paste a graphic it just displays the file path.

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Reports :: Output A Report In Word Document Including Images

Oct 21, 2014

I need to know if exist the system in Access 2007 to output a report in word document including images. Normally the output is "*.rtf", with a quite good quality but due to the file type it doesn't include the pictures.

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How To Open A Dialog Box To Move Files Inside A Folder That Is Setup As Current Folder

Sep 2, 2015

I'm trying to automate a process of selecting a set of file/s and move them in a folder. When I click on a button, it should open a current folder that is setup in the code.

Lets say that I have a folder C:documents est, and very time I click on the button, it should open the dialog box with that path so I can select the files from another folder, drag them there and they will be saved in that folder.

This will form part of wider automation that will send an email stating that those file/s where placed in that folder.

I have in the same form where the button is placed, 3 check boxes that needs to be passed to the email as well that one or all the files where placed in the folder.

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Modules & VBA :: Open Folder Nested Inside Main Folder?

Mar 16, 2015

I'm trying to open a folder based on a BIN nr. This folder could be in a main folder that has diferent subfolder. As there where differnt naming used to create the folderes, one of the things they have always is the BIN nr. It alwasy start with a unique number and maybe I could use it to scan the subfolders and open that one that the BIN nr is equal as in the field BIN.

Now we have serveral 1000th of folders and finding them takes time.

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Modules & VBA :: Save Access Report As PDF And Save To Folder

Jan 10, 2014

I have a few selected reports on an Access 2007 database that users can run. Is there a way for users to view the report, save as a PDF and automatically save a copy to a shared drive by modules/vba coding as an On Click event procedure?

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Local Query - Remote Db.

Oct 10, 2005

Ladies and Gentlemen,
I'm sure you gurus have an answer for me.

I have a MDB (MS Access 97 db) on a shared drive. All my data resides here.
I have a local MDB (MS Access XP db) on my hard disk. Currently, I have queries located on the shared MDB that puts out a table. I then execute queries on my local DB, linking to the table I have on the shared db.

My requirement is this.
1. I want to be able to run queries against the shared db from the local db.
2. When the create table query is run, I would like it to create the table in the local db. I can live with creating the table in the shared db, but local would be better.

I'm sure that this can be done. I've seen it. But, that has always been a client/server system.

Thank you.

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Database On Local Network,need Help

Jan 24, 2005

i have done a database for a library that enables the user to enter the information about the books and search for it, the administrator have the right to enter the info about the books and edit and search the others have more limited rights depending on which group they belong, i used for the connection (currentProject) because i did all the forms and tables in one DB
a friend from this forum told me and i think he s right, that if i want to put it on the network i have to separate the forms and the tables ie save the tables and the queries on another database that i put on the network
i have a problem
1- im not sure how to connect to another database can i do it like this
Dim conDB as ADODB.connection
set conDB=new ADODB.connection
conDB=openDatabase("the path") or not
2-i have done the result form with a record source (search-query) and then inserted the fields into the form in the design view
can i do that with a query if it was from another database or i need to write it all in code (taking into consideration that i havent found how to insert datacontrols and do the binding, because im using french access, that s why i assigned automatically a record source for the form)
thanks in advance

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