Using The Count Function In Access Queries

Mar 13, 2007


I have a table which has information the count of students in classrooms around the university and I need to summarize the table by Faculty. Therefore, all I want to do is a count of students for each faculty i.e. Art and Design, Business and Law etc.

The query i put together is: SELECT Count([tbl_Audited Classroom for Week 02].Faculty) AS CountOfFaculty
FROM [tbl_Audited Classroom for Week 02]
HAVING (((Count([tbl_Audited Classroom for Week 02].Faculty))="BAL"));

So when I run the query I get the error message 'Data Type mismatch in criteria expression'. The Faculty field is a text field, so I don't know if that would make a difference.

Can you please help?

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Count Function In Access Query.

Apr 11, 2007

i'm trying to count the total number of records found for this query. i used the following expression (code) in the QED field row Total Incidents: Count([IncidentID]) which, result in an error message.

Can sum1 help me solve this problem. any help would be highly appreciated.

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Queries :: Count Function Which Calculate Data With Date Criteria

Jan 20, 2014

Looking to have a count function which calculate data in sense like if records found on 1-jan-2014 the it give answer as 1, same as records for 2-jan-2014 it should return 2 and so on .. in short the criteria must look and give same number for same dates starting from 1

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Queries :: Count Function Breaks Form When No Records Meet Criteria

Aug 10, 2015

I have the following code

WHERE (((T_STUDENTS.res_vrijstelling)=False) And ((T_STUDENTS.stud_year)="1") And ((T_STUDENTS.stud_coach)=forms!F_cboCOACHING!cboCOACHING))

It runs fine, untill the moment the count is 0. At that point it breaks the form. How can i tell access to deal with this? Somehow i need to replace the count result with 0 if there are no records that meet the criteria.

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Queries :: Update A Query Based On Results From Another Query Using Count Function

Apr 2, 2013

I run a physical therapy office and patients come in for treatment either 3, 4 or 5 times per week. My database is used to track these frequencies (among other things).

I have 3 queries which count how many patients come in 5, 4 and 3 times/week.

In my main table I have fields called "how many 5's", "how many 4's" and "how many 3's".

I have tried to design an update query which will update those fileds in my main table to reflect the counts in the 3 queries mentioned above.

(I'm not using SQL view, I'm using the query design view)

In the "update to:" row, I use the Build function and locate the count I'm looking for.

Problem: when I run the query I get the error: Operation must use an updateable query.

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Queries :: Access Chart Order By Count?

Mar 8, 2014

I have a query that Counts the number of times a model number is used. I use totals and the count function under total to get that count. I have the top 10 models used and the query returns my information correctly but. When I make a form or report and place a chart in that uses this query, the results are in alphabetical order not in the order of usage. I need my chart to either go from descending or ascending order of usage and not by alphabetical order of the model number or name. What am I doing incorrectly? It seems like the chart would display the same way my datasheet would in the query.

Here is my sql statement.

SELECT TOP 10 Count(tbl_Closed_Jobs.OEM_Model) AS CountOfOEM_Model, [OEM] & " " & [Desc] AS Expr1, tbl_Closed_Jobs.Desc
FROM tbl_Closed_Jobs
GROUP BY [OEM] & " " & [Desc], tbl_Closed_Jobs.Desc, tbl_Closed_Jobs.OEM_Model, tbl_Closed_Jobs.OEM, tbl_Closed_Jobs.Plant
ORDER BY Count(tbl_Closed_Jobs.OEM_Model) DESC;

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Queries :: Distinct Count In Access 2010?

Jul 15, 2015

I'm trying to write a query to get a count of Volunteers under a certain Job Code for a given year - problem comes in that a single Volunteer may record hours multiple times under a Job Code in a given Fiscal Year. I can't seem to get "Unique Values" to work. From my research it looks like I need a two-part query but (as a newbie) I'm not quite sure how to write that. I have two queries, one that works and one that doesn't.

This one counts total amount of hours volunteered under a given Job Code, it works:

SELECT tblHoursWorked.FiscalYear, tblHoursWorked.JobCodeLookup, Sum(tblHoursWorked.HoursWorked) AS [Sum Of HoursWorked]
FROM tblHoursWorked
GROUP BY tblHoursWorked.FiscalYear, tblHoursWorked.JobCodeLookup;
HAVING (((tblHoursWorked.FiscalYear)=[Enter Year:]));

This one attempts to count number of Volunteers that worked under each Job Code in a given year - it instead counts number of entries under that job code. What I think I need to do is count unique instances of the NamesIDFK, but I can't seem to get that to work.

SELECT DISTINCT tblHoursWorked.[JobCodeLookup]
FROM tblHoursWorked
GROUP BY tblHoursWorked.[JobCodeLookup];

1) correcting my second query and 2) putting them into one query so I can use them in a report.

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Queries :: Rounding Function To Always Round UP In MS Access?

Oct 10, 2014

I know the Round function exists in MSAccess, but what I need is one that will always round up, and never round down!

Easy enough in Excel, but I can't find one in Access?

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Queries :: Want To Count Records In Progressive Access Table

Oct 17, 2013

i want to count records in progressive access table .in simutanasly column like excel "countif" function if Attached File

Column A Column B
A Count (A) =1
A Count(A)= 2
A Count (A)=3
B Count (B) =1
B Count (B) =2
A Count (A)= 4

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Queries :: Access 2007 / Query Count Of Unique IDs

Jan 16, 2014

I have a basic query off a currency table :


SELECT tblCurrencies.CcyID, tblCurrencies.Ccy
FROM tblCurrencies
ORDER BY tblCurrencies.Ccy;

Now - I have a separate table of balances, which is linked to the currency table by the same CcyID, and which also has identifiers to link it to other tables (e.g. AccountID)

As part of the above query, I want to return the count of unique AccountID's in the balance table for each currency. So in other words, I want to know, for each currency, how many unique accounts exist?

Each AccountID could appear one or more times in the balance table (one-to-many relationship), so I only want to count the number of unique ID's.

So I started with the following :


SELECT tblCurrencies.CcyID, tblCurrencies.Ccy, Count(tblBalances.AccountID) AS NoOfAccounts
FROM tblCurrencies INNER JOIN tblBalances ON tblCurrencies.CcyID = tblBalances.CcyID
GROUP BY tblCurrencies.CcyID, tblCurrencies.Ccy
ORDER BY tblCurrencies.Ccy;

But this just gives the number of AccountID's per currency (regardless of duplication within them)

I found this article which informs me that a Count(Distinct) query won't work in Access and to use subqueries instead.

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Queries :: Aggregate IIF Function To Get Total According To Criteria In Access

Mar 18, 2013

I am trying to aggregate IIF functions to give me the total in separate columns (fields) according to the criteria applied however I am getting an error message "You tried to execute a query that does not include the specific expression

'IIF(Tbl_SKG.Value_Grp = 1,sum(Tbl_Advisor_raw.ValuePay),0)'

as part of an aggregate function, and I cannot find why, The query is as follows:


Sum(Tbl_Advisor_raw.ValuePay) AS ValuePay,
Sum(Tbl_Advisor_raw.Salary) AS Salary,
Sum(Tbl_Advisor_raw.NetRevenue) AS NetRevenue,
IIf(ValuePay>0,(ValuePay/Salary),0) AS pcSpend,

[Code] .....

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Queries :: Can Access Expression Builder Mirroring (IF Function) From Excel

Dec 12, 2013

I need to clean up data from text file which is huge.

I wonder if Access Expression Builder can mirroring "IF function" from Excel Here is what i am trying to do The data consist of multiple customer and multiple date. But the layout only specified customer ID once eg.

CustID: aaaa
CustID: bbbb

When exported the file I used Fixed Width command to separate Date Column and Cust ID column.

Below is the result that I am looking for
CustID: aaaa : aaaa
Date : aaaa
01012013 : aaaa
02012013 : aaaa
03012013 : aaaa
CustID: bbbb : bbbb
01012013 : bbbb
02012013 : bbbb

1. Column A is Date

2. Column B is Customer ID

because Customer ID in column B only appear once, I need to create another column to populate that Customer ID whenever the transaction related with that Customer

3. Column C is the column where i tried to populate Customer ID to each date related to that Customer.

If I worked in excel the formula will be --> IF(AND(C5="",B6=""),"",IF(AND(C5="",B6<>""),B6,IF( B6<>"",B6,C5)))but in access i am stucked.

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Queries :: Combining Data In Access Query Using Builder Function

May 13, 2014

I have a table in Access 2010 and in one field i have multiple records of the same data as in the next field it has unique data for example:


I am trying to run a query which will effectively group up the "Name" field and combine the "colour" field against the name using a ";". so it would look like this:


How i would do this.

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Queries :: Drop Down Access Standard Menu To Place Count Command

May 29, 2014

I have been using a table with queries with no problems. Now the queries wont recognize the last two records of the table when doing a Count. there are no null or empty spaces. I am using the drop down access standard menu to place the "Count" command. Is there a solution to this problem ?

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Count Function

Jul 6, 2006

Hi there,

I have a field called Unit in my table. That field references another table which has about 5 entries. The user can select one on the form.

What I want to do is count how many times each one has been selected so that i can create a chart. The unit names are: North, West, East, South and Main.

Any help would be appreciated.


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Using The Count Function

Aug 15, 2006

i have a table which contains the attendance records for employees. It shows their supervisor their name aemp number and which kind of hours they worked basic, overtime, Been late and absent is all recorded here.

SupervisorEmp NoSurnameForenameCodeValue

this bben a sample from the table. I want to be able to have the employee name, NUMBER AND SUPERVISOR there just once with the appropiate heading for what type of CODe they have BAS, OT1 as a heading with a count of the number of times they done that particular code

Where do i begin any help

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Sum And Count Function

Aug 29, 2006

I have a table where is listed all happened faults from a month period. Every fault have start time and end time field and ip field which tells what device has been "broken". Now I'am trying to calculate how many faults has happened in every day. I have make a query from the table which looks like this:
"SELECT (DateValue(Table.[start time])) AS date, Count(Table.[IP adress]) AS [faults happened]
FROM Table
GROUP BY Table.[start time], Table.[IP adress];"
And I get this:
date faults happened
12.8 2
12.8 1
12.8 1
13.8 3
But how I can make my query count together how many faults has happened in every day? So it should look like this
date faults happened
12.8 4
13.8 3

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Count Function

Jun 13, 2007

Hi guys

I'm trying to create a query that will count records from 2 different tables that are both related to a 3rd master table. e.g. table 1 is the master table and contains records of employees, this then has 2 child tables: customers and products. I want to count the number of customers and the number of products that belong to that employee in the same query so that i can then produce a report without the hassle of sub reports etc. any advice on this would be great


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Count/sum Function

Jun 15, 2007

i am trying to sum the total of ID's by corporate titles in query. In the totals row i have selected 'count' in the ID column and 'sum' in the title column but this doesn't work. I tried the reverse and it also was no good :confused:

Can anyone help - i'm sure its something simple

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Count Function

Jul 5, 2005

I wonder if someone could help me with the count function,being as I've never used it. I have two forms, one with a number box called:


The other is called:


I want to add all the records from Form1![CR2] and put them into

I know its going to be simple and I'm pretty sure I should be using DCount or DSum but I am unable to access the help files on my PC at work for some reason. Thanks!

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HELP With The Count Function

Jun 15, 2006

Can anyone help? I'm running a report that shows conference delegates names and the various workshop options they are choosing for an event. What I am trying to do is work out if there is a way to count the number of people who will be in each workshop. I have set up the database so that when someone registers for a workshop, I show this through a Yes/No box (ie, put a tick in the box). So my end report looks something like this:

Name Workshop 1 Workshop 2 Workshop 3 Workshop 4
Person 1 [tick] [ ] [ ] [tick]
Person 2 [ ] [tick] [ ] [tick] ….and so on

I have managed to count each column by the following control source: =count([workshop 1]) ; =count([workshop 2]) etc. The problem is the number it gives me is the TOTAL number, not just the number of ‘yes’s’ or ticks.

Is there something I can add to my statement to get the formula to just count the ticks? I tried: =count([workshop 2]=YES (and TRUE), but it still counted the total boxes/lines. Basically I don’t want to include the ‘no' boxes in my count.

ANY HELP anyone can give would be HUGELY appreciated. Thanks :)

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Word Count Function

Jul 26, 2005

Hi I need to count the number of words in each cell/field in my access database. Is there some standard function that does this thing or can i write some code to do it for me? thanks

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DCount Or Count Function

Mar 17, 2008

HELP PLEASE!!! There are two fields in my form that need the following relationship:

1. When I enter 1000 in my "spec no" field in my form, I need my "Number Field" to enter a "1"
2. When I enter 1000 in my "spec no" field in the next record, I need the "Number Field" for this record to enter "2" but "1" to remain on the first record.
3. If I enter 1001 in my "spec no" field in the next record, I need the "Number Field" to enter "1"
4. Continue this logic for all records without modifying the previous "Number Field" record.

I was told there was a way to accomplish this using DCount or Count function. Maybe there's an easier way??? Any help is greatly appreciated!! TX!

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Count Or Sum Function In Query

Aug 31, 2005

I have designed an attendance database, with fields for personal details and fields for the days of each month.

I need to have a query that will ask for a certain date(i.e. find the specific field) and then search on specific criteria (i.e. ON SITE) to see which staff are available.

What is the best way of doing this? Any help would be greatly appreciated

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Count Vs. Function For Attendance Report

May 26, 2006


I'm trying to make an Attendance Report for my students. I want the report to show each student and how many times they've been "Present", "Late" or "Tardy" in a month and in one year.

I've set up my db with two tables.

Table 1 - contains Student ID and Student Names
Table 2 - contains Attendance ID, course id, student id and the Status ("Present", "Late" or "Absent")

I used the sum queries and it doesn't do the count function properly. This is a copy of my query.

Thanks :o

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Problems With The Count Function On A Form

Jul 9, 2005

I have a query with 2 fields.

The first is called:TypeOfMedia: Left([MediaID],1)
Grouped BY

The second is called: CountOfProducts: Count(*)

This query has counted the number of CDs, DVDs and Games entered. The first letter of the MediaID fields indicates what type of product it is. A typical DVD entry would be: D2387

I now need to implement the totals on a form with other fields such as the name of the DVD.

The other fields are:

Ptitle: text
Type: text
Cost: currency
Penalty: currency

The trouble I am having is to successfully implement a count procedure where I can have three fields each showing how many of the various products there are, open at the same time.

Would any of my esteemed colleagues out there have a solution to this problem?


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