Utilities/code To Make Form & Report Creation/Edits Easier

May 26, 2005

I am wondering if anyone can recommend shareware or free ware Utilities/code to make Form & Report Creation/Edits easier?

I'm thinking of something like Cub Editor http://www.peterssoftware.com/ce.htm or SmartForm+ http://www.aadconsulting.com/smtfrmplus.html

but alas .... I can't do anything that will edit the registry (company politics says Access and it's Wizards is plenty 'perfect' http://www.dbforums.com/images/smilies/frown.gif maybe I will convince the powers that be but not in short time)

Also the code (or forms / reports built) need to work on Access 2000, 2002 and 2003. or well-commented on how to modify as I'm only modest with writng VBA code.

Any ideas? Thanks!

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Override Form Allow Edits With Code??

Oct 20, 2004

I am still struggling with my sub-form.
Have managed to prevent edit by using the form properties.
However I have some fields which have to be updated after the form has been closed.
I tried putting the following code in the (Before Update Event) of date issued field for instance.

If Me![DateIssued]=Null then
end if

Needless to say this didn't help.

I have some fields which cannot be filled in until a later date.
These are job records so I have date open, Technician name date completed plus a whole herd of other stuff which has to be filled in as the job progresses.

Any help will be most appreciated,

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How To Make Creation Of A Record In A Table Trigger Creation Of New Table

Jul 17, 2013

I have a table that is a list of all of my events. Each record of events should have a child table that list all of the things that happened at the event. When a new record (event) is added how can I have a new child table created and linked to that record. Also I have a blank table to serve as a template for what each child should look like. How do I make sure this occurs? The child tables can have the same name as the index. I am just using numbers 1- for the index with 1 being the first event and so on?

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Multi-select List Record Creation Code

Aug 5, 2005

I have a multi-select list box for selecting which faculty members apply to a project. The faculty table and project table are linked in a many-to-many relationship. I have the following code which should create entries in the link table:

Private Sub Command5_Click()
Dim varItm As Variant

rs.Open "tblFacultyLink", CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic

For Each varItm In lstFaculty.ItemsSelected
rs!FacultyID = Me.lstFaculty
rs!EntryID = Me.EntryID
Next varItm

Set rs = Nothing
End Sub

It successfully creates new records and enters the EntryID and LinkID (autonumber). However, FacultyID is always left blank. lstFaculty is the unbound list box which has three columns from the faculty table and is bound to FacultyID. Any ideas on why FacultyID isn't created in the link table (I get no error messages)?

Also, any ideas on how to prevent duplicate links being created every time the button is pushed? I was planning on having it first run a delete query for that EntryID in the link table so that it replaces the old links and any that have now been unselected are no longer linked. Comments on that idea?

Thanks again to everyone on the forums for your help.

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General :: How To Make A Report Using Crystal Report Direct From MS Access Form

Jun 3, 2014

I'v looking for since a couple months a go to make a report direct from access form using crystal report but i havent found it yet. I'v tried this code and its giving me errors. " run time error 1004 method range of object _global failed "

how to make a report using crystal report direct from ms access as front end application ? is it possible to use crystal report ?btw i use database sql server 2008 and MS Access 2007 as my frontend application.here's the code that i'v found and gives me an error

Dim CR As New CRAXDRT.Application
Dim rep As CRAXDRT.Report
Set rep = CR.OpenReport(Range(" ??? ")) * i getting error in this line, what should i do to fill it ??
rep.ParameterFields(1).AddCurrentValue "Boston"
rep.ParameterFields(2).AddCurrentValue "Cars"
rep.Database.Tables(1).SetLogOnInfo "tool", "db_tsel"
rep.PrintOut promptUser:=False, numberOfCopy:=1 ' promptUser:=True doesn't work

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Report Creation

Apr 18, 2005

I am attempting to create a report that the user can specifiy a contact type which is selected from a drop down list and the report will only show those records. The name of the report is "Contact Listing bu User Supplied Contact Type." I also have a form called "Report Contact Selection."
Right now I am getting only contact type of "recruiters" to appear when I run the report even when I select a different contact type. As you will see when you look at the "contacts" table, I do have records with different contact types.
I am including a *.zipped version of this database and if you should need any additional information, please feel free to ask.
Thank you.

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Reports :: Automatic Report Creation

Feb 17, 2014

I have a form which produces an SQL query based on a main table and a number of lookup tables. This query is displayed on the screen and then can be executed or produced as a report. If it is produced as a report the user mentions on another input screen the columns of the main table to be printed and the sort orders. A couple of other parameters needed for the report such as its title, date, font family and font size are also given. Then the report should be automatically generated. For this purpose I am using CreateReport and CreateReportControls methods. But the parameters of these two methods are not very clear. I need a report header, a page header and details of the records one on each row. Do I have to use the Create ReportControls method three times? First one only once, Second one on each page, third one on every line? Any example of such a report or point at an example?

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Reports :: Make Report The Same As Form And Sub Using Mail Merge

Jul 16, 2013

I am using mail merge to add info from my database to my word document template. I want to make it the same as my form I have set up which gives me a patient name, dob, GP details as head of main form then a subform (continuous) of their medication. When I try a mail merge it comes up right but only shows one medication on each page. I want it to add all their medications to the body and have the patient info in the heading. Do-able?

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Printing Form That Allows Only Certain Edits

Jul 11, 2014

We have 3 different sizes 1x3 2x3 4x6..I want to make 3 separate forms that have multiple sections that can be chosen.Upon Request I can Supply each separate Label with arrows to show what fields need to be changed for each Sales order.For the 1x3 Labels we Make:

1. ETL
- We change model #
- We Change if the Labels Says Dry Damp or Wet Listed.

2. MISC.
-One Plain Txt Box that can be edited in the center

For the 2x3 Labels:

1.Box Labels
-Sales Order#
-Shipping Location
(For the Box Labels I was thinking I have a Table that holds all this data and all I would have to make is a Query then a form)

-Change Model
-Wet Damp or Dry
-Change Model
-Change the Wattage (3 Different Places)
-Wet Damp or Dry
-6 Text Boxes (From top to Bottom not side by side)

4x6 Labels:
1.HID Box Labels
-Medium or Mogul Based

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Should Be Easier

Dec 29, 2005

i think this is prolly easier than im making it out to be.

first i will explain what im doing. this db is used to basicly have problem reports. when a person calls info is gathered and they are assigened a number by myself based on the company they are with. puts a timestamp and then the use of the db at that point is over.

but this is what i can't figure out.

I want to make a subform viewable on the same pane as the main form, that will search for the problem reports that don't have a timestamp on a completed column of the table the rest of the data is on. i can get it to pull what ones don't have a close date, but i can't get it to when i select/click/type in the number to add a timestamp, and erase it from the search. I hope this makes sence.

thanks for any help.

p.s. this is what i have so far to pull the data

SELECT history.issue_number FROM history WHERE (((resolved) is null));

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General :: Make A Copy Of BE File Rather Than To Make A Copy Via Code

Nov 26, 2012

Would it be ok just to make a copy of the BE file (every so often) rather than to make a copy via code?The user can then just paste over the original if it becomes corrupt.

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Two-table Query-Based Form Won't Allow Edits

Oct 2, 2006

Have the data settings for the form all allow=true
And tried the VBA allowedits=true on form open but the form is still locked.
Any suggestions about why?
Is updating two tables from a two-table query not allowed or???

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Modules & VBA :: Creating A Button To Allow Edits On A Form

Nov 4, 2014

So I have a form that allows me to view the information associated with a specific record. Within this form is also a subform that shows additional information about the record from a junction table. I want to create a button that allows me to edit the information on both forms.

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Easier Way For Unbound Forms?

Mar 11, 2005

I have a form that's currently bound that I would love to make unbound. However, this form has about 400-500 data controls (ckboxes, cboboxes, txtboxes, etc). Is there an easier way to fill the data than

with rcd
data1 = !data1
data2 = !data2
data500 = !data500
end with


this seems extremely tedious, but I'll do it if there's really no other way. Too bad people are too stupid for bound forms


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Forms :: Apply Filter To Form And Allow User To Do Edits

Jan 10, 2015

I'm creating a database about Vets and I need to make a button on my menu form that will open something like message box that will allow me to type in something (in my case Customer ID) which will then apply the filter on the customer form and allow me to do edits. I have only done the macro that will open the customer form but can't figure out how to do the filter part.

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Forms :: Why To Undo Edits After Changed Records In A Form

Jul 22, 2013

I thought "Undo" was only available while in the current record.Here were my steps:

1 - Loaded form that shows 1 record per form page.
2 - Edited a record
3 - Moved to another record with status bar nav arrow
4 - Verified my edit was in the underlying table
5 - Moved back to the original record, again using status bar nav arrow
6 - Clicked my "undo" control and the original data appeared in the form
7 - Moved to another record
8 - Verified my original data was now back in the underlying table

My undo control has this vba on click:

DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdUndo

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Form Creation Help

May 30, 2006

hi there,

i also need help in my form creation. as you can tell from my post, i am clueless.

anyways, here is what i want to do.

i have an input text as:


these will grow based on how many people information one needs to enter. so say if i have 3 people i should have:



and so on

the thing is i only want to show input text 2, 3, etc when i have several names to enter.

so what i want is, a button, such that when i click on that button, it creates input text 2, 3, based on the number of people i have.

i know how to do this easily with html/javascript, but i MUST do this in ms access, so i hope somebody can help.


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Got The Code, But Can't Make It Run

May 15, 2007

I'm having a total brain freeze here.

Last week, I posted for help getting an email (with attachments) sent from inside an Access database.

With some help from my friends here, I fought through the issues and got the code in the module to work, when tested from the immediate window.

Problem is, I can't figure out how to tie it to a macro or event or anything else that will let me push a button and have it run.

I need nuts and bolts details--- how do I run this module?


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Making Data Entry Easier....

Sep 1, 2006

Hi I have a field in a table which is set to text, diplay control=list box, row source=value list. Row source = "level1", "Level2" etc up to "level9".

Now the form for new records matches this except the values allowed are limited to the list, ie they can only enter exactly one of the list above or it throws user an error.

My question is how can I make it easier for the user to input data, ie instead of having to type all the word 'level1' can i get it to accept also the number 1 to 9 and then auto change the value to the correct field ie if user enters 1 it auto changes it to level 1. But i still want it to limit what the user can put in so to get 'level1' entered they can enter '1' or 'level1' (or select from drop down list) but not accept anything else?

Thanks in advance

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Forms :: Edit Button To Enable Edits On Form And Subform

Sep 22, 2013

I have a form "Handover" on this form I have a button that enables edit functionality once clicked, I now have a subform on this form named "Bdown".

The Bdown subform allows edits without having to click the "btn_Edit" on the main form "Handover".

Is is possible to make the edit button on "Handover" control the edit function on "Bdown" also?

Currently "Handover" contains:

Private Sub btn_Edit_Click()
Me.AllowEdits = True
Me.btn_Edit.Caption = "Editing"
End Sub

[Code] .....

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Forms :: Split Form With Combo Box As Filter Allow Edits False

Sep 6, 2014

I have a simple split form with datasheet on the bottom and a couple of comboboxes (unbound) on the form header which the user can use for filtering the data. When some users open the form the allowedit property of the form is set to false, because those users can only view the records. But the result is that also the comboboxes cannot be set, hence no filtering!

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Make Table With Code

Mar 24, 2007

i am sorry
im new using access
how can i make a table with code? and how can i create relationship between tables with using code?

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Hard Code TIME To Selected Date On Form (to Make It Date&time) For My Query Criteria

Aug 17, 2006

Hello buddies :D, do you have any idea how to make this work?

To select data that falls within this criteria of date range between cboDate and cboDate2 (fields on my form). The date in [tblJobDetails]![timeIn] come in this format "08/17/06 10:24 AM", but the cboDate/cboDate2 (takes in date only e.g 08/17/06) what i am after is to evaluate specific hard coded time in addition to the date entered, i.e. even tho, i haven't entered time on the cboDate/cboDate2, I want specific time hard coded where e.g If i select a date range of 08/17/06 and 08/18/06 on my cboDate and cboDate2 it should really be evaluating: 08/17/06 8:00 AM to 08/18/06 8:00 AM.

This is the criteria i curentlly have on my query in design view tha works perfect in selecting date only.
([tblJobDetails]![timeIn]>=[Forms]![frmPendingJobs]![cboDate] Or [tblJobDetails]![timeIn]>=[Forms]![frmPendingJobs]![cboDate] Is Null) And ([tblJobDetails]![timeIn]<=[Forms]![frmPendingJobs]![cboDate2] Or [tblJobDetails]![timeIn]<=[Forms]![frmPendingJobs]![cboDate2] Is Null)
How can I incorporate 8:00am to 8:00am into my cboDate and cboDate2. What can i do to make this happen? Your kindness will be greatly appreciated http://www.naijaryders.com/forums/images/smilies/thankyou.gif

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Form Creation With Query Source

Aug 8, 2007

do you guys use a query as your data source in you form?
if not how do you build a form with mutilple tables with the same unique id.

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Form Creation All Records Not Shown

Sep 30, 2015

My Database consists of three tables and a linking table, tbl graves, tbldeceased,tblmemorail and tbl memorialtablejoin.

Having completed my tables and checked that the relationship data gives the correct data I decided to embark on a simple form to display all the data on a single form.

So I used the create Form option, selected add existing fields. All of my tables are shown in the fields list.

From tblgraves I selected plot and grave Id, from tbl deceased forename and surname and from tbl memorial the inscription field.

The form was created but on examination I realised that my total records was shown as 12000 records whereas tble graves and tbl deceased has 39000 records and tblememorial 17000 records

So I created the form using just tblgraves and tbldeceased and that shows my 39201 records.

If I leave form view and go back to design view and add the inscription record from tblMemorials I see the message box as per the attachment.

Not every grave or deceased has a memorial but I would expect to see my 39000 records

I've also attached a screen shot of my relationships...

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Automating The Creation Of Multiple Records Through A Form

Feb 20, 2007

Sorry for the long winded question but want to be sure i clarrify exactly what i'm after.

What I currently do with my database is each time we send an email or a letter or have a phone call with a contact it is logged in our correspondence database. This is achieved by creating a new record in the correspondence form by filling in the contactID of who the correspondence was made with and then filling out the rest of the details as per the correspondence fields below. This works fine at present but occasionally we do mass mailouts of information to say all the centres in a state. Instead of someone having to enter a correspondence record for each of the 400 centre contacts we have in a given state and repeat the date, time, and details information each time so that an individual record appears for each centre, I would like to automate this process.

What I envisage is something like the picture I’ve attached. Where the user could filter by either the state or maybe even select specific centres from a listbox (filter by state is the most important one) and then fill out the rest of the correspondence record and have Access automatically create an Individual record for each of those centres selected, in the Correspondence tbl (from research it sounds like I need some sort of a loop task performed?). I need these records to be added to the bottom of the existing correspondance table

Unfortunately I have no idea how I can achieve the actual creation of all these records. Creating the form and queries based on a form I am fine with.

My table structure is below

ContactRefNum (PK)

ContactID,CentreID,CouncilID,CompanyID are all linked fields to their own tables.

I am a novice user so the simpler the solution the better. Any assistance you could give in this task would be appreciated.

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