VBA Code To Update Field In Table

Jun 23, 2012

I am currently trying to add a last updated field for each field on my table. I figure I would have to add a before update code for each field on my form. However, the field that I want to have updated is not located on my form, but just on the table. I would like to have the field on the table updated with the last user and time the field was updated.

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Table Locked When Trying To Update Via Code Called By A Form

Oct 19, 2005

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :confused: :confused: :confused:

I am trying to update a database table via a command button on the main form, that uses tabbed sub forms.

The database gets its data from paradox data tables copied our company's
third-party software. These table files are copied from one location to another to stop the paradox database from locking up and giving me errors during the import process of this database. I then link to these files at a pre-determined location on a local computer hard drive.

When I try to run the code below I get the error about the table being
locked by a user or process. As you can see I have tried adding a pause
incase the files are still being copied but this does not seem to be the

I have used a msg box to confirm that the copying process has completed before starting the make query, but the same error comes up after I click ok.

Can anyone suggest anything else.

As you can see from the simplicity of the code below I am a beginner so take it easy on me, by not taking knowledge for granted. :)


Dim response
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

response = MsgBox("Are you sure that you want to update xxx with Customer
data from xxx?", vbYesNo, "Perform Update")
If response = vbYes Then

‘pause software to let any pending work to be completed
Sleep (5000)

‘close active form

‘close all active forms
Do While Forms.Count > 0
DoCmd.Close acForm, Forms(0).Name

‘pause software to let any pending work to be completed
Sleep (30000)

‘delete existing file
Kill "c:folderfile DATA.DB"

‘replace with new file
FileCopy "J:Folderew_DATA.DB", " c:folderfile DATA.DB "

‘pause software to let any pending work to be completed
Sleep (40000)

DoCmd.SetWarnings False

stDocName = "Make_DATA"
DoCmd.OpenQuery stDocName, acNormal, acEdit

‘pause software to let any pending work to be completed
Sleep (35000)

stDocName = "Make_DATA_SUMMARY"
DoCmd.OpenQuery stDocName, acNormal, acEdit

‘pause software to let any pending work to be completed
Sleep (35000)

stDocName = "qry_Update_ Status"
DoCmd.OpenQuery stDocName, acNormal, acEdit

‘pause software to let any pending work to be completed
Sleep (35000)

‘open up main form when finsihed
stDocName = "main-form"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

DoCmd.SetWarnings True

End If

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General :: MS Access Code To Update (add / Subtract) Value (quantity) On Table / Form

May 15, 2015

I have a 'tblStock' with fields 'ProductID', 'InitialStock', 'Buy', 'Sell' and 'UpdatedStock'. I also have a form 'StockUpdate' add values and also add new records to 'tblStock' .

If I have value [100] for IntialStock quantity, Buy [0] and sell [10], UpdatedStock will be [90] (that's done and fine!).

The problem is, I would like to make the UpdatedStock value [90] to be the NEW InitialStock, so that any BUY or SELL will keep updating the UpdatedStock and making it the NEW InitialStock for the next transactions and so on....

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Modules & VBA :: Code To Check Contents Of A Field In A Table Where Another Field

Sep 11, 2013

I am trying create some code that checks if the contents of the status field in a table is "Authorised" where the ID = something specific for multiple records. If all records witht the specific ID are "Authorised" Then generate a new record in another table. Where to start, perhaps a Dlookup?

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Tables :: Update A Field In One Table Based On Status Of A Field In Another Table

Aug 2, 2013

I have started work on a database to track the many (several hundred per annum) projects my company undertakes. A 'main' table lists projects, their fees, their key dates, their project numbers, etc. I have created another table for tasks. Each task is assigned to a project (via the project number), and may be 'open' or 'closed'. I have separated the tasks table from the projects table as there may be several different tasks for each project. It is also good to keep a record of the tasks.

I want to prepare a report from the projects table that lists projects IF they have any open tasks.

In my mind, this means 'If a task, with the corresponding project number, is open, put a 'Yes' in the 'Tasks open' field of the Projects table.'

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Update OnHandQty Table Field Based On Qty Field From Another Table / Form

Oct 30, 2012

I have a table called Inventory (table1 - PK=INVID) that contains all inventory ID numbers and descriptions. I have another table called Inventory Transactions (table2 - FK=INVID) that gets updated through a form. When a new transaction is made in table2, I want the transaction amount to get added or subtracted to an OnHandQty field in table1. I tried having table2 (transaction table) as the main form and then table2 as the subform, but I couldn't get table2 to update.

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Function Code To Log Field Changes Into A Table?

Jan 21, 2015

As you can see the purpose of this function code is to register into the TblLogChanges every single record exclusion or record change made in any form field of my project when the form is active. In other words if the user changes for example the value of the field Color in the form FrmX from Yellow to Black, the TblLogChanges will have added a line indicating: FrmX, type of change (record change or record exclusion), RecordId (in my case CADID), Current User, Date, and a complimentary string showing Field Color old value=Yellow --> Field Color new value=Black.It works fine when the field "old" value is populated (not null). However, if the feld old value is null, meaning, if the field value is originally null, or yet if the field is originally empty, and I fill it up with some data, then the code does not add an indicative line into the table TblLogChanges.

See function code below.

FYI the function is called in both Before Update and Delete events of the form with the following syntaxes: =logChangeFrmCadastro("E") for record exclusions, and =logChangeFrmCadastro("A") for record changes.

I have failed so far to make it happen. Reason is I'm able to read and understand most written syntax but still not good enough to create my own codes since I do not know to use the range of VBA commands and syntaxes available yet. This is a knowledge gap I'm doing my best to fill in.

what function code changes are required so the function be able to add an indicative line into TblLogChanges when the user changes a form field from "empty/nothing" to something?

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Function LogChangeFrmCadastro(strTipo As String)
On Error Resume Next
Dim db As Database, rslog As Recordset
Dim frm As Form, I As Integer


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Queries :: DSum - Update A Field In Specific Table With Info Form Another Table

Aug 5, 2014

I have a table products with a field "id_product" and "total" (Total items in stock)

I have a query with the fields "id_product" and also the field "total in stock"

I want an update query to update the field 'total' in table 'products' with infos from that query

For each id-product in table products, replace the field total with the field 'total in stock' from the query

So I want to update a filed in a specific table with infos form another table.

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Queries :: Find Data In One Table And Put In Field Of Another Table Then Update

Nov 7, 2013

I have an "order details" table that needs to populate a field called "Voucher" with data from another table called "codes". The "codes" table also has a true/false field called "allocated" because once allocated the code cannot be re-used.

I am trying to work out how to automatically allocate the next unallocated code in the "codes" table to each record in the "order details" table when that order details record has a DiscountID of "92".

Order Details Table Fields and conditions/criteria:
ID - primary key
DiscountID - only when the DiscountID = 92
Voucher - only populated when Discount ID = 92

Codes table Fields and conditions/criteria:
ID - primary key
code = text field with a code like "einstein01", "einstein02"
Allocated = False

Is there a way to put the next available code into the order details record then mark that code as allocated in the codes table. Then, move on to the next order details record that has a discountID = 92, input the next unallocated code and mark that code etc. etc.

Ideally, I would like to do this to happen via an event when the Order forms button "Close" is clicked.

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Tables :: Update A Field Of Table A By Entering Data On Table B

Sep 14, 2012

Some days ago I made it by using "query", but now I forget it how I make the relation on this situation. Here is my problem.I have 3 Table on mdb file, named Table: A, B, Status.Table Status have One Filed with 1 Data: Dishonor

Table A have three fields

Sl Number: (Auto Number)
Status: Lookup wizard-data of (Table-Status)-Default Value is "Honor"

Table B have two Fileds
Sl Number: Number
Status: Lookup wizard-data of (Table-Status)

After Entering Some data on Table A it's Look like as:

Asl numberstatusamount


Now I want to change the Status of SL Number Honor to Dishonor so I fillup data on Table B is as like following

sl numberstatus

Now how I can get the result as following by using query:sl numberstatusamount

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General :: Update A Field In One Table From Another Table Via Forms

Apr 26, 2013

I'm trying to update one table's field, via a Form, with certain data from another existing table in my DB when I enter key data in this first form. Example:

Table Equipment ... Some columns... Year, Make, Model, LIcPlate, etc.

Table Fuel ... Some columns... Year, Make, Model, LicPlate, Fuel Dispensed, Milage, etc.

Form for Fuel has Year, Make, Model, LicPlate, Fuel Dispensed, Milage, etc. BTW, it will take Year, Make and Model to fully qualify the search/lookup as there may be more than one occurrence of a Year and Make in the Equipment table, so Model is necessary to fully qualify. . Yes, something like VIN would be a simpler lookup but remembering a VIN is much harder than entering a Year, Make and Model.

In a Form over Table Fuel, I want to have the LicPlate field (possibly other fields as well) automatically updated from Equipment Table when I enter the Year, Make and Model in that form.

I'm assuming the solution involves creating VB code, of some such, via an Event (AfterUpdate) or some such built through the LicPlate field in the Fuel form. A mass Update via SQL is not appropriate.

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How To Update Field Of Table A By Entering Data On Table B

Sep 14, 2012

I made it by using "query", but now I forget it how I make the relation on this situation. The Sample file is attached.Here is my problem.

I have 3 Table on mdb file, named Table: A, B, Status
Table Status have One Filed with 1 Data: Dishonor

Table A have three fields

Sl Number: (Auto Number)
Status: Lookup wizard-data of (Table-Status)-Default Value is "Honor"

Table B have two Fileds
Sl Number: Number
Status: Lookup wizard-data of (Table-Status)

After Entering Some data on Table A it's Look like as:

Asl number





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Update Table Field Based On Another Field.

Mar 3, 2008

Ok. I've got a table named SIPATable and some of the fields contain summed values. Let's say for instance I have a field named "GaDRaw", which represents a raw score. now...I need to update a field called "GaDPer", based upon the value in "GaDRaw". So...If "GaDRaw" <=16, then I would want "GaDPer" to be updated to = 35. Further, if "GaDRaw" = 17. then I want "GaDPer" to = 37. and so on....

I think it's an If Then Else statement, but not sure how or where to place it. Id like it to be as code under a command button, and update the table all at once.
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance,

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Update Field In One Table From Another

Dec 14, 2004

I need to update a field within one table based upon a value from another. The problem is after i have setup the relationships the field i need to update will not work.

I have enclosed a screen shot of the relationship and field layout.

I need to update the field" registered with"(tblhistory) using the data within "clubname"(tblplayers) ,this field is updated from clubname(tblclubs) via a relationship.

Please help at a loss.I am not sure whether i need to change the design and relationship side of the database.

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Table Field Name Update

Jun 1, 2005

Is there a way to change the name of a table field and automatically update the references to this field in all the relative objects - operations of the database?

Cheers in advance for the help tips!

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Update Field In Table

Oct 4, 2007

Guys I am tired, its late and I cannot get my head round this- (I know some of you are goinginto say don't do what i am trying to do- but)

I need to have a field in my underlying table
Main fees which is the aggregation of fees on a particular case

(I don't want to do look up)
how do I get his field to be a running total

what i envisage doing is

£100 fee 1 day , then next week another £100
so I will have 2 transactions total £200

field would be totalfee
andI am adding this in via another form called claimprocessor field fee
so i want the fee to aggrigate to the fee total

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Update A Field In A Table

Oct 16, 2007

I have to update a field in a table with some values from an excel file. Before I update the field in Access, I want to check if there are any letters stored in this field that I just imported from excel in a separate table. If there is logic, where do I run the code in what event property so it will check all the records at once?

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Cumulative Update Field In Table

Aug 4, 2005

i am trying to get a table to automaticaly calculate numbers entered into a field, for example field 3 allready has the number 10 inside it, if i then enter the number 15 i want the field to calculate the existing number with the new number and display 25?

currently when i update the field then i will see 15, so i need to tell it to do something else and that is where i am stuck!

please help.

Bev :confused:

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Update Table From Query Field

Apr 3, 2006

I have a query that does calculations in the expression builder field. Is it possible to update/populate a field in a table with the calculated field/answer from the query? Thank you.


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Update Table From Query Field

Apr 3, 2006

I have a query that does calculations in the expression builder field. Is it possible to update/populate a field in a table with the calculated field/answer from the query? Thank you.


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Trying To Update Field Based On Other Table

Jul 25, 2006

I have the following situation.
Table 1:
Primary Key
Secondary key

Table 2:
Primary Key
Secondary Key

This is just an example. The first table is totally populated. The second table does not have the secondary key assigned, but otherwise is populated. In additon, some of the records in Table 2 do not have a matching entry in table 2.
I would like to be able to update table2, populating the Secondary Key field in order to allow me to delete the Primary Key fields. The Primary key was assigned by somone else who created the db, and makes no logical sense, i'm trying to replace it with a key that can be used more easily. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Kevin S. Jones

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General :: Update Table Field

Jan 13, 2014

I have a simple MyAddress Project. It consists of one main table, a couple of queries, some forms and reports. Most fields in the table are typical text fields. The project allows me to select records from the table and print labels for those selected records. One field is a "yes/no" field. If the field value is true, the label prints; otherwise it does not. I have a form which allows me to scan the list of records and mark those I wish to print. So far so good. I am trying to add two buttons to the form to enable me to 1. Clear All and 2. Check All. I am trying to use an UPDATE statement to activate when I click the appropriate button. However, when I execute, I get the error message "Compile error: Sub or Function not defined".

The name of the table is tblMyAddresses.The firld I am trying to UPDATE is PrtLbl.The update value will be true or false depending on the button clicked. Since I want to change the values in all records, there is no WHERE required. The code I am trying is as follows:

Option Compare Database
Public Sub CheckAll_Click()
Update tblmyaddresses
Set PrtLbl = False
End Sub

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Update Field Changes To Table Field

Nov 13, 2007


I have a parts table with a field that holds a vendor's name which is selected from a combo box on a parts form. I've just noticed that if a vendor name is changed on the vendor form the field in the table isn't updated. I now have to go through all parts to adjust any changes done to the vendor name. Is there a way I can automatically update the vendor name in the parts table if there is a change done to the Vendor name in the vendor table?


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Listbox Wont Update Table Field

May 3, 2005

I've a form with comboboxes and listboxes on, which populates a table with data. The cbo or lbo are bound to the relevant table field.

Unfortunatley, there is one lbo that just wont update the relevant table field.
I've tried lots of different settings and etc, following advice reseacrhed from these forums.I've even tried copying an lbo that does work, all with no luck.

Has anyone ever had similar experience? If so, how do I get out of it?



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How To Automatically Update A Table Field From A Form?

Feb 19, 2006

hi there
I am having some difficulty with using Access (aren't we all?) ;-(
I have a table with a the following fields: START_DATE, END_DATE, RENTAL_PERIOD, DAILY_COST & TOTAL_COST.

What I am tring to achieve is that when someone fills in the START_DATE, END_DATE & DAILY_COST fields (which update the table behind the form) that the form will take the END from the START and put the result into the RENTAL_PERIOD field and then multiply this by the DAILY_COST value to automatically fill in and display the TOTAL_COST field.

It must be simple but I just can't get it to work and it's stopping me from sleeping :mad: I have found myself doing Access in my dreams which is not good!!

Any tips much appreciated - Thanks

PS I have written 2 queries which will calculate this for me but dont seem to be able to action the queries from within the form (if that helps!)

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UPDATE Query Copy Field To Another Table

Dec 7, 2006

Hi all,

I have two tables and one of them (table1) has two fields called
pct_id and pct_name.
table2 has the field pct_id.

I also created a new field in table2 called pct_name.
What i'd like to do is set table2.pct_name=table1.pct_name wherever
table1.pct_id=table2.pct_id automatically.

Is there a query that can check to see if its the same and update table2?

Heres what i tried but it didnt work

UPDATE table1
SET table1.pct_name=table2.pct_name
WHERE ((table1.pct_id)=(table2.pct_id));

Thanks in advance

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