Validate Date Entered Is Between Monday And Friday

Nov 21, 2006

Hello, all;

I think this is probably a simple solution for some of you.

I have a database containing records for which I need to set dates to follow up on.

I would like to ensure that the date that is entered is a business day (So that when I run my follow up report for the day - I don't end up missing items that were inadvertantly entered for a weekend!)

I have hunted around for a similar thread - but have not found anything.

I am thinking that a simple bit of validation could be entered for the field properties.

Any ideas?

Your help is greatly appreciated.

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First Monday And Last Friday Of A Month,Ms Access

Dec 19, 2007

Hi all,
I have some records lying on ms access db, I need to find the first monday and the last friday of the months in db then select and group them .
How will I do that ?

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Forms :: Getting Monday And Friday Of Current Week On Main Menu?

Jan 3, 2015

For some reason i'm having difficulty getting the Current Monday and Friday of the Current Week on my Main Menu. Monday shows 12/29/2014 ???

Here is the code for the scenario.

Monday: =CDate([AnyDate])-(Weekday(CDate([AnyDate])))-2+4+3-3
Friday: =Date()-(DatePart("w",Date(),2,1)-1)+4

AnyDate: Date()

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Replacing Date Values For Last Friday In Month

Apr 30, 2008

Is it possible to create the following logic in query:

"If there is a "SHIFT2" or "SHIFT3" value on the last Friday in month,
then change the date values for these entries to the next date (Saturday)"

In the attached sample, there is a number of such values within the "Adv Track Shift" field dated on Friday 04/25/08 in the "shift_date" field. The logic should replace the applicable dates to Saturday 04/26/08. This should work for any month, regardless if it finds either of the two shifts or both of them.

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Date Of This Monday

Mar 23, 2006

How can I find out the date for whichever the date is of this monday. So, if today is 23/03/2006, then it would give 20/03/2006, which was the date of this monday.Thanks for any advice.

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Modules & VBA :: Set Parameters For Date From Last Monday To Sunday

Jul 31, 2015

How to set parameters for the date being last monday to last sunday


Paramaters = Date

Then I need

ParamatersWeek = the last monday to the last sunday ...

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Modules & VBA :: Display Following Weeks Monday Date In Textbox

Mar 11, 2014

I have a textbox in a form. What I want it to do is to display the following weeks Monday date. Sounds simple but requires you to know the Monday dates in advance ...

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Queries :: Return Date Of Next Monday - Routine Not Working

May 13, 2014

Today is 13 May and this code is supposed to return the date of next Monday (19 May)


but it returns 1/5/2014 (Thursday May 1), when "Date" = 13/5/2014 (Tuesday May 13)

My begin week is Sunday (1) ,

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Validate Date

Mar 21, 2005

I have a field that requires a user to put a date into. my dates are in the format 20040203
now i wantt to make sure the user enters a date greater then 2004?

i was doing this > 2004 in the validate property with a message box saying enter a date greater then 2004
but giving me an error when their is 20050203 the message box pops up? what am i missing or how should i handle this?

thanks pete

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Validate Field Containing Date AND Time

Apr 24, 2013

I have a field that contains an input mask : 99/99/00 99:00;0;_ this allows the user to enter a date and time in one field. Such as 04/24/13 15:00 . I want to put validation on that field, so that the user can't enter a time that does not exist such as "25:30" or a date that hasn't happened yet. How to accomplish that? The data is going into a linked SQL table so I'm limited on what I can do on the table end I think.

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Modules & VBA :: Validate Date In Table - Run Macro?

Dec 24, 2013

I am trying to pass a date field from a Form and check if this date already exists within a table if so run this macro.

This is what I have so far...

Private Sub Command38_Click()
If DCount("*", "TblDietPlan", "[MealDate] = <> txtCusDate Then

stDocName = "McrPrint_LabelsWklyCR"
DoCmd.RunMacro stDocName

[Code] ....

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Where The Date Has Not Been Entered

Aug 21, 2007


I'm currently doing a query, when a report is received, we enter a date, i would like a query which would show records where the received date has not been entered. i have tried putting in isnull() but does not work.

Can anyone help?


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Date Being Entered Automatically?

Nov 26, 2006

Hi all,I'm working on a library database for a small collection.I have two fields, 'Date Out' and 'Date IN'. Is it possible that whatever date is written for the date taken out, I can set the 'Date IN' to be 7 days later than that date?Thanks in advance.

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No Updates Once Date Is Entered Into Text Box

Feb 6, 2006

Hi there all, I tried the search option on this board but maybe its just that i dont know how to ask the question.
I have a text box on my form with and afterupdate event that inputs todays date in to another text box on the same form, can this be set so that once that date is apperas in the text box that no further updates to the date can take place.

Thanks in advance for any help.


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Can I Use DateAdd To Refer To A Pre-entered Date?

Apr 20, 2008

Hi again

I've done some searching on this question and it seem everyone is pointing to the DateAdd function, so here is my current problem.

I have a date/time field called SponsorshipContractDate. When a contract is signed the date is entered. I need the system to calulate the renewal date for the contract which is alway 1 year ahead.

The DateAdd function works only if I hard code at date into it e.g.

DateAdd ("yyyy", 1, "01-Jan-08")

But as contracts are signed throughout the year this just doesn't work so I tried this:

DateAdd ("yyyy", 1, "SponsorshipContractDate") but the table won't save and this is abviously not right. In my head it makes sense but I don't understand how to get the formula to look at another field during it's calculations

Am I using the wrong function?

I will keep looking around.

Thanks heaps

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Storing The Date The Record Was Entered Into A Table

Jun 27, 2006

Hello everyone. I am wanting to store the date the record was entered into the table. But I don't want the users to have to type this in; I thought that Access could grab the date from the system date.

I am new to this and I looked at the Date function but I am thinking it will just always update to the current system date.

Thank you very much if anyone could point me in the right direction.

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Populate Option Group When Date Field Is Entered

May 24, 2005

I have a form where users fill in a date resolved and click complete in the Option Group, it's default value is incomplete. I have a problem with the users forgetting to change it to complete when the enter the date resolved. Is there a way to change the option group value when the date resolved is entered?

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Populate Option Group When Date Field Is Entered

May 24, 2005

I have a form where users fill in a date resolved and click complete in the Option Group, it's default value is incomplete. I have a problem with the users forgetting to change it to complete when the enter the date resolved. Is there a way to change the option group value when the date resolved is entered?

--- OR ---

Can it notify the user that they need to change the Option Group?

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Tables :: Default Value Equal To Date Entered By User

Dec 21, 2012

I want a default value to equal the first 2 characters of field [first name] and first 3 characters of field [last name] and the numeric datevalue of [DOB] 'date of birth'.

In excel its easy,
C D E resultformula

Formula LEFT(c9,2)&LEFT(d9,3)&"-"&e9

How do I get same result in Access?


Field 'PRN', a text field set as default =""""& left([first name],2}+LEFT(Last name],3), date()&""""

Access accepted the above statement but when I input user details the default doesn't work.

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General :: All Operations Based Off Of Newly Entered Date

Apr 30, 2013

I am looking to (on the mainform) have the user enter into a text box whatever date they would like to enter and have that value become the current date of the system. So that all operations are based off of this newly entered date.

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Auto Populate Date Based On Information Already Entered

Aug 5, 2014

My friend is looking for the database to auto populate a date, based on information already entered.

A Learner Starts his/her private tuition lessons on dd/mm/yyyy and pays for 6 weeks, the next lot of payments is due on dd/mm/yyyy...

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Merging Data For One Table From Date Entered On Separate Computers

Jan 9, 2015

We are creating a database to log data on a project. There will be thousands of files. Can we input data, using the same table, at separate locations and then merge the data into a master table? We will need to do that many times.

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Populate A Field For Several New Records With Date Entered In Textbox On A Form?

Jun 23, 2015

I have a form with a text box where the user enters a date and then clicks a button titled "Add." I've added an on-click event to the Add button that runs an append query that adds several records to a table [tblTracking]. I have a field in tblTracking called EndDate. I want the date that's entered into the text box by the user to be populated into all the new records added to the tblTracking when the append query is run. Currently, all fields in tblTracking are populated when the append query is run, except the EndDate field.

Is this possible? If so, how?

I've experimented with adding a separate on-click event that adds a record to a separate table containing only the date entered in the textbox and an auto-populated ID field. I thought there might be a way to utilize the ID field to pull the associated EndDate into the Tracking table, but I can't figure that out, either, since I don't know how to tell it to look at the date field in the last record of the table. That sounds unsafe anyway.

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Modules & VBA :: Unable To Add Current Date And Time Into Separate Fields After ID Entered

Jul 26, 2014

I am trying to add the current date and time into separate fields after an ID is entered.

Option Compare Database
Private Sub ID_AfterUpdate()
Me.Date_Received = Date()
Me.Time_Received = Format(Now(), "hh:mm AMPM")
End Sub

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Holiday Monday

Sep 3, 2006

Just a reminder if you're expecting responses to your question that Monday September 4 is a holiday in the U.S. and Canada.

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Rounding Dates Up To Monday?

Jul 14, 2005

Hi all,

I have a 'StartDate' field which must always fall on a Monday and is based on a previous date + interval.

If this StartDate falls on a day of the week other than Monday, I need to add the appropriate number of days to bring it to the following Monday.

This can be done using 6 Update queries (one for each day) such as below but is there a neater way of doing all 6 in one go?

Thanks in advance.

SET JobCards.[StartDate] = [StartDate]+6
WHERE (((Weekday(Weekday([StartDate])))=3));

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