Validation Rules
Sep 24, 2004
Hello Everyone,
I'm designing a table in design mode using Access 2003. What I want to do is limit a field named "ClassLevel" to only accept the following values: JR, SR, 2BA, GM. I tried the code Like "JR". That seems to work for just JR. But what I need is all 4 to be set. I then tried Like "JR, SR, 2BA, GM" That doesn't work. Please let me know how I can do this. Thanks.
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Nov 13, 2005
My input mask is as follows: 00"-"00"-"LL0;0
I want to base my validation rule on the input mask, so I can use the validation message if people are having problems entering data in the field.
I have no idea how to do this. I tried to copy and paste the mask into the validation rule property but that obviously did not work.
PS...I dont know if this will help, but what actually goes in the field is the month in a number format, the year in a number format, user initials with another number behind it. So like 01-05-CG1 is what needs to go in the field.
How do I create a validation rule that instructs people to enter data in this format?
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Jan 23, 2007
Hey guys, I'm very new to access. I have version 2003.
I want to create a validation rule, that will basically only let me enter values into the table between a certain range:
i.e. When were you born? The only possible dates can be how can I set this up so that when someone is entering this data, they cannot enter, say, 1950? Thanks for any help!
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May 21, 2007
I need to make sure that a user doesn't enter anything but a number in a text box. It is on frmDownTime and the name of the text box is dtDownTime. How would I go about entering this? Using the Properties, Validation??
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Jul 5, 2005
I've tried using validation rules in a table.
Like the rule i set for a field was <4.
I assumed this meant all data entered has to be less than 4 digits.
Then i test using a six-digit figure: 245545.
Its still happy!!!!! :mad:
No error.
Am i missing the concept??? :confused:
Furthermore. After setting the rule, my table and query stop being linked...
If i load an entry through query, table doesn't update its info.....
This was not the case before.
What am i not doing??? or maybe: What am i doing wrong??? :confused:
I'm hopeless at this program!!!!!!!
Any help/insight would be HIGHLY appreciated.
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Mar 9, 2007
Hey All,
I have to attributes in my table, [Date1], and [Date2] , I need to add a validation rule to ensure [Date1]< [Date2],
I am trying to do this in design view
using the validation rule under date1 properties (I put in - <[date2] )
but It keeps coming up with errors When I try to save. Something to do with a column level check constraint.........:confused:
PLEASE, Can anybody help me?????
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Feb 8, 2008
Hello to all. First time poster.
I have a question about creating tables in Access with an SQL query (or VBA, I guess, if that's not possible, though my example below is SQL). Specifically, I'd like to know how one adds validation rules programmatically. For some reason, I can't seem to find this information.
For instance, for simplicity's sake, let's say I'd like to create a table (table1) with a single variable (varx), a long integer, and I'd like the validation rule to be "<5 or >10".
I know how to do everything except add the validation rule in. So what alterations would I make to this to add it?
CREATE TABLE table1 (varx LONG);
Thanks in advance for any help.
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Oct 25, 2005
Question I am looking at some annoying Access database for a charity and got stuck on trying to make something work that they believe used to
Two Tables
pK Venue ID
Venue Name
Venue Capacity
They have a query call capacity check which does the following
Count Occurrences of Venues then takes this away from venue capacity
Essentially they have a standard access form of the Booking table with a drop down box and want it to only validate if seats are still free at a venue eg if the current count for venue is less than the venue capacity.
I would love to perform this validation rule on the table
Any ideas ?
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Oct 12, 2004
Hey there,
Is there a listing anywhere online for common regular expressions for validations rules? In other words, is there something that shows how to construct validation rules for things like phone numbers, addresses, postal/zip codes, serial numbers, math equations, etc. Two in particular that I'm looking for are phone numbers and postal/zip codes. Every time I try to wrap my head around the formula for a phone number (with area codes, an optional 1 in the begining, making sure no leading zeroes, making brackets around area codes optional, etc.) I only get a headache :mad: . I'll get it eventually, but a quick reference in the mean time and for future use would be very helpful.
Thanks so much,
Gibby :)
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Feb 9, 2005
I'm trying to append data into a table, but getting 11 records rejected on validation rule violations, but i have none set. can anyone explain why this might be?
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Mar 11, 2008
I am as new to MS Access as you can possibly get so please forgive such a simple question. I created a table in Design View. On one of the fields in the table I want to restrict the values that the user is allowed to enter to either a capital Y or a capital N so I created the following validation rule in design view:
=UCase("Y") Or UCase("N")
No matter what I do, the data sheet view allows me to enter a lower case Y or a lower case n. How can I make sure that this field only accepts a capital y or a capital N.
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Apr 25, 2007
Hi, I have the following code which adds text and number fields as required, but I need to add validation rules and text as well within this code, but have no idea how to do this and have not found much help on the net.any help appreciated...tan
Dim db As Database
Dim tbl As TableDef
Dim fld As DAO.Field
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set tbl = db.TableDefs("4WeeksFollowUp")
Set fld = tbl.CreateField("text", dbText, 30) 'for text - 30 is field length
Set fld = tbl.CreateField("CO3", dbLong) 'for number
tbl.Fields.Append fld
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Nov 15, 2004
hello, i am super duper new... and am working on a school assignment for weeks! its due tomorrow but i cant get this one rule to work... please help if you can!!
Basically I am trying to add a validation rule to a field refering to a different field in a different table.
Both fields are Date/Time type
I am new.. and not as advanced as some of you.... so maybe walk me through it?? i have spend many hours trying to figure it out~ thanks
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Dec 18, 2004
I have a field that looks up the JobType using a LookUp Combobox from another table where these records for JobType will never change.
I want the user to only be able to select from the Combobox for the job type they want and be able to type the beggining of the job type so that the desired job will pop up. Now, i need the field to not be able to accept any other data than what is in the LookUp, so that they cannot enter false values. Duplicates of jobtypes are possible so a primary key cant be used.
Any help guys?
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Sep 8, 2004
I'm using a simple input mask via the wizard for a date of birth field in a table, but the table is accepting entirely invalid dates such as 32/12/2005. When I tried inputing something like this in the wizard it says invalid input, so why is it valid in the table?
Should I set validation rules?
I tried this:
and set the validation text to "Invalid data"
i.e. limiting input to less than 31/12/2004... but it still didn't work.
Can anyone help?
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Apr 11, 2006
I've got a table called Employee Payroll.
In it there are several earnings fields. They all have a drop- down box which consists of three values, £2.50, £2.75 and £3.10. Is it possible to make this into a validation rule so that the user can't enter other values?
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Sep 16, 2007
hi there,
im working on a project for the boss but i've come across a couple of problems
first, i'd like to know if there is a way i could search for a specific string of characters inside a field, for example, search for a 'malouf' in the name field (without having to reclassify my fields separately as first name and last name). i've tried the LIKE command, but it doesnt work the way i'd like it to.
And other question, i would like to create a validation rule for a field in an entity, but it is based on whether or not a record was in a query result. specifically, my validation rule is that i cannot put in a particular TruckName in the Truck entity if in my query "Unavailable trucks", that particular TruckName is listed there. Ive tried so many IIF commands but i dont really know what to do.
thanks a lot guys!
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Oct 9, 2007
Hi, I'm fairly new to Access and I'm trying to figure out how to create a validation rule via SQL. I searched through the forums but didn't find anything. Hope someone can point me in the right direction. For simplicity say I have the following extremely simple CREATE STATEMENT.
How could I rewrite the above query to specify that the only valid amounts allowed are say between 1 and 10?
I'm familiar with the Constraint statement and the Check clause but I can't get these to work in Access.
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Jan 16, 2013
I am (kind of) new to Microsoft Access and have a question about making validation rules more complex.
I am making a quality control database with 3 tables. One containing the product and their unique codes, the 2nd with their unique lot numbers for each different production run, and the 3rd with all the required quality control data for each product.
Each different product has different required specifications. For example, Product AB-544 needs a value between 11-20 while product RY-233 needs a value between 21-30.
My question is: Is there a method of defining different validation rules for different product codes? I want the QC tech entering the data to only be able to enter in quality data that is within the required specification defined by the product code. If the current product is AB-544 he should only be able to enter in 11-20 but if he is entering in data for RY-233 he should only be able to enter 21-30.
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Aug 13, 2013
I've been trying to get a field to behave but for some reason I must have done something wrong.
For this specific field people should only use numbers between 10,000 and 19,999 or between 80,000 and 89,999.
In the validation rule option I input:
Or Between 10000 And 19999 Or Between 80000 And 89999
I've also tried
>=10000 And <= 19999 Or >= 80000 And <=89999.
But for some reason MS Access accepts the first section of the validation but not the second part.
Also: I've read that the validation rule is better managed at the Form level on the "Before Update" field, I'm currently managing it directly on the table in the field property. What should I use?
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Apr 13, 2013
Is there a way to have multiple validation rules in one column in a table. In one column, I need the values to be in all lower case and the first three characters need to be three letters.
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Jan 15, 2014
No records are being imported. I am getting a validation rule violation but I don't have any rules. The forename and surname are straightforward text boxes and the ID is an autonumber.
INSERT INTO table_candidate ( Cand_ID, Cand_forename, Cand_surname )
SELECT candidates.Cand_ID, candidates.Cand_forename, candidates.Cand_surname
FROM candidates;
1. Is your append query trying to assign values to the primary key field? Could that be the source of the duplicate?
Yes but there are no duplicates
2. Do you have any other fields that are "Indexed: No Duplicates"? Any compound indexes?
3. Is the query assigning values to a field that is a foreign key to another table? Is it possible that these values do not match the values in that other table?
No. All child tables are empty.
4. Is there a validation rule on the table itself?
What this means.
5. Does the query attempt to assign a string with no characters in it (as opposed to a Null value) to a text field that has its Allow Zero Length property set to No?
Both fields are text and all records contain information
Required = No
Zero length = Yes
6. Is there a Default Value in one of the fields that is NOT being assigned by the query? For example, a foreign key with zero as the Default Value?
7. Is there data that is outside the range a field can accept, e.g. an integer larger than 32767, or a Null to a Yes/No field?
The length of the text in each record is not greater than the set limit
8. Is one of the query fields arriving in a format that Access is not understanding, e.g. for a date, or for a currency?
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Jun 2, 2013
I have input boxes in access form. I want to limit entry of * in one of the input fields named "Name" anyway If * is found anywhere in anyform of data entry then it should show warning.
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Sep 7, 2006
Hi all. As always, thanks in advance for the input.
I'm building a database of housing developments done by my organization. There are a number of rules that I would like to enforce--many of the rules for data entry in a given field, depend on the value entered in a separate field. For example, if someone enters "Residential" in the BldgType field, then the Affordability field cannot be Null (If they enter "Commercial" for BldgType, the Affordability field CAN be Null).
Similarly, if someone enters "LLC" in the PartnerType field, then the value in the PartnerRole field must be either "Member" or "Managing Member", whereas if they enter "LP" in PartnerType, then the value of PartnerRole must be either "Managing General Partner", "General Partner", or "Limited Partner."
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Jul 19, 2015
I am doing an assignment and I am stuck at this validation rule. So in my database I 've got one table named horse and the rules I am supposed to set are these two:
1:A horse cannot be added that does not already have a Dam and Sire existing in the database unless either or both are not known.
2:A horse must not be deleted if it is the Sire or Dam of an existing horse.
I guess I am supposed to create a data entry form for table horse and apply these two rules in the form, but what should I do to achieve that? Seems a bit complicated cause the entering need to check some other fields (sire and dam) in the table..
My table looks like this
Horse_id Name Colour Sire Dam Born Died Gender
101 Flash white 201 301 2001 0 S
102 Star brown 201 302 2002 0 M
201 boxer grey 401 501 1991 0 S
301 Daisy white 401 502 1992 0 M
I know it might seem too simple to you but I am a full-time worker doing this online course. The consulting resouce for me and the time are both quite limited.
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Nov 3, 2006
Ok I have heard many times that you should never save a calculated field in a table. I know this is breaking the rules but can someone tell me how to save a specific combo value change to a table? and avoid all the rest?
Here is my problem, I was asked to have a combo box that has 5 choices and when the default is changed to another choice, I must have the date saved for reference. But the date is only supposed to be saved when a specific option in the box is choosen. Such as
Default: basketball
was changed to football
I can do a timestamp but don't know how to change it when a specific option is selected. It just changes when it is updated , even when I change it to baseball
Im actually saving it but can't annoy the other options...
Can someone help me out here PLEASE
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