Variable For Holding A Calculation For A Text Box

Oct 8, 2005

I've got a text box on my form header with a calculation in the control source that adds values from other text boxes on my form.
My problem is that since the calculation is in the control source of my text box I can not save the sum of the calculation to a field on the forms bound table.
Is there a way to move this calculation out of the control source and still have the calculation populate this text box with the sum of the calculation, so I can choice a field in which to save this calculations sum.

Calculation in the text box control source=
[Tot40yrcomp]+[Totfelt1536]+[Totfelt3036]+ there will be many more other text boxes added.

It was suggested to me to have a Variable hold the calculation, I’ve been trying to write a variable but nothing seems to be working, I’ve been trying to place this variable I made into the after update and before update of the text box Nothing works I get all 0.00 in the form header text box, Here’s the code for the variable I made, can some one see if it looks correct.

Dim calcVariable
calcVariable = [Tot25yrcomp] + [Me.feltstot]
mat25yr = calcVariable

I was wondering if I need to say Me.mat25yr = calcVariable

Thanks--Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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Variable For Holding A Calculation For A Text Box

Oct 8, 2005

I've got a text box on my form header with a calculation in the control source that adds values from other text boxes on my form.
My problem is that since the calculation is in the control source of my text box I can not save the sum of the calculation to a field on the forms bound table.
Is there a way to move this calculation out of the control source and still have the calculation populate this text box with the sum of the calculation, so I can choice a field in which to save this calculations sum.

Calculation in the text box control source=
[Tot40yrcomp]+[Totfelt1536]+[Totfelt3036]+ there will be many more other text boxes added.

It was suggested to me to have a Variable hold the calculation, I’ve been trying to write a variable but nothing seems to be working, I’ve been trying to place this variable I made into the after update and before update of the text box Nothing works I get all 0.00 in the form header text box, Here’s the code for the variable I made, can some one see if it looks correct.

Dim calcVariable
calcVariable = [Tot25yrcomp] + [Me.feltstot]
mat25yr = calcVariable

I was wondering if I need to say Me.mat25yr = calcVariable

Thanks--Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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Forms :: Unbound Text Box Not Holding Information From ComboBox?

Jul 15, 2014

In a Form I have a ComboBox set with a Control Source and Row Source.

I have several Unbound Text Boxes set to autopopulate based on the ComboBox selection.

I have two related (I think) issues:

One: Every time I open the form the Text Boxes are blank until I select an option from the Combo Box.

Two: If I make a selection in one record then move to another record, the information from the original record is still showing.

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Variable In A Date Calculation

Aug 14, 2005

I have the following date calculation :
Private Sub StatofLimits_GotFocus()
'--Determines Statute of Limitations accounting for minors.
If DateAdd("yyyy", 18, Me.Txt14) > Me.txtBegin Then
Me.StatofLimits = DateAdd("yyyy", 20, Me.Txt14)
Me.StatofLimits = DateAdd("yyyy", 2, Me.txtBegin)
End If
End Sub
Here is my problem. The number "2" in the else statement (Me.StatofLimits = DateAdd("yyyy", 2, Me.txtBegin)in the above example is a variable. The variable is selected from a combobox and stored in an unbound textbox. The variable will always represent a number of years-ie 3 years, 4 years, etc. I need to modify my calculation so that it will pull the variable from my textbox:
I know this isn't correct but this is what I need:

Me.StatofLimits = DateAdd("yyyy", (Number from MyTxtBox), Me.txtBegin)

Can anyone give me the correct syntext?

Pat, If you read this, I did listen. The reason I need to modify my calculation and use a variable is because I moved my Statute of Limitation Dates to the same table and different case types have different Statutes. They can be anywhere from 2 to 6 years.

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Text Field That Needs Calculation

Apr 16, 2008

So here is my problem i am semi access savy but i have having trouble with one thing. At work when we make a schedule there are 5 possibilites for how you want to mark your day. I have created a field using text as my parameters since my possibilities include both letters and numbers. At the end of each week I need to create a calcuation only utilizing the number which is 1 to add up the total shifts in the week.

I have tried some IIF statements with no luck. The 5 possiblities are 1, c,r,a,l. Each of the letters stand for something. When the scheduler runs the query he needs to see the letters or the number for each day. But i can't create a properly working calculated field for adding all of the 1's together only. The letters don't need to be added. Any ideas?

Also I have to run a sum for the total of each day at the bottom so I am running into the same problem there if there is any letters in the boxes. Going to a number field is not an option
thanks for the help

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Problem With Text Box Calculation

Feb 9, 2006

Hi all,
I have a form tha is based on a table and a subfrom on another.The two tables have a valid 1 to many relationship and all is well record viewing wise.
Now I have some financial data like the fee that was agreed upon on the main form on a text box .On the subform the user can enter the payments made on variou dates.
What I want is to be able to have a text box on the main form that will do the subtraction (fee - all the various payments) and display that on the main form.Is this possible cause I cant seem to be able to do it and if it is not, is there another way for this to be done.
Thank you very much for your time :)

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MS Access: Need Help W/ Calculation In Text Box

Jul 12, 2005

Could someone please help me with a calculation expression? I want the calculation to be in an unbound text box on the main form ([Primary View])which should calculate the sum total all records shown in the subform that contain a calculated field in the subform ([CBR Data Subform]!Rentable). The subform is set up in the main form to show records that pertain to one record in the main form. Right now, I have the following shown in the textbox:
=([CBR Data Subform]!Rentable) and I get a result but its not what I need.

I have tried:
=Sum([CBR Data Subform]!Rentable), &
=DSum([CBR Data Subform]!Rentable)

and I get error messages.

What other expression can I use or how can I improve the expression?


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Display Variable/Constant Value On Text Box

Sep 15, 2005

Hi all,

I tried to display a variable and constant onto a text box by putting =myvariable onto the data source of the text box. However, Access seems keep threating my variable as a data field and giving me error message. What to do with this?

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Variable Default Data In Text Box

Jan 20, 2007

I am working on a database for my boss that stores the results of monthly file audits and generates reports.
Each month about fifty files are checked against a check list and the results are to be entered into the database. Reports are generated quarterly.
I have a date field that holds the date of the review. I would like the default value of this field to be what ever was entered in the previous record. That way this field can be tabbed through until the next month. When the data in the field is changed that will become the new default for the following records.
I don't have any formal VB or VBA training. I just learn what I need for each project and save it for later use.

Thank you for any help you can provide.

Henry L Michel

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Holding Variables

Mar 9, 2006

I have started holding variables in text boxes on forms - (variables needed at module level for that form).

Is this a correct thing to do.

The benefits I have are not loosing the value should some error occur - and being able to reference it from another form.



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Combo Box Value To Automatically Put Value From Different Variable Into Text Field

Mar 19, 2005

I have requested this before but the example given did not fit my situation and I had a heck of a time trying to adapt the example given to me so I will step by step describe what I need. thanks...

Can someone show me how to do the following:

1) Take a combo box that looks up a table that has 2 variables (Var1 and Var2).

2) Depending on the value chosen in the combobox (Var1) then a text field will automatically have the value (Var2) appear.

3) This information from combo box and text field will then be stored in a separate table that is linked to the form.

__________________________________________________ _____________


Is there a way to extend this example further by adding another combo box that takes the result from the first combo box to filter in values for the second combo box which will then automatically populate a text box which would then be stored in a separate table.

__________________________________________________ _____________

Someone kind of showed me before but they used unbound variables and this confused me as the combobox was unbound but how is that information stored into my table?

Pardon me for my redundancy but this is frustrating me to no end and I unfortunately have a deadline of today!!!! :(

I think it is the row source thing that confuses me. I take row source to mean where the data is stored. But where do you identify where to obtain the data to then store in your "inputed" table?

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General :: Select Top 100 In Query Variable Text Box

Nov 6, 2012

i have got a query that returns the top 100 results. i would like to link this to my report form where i have a text box that you can enter a number and the query returns the first of that ammount rather than going into the query everytime to adjust the results.the sql of the query is as follows

PHP Code:

SELECT TOP 100 tblClientDetails.FirstName, tblClientDetails.Surname, Sum(tblOrdersItems.Cost) 
AS SumOfCostFROM (tblClientDetails INNER JOIN tblOrders ON tblClientDetails.ClientDetailsID = tblOrders.ClientDetailsID)
INNER JOIN tblOrdersItems ON tblOrders.OrderID = tblOrdersItems.OrderIDWHERE (((tblOrders.OrderDate)>DateAdd('yyyy',-1,Date())))
GROUP BY tblClientDetails.FirstName, tblClientDetails.SurnameORDER BY Sum(tblOrdersItems.Cost) DESC; 

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Query Calculation Depedent On Form Text Box

Mar 6, 2008

I have a make table query which needs to take the column "Amount Orig Ccy" from the table "Consolidated Reporting Table Orig CCY", divide it by the Canadian Spot rate input by the user into text box "Spot" on the form "Summary Form", and then populate the column "Amount USD" with the returns.

Should I be using the DLookup function? I tried the below without success:

Amount USD: DLookUp("Amount Orig Ccy","Consolidated Reporting Table Orig CCY"/[Forms]![Summary Forms]![Spot])

Then I tried this, again failing:

Amount USD: DLookUp("Amount Orig Ccy / Spot Rate","Consolidated Reporting Table Orig CCY","Spot Rate =" & [Forms]![Summary Forms]![Spot])

Is it a syntax issue or will DLookUp not work for what I need?

Thanks for any help.

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Forms :: Using Unbound Text Boxes And Calculation

Nov 12, 2014

Got a database that is working great

1 table - Employees
2 Queries
1) - QEmployees Extended
2) - QyrsEmp

2 Forms
1) - Employee Details (source control is "QEmployees Extended")
2) - Employee List (source control is "QEmployees Extended")

in Form "Employee Details" there is field named "HireDate" this field is also found in the table (records) "Employees" and "QEmployees Extended".When Form "Employee Details" is ran the "HireDate" appears as it should in the "HireDate" text box.

What I want to do is add a unbound text box to Form "Employee Details" named "txtYrsEmp" (Years Employed). and perform a calculation that will take the "HireDate" (date) and compare it to "Todays Date" and come up with the number of years employed rounded by 2 and show this result in the unbound text box called "txtYrsEmp"

Now I did a Qurey just to see if I could calculate what I wanted- "QYrsEmp" where in the first column I entered in the Field row (top) Expr1: EmployeeID from table Employee and in the second column I entered in the Field row (top) txtYrsEmp: Round(DateDiff("d"'[HireDate],NOW()/365.25,2))

Now the query returns the exact results I want so I know the calculation is possible at least here in the query.

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Opening Db By Holding Down Shift Key

Jul 29, 2007


Believe it or not, we just upgraded from Access 2000 to 2003. In Access 2000, I have my dbs set up so that you must hold the shift key down while opening the db in order to see the database window. In 2003, holding down the shift key isn't working. Is there another way to get the database window open (or am I doing something terribly wrong)?

Thanks in advance.

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Holding Files In An Access Mdb?

Nov 21, 2007

Hi all.
I have been asked to develop two DB apps in Lotus Notes which filled me with despair since I would rather do this in Access 2003 but aparantly Notes can hold files. I know Access can link to files stored on a network but can Access match up to Notes in this feature and actually hold files the ame way as Notes ?

Any advice on this is greatly appreciated.


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Forms :: Unbound Text Box Calculation Using Two Other Unbound Text Boxes

Jul 25, 2013

I am running in to a brick wall with this. I have an unbound text box with the control source set to =IIF([text42]=0,0,[text42]/[text44])*100 and in continues to return a #name? error.

I am not sure how to get this expression to work. I have even tried to put =[text42]/[text44] and I still get the #name? error.

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Setting Text Box Input To Variable Before Writing To Table

Jan 5, 2005

This is the first time that I have done any major work with forms. After I thought I had finished a problem came up. There are several forms that are use to input information into a table. When the form is opened it grabs an automated number for tracking. The problem is, that if the form is opened and then closed it creates a line of data with all null values.

What I would like to do is have the form open, the user fills out the information, and upon pressing the "save" button, the data will save to the table. I think I need to have each text box write to a variable and then save on the click event. Or I could be completely wrong and need to do something else.

i'm guessing this is something I would learn in Forms 101 if i had ever taken that type of course


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Text Boxes Control Source = Calculation Can't Save Sum

Oct 7, 2005

I've got a text box on my form header with a calculation in the control source that adds values from other text boxes on my form.
My problem is that since the calculation is in the control source of my text box I can not save the sum of the calculation to a field on the forms bound table.
Is there a way to move this calculation out of the control source and still have the calculation populate this text box with the sum of the calculation, so I can choice a field in which to save this calculations sum.

Calculation in the text box control source=
[Tot40yrcomp]+[Totfelt1536]+[Totfelt3036]+ there will be many more other text boxes added.

Thanks--Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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General :: Text Box Calculation - Main Form And Subform

Oct 23, 2012

is it possible to calculate a values in a subform and main form. i thought it would be as simple as form to form but it doesnt seem to work.

ive tried this.


it just comes up with #NAME?

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Forms :: Writing Data Into Text Boxes On A Form Using Variable In Name

Jan 29, 2015

I'm trying to write code which writes text into text boxes on a form depending of certain content of other text boxes. The names of the text boxes are all very similar

F.i. R1, R2, R3 ...... R12 if the content of these boxes are empty then the content of the corresponding text boxes VR1, IR1, VR2, IR2, VR3, IR3.......VR12, IR12 should also be empty.

In fact I am trying to write something like this

if me.R(i).value = "" then
me.VR(i).value = ""
me.IR(i).value = ""

But this isn't working. The solution below works but isn't a very nice one, writing 12 times the same code

if me.R1.value = "" then
me.VR1.value = ""
me.IR1.value = ""

if me.R2.value = "" then
me.VR2.value = ""
me.IR2.value = ""

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Reports :: Variable Used In Calculated Text Box Gets Treated As Parameter Query

Apr 8, 2013

(a) The On Open event of my report contains a VBA Sub that assigns a value to a variable named vShow. (Tracking the sub in VBA shows that vShow is correctly being assigned the desired value.)

(b) I then use vShow to try to control a calculation that occurs in one of the text boxes of the detail section in the report

(c) Basically, the control source of the textbox contains (in part) the statement (vShow>[fieldA]), which is embedded in a longer function.

(d) However, when I type this in at Control Source box of the Data tab of the the Property Sheet, Access always substitutes "[vShow]" for "vShow".

(e) So what I get is ([vShow]>[fieldA]), which treats vShow as the parameter of a parameter query.

ANY WAY TO OVERCOME THIS AND HAVE vShow recognized as the variable I defined at On Open? Perhaps there needs to be a variable declaration there, that I don't understand.

The basic form (vShow>[fieldA]) does not seem to be the problem, because I can enter, e.g. (500>[fieldA]) and everything works OK.

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Modules & VBA :: Writing To Text Boxes On A Form Variable / Loop

Nov 16, 2014

I some code that is reading the first 32 lines of a text file and paste the results into 1 text box on individual lines. I would like each line to go into an individual text box.

I have 32 text boxes named txt_1, txt_2, txt_3
I have a variable named ThisLine holding the line of the text file.
I have a variable named textBoxName holding the name of the control.

Need to putting these together to write the line to a text box .

Sub ReadFile()
Me.txt_newData = ""
Me.txt_OrigData = ""
'again, we need this strange thing to exist so that ...
Dim fso As New FileSystemObject

[Code] .....

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General :: Erasing Text From Textbox Upon Enter Without Deleting Variable Value

Mar 21, 2014

I have a form that has a textbox in it. I enter text into the text box by scanning a bar code. I then use openreport.cmd to pass the variable in the text box to the report I generate. The report then has a button that when clicked references the variable that I passed to it.

Essentially the problem I am having is that when I set the textbox back to blank, it also erases the contents of the new variable created. I want to either delete the value from the textbox upon scanning the bar code each time, or highlight the value in the textbox for it to be deleted upon the first key stroke. I had read about setting focus to the textbox, but I have been unable to get that to work. Here is my current code for what I am doing.

Code in the form:

stPartNum = Me.ScannerTxt
Label = stPartNum
DoCmd.OpenReport "RptLabels", acViewPreview, , , acWindowNormal, stPartNum

Code in report button:

partnum = Me.OpenArgs

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How To Get Dynamic Location Stored In Path Variable For Transfer Text

Jul 16, 2012

I have used Transfer text cmd to export query to text in MS access. This works fine. path= "D:/test/"DoCmd.TransferText acExportFixed,"Query1",path,False But i need to change the path dyanmically as my wish when i run this query. Like i may save my txt in desktop or C: or D:. I dont want to hard code path as above.

Is there any way to achieve this? If i get the dyanmic location stored in path variable i can achieve it. But i dont know how to achieve this.

Actually i was confused
Docmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery,query1

Above query prompts me for selecting location. But transferText doesn't? why?

As this application is stored on server. If i give a static path, its exporting in Server D:/test/ But i need this to be stored in my local. This can be done only if it prompts box for user to select the location.

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Adding Calculation Field (text Box) To Assets Template Form

Apr 3, 2013

I am trying to add a calculation field "Status" (text box) to Assets template form i.e

IF Asset item = X
Status = present

But am getting #name? in the text box

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