Various Cells That Need To Be Summed Up Into Text Box
Jul 17, 2015
This is a form used to enter in the hours worked for each employee for any particular job. What I'm trying to do, is show a total for all the hours worked for the job in a text box under the list. The cells that I want to total up are named "StartTime" and "EndTime," and they come from "tblRelEventEmployee." The form shown here is "frmEvent."
Each job can have anywhere from 1 - 30 employees, and I need to be able to basically have a calculation that does EndTime-StartTime for each employee, and then add up the total for each to give me a grand total of hours worked for the job.
Here is my dilemma: I have a table where I am entering data for quantity of a product received. This data is further segregated by the mill it comes from, the grade it is, and the size it is. I have a second table where I track the output from when the product is processed through our system.
I need to be able to query / report the difference between these two sums (i.e. sum of total qty received from that mill/size/grade versus the total processed from that mill/size/grade). Basically, I am creating an inventory report showing how much "raw" product I have, grouped by the mill then the grade and then the size. I have to sort the data out this way because I purchase the exact same grade and size product from more than one mill.
My problem is that any query I have created so far wants to only show data from the two tables where the mill/grade/size match. In other words, if I have product that has been received, but nothing has been processed from that mill/grade/size combination, then I don't get data showing up at all. I need to be able to show all sums of product from the "receipt" side, and then only the "processing" data where I actually have processed something from that mill/size/grade combination, then show the difference. So the result would show something like "50 received, 0 processed, resulting in 50 on-hand" for that mill/grade/size.
Below is a formula that I have in my query. The problem I now have come up with is sometimes I will not want the allocated qty to be summed back onto the qty outstanding.
I have more fields in my form ( allocation)of which one is called " consumable" what I need the formula below to do is the consumable is not empty then don't add the " qty allocated" to the "qty outstanding"
I have several fields that I fill in on a form and they all need to add up in the last field. The first way that I tried this worked good for the initial data entry on the form. However if I need to edit one of the fields in the form then it resets the TotalCost field and I have to enter all of the numbers again. Is there some way that I can make this work? Or is this an Access quirk I will have to live with?
I tried to do this two different ways.
Here is the code for the first method:
Option Compare Database Dim C1 As Long 'For Total Cost Dim C2 As Long 'For Total Cost Dim C3 As Long 'For Total Cost Dim C4 As Long 'For Total Cost
[Code] .....
This way works great the first time that I tried it, I had to re-enter info in all the fields if I wanted to change one.
Here is my second method:
Which didn't work, i received an error message:
"The expression After Update you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: Invalid outside procedure."
And then nothing changes.
Code: Option Compare Database Dim C1 As Long 'For Total Cost Dim C2 As Long 'For Total Cost Dim C3 As Long 'For Total Cost Dim C4 As Long 'For Total Cost
I did a cursory search of the forum and didn't find anything (probably more my search than the content). I also think I know the answer to this, but I want to clear it up once and for all.
Is it true that I cannot insert an image into an Access Table in a way that it treats the image like data (e.g., it comes up on reports as entered).
If so, and I suspect it is so, what would be the best way to associate a row with a certain image in Access? Here's what I'm hoping to do: I have a list of projects and all of them have a status. Right now the "status" column includes the text "Green," "Yellow," or "Red." I would rather have this text display as green, yellow, or red color rather than text. Is this possible?
Hello, say for example I have a particular column in Access that I would like to force users to enter as percentage only, is there a way to format the cell as in Excel to create such effect? Thanks a lot!
In a query design view, I have two fields, LastName and FirstName. In the Field of a blank column I enter [LastName]&[FirstName]. In the query the last and first names are now connected , like SmithJohn. How do I put a space and or a comma to separate them?
Once again, I'm working with a file that I got from somewhere else that isn't in *quite* the right format.
What I have is a table listing all of the titles and their holdings we have in various journal databases. The table looks something like this:
|____TITLE____|___COVERAGE______|____DATABASE___| |_ABC Journal_|_1998 until 2000_|_EBSCOhost DB__| |_ABC Journal_|_1953 until 1986_|_Proquest DB___| |_ABC Journal_|_1980 until 2006_|_Free Journals_| |_XYZ Journal_|_1899 until 1956_|_CINAHL DB_____| |_XYZ Journal_|_2000 until 2006_|_EBSCOhost DB__| |_XYZ Journal_|_1955 until 1999_|_Proquest DB___|
The titles, as you can see, are listed more than once, with one record for each holdings record from each database where that title is found. For my purposes, I need the holdings to show up all together. I can do this in a report, by sorting by the title, but I really need to have it all together in its own cell--one line per title. The above table should look more like this: |____TITLE____|_______________________COVERAGE____ _________________| |_ABC Journal_|_1998 until 2000_,_1953 until 1986_,_1980 until 2006_| |_XYZ Journal_|_1899 until 1956_,_2000 until 2006_,_1955 until 1999_|
I don't really care what happens to the database field, but if it helps, the title and the database fields together would be a unique combination in the table.
Currently, I am working on an exported version of this table in excel, merging the cells 2 by 2 with a function command like this: =A2&" "&B2. Since there are 32366 records, I hope there is a quicker way. At this rate, I'm not sure if I'll be done for 100 years.
I'I need to randomly input values into row cells and when press enter key, it calculates the total value and show in another sheet. Example, in sheet1, I input random values in A1,C1,D1,Z1 and when I press enter key, it calculates the total value and appear in the first row cell, A1, of sheet2. All by VBA coding.
How do I paste to multiple cells in access 2007? Basically I want to copy one cell in the dataview and then highlight maybe 10 cells and copy the info from the one cell into the highlighted 10 cells at one time. I had no problem doing this with 2003 but in 2007 this seems to be an issue. Any help is appreciated!
I currently have a table of contacts. For the most part, each record has a 'company name' field, an 'address' field, etc. Unfortunately, because I imported this data from a text file (I ran a VBA code which extracted each record from the text file and put them into the table) and because not all the contacts have the same number of fields, the fields don't all line up.
How can I traverse through the entire table and shift the cells so that everything lines up properly (i.e. - all the addresses are under one column and all the fax numbers are under another)? If I have to write some sort of procedure to do this, what approach should I take?
how do you connect fields from one table to another? what im trying to do is to connect two fields from product! product id and order details! product id. the one in the order details table should equal whatever i input in the product table.
Yes ok DDE may well be dead but it works for me so why change it? Basically I wondered what the commands where to format Excell cells. For example if I stamp a cell with todays date:
DDEPoke intChan1, "R3C2", Left(Now(), 10)
How would I say shade that cell black, change the lettering to white or underline or bold that cell?
I will routinely be sent a Excel 2000 spreadsheet with multiple worksheets and each worksheets data is to be imported into a related named table in a MS Access 2000 database. No of course I have been using Transfer Spreadsheet to perform the imports but to make sure I get all of the data I use the range A1:AZ65536 (65536 of course being the maximum number of rows available in a Excel 2000 spreadsheet).
What I would like to do however, is just import the necessary number of rows not all 65536!!! Is there a way in code of working out how many rows in the A-AZ column range contain data?
It occured to me that if I linked a table to each worksheet then this would only display the necessary rows and I could count them however, once you have specified the spreadsheet location the code doesnt let me repoint the individual worksheet unless someone knows how to do this???
I have a Query pulling data from several tables. If there are empty cell with no data in them, they cause the Query to completely skip that record. It does not show up in the Query. Not practical since most of the data int the table will not be entered until some time later.
I think I read somewhere that DCount will not count blank cells, but when I try to do it - it counts everything.
Here is my formula: =DCount("[E-Mail]","Detail","Not IsNull([E-Mail])" & " AND [Primary] = [Products]![Product Code]")
Basically, I want to count the number of email addresses in the E-Mail column of my Detail table IF the Primary column (also in the Detail table) equals the product code on my form AND if there is something in the E-Mail column for that line. When I did the above formula - and I've done a bunch of different variations - it keeps counting all lines that match the product code.