I have a form and one of the text fields I need to verify against data in a table. I think the best way is to check the field once it loses focus on that text field. If the data is not in the table then the user is prompt with a msg "Invalid data, Please try again". I'm using Access 2010 to develop. I need query to run the validation.
This is very bad. We're losing data changes when we run a synchronize on an Access database.
A client wanted to use replication so he could have several people using the same database and then update everyone's changes. (It turns out that he's not used that feature.)
The client was unable to get the replica to work on his machine, so he uses the master version.
Instead, we've used replication to allow me to make changes in the database structure while he makes changes in the data. (Obviously, it would have been better to split the database in two parts, but it's too late for that now.)
Here's my process when I need to update his copy: 1. Synchronize between my master and replica. 2. Copy master to CD-R. (We're not on a network.) 3. Synchronize between client's master and replica. 4. Send a copy of master to client. 5. Open my new version of master on the client's computer and synchronize with his replica copy.
When we do that many of his recent changes disappear.
Why is that? They don't even show up as conflicts.
What are we doing wrong? Are we totally abusing the concept of replication or what??
I'm stumped. I appreciate any suggestions or thoughts.
I have a form which is linked to a query. The main form which calls this form sets the filter for the query. This works fine and I can navigate all the filtered records.
The problem is when I go to add a new record the filter information goes away.
For backround this is DB for project information. The user clicks a button to view notes on the project. The notes are stored in a different table and the project_id is the common field which links the two together. I want this to function where the user can open the subform read the notes and add a new one if needed.
I'm saving links to a combobox in a form, but each time I close out of the form and reopen it the Combobox doesn't keep the list of data I entered before and only keeps the last selected one in its drop down menu.
Is there a way to make the Combobox store/keep the data?
the next and back button work fine. the trouble i have is with the bleu balls when you focus on one of the balls a text must come to the text field. i used a label and an caption code but i dont get it to work i still need to click for it appears. And thats what i dont whant because when you click another form i beiing opened.
I have a simple database that a user records the work they have done for the day. They are required to fill out the form with the item number, date, qty etc... the problem is some people are fat fingering things and i am not getting the right item numbers... I have a table called dbo_item with all the possible item numbers in it, is it possible that after they hit enter or click off the item number box it will tell them they put in an invalid item if it doesn't match one of the items from that table?
I have a continuous form with a combobox and a text box. In the after_update event of the combobox I want to setfocus on the text box - of the specific record that I'm on. I tried using Me.CurrentRecord but that returns me to a completely different record than the one I was on. How can I setfocus to the text box of the record I am on?
Okay that Title sounds confusing, but so is this task. Let me explain what I'm trying to do:
I work for a property management company and I'm trying to build a database that will allow me to catalog the inventory of furniture in several (thousand) rooms in several different buildings.
There are several types of rooms on campus all with different requirements. I want to eventually create a "standard" inventory list for every TYPE of room and then compare the actual inventory of each room to the standard inventory of each TYPE of room to make sure it is correct. The problem is that every room has several possible acceptable standards.
I was thinking that for each TYPE of room I could have several possible standards and then run a query that returns all rooms that do not match any of their standards. Does this sound doable? Any suggestions for how I might run that? Am I in way over my head? haha
I have a form with two text boxes in which I would like to insert the current date automatically when the text box has got focus. Default value doesn't work because the current date may occur on two different days, and the default has to be null until the current date is inserted.
Can someone walk me through the process? Thank you.
I have a Button, which update various data into a table in a form. If i called a requery (me.requery) then, the the coursor move up to the first entry.
i have a form (frm1) and subform (sfrm1) that when a room number is double-clicked in the subform another form (frm2) and subform (sfrm2) loads. frm1 has building info and frm2 is used for inspection info. if a room has never been inspected then when frm2 loads the field [room] will be empty. however, after the first inspection the room number is obviously entered for frm2.
so i have created a global variable that holds the value of [lab_room] from frm1 and is supposed to use this value on frm2 if the room has never been inspected - ie, [room] is null. however, the value of intRoom (global variable) is lost after is leaves frm1 and goes to frm2. below is my code:
modGlobal (module with global variables declared) Option Compare Database
Global intVar As Variant Global intRoom As String
Private Declare Function CoCreateGuid Lib "OLE32.DLL" (pGuid) As Long
Private Type GUID 'Memory structure used by CoCreateGuid Data1 As Long Data2 As Integer Data3 As Integer Data4(7) As Byte End Type
Private Const S_OK = 0 'Return value from CoCreateGuid
frm1 subform double click event Private Sub Form_DblClick(Cancel As Integer) On Error GoTo Err_DblClick
Dim stDocName As String Dim stLinkCriteria As String Dim stMsg As String
'if the user double clicks on an area that has no lab_id associated with it 'prevents a null value for lab_id If IsNull(Me!lab_id) Then stMsg = "There is no lab associated with this room." intRes = MsgBox(stMsg, vbOKOnly + vbExclamation, "Error - No Lab Selected") GoTo Exit_DblClick End If
I have a Dynamic Search form, which I use to search for client, on the double click it takes me to the client, at which point I have the Forms Visible set to False.
When I click on a button to open that Form, the Visible turns back to True, however it shows my last search results, how do I clear it so that when I call it back up it is ready to search again, and my focus is set to the SearchFor box.
On my data entry form I have a tab control with three pages
At the bottom of the first page I have a sub form with 3 fields
Currently, when tabbing, the focus runs through the fields as per the tab order
Once it gets to the subform (datasheet view) it jumps into the first field of the first record rather than the first 'empty cell' thereby starting a new record in the datasheet.
Once the three fields in the datasheet are completed the focus tabs back to the top of the first page of the form rather than onto the next page of the form
How to correctly reference controls using VBA so I could SetFocus where I want?
The Main form is called frm_Admissions
It has three pages called Patient, Treatment & Service Providers
Patient has a subform called sub_Cluster (which may or may not hold Cluster Information)
I would like the tab order to jump from the last textbox on the form into the first field of a new record in the datasheet (rather than the first field of any existing records)
Once it has finished in the datasheet I need to tab to the first field/textbox in the Treatment's page of the form rather than back to the first field/textbox in the Patient's page.
-How can I address the fields on my forms? I just want to create a button that increases a value by one on click.I tried
FORMNAME.FIELDNAME = FORMNAME.FIELDNAME + 1 FIELDNAME = FIELDNAME + 1 FORMNAME!FIELDNAME = FORNAME!FIELDNAME + 1 but the button does nothing. And that is all I found by googling.
-How to focus a field at the beginning? I want to be able to start writing always in the same field.
does not work. I dont know if I made any mistake during creating tables and forms, but these codes should actually work, shouldnt they?
PROCESS AS DESIGNED: The user logs in and is given a form displaying existing records that are coded (by userid) for that user to update. From that list, the user selects a record and continues to a second form (the first form closes) which displays all the fields of the selected record which should/can be edited by the user (plus a few non-editable key fields). There is nothing tricky to how the records are selected for display. A simple query behind the first form selects data records using the userID number. The second form does a simple record select using the active record ID number on the first form. Nothing tricky -- no modules just queries, tables, forms and simple macros to string it all together.
The user can open/close these two forms as often as necessary and the record will continue to show up until a value is entered into a "completion date" field. When that field is no longer blank, the record will no longer be displayed for use.
PROBLEM: About 90% of the time, things work as expected. But 10-15% of the time, somewhere between opening the record in the second form and closing the second form, the edited record totally disappears (as if it were never opened, it isn't even system date stamped) and the input information is inserted instead into a brand new record.
Users can sometimes tell when the edit record is dropped during processing, because key fields displaying previously entered data go blank and the displayed recordID (autonumber) is changed. p> ERROR PATTERN: NONE! It can happen as the edit record is first opening, in the middle of editing the form, or at the end when closing the form. It will happen on a specific PC 2 times in a row and the third time be fine. It has happened at multiple locations but not for all people and not consistently for the same person/same pc. The same record that failed can be re-selected and work just fine the next time.
I cannot reproduce the error myself. I have tested everything I can think of without causing the error. I can lose changes and avoid a system date stamp if I abort my Access sesssion, but that doesn't create/insert a new record with my new input. It just loses everything.
I have wondered if a momentary break in the network/communications could break the connection to the application to just enough that the form remains on the screen, but selected record is discarded. Input into the empty form would/does insert a new record.
I have asked the IT Operations group to investigate if a network/communication problem could be the culprit, but they haven't gotten far on this. I have never seen this happen before and am totally stumped but am desperate to resolve it before user confidence is damaged.
I have a form on which there is a series of text box controls relating to different frequencies. At the moment I enter a value in to each of these manually.
However, I would like to have an unbound text box where I can paste in all the values (6 or 8 of them) from excel and then press a button and they would be copied in to the individual boxes.
So far I have my design:
I'm not sure where to start with regard to the code as I don't know how to handle delimited text - is it column delimited in excel?
I imagine some sort of loop, such as a do until will be required but again not sure.
I was wondering if there is a way of only allowing text in a text field - we need to do this for validation purposes when inporting a text file into a database. I have tried input mask but this only checks when entering new data - I have tried to use validation rule like"???????" however this means that there has to be 7 letters in each field and this is not the case. - the field is for town and a couple of the records in this field have numbers at the end which are incorrect that we want the database to reject :eek:
I have a table with a field with names set to text data type and i want to change it to number data type but when i do it in design view the data get lost. I want to know if there is a way to convert the data in the field as number type and keep the data in the field.
I have several forms and subforms that display data, but are not used for data entry. The first textbox on every form gets the focus on open. I'm sure I've seen some way to open the form with no focus on any control!