Viewing HTML In A Form

Apr 14, 2006

I've used Access 2003 to create a database which contains a table linked directly to the "Orders" table on my mysql server. This table holds all of the customer orders placed on our website. I next created a form in access to give me a nice justified view of the orders.

My Problem? The field on the mysql server that holds the line item details for each order is a "Memo" field, and all of the text is formatted in html it appears. When viewed on the form, I see the all of the raw code, and not the nicely formatted text. If i highlight a section of the code from the form, and paste it in a Html editor (Frontpage for example), I see the line items nicely formatted as intended.

Is there a way to get this memo field to display the formatted html text instead?

My access skills are pretty limited, so detailed steps would be appreciated.

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Importing HTML Code. Not From HTML... ;)

Dec 27, 2004

I need, in some way or another, to be able to import an HTML code from an HTML file into Access. It would be ideal if the end result is a table with one memo field named "HTML".

I know is seems strange, but I need the code itself. I've managed to do a bit of duct-tape work, and import from HTML, but this results in only the text of the HTML code (Meaning the text of the web page, not the tags).

I know I'm crazy for wanting this, but is there anyone out there who can give direction/guidance?

More web-ish than vba-ish,


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Viewing A New Form With More Details Of A Record

Nov 27, 2006

I have got a form with summarised data (of records) on view for people to look at. (this is a continuous form). For each record I would like to have a button that displayed another form with more details on it. So by pressing the button opposite a particular record it would take the Id value of the record and open another form (with more details) at that particular record.

I would be very interested in seeing this done with a macro if possible but beggers can't be choosers!

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Viewing Form When Database Is Opened

Sep 2, 2005

Hey there, when a user opens my database, I want the form to enter records to automatically open. Can someone plz help with that... thx

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Viewing A Subform On The Same Screen As A Form

Dec 8, 2005

Hi All,

I have a macro which runs from a form. The macro just opens up a subform. The problem is that the subform gets opened up in a new window. I have changed the property to modal, but this then still opens up the subform in a dialogue box.

Basically I want to be able to view both the form (top half of the screen) and the subform (bottom half of the screen) on the same screen.



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Viewing Past Records On A New Form.

Jul 18, 2007

Greetings All,

I'm not sure if this is possible but I've been asked to devise a way of viewing past record entries from an old form on a new form. Our database contains yearly records of student details; each year has a separate form. What my manager would like is that when a student ID number is typed into this year’s form, that old data from previous years is retrieved and placed in the database OR some sort of command button that searches past records for that particular student ID.

Hope that makes sense, I'm completely confused about the whole thing, I'm not sure if it’s even possible...any kind of help will be gratefully received!

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Tables :: Entering ID In Form And Viewing Table With Its Corresponding Name

Dec 1, 2013

I have made a table and I enter data in that table through a form. The form also include two sybchronized comboboxes. When I select a category in one combo box, corresponding items are selected in second combo box. The problem is that when I select the category in the form (with ID+Category Name), it stores only the ID in the table. How can I see the Category Name in the table (which is the control source of the form) instead of ID?

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Opening Main Form After Viewing A Report

May 19, 2015

I have a button on my main form that allows me to view one of my reports. In order to view the report I have to close my main form. My problem is how do I reopen my main form when I close the report that I have viewed? Some code that would reopen my main form when clicking on the X in the upper right hand corner of the report to close it?

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Two Questions- (two Frames And Html Form)

Apr 28, 2005

First quetion
how can i make some form to be with two frames, one is the navugation tree and the second one is a frame that is changing akk the time, which means the navigation tree is not changing ever.
i am trying to build somthing like asp with two frames and a record set and i dont know how.

the second question i have is how can i put an html frame in a form? i have some link to sme web site in my database, andd i want this data base to be open inside the form of the access and not with my browser in a new window.

please advice.


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Two Questions- (two Frames And Html Form)

May 4, 2005

First quetion
how can i make some form to be with two frames, one is the navugation tree and the second one is a frame that is changing akk the time, which means the navigation tree is not changing ever.
i am trying to build somthing like asp with two frames and a record set and i dont know how.

the second question i have is how can i put an html frame in a form? i have some link to sme web site in my database, andd i want this data base to be open inside the form of the access and not with my browser in a new window.

please advice.


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Make MS Access Form Online And Viewing In Browser

Mar 17, 2015

I have developed on ms access project (MS OFFICE 2010) i am trying to make it online so anyone can open Forms through browser.

Does it possible to make ms access Form online and view in browser? if yes then how?

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Display Html/chart/image On Form

Nov 7, 2006

lets say i have a data field which contains hyperlink for a html file, can i display the content of the file from the hyperlink in the form when the form is loaded?

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General :: How To Create Form / Code For Viewing And Consolidating Duplicate Customers

Apr 8, 2014

I have a database with customers/orders etc. I need to create a form or something which will show if a duplicate customer is entered. I know about the duplicate records query wizard, but I also need an easy way to consolidate and delete records. When a duplicate customer is found, move the customers order/s [OrderNumber] to the existing customer and delete the new/latest customer record.

Customers are in tblCustomers, their orders are in tblCustomerOrders, [CustomerNumber] is the joining field.

I was thinking of just a date/time field for [DateCustomerEntered] with default value Now to keep track of the later customers?

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Modules & VBA :: Static Webpage Form - Export To HTML Using Template

Mar 12, 2014

In my DB I have a query that I need to create a static webpage from, now in excel I can do the record button and bingo, but access is a lot more confusing.

I have a template named doc_tplt.html that when I do the export from the query it creates the webpage using this template.

I want to have a form with a selection of command buttons on it to export to html using the template for various queries and tables.

What is the VBA code to export the query (qry_docs) and apply the template (doc_tplt.html) and save to the same directory as the DB itself.

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Modules & VBA :: HTML Of Login Form - Data Saved As Back End In Access

Oct 8, 2013

Can i make an html of login form, whose data is saved in access as back end. I am curious to know. but of course simultaneous saving is considered yes in here...

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Viewing All Records

Apr 18, 2006

Hi, can anyone please help me.
I've just set up a form with 2 pages which I can add data into, but for some reason, I can't view all records.
I've tried using the switchboard to add buttons to both add records and view (but they both only add), and i've also set up my own button with the instruction to view all records, but it just won't work.
On the first page the data source is tbl_CompanyInfo, and on the second page, the data source is a subform with the data source tbl_Contacts. The subform will link contacts to the company info via the CompanyID field. I hope that makes sense.
Can anyone please tell me how I can view all of the data via the form.
Thanks very much

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Viewing Only Those Data With Value

Sep 29, 2006

I'm wondering how can I view only those query data with value in certain fields.

For example in a record of students with check marks, view only those students with check marks and leaving those having no check mark out.

I know it has something to do with the criteria but not sure what. I've already search the MS Access Help as well as this forum and have not found anything.

Thanks in advance.

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Subform Viewing

Jul 21, 2006

I am working creating a data entry form. I am using the data entry option in the form properties to do this. However, when I do this, my subforms do not display any information.

Ideally, I would like them to display information when the field linked to the subform is entered on the main form. Is there an option for this ?

Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

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Viewing A Directory

Sep 6, 2006

Hello Access gurus
I hope I am in the right place to start this off
I had D/b all set up but i need to have on my form a view of directory(s)

I have button that creates the folder (many thanks to the person whom gave me this )
but what i want to be able to do is preview this witihn my form

so on my form I want a box that will show what i have stored in this folder (which could be word or pdf or xls)
my button will create C: empfiling filenumber & filename ( about 20 chars)
so my form need to be able to preview all files within this folder ( I hope that I have at least half way explained what I am after
Access 2000 - and reasonable expereince (not brillaint at advance VB )

any thoughts regards

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Size Of Viewing Window?

Mar 4, 2007

Hi All,

users can opening a file (either .doc, exe or .pdf) with additional data to the record they're looking at by clicking on a icon on a form. The icon has code behind it that opens the document (Application.FollowHyperlink NameDocTo Open). That opens the doc OK, no problem, but what is a problem is that the window for this document is exactly the same size as the window of the access form from which the second doc is opened.

The size of the access window is defined. I'd like to get the word or excel or pdf to be maximized. The weird thing is that I use the same code in another database and there the 'secondary doc' opens in a new window and of large enough size. How can the same code generate 2 outcomes? And how can I fix the issue described?

Thanks guys.

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Record Viewing Within Tables

Apr 29, 2008

I was wondering if there is some setting that can be set such that certain records within a table are not visible when the table is opened, or a form is accessing its records.

It seems from time to time, some records seem to 'disappear' from view?!?

Other than a filter...

Does anyone know how this is possible, and what can be set or specified in order for this to be happening?

Thank you for any enlightenment...

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Viewing Contents Of Two Tables

Aug 27, 2007

Greetings to All,

I have one table (tblLink) that resides on an SQL Server quite a distance from me. I have another table (tblLink_r) that resides in a local .mdb file. The tables are identical except for the data they contain and where they are located. Only one index (LinkIdx=autonumber) exists. I am making sure there are no duplicate indicies in the LinkIdx fields because I started the LinkIdx field in tblLink_r at 2100000000.

When I open tblLink (remote), I can scroll to the end of the 21,000 records relatively quickly - read: little latency. Queries performed on this table similarly show little latency.

When I open tblLink_r, I also have little latency. This table has 100 records.

I need a single object which contains the contents of tblLink and tblLink_r. I have tried a UNION ALL, but this query takes upwards of 4 minutes to complete which I can't understand since either of the constituent tables only take ~.5 seconds to call up.

I am hoping someone can provide a way to speed up the UNION ALL query or provide an alternate means to combine the contents of these tables.

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Hiding And Viewing Subforms

Jan 26, 2005

I have a form with a subform on with the visible value set to false. After a value has been selected from a combo box i then want this subform to show. Tried calling the form using me!formname.visible = true in the afterupdate but it says it cant find the form.

Any Ideas how

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Viewing PDF Files From Within Access

Jun 30, 2005

I've been reading everywhere on this site trying to find out how
to do this, but just can't seem to grasp it. I see people saying it can
be done, but can't find more specific details on how to go about it. I
just want to view a pdf file from within the access environment. I need
to be able to view contracts from my app, and joy oh joy they are all
in PDF form.

Any help is greatly appreciated to get me started on this. I've
tried using the Active X Adobe Acrobate Control but to no avail.

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Viewing Listboxes In A Report

Nov 19, 2005

Good Morning all,

On a Form I have a series of Listboxes, each drills down to a final piece of information. The Listboxes store a number_id which displays along with other information In this case the number_id is associated to a TEXT description. When I send the Listbox info to the Report it displays the info but the text doesn't wrap and it gets cut off. There is no "can grow" option on a list box.

So I need to create a Text Box in the Report but when I refrence the listbox in the control source only the number_id shows up. I need to see the associated text (field).

Any help would be great!


Phil "bones"

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Linking Records & Viewing

Jan 18, 2006

Before I spend an age trying to get this to work I thought I'd consult some experts.

I have a main data table for recording all possible insurance claims against a company. What I want to do is create say 2 incidents but link them in some way. i.e. One of our drivers had a car accident (1 claim against our motor policy), but then the driver of the other car sues us(1 claim against our public liability).

I can create 2 seperate records and maybe have a field to highlight parent/child reference numbers, but is there anyway I could allow the user to click a button and see the related records simultaneously?


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