Vote And Feedback On MS Office 2007

Mar 16, 2007

Just wondering what the consensus is on MS Office 2007 package. I find it tasty and is quit different from the past versions. That being said, I am relearning the options and finding many new features that weren’t available in the past.

I am very impressed with it thus far.


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Office 2007 Beta

Jun 12, 2006

Not sure if this has been posted yet. Microsoft has released beta of Office 2007, this includes a new UI to many of the old office programs. For the time being you can get it here:

Beta 2 of Internet Explorer 7 has also been released:

And I know I've posted on this before, but just so it is in the same place, Visual Studio 2005 can be downloaded here:

There are also many business-oriented programs in beta for testing. If you own a small business, or think your company may have a need ~ test it out, get a feel, for free.

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Another Office 2007 Moment

Mar 5, 2007

I just found out something that was pretty cool about Office 2007, specifically Access 2007 and Outlook 2007. Working with them together, you can create an email form to gather data for Access and when the email is returned, all filled out, Outlook will export the data into your specified Access table.

I just played with it a little and it appears to have some issues when dealing with multiple tables, but for a simple data gathering it would seem pretty cool. In fact you can set it up so that it won't automatically process until you want to, or you can have it process right when the email comes in.

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Office 2007 / Access 2000

Feb 27, 2008

Neighbour has got a new `puter which came with Office 2007 (without Access )

He needs Access to run an app for his business.

He still has a copy of Office 2000 Pro.

Are there any issues with installing Access 2000 alongside Office 2007. ?

The app calls Outlook to send emails.

Will there be any problems when Access runs this - ? -

Dim stAppName As String

stAppName = "C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOfficeoutlook.exe"
Call Shell(stAppName, 1)

David B

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Link Table Problem - Office 2007

Mar 7, 2008


I have a link table to my contacts folder held within the public folders on the exchange server. The link table was created automatically using the wizard and connect fine. When you open it, all fields are showing except for the email type and email address.

I cannot think of any reason why it would not show this. When you look at the table, the fields are actually there they just dont return any records? Even more frustratingly, every so often you can open up the table and they appear only to disappear again the next time!!

Any ideas?

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Access Problems Converting From Office 2003 To 2007

Nov 28, 2007

Our Access database is multiple user. The front end is on the local drive and the data file is on our main server. Our database has numerous queries, forms and reports accessed by command buttons or directly. Various queries are set to merge with Word documents.

What are major or annoying problems that have been encountered by converting. Our database is contains our membership information and is crucial to our operation. Detailing problems/solutions if possible would be extremely helpful. Asking for allot but very concerned about conversion.
Thanks for any input.

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Can Office Access 2003 Runtime-Based Solutions Applies To Access 2007?

Jan 29, 2007


I have installed Microsoft Access 2003 and Microsoft Access 2003 Developer Extensions. I can create Access application by using the Package Wizard.
But after I upgrade from Microsoft Access 2003 to Microsoft Access 2007.
I can't use the Package Wizard.

How can I do to solve this?


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Office 2000 To Office 2003

Sep 1, 2007

My office is upgrading from office 2000 to 2003 this weekend. Should I run the

"Tools - Database Utilities - Convert Database - To Access 2002 2003 Format"

I have about 10 small databases various users access. Is it good practice to run this or just keep it in an office 200 format? Thanks.

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Id Like Feedback On My ER-D (LDM) Please Have A Look!

May 4, 2007

Hello, Im creating a database for a charity. Im in work based learning at the minute as part of my degree course. Basically, I have my ER-D which im going to use in a few days to produce the database. Please have a look at this and criticise it!

Here it is: 17333

Well, basically, i want to know if its going to work... (anything ive missed too)

Please help, Ant...

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How Do We Get Feedback From The Printer??

Dec 18, 2007

we ran into quite a serious problem the other day whilst batch printing a large number of reports from Access 2000.

For some unknown reason the print job got interrupted part way through, resulting in a large number of reports not printing at all.

Our database uses an sql fragment to set the field 'isPrinted' to true upon sending reports to the printer. This is primarily to prevent records being printed more than once.

However, if, as above, the print job doesn't successfully complete the db still, as expected, marks the record as such. This provides us with a somewhat flase account of the status of the print job.

My question is this, is there a way in vb that Access can verify the success/failure of a print job?? Are there modules or code examples available that might help us interrogate the printer and perhaps abort on error?

* Standard Disclaimer:

VB Noob! Gentle brow-slapping only please!

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Database Test... Feedback?

Jun 14, 2006

Hey all,
So I'm pretty much done with this database project, but I've got a few minor snags... 3 actually.

1) get error when use delete button and select any option other than "yes"
2) my listbox selection does not load the record in the main subform area as it is supposed to (but I think I just don't know how to set this one up)
3) the frmAdd does not allow user to enter values into the fields for some reason, don't know what's up with that one

If anyone could take a peak, check it out, let me know if there is anything I need to fix, or more importantly, how to get those above things sorted out. It would be greatly appreciated. thanks in advance

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Visual Feedback In A Combobox

Sep 13, 2005

I searched everywhere, but I think my ignorance of correct terminology is preventing me from finding the answer I need.

I have a form that holds two cascading list boxes. I want to be able to incorporate another list box that holds a record of which selection that was made, and how many per selection. The idea is to give user a visual feedback of what they selected, and be able to modify the selection.

I tried

Let Me.IDSelection.Value = Me.CategoryID.Value And Me.Specifics.Value

but the box stayed blank.... What am I doing wrong?

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Feedback On Prototype Attendance Database, Please

Jul 13, 2007

I had trouble figuring out how to 1) register a group of people for a class, 2) create a list of dates to meet for a class (which I call sessions), 3) track attendance per sessions. Having looked for templates at Microsoft, I found plenty of Excel templates, but no Access. The closest is Student Registration template, which doesn't track attendance at all. So I figured I'd make a prototype to help me understand how everything works. Since I got so much input from everyone, I figure I'd return the favor and perhap make it a sample database, especially for those who desire a spreadsheet-like data entry while maintaining a properly normalized data structure.But I would prefer that other has tested and given feedbacks on the prototype before I put this in sample database forum (if that's okay with you admins) as this is my first time and I don't want to give others bad template. So anyway, here's the prototype.Note: The database is 100% undocumented, 100% error-handling free, and 100% unsecured. Use it wisely. :)PS: The attachment will reference a extraneous library. If you are getting an error, clear the reference for MS Office 11 Web Components.PSS: I knew I forgot something: There is still unsolved problem of correcting sorting the columns in datasheet view. While the underlying query correctly sorts the recordset, it seems to be ignored entirely in datasheet. If anyone has a solution, I'm all eyes here.

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Please Give Me Feedback On My Table Structure, Will It Work?

May 2, 2007

Hello dear experts!
Will this table structure work? - Please help!
I need to be able to see if certain members have paid subscription, see if stakeholders have paid for their room bookings, etc. Will it work, does it look ok to you?

Im trying to brush up my normalisation skills and logic.

Please click the link below to see my ER-D:


Thanks, Very much, Ant...

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Access 2007 Crashes On Excel 2007 Import

Mar 21, 2008

On trying to import an Excel 2007 file into Access 2007 I get the following:

1) Choose "External Data," Import, Exce
2) Select small file in MS Excel 2007 format.
3) Click on Import the source data into a new table ...
4) Choose OK

Immediately get "Microsoft Office Access has stopped working. Windows is checking for a solution to the problem..." This message never resolves, so I have to click 'Cancel'.

Then I get "Microsoft Office Access is trying to recover your information..." I have to click "Cancel" here as well and then kill MS Access in Task Manager.

Event Viewer gives following message, which is of no help:
"ID: 2, Application Name: Microsoft Office Access, Application Version: 12.0.6211.1000, Microsoft Office Version: 12.0.6215.1000. This session lasted 710 seconds with 120 seconds of active time. This session ended with a crash."

Trying to import a small Excel 2003 file leads the same result. The same happens with a CSV file.

I have uninstalled and reinstalled Office 2007 as well. I am using Vista Ultimate.

I have turned off DEP.

How can I get MS Access 2007 to import Excel?



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Screenshots Of New Office 12

Sep 13, 2005

Access looks great!

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Office Developer XP

Jan 27, 2006

Hello All,

I am going to try and use my copy of Developer and was woundering if there is anything i need to know before i start.

One questions is do i need to make my front end an "mde" file, for distruption needs or not, any other commends greatfully recived.


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Office XP Icon Dll

Apr 5, 2006

Hello Folks, i was wondering whether any one knows any dll or file that stores office xp icons. I wanna extract them.

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Suggestions On How To Proceed - Sub Office

Sep 8, 2005

I needs some advice on how to proceed.
Our company is devolving some operations to a sub office for 3 out of 11 business units. we have a central DB that we use to record monthly events the problem is that the parent group has to be able to update records for all units but the sub office is only allowed to see and edit their records

At the moment the data is all stored in one table and we use a Front end back end with local front ends for access I have a table to say if a unit is part of the sub office or not and in the sub office front end i have a Query which links the 2 tables together and filters the records to show only sub office

SELECT tbldatatable.*, tblShipName.Manager
FROM tblShipName RIGHT JOIN tbldatatable ON tblShipName.ShipName = tbldatatable.Ship
WHERE (((tblShipName.Manager)="nv"));
the remainder of the forms and querys all run from this query rather than the tables

the problem is the join makes it a non updatable record set

what is the advice on how to achieve what i need as i cant see a simple way to proceed

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A Look At The Next Version Of Access/Office

Oct 26, 2005

All of the session from PDC content is also available online to anyone, for free, for six full months. For more information, refer to this blog post There are a few sessions that are interesting from the Access perspective:

OFF307: “Access 12”: Developing Collaboration Solutions with “Access 12” and Windows SharePoint Services “v3”
Speaker: Clint Covington – Broad overview of many new features.

OFF201: “Office 12”: Introduction to the Programmable Customization Model for the “Office 12” User Experience (Part 1)
Speaker: Jensen Harris – explains the philosophy behind the new UI and the ribbon changes.

OFF302: “Office 12”: Developing with the Programmable Customization Model for the “Office 12” User Experience (Part 2)
Speaker: Savraj Dhanjal – explains how to customize the new UI.

OFF310: Windows SharePoint Services: Developing Collaboration and Tracking Applications
Speaker: Mike Morton – explains many of the changes to WSS that can be used while building Access applications with WSS link tables.

OFF417: Visual Studio Tools for Office “v3”: Creating Office Application Customizations
Speaker: Andrew Whitechapel – details around how to develop managed task panes and addins for Office including Access

OFF415: Windows SharePoint Services: Developing Custom Workflows
Speakers: George Hatoun; Pravin Indurkar – details about workflow that can be used while building applications with WSS. Access will have hooks for working with WSS workflow.

Last, if you don’t read the blog post, know that you can right-click on the speaker video, choose Play Speed, then Fast to watch the presentations at a higher speeds.


Clint Covington
Lead Program Manager, Access
Microsoft Corp.

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Will ADP Work In Office 2003?

Oct 10, 2007

If I design an .ADP project in 2007, will users be able to use this if they only have Office 2003?
...or is there a way of making an exe file with Access projects?

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Office 2003 Issue

Jul 18, 2005

Ever since my company upgraded everyone to Office 2003 I have the following issues:

When I click the checkbox that automatically send an email I get the following Pop-up.

"A program is trying to access e-mail addresses you have stored in Outlook. Do you want to allow this?

If this is unexpected, it may be a virus and you should choose "No".
Then you click either yes or no.

After you click yes you then get the next Pop-up which basically says the same thing and you have to click yes again and it finally take you into outlook so the email will go.

Is there anything to get rid of this nuisance? We did not have to do this with Office 2000. I have lowered the security to as low as it will go and still this keeps happening.

Thanks in advance.

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Microsoft Office OLE Object

Feb 2, 2005

I had a Label in the form that when i started design the Form, I supposed that will be permanent.
After few records, users needed to change the Text on that Label depending the customer they reffer to.
Therefore i attached a Microsoft Word Document OLE Unbound Object to give permission to users to change
the text when they need it.
But if u change the text in one record then will change to all of the other records.
Can u give any idea how i will manage to have a default label for all the records and users when they need
to change the Text only for a particular record.
Is this possible? Or I need to declare it as a Field on a Table therefore can be saved in every record?
Please any idea...
Thank you

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Access 97 Developer & Office XP

Feb 14, 2005

Hi Guys,

I hope I am in the right forum area. I have just upgraded to XP Home and have a choice of Office systems to install. However I have Office 97 Developer Edition that I use for Access Databases and this must be installed. I can also install either Office 2000 or Office XP Professional. What are the problems with having any of these combinations and Access 97 with the developer.

I have heard that there may be licencing issues or I may have to install in a particular order. Any advice would be appreciated.

Many thanks


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Office 97 License Missing On XP Machine?

Jul 16, 2005


I´ve installed office97 professional on a computer with office 2003 standard on it.

When I try to start access it tells me there is no license for it on the machine.

Has anyone else had this problem? Of course I have a license, and there has never been any problems with it in the past.

The 2003 version has not yet been registered, if that might have something to do with it.


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Automating Internet Explorer With Office XP.

Jul 29, 2005

I´m thinking of starting to use office XP for a small system I have. My question is:

Is office XP more compatible with internet explorer in terms of VBA automating? I have had to work around internet explorer quite a lot in office 97, and I haven´t been able to do what I want.


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