Want To Create A Printable Invoice From A Form

Mar 30, 2005

I have a data entry form that needs to become an invoice form.
The problem I have is that the background colour prints too, tried "print data only" option, but as it says on the tin, only the data is printed.
Ideally I want the formatting, field headings, but not the background colour.

Is the only option to remove the background colour?
Or should I create a "print" button that runs a report for the selected record?

Many thanks


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Creating A Printable Invoice

Aug 21, 2004

I have a project for a movie rental company, and I need to be able to account for rentals. So, how do I create an invoice (form or report) that will show ALL rentals for a customer when they check out, AND print it? I have an invoice table, a customer table (customer ID used) and a movie list table, and that works for the form I've got, IF the customer only rents ONE movie, but what if they rent like seven? I'm not sure how to update the "invoice" table to reflect that, then get all of the information into a the required report for printing.
If more details are needed, respond and I'll post em, but I think that about covers it
thanks in advance for anyones help!

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General :: Button To Create Invoice Per Record On A Form

Apr 18, 2013

I am creating a database for a local mechanical garage, most of it is setup but i have an issue creating invoices, I need to create a button on a form which will create an invoice per record. Trouble I am having is if i have 1 record it will show just 1, but when i add multiple records they all show on 1 invoice sheet. It doesn't separate records, i but instead it adds the extra records before the page footer :/ causing 1 footer for many records. How to finish the functionality of this DB, i can certainly finish the design side. Everything in this DB is set accordingly, just the invoice system to do i believe, could some1 have a look and let me know? i have tried to upload it here but cant so its on this link [URL] ....

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Invoice Form (invoice Master + Invouice Detail) Using Dao

Jan 19, 2006

I have to add an invoice how can I do it.
Desgn of the ms access form is

Date (suggest me)
ShipMode (option button)
Buyer (combo)
Supplier (combo)
Indentor (combo)

Product UnitPrice UnitOfMeasurement Quantity
(combo) (textbox) (combo) (textbox) (btnaddrow) (btndeleterow)

(btnAddInvoice) (btnCancel)

Please suggest me how to do it.Any code or sample like this.
I don't know how to add new row of product e.t.c.
Please help me as I have never done any programming in ms access before
(Done most of web development,asp.net,jsp,coldfusion)

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Carry Certain Data From 3 Forms To One Printable Form

Nov 10, 2005

is there any way to carry specific data entered by the user from 3 forms to one printable form which is set up like a city permit? ideally, i'd like the user to be able to click on a button to open the permit & then click print after having entered all the data into the 3 forms (1st form opens 2nd; 2nd opens 3rd).
ie - a contractor comes in & applies for a permit, the user (permit clerk) enters all the contractor's info into form 1 then clicks permit & enters the info for that specific permit (there are 4 types) into form 2, then clicks payment & enters check #, fee, etc. into form 3. the permit should now be issued but only needs to have permit #, contractor name, date, location, & amount paid on it. is this possible? i've tried building a query to base a report on with the with that info but am not gettin the results i want, and i don't know how to have a report display only one permit at a time. plus, my users don't want to have to run a query & then print a report. they just want to click print after entering the data (they're very lazy, set in their ways, and not very computer literate). please excuse my dumbness but the whole application is up & running except for this last part.:o please help! thanx in advance.

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Hiding Drop Down Arrows In A Printable Form

Aug 23, 2006


I am compiling a database of my fire system 'engineers reports' by creating a form that is identical to the one that I print and give to the customer.
I used combo boxes to look up system type details, from another table, after inputting the serial number. As these combo boxes can only produce one value I hid the arrows behind background coloured rectangles.

When I print the form the arrows disappear, the combo boxes expand by the width of the arrow and the last 2 digits of right-aligned numbers disappear behind my rectangles.

This form has over 200 controls (systems types, parts used numbers and quantities etc) and I need to print it on a single sheet of paper. I cannot afford to leave extra space between my controls.
The only thing I can think of is setting the visible property of my rectangles to screen only, which is not ideal.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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Forms :: Make Non-printable Section For Controls On Form?

Jul 8, 2014

I want controls on the left of my form, but when I do it this way and then print a record, it displays a big blank section.

How do I make the left side a non-print section for my controls?

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Reports :: Using A Report To Create Invoice

Jan 30, 2014

I'm having an issue trying to get a report to show a single customers' data on one report. The way I am doing it at the minute isn't really a way I would like to do it, using a query to create the report, but I don't know how to do it via a form. Basically when I do it at the minute, it will create an invoice... but with every customers' data on the same report.

But what I want to do is have it so that when I create a new record in a form, when I press a button it will create a report with just the information in that form and the details of the customer (as the form only uses the customers' ID)...

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General :: Create Invoice Per Month Of Multiple Orders Per Customer?

Mar 19, 2013

My current database creates an invoice per order. Until now that worked wonderful. Now i want to create an invoice per month per customer with multiple orders on the same database. So i will have to create a new table/query on the existing order table.

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Forms :: Save Record For Invoice Before Saving Invoice Items From Subform

Jul 30, 2013

I have a main form and subform. The main form is bound to a table of invoices and the subform to a table of invoice items. I'm picking up the invoice number from the form to save it to the invoice items table, so I need to save the record for the invoice before saving the invoice items from the subform.

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How To Combine Products Of Invoice Into Single Invoice

Oct 10, 2012

I am practising making relational databases as I haven't used them before.

The mock database I am creating is based around a cleaning company.

I am trying to make a form which will display all of the bookings a certain cleaner has in the future. I want it to be able to display a booking along with the services (Windows cleaning, vacuum cleaning etc...) the customer wants.

At the moment, it is displaying each service (Window cleaning, vacuum cleaning etc...) as separate result on the form and it is not combined. They both have the same booking_ID from the booking table. How can I combine them?

It is far easier to understand what I mean by looking at the database (Attached). Take a look at the form I have created and then click the > arrow at the bottom to see what I mean.

Test DB.zip

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Reports :: One Record Across Multiple Tables In A Printable Report

Aug 8, 2013

I am trying to produce a report that shows a single record that has fields in multiple tables. When these reports we're in Word form they were about 7 pages long. I put them in access to be able to update the data in one or more than one of them at a time more effectively. But now I am unable to get them print out one at a time like they looked originally in Word form.

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Invoice Form

Jan 18, 2006

I have to add an invoice how can I do it.....

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Invoice Form

Nov 23, 2007

hi all .. i'm new here , I'm not familier with the access so i found it's better to ask the profi. pplz and here i come to u
i'm better in Excel
here is the steps of what i try to do and i already attached a simple example
this invoice form will include the sales throught the month . so it's monthly
and here is what i try to do
1-a form to Enter in it the
Coustmer name | project |product descp. |measure|uni.price|total
2-i may have more than 1 item in the same invoice.
3-invoice serial no. to be like yyyymm######
i don't know is that able cause when i tried to make an invoice it make on a WEB Page and saved it in some place , i thought i can be in the program it self , and i attached also the form of how the invoice could be ,
anyhelp ??

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Invoice Form

Mar 6, 2006

Since I posted my system last time I have started my system again because it was seriously messed up. I have now come to a point, like last time where I have a problem with the total on my Invoice/Order form and also i dont know how to use all the data from a 'created order' and make it into a report invoice to print off. Any help appriciated.:)

My system:
Gamez New System (http://www.savefile.com/files/6286869)

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All I Want Is An Invoice Form

Jan 15, 2005

OK OK I know this should be simple but as a self taught db person I cannot manage the simplest of forms. The problem is I cannot get my customer address to automatically fill in the spaces once I type or select customer from cbo box.

I am totally frustrated as this has taken 6 months of trying to work this out I have copied the Northwind invoice but that does not link in with my tables. I have studied Virginia Anderson The Complete Reference until some of the pages have fallen out, same for Access Inside Out. But none actually tell me step by step how to create an invoice form. Maybe I am thicker than two short planks!!!!!

The next problem is even if I forget the address part and just want to record the customer I put in the plant ordered details but I think I have missed out something as no details appear.

Could someone please look at db attached. Orders table will eventually be deleted as I did not have the foresight to look into future and this covers 2004 only. Once I get a form and table working correctly I will copy this info over. Itemsale table is something I copied from MYOB trying to link something up by using the exact structure of MYOB. Need to work on this further as I need to export info to MYOB.

ANY HELP (incluing psychiatric) would be appreciated.

Could some one help me attach file, it is too big even though compressed

Regards Brocky

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Help With Basic Invoice Number On Form

Sep 20, 2005

I am trying to incorporate a field in my customer order form for "Invoice Number". Not every customer order form will have an invoice number.

The Invoice Number field will default as null, or blank. I want to make it so the Invoice Number gets automatically populated ONLY IF another field on the same form is populated with "X".

Also, I would like the Invoice Number to equal the Previous Record that has an invoice number + 1. For example, if the previous 5 client records did not have an invoice number (blank because the client's form did not have a certain field populated with "X"), but the previous 6th record had an invoice number of 1001, then the current invoice number would be 1002.

So far, I just have the Form for the underlying table created. I don't have the invoice field in the table created yet. Not too sure where to start.

Thanks much appreciated in advance.

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Total On Order Form And Invoice

Jan 5, 2006

I am trying to add a total to my order form but i am finding it a bit tricky, but once i have done this i also need to create an invoice, which should be simple enough but is quite difficult because of the way the system has been put together....

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Forms :: Form Creating Credit Invoice

Dec 24, 2014

I have a form with a subform. The form shows an invoice and the subform the items to be invoiced. On this form I want to have a button that creates a credit of this full invoice.

My question is now how to add the existing invoice and details again to the same invoice table (query) and same details table (query).After clicking this button in the two tables should be the original invoice/details and its credit.

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Tables :: Creating Invoice System With Subform Within Main Form?

Nov 24, 2013

I'm trying to create an invoice system with a sub-form within the main form. The issue I'm having is that the data in the sub-form keeps getting overwritten each time a new record is created for the main form. So when I go back to edit an older record, the data in the sub-form is changed to whatever the latest record had in it. Is there a way to lock in the data in the sub-form so that it stays with it's own record?

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Forms :: How To Create A Form That Can Edit Or Create A Record

May 13, 2014

I am trying to create a form to enter data in a table. I would like to make it pull in info from a switchboard. If the record already exists I would like it to find it and allow me to edit the info. If the record doesn't exist I would like to be able to add a new record with the data input. What is the best way to accomplish this?

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General :: Create A User Form With Sub Form Using Form Wizard?

Aug 10, 2013

I am trying to create a user form with sub form using the form wizard. I have only 2 tables, Employee (main table) and Vacation (subform table). I pick the fields from Employee Table then fields fro Vacation, but the wizard treat the Vacation as main form and Employee as sub form.

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Locking A Invoice

Jan 18, 2007


I don't know whether you can help :D But i am in need of some code/guidence, or a way to go about trying to do what i want to achieve.

Basically, i am creating a invoice producing software in Microsoft Access, based upon Computing parts resaleing.

Because the supplier, i use changes the prices daily, when i type the products into the Parts Table, the price being typed in will change for the next customer to have the same part.

Basically because i am using this software to produce Profit and Loss, The invoice will be looking back at the Parts table, and changing the unit costs for invoices which are say weeks old.

I am wondering whether i can "lock" the invoice so it cannot be updated from the Parts list and keep the profit the same, so i get an accruate result when i come to look at it.

I will apprechaite any help or guidance.



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Monthly Invoice

Jun 28, 2006

Hi, I have Three tables
the first is a ContractTable
the second is a Monthly Invoice Details Table
and the third is a Detailed Payments table

Contract 1 -> Many Monthly Invoice 1 -> Many Detailed Payments

what I would like to do is ensure that there arent any duplicated Months for a Contract in the Monthly Invoice table

in other words For Contract 00023 I NEVER want it to have more than one invoice record for the month of JUNE 2006....

It may be easy but it has me all tied up, please assist.

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Invoice Query

Mar 7, 2007

This may seem very simple but I need some help.

I have two tables I want to use:

Table 1: open invoices
I want to use this as the base table to check against

Table 2: invoices for a month containing all details.

I want to use column 5 in table 2 to bump against 1 and matching numbers from table 2 will be returned in a query with all the column details from table 2. The problem is column 5 has duplicate invoices so it can't be set as PK. If these duplicate invoices match on the open invoice report they must be included as well...

I also ran into problems importing table 2. I had some type conversion errors when importing... I tried to change all columns to text in excel it helped a little bit.... In Access when importing the data type is greyed out... any suggestions...

Like I said I am sure this is easy for you pros...

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How Do I Recalculate An Invoice

Sep 25, 2005

Hi There
I Have an Invoice Form Invoice Head And Subform.

Calculation In Invoice_Subform Depend On A Field In Invoice Head. I Need A Code If That Field Changes A Code Will Be Triggred To Check Every Row In The Subform And Change Calculation According To The New Condition

Any Help Please

Thanks In Advance

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