Warning Message On Form While Data Is Being Processed

Jul 11, 2013

I do have a DB that takes some data from Stripes and imports them into access. Since this will be a multi user DB I want to make a warning form.

Basically a user will do the download, I want a form or a pop up message that will show to the next user that will open the DB while the download process is ongoing, to see that the download data process is still ongoing, That he needs to wait until the data download has finished.

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Data Access Page - Message Warning

Feb 7, 2006

Hi there,

I apologise if this has been answered, I couldn't find anywhere else on the forum.

On the data access page it gives an annoying warning that says 'This website is using your identity to access a data source. If you trust this website, click OK to continue, otherwise click cancel'.

Is there a way I can suppress this message? It looked cool at the start, but now it's just annoying....


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Warning Message...

Sep 14, 2005

Anyone know how to suppress the folowing warning:

(I don't have admin rights so my solution will have to be done within Access :rolleyes: )

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Warning Message

Sep 9, 2006

ok, i'm probably gonna confuse a few ppl here, lol :rolleyes:

i keep getting a warning message when i try to open winamp from within access, is there any way i can stop this warning message from appearing?

any help would be most appreciated

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Warning Message

Dec 11, 2006

can someone please modify the following code to add a warning message to an add button.................this add button allows to add details filled in a form...

Private Sub addrec_Click()
Dim strSQL As String
DoCmd.SetWarnings False

strSQL = "INSERT INTO tab_main ([username], [cost_centre], [number], [phone_model], [imei], [puk_code], [sim_no], [date_issued], [notes], [tariff], [call_int], [roam]) VALUES ('" & Me.username & "','" & Me.cost_centre & "','" & Me.number & "','" & Me.phone_model & "','" & Me.imei & "','" & Me.puk_code & "','" & Me.sim_no & "',#" & Me.date_issued & "#,'" & Me.notes & "','" & Me.tariff & "'," & Me.call_int & "," & Me.roam & ")"

DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End Sub

warning message such as Are you sure you would like to add USERNAME(whateva is inserted in the USERNAME FIELD)


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Close Button With Warning Message

Aug 1, 2006

I use a close button to close a form. There is list box in this Form. If the list box is empty, then simly close the form. However, if there are projects in the list box, I want to give a warning. If the user say YES, then everything in the listbox will be deleted and the form will be closed. If user say NO, tehn the form will not be closed. They then can use anotehr button to save teh projects.

I wrote the follwing code. The delete portion itself works. But it seesm comfused with msgbox. Could you pelase help me correct this code? Thank you very much for your help.

lbDestination -- list box name

Private Sub Close_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Close_Click

If IsNull(Me.lbDestination) Then
Exit Sub
End If

If MsgBox("You have unsaved initiatives. Are you sure you want to close?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo + vbDefaultButton2, _
"Delete?") = vbYes Then

Dim rsDestination As DAO.Recordset
Set rsDestination = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tbInit", dbOpenDynaset)

Do While Not rsDestination.EOF



End If

Exit Sub

Resume Exit_Close_Click

End Sub

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Warning Message For Duplicate Entry

Nov 27, 2006

I have struggled with this for so long now I hope someone can help.
I have a form called frm_Collections which is run from the query (qry_Collections). When I type into the Reg field in the Form I would
like the user to know if the Reg details have already been used in a
previous record. The database can have duplicates in this field, however a
"Warning Message" would promt some investigation.
I have tried loads of DLookup on Before Update, but really need setting of
in the right direction.

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A Warning/confirmation Message For User Before Printing??

Mar 12, 2006

Hi all,

I am building a simple db from scratch using the limited knowledge i have, and a lot of the information gained from searching these forums as a guest. I've now reached a point where I can't seem to find what I'm looking for, so any help would be gratefully received!!

I have a single table, single form and single report (told you it was simple;)). The table has nearly 2000 records and 2000 pictures (linked). On the form I can print every record with a single click of a command button. This is great, but I would like a message box to popup and confirm the print action, as this is gonna be expensive if its clicked on every record!!

If anybody can help, I would be chuffed!! I searched the forums and can't seem to find anything on this!!


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General :: Stop Access Warning Message

Feb 14, 2013

I have an Access 2010 db on a shared network drive. All users accessing the db are running Windows 7 OS and have a licensed corporate version of Access 2010. The advanced options "Shared", "Edited record" and "Open dabases by using record-level locking" are turned on. Additionally, the locking time limits are set to their default levels. If a user selects the save icon after making additions or updates, the following waring message appears:

Costar Job Database can't save design changes or save to a new database object because another user has the file open. To save you design changes or to save to a new object, you must have exclusive access to the file.Since I developed the db, I am the only one that makes design or object changes. I know that users don't need to select the save icon to update the db, but I don't want them to "freak out" if they select save and see the message.
Is there any way to prevent the message from being displayed?

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General :: Warning Message When Deleting A Table

Feb 16, 2015

I have a temporary table within my access database. I have a macro button that makes the table (thus deleting the old one in the process) and then appends information from three other queries to it.I want to stop the standard warning message from coming up. The message I get is below. I have already cleared the action queries check box so the warnings for the making table (if no previous table exists) query and appending data query have disappeared. However the below message still pops up when the make table query begins to try and delete the old table. How I can make it go away?

"The query you are about to run is a make-table query. Unlike most queries that displays data in Datasheet view, a make-table query creates a table and copies specific records from one or more tables and queries. If the table already exists, the query will replace the structure and contents of the table.If your intention is to create or replace a table, click Yes. To avoid being prompted when you run such queries, click the File tab, then click Options. In the Access Options dialog box, click Client Settings. Under Editing, clear the Action queries check box.

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Subform Record Count Warning Message

Jan 29, 2013

I would like to show a Message box to an operator when a certain number of records have been reached in a subform e.g when 36 records have been entered I want a message to appear telling the operator that a certain report can then be raised. Whether this is possible

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Warning Message If Field Is Left Blank?

Apr 10, 2014

I have a questions database. When user is filling out the form, the following fields are required: Questions, Author, Type of Question and Answer selected. Answer is selected by clicking on the button next to the Answers. If these fields are not filled out, a user gets a prompt saying that so and so field is blank. If have a problem, it works for all required fields except for Answer. Below is my code. I have attached a screenshot with Author and Answers blank. I only get a warning about the Author and not the Answers.

Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
nullerr = 0
strnull = ""
If IsNull(Me.txtQuestion) Then
nullerr = 1


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Warning Msg Box For Missing Data On A Form.

Jan 6, 2006

I would like to know how to display a msg box for missing or duplicate information when entering data into a form. My database keeps track of call accounting codes and the code is the primary key index field. I use macro's for all of my automated tasks such as finding codes, filtering for available codes and such. What I want to do is to display a simple message when adding a new one to the database if they forgot to enter the code and if they did enter a code if they entered a duplicate. The default error meesage tells them there is a problem but they won't know how to fix it. I know I should use the Before Update and After Update but I am not good at writing the vb code. I found some code in one of the the threads and copied it and changed the field names but it failed. I need a simple message like "You did not enter the Fac code" and "The Fac code you entered is already in the database please check your information."
The field name of my primary key is "Fac"
Thanks in advance for anyone that could help me with this.

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Modules & VBA :: Device Table - Warning Message Based On Combobox Selection

Jul 26, 2013

I have a combobox with several options for a device's parts. When one part is selected, it gets added to a device table.

Generator A
Generator B
Gearbox A
Gearbox B
Blades A
Blades B
Blades C
Tower A
Tower B

I want to display an error message if an option is being selected more than once.

For example, if a gearbox has been chosen, then another gearbox cant be chosen too.

How do i display this warning message.

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Modules & VBA :: Table With 3 Fields - Warning Message Based On Combobox Selection

Jul 29, 2013

I have a table (ComponentT) of different device components a user can select from ( generators, gearboxes, etc.)

The table has 3 fields - ComponentName, ComponentType, ComponenentDetails

I have a query returning all the ComponentDetails values.

I then have a combobox that uses this query as a row source.

The user can select different components they want from the combobox. Once something is selected, it is added to a new table - UserSelectedComponentsT

As a device can have only one gearbox or one generator etc. I want a warning messagebox to be displayed if the user tries to select a generator from the combobox when one has been previously selected.

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Modules & VBA :: Read XML File Which Needs To Be Processed In Access Database

Oct 8, 2013

For weeks I am trying to read an XML file which needs to be processed in an Access database. I can not find the proper way to:

- find a specific node
- iterate from there

The XML file is an international bank file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Document xmlns="urn:iso:std:iso:20022:tech:xsd:pain.008.001.02" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">

[Code] ....

I started quite simple, just wanted to read to node MsgId. This is the code I use:

Private Sub ReadXML_Click()
Dim aDoc As DOMDocument60
Dim aNode As IXMLDOMNode
Set aDoc = New MSXML2.DOMDocument60
aDoc.async = False
aDoc.Load DLookup("C:Sample.XML")

[Code] ....

Whatever I try: //MsgId or MsgId the results is "No nodes". How to read to XML.

Besides reading one node, the next challenge will be iterating the PmtInf node. There can be 1 in the XML file but also 50.

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Warning Messege While Inserting Data

Feb 6, 2007


when i am inserting data into table useing insert into statment i am getting one warning "do u want to append or not". what i can do to overcome this messeage.

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Duplicate Warning Form To Appear On Screen

Oct 5, 2006


I have 2 tables with the following fields:

CustID - (Autonumber/PK)

VehID - (Autonumber/PK)
ProdNumber.... etc.

Property of all fields in Table2 are set to Indexed(No Duplicates).

I need a warning message form to appear on the screen if User adds a new record of PlateNumber which already exist. Then, automatically shows User who currently owns that PlateNumber.



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Forms :: Give Warning When Switchboard Form Opens?

Oct 2, 2014

I have a table which holds information relating to a fleet of vehicles; each of these vehicles is currently physically checked on a daily basis for a number of items, one of which being to check that the vehicle has valid VED (tax disc).

With the paper disc being abolished now, we have a situation where the individual using the vehicle cannot be certain about its VED status (the chances of one not being taxed is next to nil, but we are talking a fleet of nearly 1000 vehicles here, so anything is possible)

Our current database has most of the vehicle information stored already, so in theory I think I only need to add a couple of fields, which will make the table structure (roughly):


With the latter two being the added fields.

Now, what I was wondering.....

Is it possible that when a Form (not related to the table, and most likely the main switchboard form) is opened that both the MOTExpiry and VEDExpiry dates are checked, and if either or both of them are due to expire within 7 days or have already expired that a warning appears (vbaOKOnly messagebox would do fine) stating that there are vehicles that require their MOT & VED dates to be checked and updated accordingly)?

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Modules & VBA :: Form Which Has Button To Email Data Out In Standard Email Message

Jan 15, 2014

I have a form which has a button to email the data out in a standard email message.

Private Sub Command60_Click()
Dim MyDb As dao.Database
Dim rsEmail As dao.Recordset
Dim sToName As String
Dim sSubject As String
Dim sMessageBody As String


This works well enough, however, FIELDS 11 through to 16 contain the venue address. This is all we ll and good if every field of the venue address is populated. here are times when not all of the fields are populated, for instance, the address might only be 5 lines.I know I can do this using IIf statements on a report, but how can i achieve the same thing for the email.

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Forms :: Search Form When Closing Gives Warning - Cannot Save Record At This Time

Aug 5, 2015

I have a "Search" form that I am using to search through a query in a list box of all of my Customers. Once the record that I am wanting to view comes up I highlight it and click a "View" button to bring up another form with the customers full record. When this form is open I am able to update the customer information and add User's to it if necessary.

My problem comes after I click on my save and close button that takes me back to me search form. I want to close the search form and the error I get is "The record cannot be deleted or changed because table "tblUserProfile" includes related records." I click OK and get a SECOND error stating "You can't save this record at this time. MS Access may have encountered an error while trying to save a record. If you close this object now, the data changes you made will be lost. Do you want to close the database object anyway?"

I have already made my changes and saved them in the form with the customer record so am not sure why I am getting an error when trying to close the Search form.

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Display Message When No Data Is Found

Apr 11, 2006

I have a macro in the On No Data event of a report that displays a message when the item number a user requests does not exist in the table being queried.

Now I need to get the same functionality in a form. The form is based on a parameter query with only one criteria [Please enter item number]. The form opens in Edit mode when a valid item number is entered.

I see that there is no On No Data event for either forms or queries, so I'm stumped on how to proceed.

Any and all assistance is appreciated.

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Display A Message To Add Data To Corresponding Table Name

Aug 5, 2005

Hi, does anyone know how to create a query/or form that promts the user with a message box that says "enter table name", from this if the user types "A" then table A will be opened for the user to add data into or if the user types in "B" then table B will be opened for the user to add data into. Ideally I would like a form that opens (either form a or form b) that allows the user to enter the details into the corresponding table (a or b)

Tables A & B are both emty to start of with. The field names in both tables are: user_id, firstname, lastname, date

Please help?

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Message Box Display If Field Has No Data

Jun 27, 2007

Hope someone can point me in the right direction. I have a field on a form and if I tab out of it without entering any data and go to the next field, I could do with a message box coming up stating you must enter a value in this field, and then have the curser go back into this field.

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Require Data Entry; Message On Edit

Apr 27, 2005

I have a subform where records can be added or edited. There are two fields: firstname and lastname. I want a message box to appear when a first or last name is edited.
I do not want that message box to appear when a new name is being added. I use this code:


Now I want to also prevent the user from leaving a record before both fields have data (first and last name are required). My efforts to do this seem to conflict with my message box issues.

Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong or how to do this?

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Custom Error Message For Duplicate Data?

Apr 26, 2013

How to create custom error message for duplicate data? I want this custom message at text box before_update event not at form_error .....

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