Warning On A Field Change.

Jan 5, 2007

Hey all,

Thanks for all of the help you have already given me.

Here's another.

What I'm trying to do it get a field, which is a combo box, to pop up a warning when someone tries to change it. I'm trying to keep people from unknowingly change the name field of the time sheet. I only want the warning to show if the field being changed already has a name in it.

Here is what Ive tried.

Private Sub Employee_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If Not IsNull(Me.Employee) Then
MsgBox "Are You Sure?"
End If
End Sub

The warning works, but it shows up regardless of the field being empty or filled.

I'd like to have it so I get a msgbox using vbyesno to give the user a choice whether to keep the change or accept it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks again!


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Warning Message If Field Is Left Blank?

Apr 10, 2014

I have a questions database. When user is filling out the form, the following fields are required: Questions, Author, Type of Question and Answer selected. Answer is selected by clicking on the button next to the Answers. If these fields are not filled out, a user gets a prompt saying that so and so field is blank. If have a problem, it works for all required fields except for Answer. Below is my code. I have attached a screenshot with Author and Answers blank. I only get a warning about the Author and not the Answers.

Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
nullerr = 0
strnull = ""
If IsNull(Me.txtQuestion) Then
nullerr = 1


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Change Field Value On Change Of Other Field In Form

Apr 2, 2008

What I want to do is following.
In form ASSIGN(fields are takedate and inout) ,if TAKEDATE is different then 0 then set value of inout field to 1
My VBA knowledge is poor cause i dont think this should be hard

thanks in advance

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Using SetValue To Change Field Property Based On Another Field Value

Dec 15, 2006

I would like to change the property of a text box to Visible and Required when a user chooses a specific value in a drop down box of a different text box. Is this possible using a macro or some other way?

Thank you,

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Reports :: Having Field In Report Change Based On Another Field

Sep 5, 2013

I have a report that is looking up min and max quality specifications for a product. The table with the specifications has a Yes/No check box field for when the specs are defined as "Internal". So the table looks like Product/MinValue/MaxValue/Internal

I want the report to display "TEST AND RECORD" when the Internal box is checked where the MinValue and MaxValue (that are stored in the table) would be displayed otherwise.

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Validate Change To Field Based On Another Field

Jun 18, 2014

I have a form I would like to validate input on. The field UpdatedResponsibilityCode can be updated but it can only have certain values based on the PaymentResponsibilityCode. Is there a way to force this validation?

If UpdatedResponsibilityCode = 4 then PaymentResponsibilityID can not equal 1

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Getting Rid Of A Warning

Jul 11, 2006

i recently installed MS Office 2003, and now everytime i am opening an access database, i am getting a security warning asking me if i would like to block unsafe expressions. From the help i read that in order to get rid of this security warning, i should install the Microsoft Jet 4.0 (SP8). After i download it from the Microsoft Website, when i am trying to install the exe file, i am getting a message, that my system already has a newer service pack installed and i do not need to install it. However, since i do still get this message about safe expressions, is there any other alternatives how can i get rid of it ?

Thank You

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Pop Up Warning

Sep 26, 2006

I need to be able to cause a warning box to appear when records for high risk clients are viewed. When a risk assessment is carried out I need to show the result as being either High, Medium or Low on the Client Form. If the result is high I want every worker accessing the record to be in no doubt as to what they need to do if a visit to the individual is being made. Thanks in advance.


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Warning Message...

Sep 14, 2005

Anyone know how to suppress the folowing warning:

(I don't have admin rights so my solution will have to be done within Access :rolleyes: )

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Warning Message

Sep 9, 2006

ok, i'm probably gonna confuse a few ppl here, lol :rolleyes:

i keep getting a warning message when i try to open winamp from within access, is there any way i can stop this warning message from appearing?

any help would be most appreciated

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Flag Up A Warning

Feb 6, 2006

Hey there

there is a function that I wanted to do on my form but can't think of a way
what I want to do is to show up a flag after 14 days and 28 days of a date with missed appointment being ticked
say there are two fields in the section


Will I be able to do this in access?

Please advice

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Warning When Changing

Aug 27, 2006

Well, problem I should know how to solve! Or at least be able to find in the "search" But...... niether..... So this should be a simple one...
Have a form with a ClientID combo.... If this record is changed I want a warning message before... So I decided to do it as a function then call it on change...

Private Function ChangeClient()

Dim Msg, Style, Title, Response, MyString
Dim Cancel As Integer

Msg = "You are about to change the Client for this Project!" & Chr(13) & "Do you want to continue ?"
Style = vbYesNo + vbCritical + vbDefaultButton2
Title = "WARNING"
Response = MsgBox(Msg, Style, Title)
If Response = vbYes Then
MyString = "Yes"
ElseIf Response = vbNo Then

MyString = "No"
Cancel = True
End If
End Function

Now the problem is.... What event to call this on!?!?
It works fine on several events on a current record...
BUT... when it is a new record, and you pick the client from the dropdown, it sees a change and runs the function. That clear?
I was thinking of running a "If ... Then" statement so if it a new record the function will not be called.
Got to be an easier way to simply warn of a field change!

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Stop Warning

Oct 18, 2006

This should be a simple one.... But can't seem to find the answer.... I have put a line of code on the open event of a seconadry form.... First form is "Clients" second form is "Contracts" If no the client has no contracts the code goes.....

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
If IsNull(DateOfSale) Or DateOfSale = " " Then
MsgBox "No Contract Exist"
Cancel = True
End If
End Sub

After the first message box I get a "Access" message box... "The OpenForm action was canceled" ....... Thats fine.... we know that... But we don't need to know that. How can I stop the second message box from opening? Or can I ?

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Warning Message

Dec 11, 2006

can someone please modify the following code to add a warning message to an add button.................this add button allows to add details filled in a form...

Private Sub addrec_Click()
Dim strSQL As String
DoCmd.SetWarnings False

strSQL = "INSERT INTO tab_main ([username], [cost_centre], [number], [phone_model], [imei], [puk_code], [sim_no], [date_issued], [notes], [tariff], [call_int], [roam]) VALUES ('" & Me.username & "','" & Me.cost_centre & "','" & Me.number & "','" & Me.phone_model & "','" & Me.imei & "','" & Me.puk_code & "','" & Me.sim_no & "',#" & Me.date_issued & "#,'" & Me.notes & "','" & Me.tariff & "'," & Me.call_int & "," & Me.roam & ")"

DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End Sub

warning message such as Are you sure you would like to add USERNAME(whateva is inserted in the USERNAME FIELD)


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Getting A Possible Duplicate Warning?

Feb 3, 2004

I am running Access 2002 on Windows XP Pro and have been teaching myself this program. I have created a large contact database with one main table and associated forms for entering data as well as reports driven by queries. What I can't figure out is how can I get a warning message to appear if a user enters a possible duplicate individual into a form. For example, if someone is entering an individual into a form that is bound to the main table and the same last name belongs to an individual already in the table, it may or may not be a duplicate. I'd like to learn some way of immediately checking the potential duplicates and then deciding weather or not to continue with the entry. Thanks much, in advance for any suggestions.

M Dennis

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Change Field When Criteria Is Met

Jul 1, 2005

You will see it is a simple problem if you know what your are doing.

When entering the joining date I would like the Status to change automatically to Member and when the renewal date is reached I would like the status to automatically change to Renewal but I am unable to work out a formula for this.

Many Thanks,


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Cannot Change Field Size

Jul 13, 2005

I have a main table (with other tables related to it).
It has the 255 max number of fields. (I know... But bear with me.)

ANyway, I need to change some field's size to smaller sizes. But if I try to change them, even 1 at a time, I get the cannot do because I have too many fields defined.



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Field Change Query

Apr 16, 2008


Is there a way to create a query to show when text in a specific field was changed?

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How To Change Field Format

Oct 25, 2006

Hello. I'm triyng to change every field format in a Form each time I jump from one field to another. I want it to get grey and bold when it got the focus

I managed it with a GetFocus and Lost Focus for each field but whena form has a lot of fields it gets "a lot" of programing.

Is there a way of doing it another way, for instance On current


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Change Field Color

Dec 5, 2006

I have a similar problem, I'm fairly new to ACCESS and am learning it is vastly different than EXCEL that we use (we are upgrading to ACCESS to track our "in" and "out". I have set up a ACCESS database to track our barge loading and pumping, on the delay we enter reason for the delay but if no delay occurs it is left blank. How can I get the field to change colors if information is entered and left alone if none is entered.
Quote: Originally Posted by shamrog12 Make sure to dim recItem1Value and backg in the appropriate area

Try this:
Code:<%recItem1Value = lcase(Recordset1.Fields.Item("RecItem1").Value)backg = ""Select Case recItem1Value Case "x" backg = " style=""background-color:red;"" " Case Else backg = ""End Select%><!-- whatever code here... //--><td<%=backg%> nowrap><input name="txtField1" type="text" onChange="RecUpdate value="<%=(Recordset1.Fields.Item("RecItem1").Value)%>" size="4"></td>

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CHange Field Type

Aug 22, 2007

I have been researching changing the field type of a table to Hyperlink and have been unsuccessful.

Everytime I add a field to a specific table the hyperlinks get busted. What I am doing programmiticaly is:
1. Deleteing the field
2. Re-creating the Field (text)
3. Concantonating two fields into the new field
4. Create a second field (hyperlink)
5. Copy those recrods into the hyperlink field
6. Delete the first
7. Rename the hyerlink to the original feild name

I get this to work but the hyperlinks are still broken.

If I Create the new field
Concantonate two fields into it

Then Manually Change the field name from Text to Hyperlink
everything works great.


WHAT CODE is being run whern you go into the properties of the table and change the field type from Text to Hyperlink?

Can I use that code for this purpose?

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Change Field Name In A Table?

Aug 13, 2011

Is there any way to change a field name in a table and have it propagate thru queries, forms, reports etc. Right now it messes everything up when I try it.

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How To Change All Values In A Field To 0

Jul 15, 2015

Is there a simple way to change all of the values in a field to 0 (zero)?

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Cannot Change Value Of Percentage Field

Jun 19, 2014

On a table I have a field labeled "Interest", and it is for what you would expect.

I have the data type set to Number, and the format set to Percent. For some reason I cannot change this field, it keeps resetting the value back to 0.00% even though I type something else in.

Access 2007

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Change Field Format Using VBA

Sep 21, 2014

I have a table that contains information along with a field named "Date Input" and then a calculated field called "Due NLT Date". New records are appended to this table daily. The calculated "Due NLT Date" field is simply "[Date Input]+5".

In some unforeseen circumstances the "Due NLT Date" field needs to be extended to 6 or 7 days from the "Date Input". I am trying to find a way adjust the number of days using a command button/VBA getting the desired number of days either from an input box or from a txt box on a form.

I have been playing with using SQL ALTER TABLE in VBA but can't get it to work.

I'd image it would look something like this but how to write it correctly:

RunSQL ALTER TABLE "table" FIELD "field" to calculated "[Date Input]+ & input box "Enter number of days""

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Change YesNo Field Default

Oct 9, 2007

Hi there

I've tried to change the default of a yes/No field so that it's either NUll or "" or Yes. This has proved unsuccessful and all the fields are still showing as No for default unless I obviously select Yes

Does anyone know if there is a way to change the Default of this field to either Yes or so that there is Null?

thanks for any help!

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