Web-based Database?

Jan 22, 2008

Hey Guys,

I've been working in MS Access for years now but our service is expanding to cover the whole south west (of England).

My boss has announced he wants a web-based database to run the show and has given me a blank cheque to go get some training.

Great news...only I have no idea where to start? Any ideas on software?

I really have had my head buried in the sand of the desert of Access! LOL!


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Build Database Based On XML Schema?

May 16, 2012

I have a xml schema which defines all things necessary (tables, field names, relationships, etc) to build a database in access. The question is whether Access could decode xml schema and build the database (create all tables, fields and relationships) automatically by macro or something else. I have tried to load xml schema by using external data in Access. However Access can only recognize some tables, not everything.

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Searching Database Based On 3 Columns

Aug 23, 2011

I have a requirement of searching the database based on 3 columns. I have attached the search form and the code.

Private Sub cmdSearch_Click()
Dim strSQLHead As String
Dim strSQLWhere As String
Dim strSQLOrderBy As String
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strJoin As String

[Code] .....

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Excel Based Database - Requires YTD Totals

Feb 16, 2005

Hello Helpers..

I have a table imported from excel with a large data with columns like..


Level3 category April-03 May-03 June-03
Trading Income 10000 13300 15500
Trading expenditure 5000 3000 4000
Investment Income Income 25000 28000 23000

I want to design a form where i select the Level,category and period to display the respective values of income or expenditure..


How can i calculate the year to date totals based on the table above.....

Thanks a ton.... :confused

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3 Tier Combo - Based On A Sample Database

Aug 18, 2005


I'm still working on this supplier database for my boss and the supplier filter section is still causing me problems.

Let me set the scene for you....

I have a form with 3 combo boxes on it. These are cboProg, cboPPS & cboSupplier.

I need to get the combo's working so that when you select a programme from cboProg it filters the list in cboPPS (Primary Product or Service) to show only products and/or services that are used on that programme. In turn I need to make it so that when you select one of these Primary Product or Service's from cboPPS it filters the list of suppliers in cboSupplier to show only suppliers that provide that product or service.

Essentially, I have a HUGE list of suppliers that I want to filter down to suppliers that work on a programme providing a particular product or service using the combo boxes in the order shown below.

Programme (cboProg) --(filters)--> Primary Product or Service (cboPPS) --(filters)--> Supplier (cboSupplier)

When I have filtered the list of suppliers down to a list that worked on programme X, providing product or service Y, I'd like to make it so that you can just double click on that suppliers name to open their details.

I've based my previous efforts on a sample database called dbcombos that I found on this forum (I've attached it to this post). The only problem with this database is that it’s 2 sets of 2 tiered combo boxes on the same form and not a 4 tiered set of combo boxes as I originally thought.

Any ideas? All help greatly appreciated!

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General :: Access Based Database / How To Use Data

Apr 26, 2015

I've used MS Access a fair bit in the past but am somewhat lost since moving to 2013Pro.Some years back I was using software to document radio intercepts, this was based on Access but used a program to display and enter the data.That program was lost after upgrading to a new computer (tied to the CPU) .And the company has long since gone out of business.So I am left with the MS Access elements.In the form of a 3mb database that has nothing but a long list of tables to show for itself.Each table opens and has some ID columns with text like this in them 'L096e0dd24757c 1533a7cc1 53e 6ba44 bd' and after has usable data. What I want to do is set up Access so I can use as much of the data as possible.

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Filter A Database Based On Text Box Info

Nov 20, 2014

I want to filter a database based on the info typed into the text box, after this, clicking on the button search and filter the database..I have an issue in my code, because I know just how to filter it based on a field but not for all..The fields I have are: Batchnumber, ModelnumberID, OperadorID, Datet, TestResults, Units and Status

My code is:

Me.Filter = ""
Me.FilterOn = False


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Field In A Database That Calculate Age Of A Person Based On DOB?

Jun 23, 2014

I need to have a field in a database that will calculate the age of a person, based on their DOB. I have it in the excel sheet that I imported into Access to create the data base, but it just copied the number that was already there. When I add new entries into the database, the age isn't calculated. How do I do this?

The forumla I use in my spreadsheet is: =DATEDIF(O2,TODAY(),"y")

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Database Update Of Multiple Fields Based In Lookup

Oct 28, 2014

I have two tables, one table (1) hold three fields, one of those fields is the master key (index). The other table (2) has a field which I want to lookup from table 1, that part is working. In the combo box I get all three fields displayed as I make my selection. I want to copy the other two fields as text at the time the lookup index is selected. I do not what the fields to automatically update each time the table is displayed. I have looked at update macros, I've looked at VBA.

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Tables :: Database To Track Hardware Assets - Lookup Based On Value

Dec 19, 2013

I am attempting to develop a DB to track hardware assets, e.g., servers, switches, storage devices, etc... I am at the very beginning of the development/design process. I haven't gone beyond the paper stage yet. I am trying to figure out how I would set up the main Asset table so that when I put in a particular vendor, the model field will list models only for that specific vendor. i.e., when I put in IBM in the Vendor field I will only see IBM models in a drop down for the Vendor_Model field.

I'm pretty sure this will involve a Lookup field. But, how do I restrict the lookup of models. Would that be with a query?

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Main Screen Subform Based On Query Reflecting Changes Only On Closing Database

Jun 25, 2006

I have a problem in reflecting the updated changes on a main screen subform based on a query .These changes get reflected only after closing the access database and reopening it .Tried the requery command. Also made a macro to update the query and run it after the form opens or load but not reflecting change in main screen immediately .I would be grateful if I can get some help on this forumThanks

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General :: Dynamic Unbound Form Content Based On Database Entries

Jul 26, 2012

What I am wanting is to be able to build dynamic form content/elements based on entries on a table. This is for a gym membership system. What this form is going to be used for is to allow the front desk to scan a membership card which then performs a search on the database. Part of this search is going to be on a table that contains various add-on classes, tanning sessions, etc that a member can add beyond their base membership.

On the left side of the form, I will display a picture of the member and their name. What I am wanting to do on the right side of the form is to build a dynamic list of the add-on perks they are enrolled in.

I know I could hard program elements on the form to be visible or invisible, but that would be static and leave gaps when I have to turn things off b/c that member isn't enrolled in that class, etc.

Is this even possible with Access and VBA? I know I could do this sort of thing with a webpage using PHP, PERL or whatever. I don't know the limits of Access Forms and VBA.

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Queries :: Access Database - Query Based On Multiple Day / Date Criteria

Jul 26, 2015

I am currently working on a project to develop an access database to manage a roster of calls to clients on a daily basis based on two general criteria:

1. Pre-determined days selected by the client. (e.g. Call Mon, Wed, Fri only. This can change as client requirements change.)

2. Ad-hoc changes based on the client’s circumstances. (e.g. No call from 27/7/2015 to 29/7/ 2015)

I have managed to successfully deal with the second of these with the following expression in a query:

CallToday?: IIf((Date()>=[NoCallFrom] And Date()<=[NoCallTo]),"No","Yes")

However dealing with the first is a little more difficult to work out. I have tried a multivalue lookup field with multiple days selectable, but constructing an IIF query to deal with these multiple values is proving quite a challenge.

I am thinking of using a table with days of the week and a junction table to allow the multi-selection, but I may need constructing the relationships and the query here.

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Auto Generate PDF When User Click A Link Based On Available Tables Within Database

Aug 9, 2012

I would like a way to auto-generate a pdf when a user clicks a link based on available tables within my database.

Basically i have developed a pricelist database and our reps need a printable pdf version of that available items and there attributes.

I have done some research and it appears that visual studio and crystal reports may be what I am looking for. This is an access web database that is accessed housed in sharepoint.

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Queries :: Drawing Register Database - Lookup Specific Criteria Based On Date

Aug 11, 2014

I have a drawing register database which notes the revisions for all drawings issued. One drawing can be revised several times so I have a details table which notes the revision letter, date issued and the notes for each revision. Using this table I created a max date query to show the latest issue date and revision for each drawing. This query is used for a transmittal form for issuing drawings. Both the form and report is working perfectly.

The TBLTransmittal consists of the following fields
DwgNo (multi-value checkbox)

Using the TBLDwgRegisterDtls or the query QRYDtldDwgReg (which includes the drawing titles) I would like to create a query that would look up the latest revision at the date of issue and show the revision letter.

I started a query combining TBLTransmittal and TBLDwgRegisterDtls and in the criteria for DateIssued of the TBLSDwgRegisterDtls (which is when the drawing was issued by the architect to the contractor) I put "Not > [IssueDate]". This is filtering the information to show revisions issued up to the date we (the contractor) issued the drawing to our sub-contractor but I need now to pull the max revision only from this information.

Before I go I will give you an example of what I want from the end result

Drawing BK2-02 rev. D was issued by the architect to the contractor on July 17th. This drawing was in-turn issued to our sub-contractor (Sub "A") this Saturday, August 9th. The same drawing was revised this morning and rev. E was issued to Sub "A" today, August 11th.

I want the end report to show that Sub A received Rev. D on 09-08-14 and Rev. E on 11-08-14.

I'm wondering if another max date query on this new query would work? I'll try and see what happens.

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Queries :: How To Trigger By Date To Create A New Entry In Database Based On Old Entry

Aug 6, 2014

I have a database that makes use of standing orders. That means that if a client has a standing order to receive products during for example 4 time as year (quartely at the end of the month). to automate the new entry by copying an old entry in the database.

Let's say I have a client where we will have to send a product at the end of June, it will look at a field where the next send date is, and when it reaches 2 weeks for that date, to create a new entry in the database based on that entry. This way, it will pop-up in our open cases and we are aware of it and also will be visible in our report.

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Queries :: Query To Run Before Report Based On Criteria Based From Two Combo Boxes On Form

Mar 20, 2013

I have a report that gets its data from a query. I need the query to run before the report based on criteria based from two combo boxes on a form.

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Chart Based On Form Based Parameter Query

Mar 22, 2006

Hi all,

stuck on this, not sure if it can be resolved....

I have a parameter query for which the parameter is based on a form field entry (i wanted to avoid the dialog box popping up).

No problems with this....however, I want to create a chart based on the same query however, i get the following error message because it does not recognise the query parameter.

Error Message: The Microsoft Jet database engine does not recognise '[Forms]![frmChooseDTDate]!DateOccured' as a valid field name or expression.

Can this be resolved?

Help most appreciated!

regards to all


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Queries :: Differentiate A Query Based On All Group Records Or A Query Based On Only One Record

Dec 22, 2014

I have a combo named cbogroup. I have a tblGroup with several records (active, non-active, nursery, etc.). One of the records is *ALL*. Using the CboGroup the user can pick any of the records. Howeverr, if they pick the *ALL* record, I want the query to pull up animalID based on all records in the TblGroup. If another record is picked (i.e. nursery), then the query will pull up only animalIDs that are in the 'Nursery'.Can I put a (iff then) in a query in order to differentiate a query based on all group records or a query based on only one record?

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Forms :: Parameter Based Query - Filter A Form Based On Another Form

Mar 20, 2013

I have a form which uses a parameter based query to present an individual senior doctor with a list of names for of individual juniors to provide an assessment report on. When the first form opens the user enters their RespondentID.

Once senior has decided which names to comment on I have another form which has the questions to be answered which is opened by clicking a button on the first form.

How can I pass a parameter from the first form to the second so that only the records relevant to that senior doctor are displayed? The underlying table has 60 senior doctors and 20 junior doctors. The senior doctor is identified by the field RespondentID in the first form. I've tried putting a WhereClause in the FormOpen command but I still get a dialogue box asking for the parameter RespondentID when the second form is opened.

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Database Size Limited To 2GB / Query Multiple Database Without Linking Tables?

Sep 7, 2011

I'm trying to set up a simple query that links four tables. However, the tables are extremely large, all in excess of 1.5GB each so I had to split the tables up into four separate DBs. I've tried the following with no success:

1) Link the 4 tables in the DB which contains my primary key. This quickly inflates increases the file size above 2GB and won't let me go any further.

2) Build a remote query to connect the four tables. This looked promising until I tried to run the query and it became evident that it only knows to point to the last database source that you specified.

I'm running everything locally on my C drive. The data source are simple text files (1.6 million rows) from the FDA website.

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Forms Count Of Other Database Without Opening That Database Physically

Oct 7, 2005

Hello All...

Well, I am facing one problem..in my application; I need to show all forms / reports name of other database( .mdb ) file without opening the other database physically. I tried a lot but didnt succeded. I tried with below code..

Set AcApl = New Access.Application
Call AcApl.OpenCurrentDatabase(strfolder, True)
Set AcProj = AcApl.CurrentProject

Set frm1 = AcProj.AllForms

intCount = frm1.Count

But here wen the second line AcApl.opencurrentdatabase get executed at that time the database get open physically, and i dont want that..So is there any other way around..If so..please please help me..

Thanks in advance..!!

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Modules & VBA :: Open Database / Run A Query / Close Database

Aug 22, 2014

i have a database that runs updates from within itself.what i need is, this database to then open a another database run a update query, then close it.

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General :: Updating From Local Database To Central Database

Sep 12, 2012

Database: Access 2007

I have designed a touchscreen input system using Visual Basic.net and this writes to an Access Database. Each Touchscreen has its database locally so it can still work even if there are Network problems.

Now what I would like to do is have all these local databases write to a central database say every minute but only write new records to the central database. The Central Database can either be Access or SQL.

What is the best way to do this?

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General :: Database For Metal Market Prices To Be Used In Another Database

Jun 24, 2015

I have been working on a database for over a month now, and my boss just threw a monkey wrench in my work. I believed that the Metal Market Prices would be entered once a week in the current DB. My boss informs me today that he wants an employee to go in every morning and enter that days Price for Each Metal with respect to many different markets.

There is a total of 12 metals, and 5 markets. I need the data to be stored first by date, then by either market or metal, and lastly by which ever isn't used second (Either: date-market-metal, or date-metal-market). I think the Latter of the two methods makes the most sense. Is it possible for my current DB to lookup values from the Metals Database based on date-metal-market?

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Jet Database Engine Error On Non-shared Database

Jul 7, 2005

I have a problem that seems to be happening on several users' databases and is causing a big problem. None of the databases is a shared database...they are all single-user databases on stand-alone computers. I have tried looking for help within previous posts, but all seem to be related to shared databases.

I am getting an error message: "The Microsoft Jet database engine stopped the process because you and another user are attempting to change the same data at the same time." The database cannot be opened, imported, repaired...nothing seems to work.

Again...these are NOT shared databases. I appreciate any help I can get. I created the database for all of the secretaries in our school district to keep up with absence data. It involves many tables, queries, forms and reports, and has generally worked well. However I am now seeing several that are getting similar errors as mentioned.


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