Weird Empty Record...?!?!

Aug 18, 2005

Not sure when this happened, but when I open my form, it opens to a empty record (all fields and subforms, etc. are there). There is no Record ID and when I attempt to delete it, I get a message "The search key was not found in any record."

When I use the record selector to advance, it goes to the first alphabetized name record. The find and search works fine, I can add or delete other records, perform filters, etc.

Everythings seems normal, all records, tables, forms, reports, are fine.

Any thoughts? Weird, eh?

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Modules & VBA :: Display Last Record Next To Empty Space On Current Record

May 6, 2015

I'm trying to make a form that shows what the last record was next to the empty space where you enter a new record.

This is so the user knows that what they are entering is roughly in line with what has come before.

So for example if I was recording temperature every May, I would like a form that has a field called temperature and next to that field I would like to see last year's temperature.


Date | Temp
2014 | 20.5
2013 | 18.5
2012 | 19.0
2011 | 22.7
2010 | 15.2

So when I enter the record for 2015 I have a box that says: Temp and next to that box is "Last year was 20.5" or something like that.

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Add New Record To An Empty Table - First Record Must Be Set?

Jun 26, 2006

I am trying to create a form in Access 2003, to view / create entries into a table - but the "new record" button appears to be greyed out when the table is completely empty. When I create an identical form that queries an identical table (except that it has several records already setup) I can add new records as much as I like. Is this normal? Any way of getting round this?

The problem is that I'm trying to add records to a table that is regularly polled by a DTS. Every 15 mins, this reads then deletes any entries - hence the table is generally empty. Apologies if this is a basic question, I'm very new to Access :)

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Possible To Remove The First Record Or Last Empty

Jan 29, 2007

When i create a table from scratch there is always a record and also when i run a query on the table there is always an empty record at the last line. Is there anyway to i cant get rid of it or hide it. it can be confusing and the user might add line that not suppose to be there.

thanks in advance

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Empty Record Count

Jun 10, 2005

I have a query that updates 1 field in tableA which is the sum of values from 3 other related tables. However, when 1 of the 3 tables has a record count of 0 then the query does not work??? How can I update tableA excluding tables with record count <1 ?


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Do Not Show An Empty Record

Jun 27, 2006


I have a "problem" in my database.
I have a form, as you can see in the attachment.
On that form I can choose different installations to which a spare part belongs to, but in that same list of installations it always shows a name of the first installation in the dropdown list. (a default record)
This can cause some confussion, because you see the name in the list, although it doesn't belong there.

How can I fix this?

PS : If I'm not clear about my problem, pls say so, my English is not may native language.

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Empty Record Appear First - Continuous Form

Jul 23, 2005

In a continuous form, I know you can groupby in descending order. If you do this on a date field, then the newest record appears at the top. How do I make the blank record for entering new records appear at the top of the form instead of the bottom. Thank you.

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Help! I Need My Form To Always Open To An Empty Record.

Jul 27, 2006

I am currently creating a database using MS Access and I am having trouble linking the forms in the way I require. I have created the two forms and have linked them successfully. The first form is a menu which then accesses the second form which will be used to store records. The problem that I have is that each time I access the second form it always goes to the first record which has already been used. This means people have to scroll through until they find the next blank record. How do I create the link so that it always goes to an unused record:confused: .

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Disable Showing New(empty) Record In A Form??

Apr 29, 2005


I am currently working on a database and I'm using a form to view the records. A standard Access behavior is to show an empty record (new record) as the last one. is there a way to disable this "feature". I would like my form to display only the records, which are really filled with data and not show the blank one at the end??

Thanx in advance

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Reports :: Empty Fields In Record - Not Shrinking

Sep 3, 2014

I have a report that has the addresses from the client and auditor on the same level. The address of the auditor is on the left side and the client on the right side. They have both the same layout:

Auditor - client
Attn auditor - attn client

When the Attn for the auditor is empty, it will show and empty space between auditor name and auditor address.
All the fields have the can shrink to yes, but if they are on the same level in the report, the one have text in it, forces the empty space.

Is there a workaround for this?

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Forms :: Record Source Query Is Empty?

Oct 18, 2014

I have a main form with two unbound text boxes that filter a subform with a select query in the record source. The problem is that it only works sometimes.when I copy and paste the SQL into a query instead of the form it works all the time. for example when I open the query and the form side by side with the same SQL the form does not show results but the Query does, and yes I have "requeried" both of them after entering criteria into the unbound text boxes.

Here is the SQL:

SELECT [Quote_ID] & "-" & [Version] AS QuoteIDv, tblQuoteID.Quote_Type,
tblQuoteID.Quoted_By, tblQuoteID.Agency, DLookUp("[Contact]",
"tblContacts","[QuoteID] = '" & [Quote_ID] & "' And [Version] = '" & [Version] & "'") AS contact,
tblQuoteID.Quote_Date, tblQuoteID.FileName, tblQuoteID.FileLocation, tblQuoteID.Amount,
tblQuoteID.Active, tblQuoteID.Quote_ID, tblQuoteID.Version, tblQuoteID.Selected

[Code] .....

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Insert Empty Record Between Two Records In Unordered Table

Aug 1, 2005

Is anybody can help me to solve problem with inserting empty record between two records in unordered (non-indexed) table - like in Excel work sheet.


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Forms :: Alert Message If A Field In A Record Is Empty

Mar 22, 2013

I have a form in my db and i would like it to show me a warning message if a specific field in a record is empty or even better not to allow me to close the form. I would like to have this in order to avoid incomplete data.

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Weird Bug ?

Oct 12, 2007

Access 2003 -

I have many queries in a DB. they work fine, but *sometimes* some of my queries are wiped - when i try to run them they say "query must contain at least one cell" or something..

when i check the query then, its empty!

I have saved out the SQL code into a word doc because this has happened a few times now.. so i just copy and paste the query back in - but this is very inconvenient! what is going on?

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Oct 25, 2004

I have 2 unbound boxes in the footer of my continuous form. Both total up separate sets of fields using DSum and do it correctly. I have used Conditional Formatting on Total1 to make the numbers turn bold and red whenever Total1 is greater than Total2.

Here comes the weird part. It will always work whenever Total1 is greater than Total2, but sometimes when Total2 is bigger, Total1 is still red, even after I attempt to modify it and it requeries, or I go to a different record and come back. Any thoughts??



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Weird Issue

Jan 24, 2006

I have a weird issue going on...I'm running a "Find Duplicates" query on one of my tables, I'm only checking for duplicate values in 2 fields and outputting a third. now this runs fine, unless I use the total's button to group them. When I group them that access instance stops responding. The reason I'm doing this is the third column can have duplicate values, for my purposes it doesn't matter, but I need to be able to see it.

I'm running this against 120k records.

Anyone help a poor man out?

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Weird Question

Aug 14, 2006

Ok, a friend of my was on my laptop and he crashed the hardrive. I was able to get the database I have been working on off the computer but when I use my computer at work to try to open it, it opens but says
"Function is not available in expressions in tabel-level validation expresions"
on all the date-time functions. I can't save anything and my queries are not running because of this date/time thing. Anybody know what is going on?

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Weird Messages

Sep 11, 2006

I modified a form in an existing split database, by simply adding several fields. Now, I get various messages such as " not Access database "
or if it opens, the following message when I try to close it:
"Your last change may not have been changed because an internal buffer was locked by another user... "

Plus, when I do get out, I cannot delete the .ldb file which it says is open by Administrator. The thing is I ma only one to try this new database and I set no permisasions or... ?

Please, any ideas?


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Weird Help Requested

Feb 5, 2007


there are too many requests and not enough information to easily create the required reports for my customers.

I want to copy a table/query with yes/no fields and paste into excel with the
boxes for the yes/no fields. . .

I can't remember or figure out how to do it. . .

I know it can be done as I have done it before, how, i can't recall. . .


:insert idiot emoticon:

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Weird IIF Problem

Aug 22, 2007

Hi, I have a table with two fields: CustomerName and OrderNumber.
Some order numbers have dashes, for example:
123-4, 123-5, 123-6 etc.
I wrote a query to strip those dashes from these ordernumbers, but only for 3 specific customers: Mark, Mike and Jane.
This is the query:

SELECT CustomerName, OrderNumber,
IIf(InStr(1,[OrderNumber],"-")<>0 And InStr(1,[OrderNumber],"-B")=0,
IIf([CustomerName] Like '*mark*' Or [CustomerName] Like '*mike*' Or [CustomerName] Like '*jane*',
CStr([OrderNumber])) AS NewOrderNumber
GROUP BY CustomerName, OrderNumber,
IIf(InStr(1,[OrderNumber],"-")<>0 And InStr(1,[OrderNumber],"-B")=0,
IIf([CustomerName] Like '*mark*' Or [CustomerName] Like '*mike*' Or [CustomerName] Like '*jane*',

This query works great when I run it from Access. However, if I run it from Visual Basic .NET, it does not strip any dashes for any customers. I am using the following connection string:
Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source = C: est.mdb
And the following query:
SELECT * FROM [Strip] ORDER BY NewOrderNumber
(Strip is the query name in Access)

Did anyone encounter a problem like this before?

Thank you,


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Weird Problem

Jul 18, 2005

hi all,

i have .adp projects.I am facing a problem for which i dont find any reason.whenver i open 2 .adp projects they hang up.I have to kill the msaccess.exe

It okay if i m running 1 project but i have to logout to open the second project.I can not run both at the same time.

Any help on this pls..

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Weird Error

Sep 2, 2005

I am creating a switchboard to access a few data entry forms and to preview reports before printing. It seems that whenever I add a button to preview a certain form(the 4th button on the form, all others work fine), Access goes crazy. I get several errors, including:

"You have entered an expression that has an invalid reference to the propery MaxRecButton. "


"The Open Form action has been canceled"

Im also getting crashes to desktop and low memory errors.

Now I am getting "referenced memory" "memory could not be wrriten" errors? Is this an Access problem or a "need a computer upgrade" error?

Any clue why this might be happening for this form?

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Weird Question

Nov 7, 2005

got a weird question.
Im working on a form atm (duh)
I have a form that exists in more tables.
Now you have 2 solutions: I can use a query and generate the form, or i can make various subforms.

what is the best option? or doesnt it make much diffrence?

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Weird Dlookup Help

Oct 1, 2004

I am creating a database. There are two main tables - Table 1 is created via a Make Table query, which pulls from an Oracle db, which is the db for our department's customer service system. Table 2 is populated via a form. Table 1 has personal customer information and Table 2 has order information. The two tables share a Customer ID. Table 2 contains data that was imported from an Excel sheet (what the users had been using up until this db was created). For this example, let's say each customer will only ever have one order so there will be a record to record match. Also, since Table 1 has to be manually refreshed using real-time data, it may lag behind or be ahead of Table 2.

Here's my problem:
I want the user to see the customer's name when he/she types in the Customer ID. I got the DLookup to work for NEW records - that is, for records that exist in Table 1 but have not yet been entered into Table 2 - but it will NOT work for the 300+ records that I imported from Excel. For those records, the Name textbox remains blank or if I type in the Customer ID, gives me an error about entering duplicate values.

Furthermore, if Table 1 is lagging behind Table 2, I want the user to just go ahead and enter all the order information and when he/she goes back to update the order at a later date (after Table 1 has been refreshed), the name to just pop up.

Can anyone help or offer any thoughts?

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Weird Question

Aug 14, 2006

Ok, a friend of my was on my laptop and he crashed the hardrive. I was able to get the database I have been working on off the computer but when I use my computer at work to try to open it, it opens but says
"Function is not available in expressions in tabel-level validation expresions"
on all the date-time functions. I can't save anything and my queries are not running because of this date/time thing. Anybody know what is going on?

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Weird Querry!!

Oct 13, 2006


I have this querry but when I execute on a button click it dosen't give me any error....but no data is saved in the table, why????

strSQL = " UPDATE DISTINCTROW projet set id='" & txt_id.Value & "',code_NOP='" & txt_code_NOP.Value & "',client='" & txt_client.Value & "',libelle_projet='" & txt_libelle_projet.Value & "',id_clarity='" & txt_id_clarity & "',technologie_projet='" & txt_technologie_projet.Value & "',em='" & txt_em.Value & "',date_debut=#" & txt_date_debut.Value & "#,date_fin=#" & txt_date_fin.Value & "#,site_mandataire='" & txt_site_mandataire.Value & "',charge_totale=" & txt_charge_totale & ",ca_total_vendu=" & txt_ca_total_vendu.Value & " WHERE id='" & & "';"

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