Weird Ms Access Number

Aug 14, 2007

hi all.
After I had inserted a value that is 1.5 into access db, it becomes 2..The field is defined as integer with auto decimal...Do you know why that is happening ?

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Please Help With Weird Access Number Format Problems

Sep 16, 2005

Hi there,

I have imported in an excel table into access. It has a lot of numbers that have many digits after the decimal place. I want to cut this down since they are prices to just 2 decimal places.

Problem is that access imports the fields as Text fields. when i go to change the columns that i want as numbers it looses the information after the decimal place for example 1.1156834 when i click Number (long integer) and standard format it is converted to 1.00 loosing everything.
This is getting really really fustrating now.

When i import there is a drop down list but it is disabled where i can change the column property (number, text etc) so cant do anything about it.

any help would be great...

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Please Help With Weird Access Number Format Problems

Sep 16, 2005

Hi there,

I have imported in an excel table into access. It has a lot of numbers that have many digits after the decimal place. I want to cut this down since they are prices to just 2 decimal places.

Problem is that access imports the fields as Text fields. when i go to change the columns that i want as numbers it looses the information after the decimal place for example 1.1156834 when i click Number (long integer) and standard format it is converted to 1.00 loosing everything.
This is getting really really fustrating now.

When i import there is a drop down list but it is disabled where i can change the column property (number, text etc) so cant do anything about it.

any help would be great...

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Weird Access Runtime Error

Jun 15, 2006

I have been writing databases for several years now, so I know my way around access pretty good. I have come upon a strange error though. which is confusing me to now end. I wrote a Database on my work machine which has the latest version of MS Access and SP2 for Office. I just tried to send it to another employee for them to test. Now they do not have the full version of MS Access installed on their machine, they only have the runtime version which only runs the Database. The load works fine and the first screen uses ADO to lookup some value and display them in a list box, nothing crazy, everything works fine. Now using this form, when they click a button the info in the list box is used to set the Fields a new Unbound form. And this is where the error happens. The on_load event of the form fails for some reason, and gives a msgbox which says, "Runtime error occured and the App needs to close", but the prog works fine on my machine. I am baffled. The file is a MS Access 2000 format, I tried changing it to MS Access 2002/2003 Format, and when I do that they cannot open the file because it says they do not have thje latest MS Access version. I have no idea what, why the error occurs, any ideas??

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Weird Thing In Access 2002

Apr 14, 2008

I've been using Access 2002 since approx 2003 now. I won't upgrade as I've used 2007 and don't like the new interface.

I'm competent with it and regularly build locally used databases or databases for websites.

About 2 months ago my copy starting pissing me off. Everytime I click on any of the "create" links, it plays an alert sound. Anytime I click on an already created query/table/report etc it plays an alert sound. The only other time it happens is if I click on the button in the toolbar in windows to open a previously minimised window.

There seems to be no option to turn this off or on anywhere, so I'm completely stumped. It's not critical but it's bloody annoying. Anyone else had this and figure it out or anyone simply know how to stop it doing it?

I could obviously turn the speakers off but I like to listen to music whilst I work, and shouldn't have to either!

Thanks in advance

PS - My "Provide feedback with sounds" option is set to OFF

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Weird Access Behaviour (can't Find Form)

Jan 21, 2006

Ok here is the deal

You start to type with a smile on your face
Form_MyForm. <-- from that point (literaly) you usualy have a list of things you can do with that form.

All i wanted to do is a requery but i have no list...and even if i type myself Form_MyForm.requery .. this will not work cause it says that it cant find the dang form.

I have tried renaming the form, let someone else type the name for me, copy&paste ..nothing work, when i get to the never gives me a list of things i can do with that form.

what is the deal here..anyone ?

Wow that felt good only to talk about it

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I Am Getting A Weird Driver Error When Connecting To Access DB

Feb 15, 2007

I am coding an ASP front end for an Access database. I actually had it working yesterday but I still had some tweaks to make. My development has come to a stand still because of this crazy error I awoke to this morning. I went to the url of my ASP page and all of a sudden I get this error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0xbac Thread 0xc84 DBC 0x19e6fc4 Jet'.

So after doing some research, I decided to change my connection string to use Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0

Once I changed over to the Jet driver, I got this error message:

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80004005'

Could not find installable ISAM.

I am totally stumped with this problem. I actually re-upped the database and it started working briefly but the error message soon returned. Everything I am reading is saying to change permisions and change some stuff in the registry but since it was working fine yesterday, I do not believe it is a registry setting.

Any ideas?

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Weird Bug ?

Oct 12, 2007

Access 2003 -

I have many queries in a DB. they work fine, but *sometimes* some of my queries are wiped - when i try to run them they say "query must contain at least one cell" or something..

when i check the query then, its empty!

I have saved out the SQL code into a word doc because this has happened a few times now.. so i just copy and paste the query back in - but this is very inconvenient! what is going on?

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Oct 25, 2004

I have 2 unbound boxes in the footer of my continuous form. Both total up separate sets of fields using DSum and do it correctly. I have used Conditional Formatting on Total1 to make the numbers turn bold and red whenever Total1 is greater than Total2.

Here comes the weird part. It will always work whenever Total1 is greater than Total2, but sometimes when Total2 is bigger, Total1 is still red, even after I attempt to modify it and it requeries, or I go to a different record and come back. Any thoughts??



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Weird Issue

Jan 24, 2006

I have a weird issue going on...I'm running a "Find Duplicates" query on one of my tables, I'm only checking for duplicate values in 2 fields and outputting a third. now this runs fine, unless I use the total's button to group them. When I group them that access instance stops responding. The reason I'm doing this is the third column can have duplicate values, for my purposes it doesn't matter, but I need to be able to see it.

I'm running this against 120k records.

Anyone help a poor man out?

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Weird Question

Aug 14, 2006

Ok, a friend of my was on my laptop and he crashed the hardrive. I was able to get the database I have been working on off the computer but when I use my computer at work to try to open it, it opens but says
"Function is not available in expressions in tabel-level validation expresions"
on all the date-time functions. I can't save anything and my queries are not running because of this date/time thing. Anybody know what is going on?

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Weird Messages

Sep 11, 2006

I modified a form in an existing split database, by simply adding several fields. Now, I get various messages such as " not Access database "
or if it opens, the following message when I try to close it:
"Your last change may not have been changed because an internal buffer was locked by another user... "

Plus, when I do get out, I cannot delete the .ldb file which it says is open by Administrator. The thing is I ma only one to try this new database and I set no permisasions or... ?

Please, any ideas?


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Weird Help Requested

Feb 5, 2007


there are too many requests and not enough information to easily create the required reports for my customers.

I want to copy a table/query with yes/no fields and paste into excel with the
boxes for the yes/no fields. . .

I can't remember or figure out how to do it. . .

I know it can be done as I have done it before, how, i can't recall. . .


:insert idiot emoticon:

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Weird IIF Problem

Aug 22, 2007

Hi, I have a table with two fields: CustomerName and OrderNumber.
Some order numbers have dashes, for example:
123-4, 123-5, 123-6 etc.
I wrote a query to strip those dashes from these ordernumbers, but only for 3 specific customers: Mark, Mike and Jane.
This is the query:

SELECT CustomerName, OrderNumber,
IIf(InStr(1,[OrderNumber],"-")<>0 And InStr(1,[OrderNumber],"-B")=0,
IIf([CustomerName] Like '*mark*' Or [CustomerName] Like '*mike*' Or [CustomerName] Like '*jane*',
CStr([OrderNumber])) AS NewOrderNumber
GROUP BY CustomerName, OrderNumber,
IIf(InStr(1,[OrderNumber],"-")<>0 And InStr(1,[OrderNumber],"-B")=0,
IIf([CustomerName] Like '*mark*' Or [CustomerName] Like '*mike*' Or [CustomerName] Like '*jane*',

This query works great when I run it from Access. However, if I run it from Visual Basic .NET, it does not strip any dashes for any customers. I am using the following connection string:
Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source = C: est.mdb
And the following query:
SELECT * FROM [Strip] ORDER BY NewOrderNumber
(Strip is the query name in Access)

Did anyone encounter a problem like this before?

Thank you,


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Weird Problem

Jul 18, 2005

hi all,

i have .adp projects.I am facing a problem for which i dont find any reason.whenver i open 2 .adp projects they hang up.I have to kill the msaccess.exe

It okay if i m running 1 project but i have to logout to open the second project.I can not run both at the same time.

Any help on this pls..

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Weird Error

Sep 2, 2005

I am creating a switchboard to access a few data entry forms and to preview reports before printing. It seems that whenever I add a button to preview a certain form(the 4th button on the form, all others work fine), Access goes crazy. I get several errors, including:

"You have entered an expression that has an invalid reference to the propery MaxRecButton. "


"The Open Form action has been canceled"

Im also getting crashes to desktop and low memory errors.

Now I am getting "referenced memory" "memory could not be wrriten" errors? Is this an Access problem or a "need a computer upgrade" error?

Any clue why this might be happening for this form?

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Weird Question

Nov 7, 2005

got a weird question.
Im working on a form atm (duh)
I have a form that exists in more tables.
Now you have 2 solutions: I can use a query and generate the form, or i can make various subforms.

what is the best option? or doesnt it make much diffrence?

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Weird Dlookup Help

Oct 1, 2004

I am creating a database. There are two main tables - Table 1 is created via a Make Table query, which pulls from an Oracle db, which is the db for our department's customer service system. Table 2 is populated via a form. Table 1 has personal customer information and Table 2 has order information. The two tables share a Customer ID. Table 2 contains data that was imported from an Excel sheet (what the users had been using up until this db was created). For this example, let's say each customer will only ever have one order so there will be a record to record match. Also, since Table 1 has to be manually refreshed using real-time data, it may lag behind or be ahead of Table 2.

Here's my problem:
I want the user to see the customer's name when he/she types in the Customer ID. I got the DLookup to work for NEW records - that is, for records that exist in Table 1 but have not yet been entered into Table 2 - but it will NOT work for the 300+ records that I imported from Excel. For those records, the Name textbox remains blank or if I type in the Customer ID, gives me an error about entering duplicate values.

Furthermore, if Table 1 is lagging behind Table 2, I want the user to just go ahead and enter all the order information and when he/she goes back to update the order at a later date (after Table 1 has been refreshed), the name to just pop up.

Can anyone help or offer any thoughts?

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Weird Question

Aug 14, 2006

Ok, a friend of my was on my laptop and he crashed the hardrive. I was able to get the database I have been working on off the computer but when I use my computer at work to try to open it, it opens but says
"Function is not available in expressions in tabel-level validation expresions"
on all the date-time functions. I can't save anything and my queries are not running because of this date/time thing. Anybody know what is going on?

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Weird Querry!!

Oct 13, 2006


I have this querry but when I execute on a button click it dosen't give me any error....but no data is saved in the table, why????

strSQL = " UPDATE DISTINCTROW projet set id='" & txt_id.Value & "',code_NOP='" & txt_code_NOP.Value & "',client='" & txt_client.Value & "',libelle_projet='" & txt_libelle_projet.Value & "',id_clarity='" & txt_id_clarity & "',technologie_projet='" & txt_technologie_projet.Value & "',em='" & txt_em.Value & "',date_debut=#" & txt_date_debut.Value & "#,date_fin=#" & txt_date_fin.Value & "#,site_mandataire='" & txt_site_mandataire.Value & "',charge_totale=" & txt_charge_totale & ",ca_total_vendu=" & txt_ca_total_vendu.Value & " WHERE id='" & & "';"

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Weird Behaviour Of Like

Dec 14, 2007

This outputs smth
SELECT Proj_Name & '-' & Proj_ID as Emp_Pr from Emp_Prj where trim(Proj_Name) like trim('Dot')
But not this...why ??? I am using ms access
SELECT Proj_Name & '-' & Proj_ID as Emp_Pr from Emp_Prj where trim(Proj_Name) like trim('%Dot%')

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Weird Problem

Feb 21, 2008

Okay guys. This one may not be able to get answered. I made a report in Landscape view. However, when you look at it on a different computer, it shows portrait. I know what your thinking, but I checked the page setup and everything and it says it's in landscape view. Even when I print it, it prints in landscape. Does anyone know why this one computer refuses to show landscape? Has anyone ever seen this problem before? I don't even know where to start to fix it. It's just weird!

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The Most Weird Thing Just Happened ... Please Help... Thanks!

Feb 7, 2006

have a table call 'ClinicTimeTable' there is a column call 'ClinicDate', another column called 'DrID', different row could have same 'ClinicDate' and 'DrID', so I wanna to count how many Drs in a particular day, I have following code, but it acts so werid, it onlys work for some dates! say if I put 02/02/2006 then I can get the number of DrID by observing 'count', however, if I put 01/02/2006 like below, count is 0! but there is some records with 02/02/2006 (I open the table directly in Access), how can this happening? how can it only partly works? it will make more sense if it don't work at all.

Dataset ds = new Dataset();
query = "SELECT DISTINCT DrID FROM ClinicTimeTable WHERE ClinicDate = #01/02/2006#" ;
OleDbDataAdapter myAdapter = new OleDbDataAdapter( query, oleDbConnection1 );
myAdapter.Fill ( ds );
int count = dds.Tables[0].Rows.Count;

any helps will be so appreciated! I am going mad at this problem!

by the way, i just tested that if any day in Jan 2006 is fine, say if i search 23/02/2006 or 22/02/2006 is fine... can't imagine why...

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Weird Things Happening HELP

Dec 6, 2006


I have simple invoice database, tyhe old one I made works fine, trying to make a newone always simple but now Access is not helping me for some reason,,,, Can you look at this? I create an invoice form using wizzard i join invoices and invoices details to it and from there I create my Invoive form that has the invoice info and the details.... I change some stuff for looks and easyness... Mostly change text boxes to combo boxes... I did this in office 2003 and had the same results than in office 2002, Why dont know... Once I create the invoice from and change the text boxes combos and ofcourse set everything else, once I pick a product from the detail form I get the product but I dont get its price. Now on my other older database made excatly the same way it works!!!! WHY IIIIIIII DONT KNOW!!! please help me:(

I have attached both db so you can look at them!!!


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Weird Connection Problems

Jan 8, 2007

I have designed a VB2005 executable to pick up data on a small network, from an Access2000 database. While designing [on what would be the "server" machine] I encountered no problems. When I moved the VB2005 EXE to another machine on the network, I encountered this problem, fully reproducible and isolated as follows...:

The problem began with being unable to connect [from machine 2] back to the Access2000 database on machine 1.

I can connect to any other Access2000 Database, there. I can also run on machine 2, any MDB file EXCEPT the one causing problems. I could not COPY the MDB file from machine 1 to machine 2, receiving again, a notice that the file was either in use [NOT] or for which permissions were granted.

In an effort to determine what was going on, and isolate the cause, I made a copy of the MDB, and oddly COULD copy it across the network. BUT, if I started up that same copied-MDB into Access2000 on Machine 1 [just ONCE], I can no longer copy it across the network. In further efforts to isolate the problem, I attempted to determine if any executing/startup code in the MDB was causing this glitch, and to my suprise, I discovered that even if I had NO CODE executing [setting startup form to <none>] , this weird behavior would continue.

To me, this indicates a weird unknown lock being set by the program [Access2000], on a run-once occurrence. Again, I can't even copy [a "runned-onced"] MDB file; and this behavior ONLY occurs for this single file.

I can repeatedly make copies of the MDB file, and so long as any copy is not run in Access2000, I can copy the MDB across the network.

My dilemma is that this MDB file is full of tables and code, associated with full numbers of forms, and I can't access the data across a network, and I have no idea why. Anyone have suggestions?


Access2000 runs on a WinXP machine [machine 1].
The relevant folders are open and shared across the network.

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Weird Reference Error?

Feb 21, 2007

I get this error when I send the mdb file to another computer and open the mdb file?

Your database or project contains a missing or broken reference to the file 'IAIExplore.dll' version 1.0.

I checked my computer and that dll file is in my InterActual dvd player bin folder, and what that has to do with my mdb file I have no clue?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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