Weird Error With Append Query.

Aug 23, 2007

Hey guys (again :o)

I've encountered another weird error when applying an append query through a button. Here's the code:

Private Sub cmdSaveChanges_Click()

On Error GoTo Err_cmdSaveChanges_Click
'Saves the new Inspector information into the information table.
'Adds the two references created by adding a new inspector into the XREF_FILE_INSPECTOR table.
'This is the case that the references are formed by adding a completely new inspector.
If (IsNull(cmbInspector) Or Me.cmbInspector = "") Then

'Saves Inspector information
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70
'Adds references
& "(" & [Forms]![GeneralFile].[txtGeneralFileNumber] & "," & [Forms]![AddInspector].[txtInspectorNumber] & ");"

'This is the case where the user chooses an inspector from the provided combo box.
& "(" & [Forms]![GeneralFile].[txtGeneralFileNumber] & "," & cmbInspector.Column(0) & " );"
End If
Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdSaveChanges_Click
End Sub

The problem is, when I run this I get a "Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement". This seems to only be the case for the first part of the IF statement, as the second part's append query works fine.


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Weird Error

Sep 2, 2005

I am creating a switchboard to access a few data entry forms and to preview reports before printing. It seems that whenever I add a button to preview a certain form(the 4th button on the form, all others work fine), Access goes crazy. I get several errors, including:

"You have entered an expression that has an invalid reference to the propery MaxRecButton. "


"The Open Form action has been canceled"

Im also getting crashes to desktop and low memory errors.

Now I am getting "referenced memory" "memory could not be wrriten" errors? Is this an Access problem or a "need a computer upgrade" error?

Any clue why this might be happening for this form?

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Weird Reference Error?

Feb 21, 2007

I get this error when I send the mdb file to another computer and open the mdb file?

Your database or project contains a missing or broken reference to the file 'IAIExplore.dll' version 1.0.

I checked my computer and that dll file is in my InterActual dvd player bin folder, and what that has to do with my mdb file I have no clue?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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BE Append Query Error

Aug 18, 2006

I am wanting to run a query in my FE which takes data from a Linked DB and copies this to my BE for general user access. The query itself contains three tables with the final table being a Left Outer Join.

If I run this query to append to a table in my FE it runs fine. If I run it to append to the exact same table copied to the BE I get the error "Record is Deleted". If I then open the table there is nothing showing in it. If I then run a delete query on the table it find records to delete.

After some investigation I have discovered this happens whenever there is null data on the Left Outer Join table.

Does anyone know why this works fine appending to the FE but not the BE and more importantly how to resolve or work round this problem.

Many Thanks


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Error With An Append Query

Feb 1, 2008

I have created an append query to begin the transfer of terminated employees to a separate table then delete them from the Active file using a Macro. I get an error running the append query and I have attached the error to this thread. I answer all the halts in the affirmative and the process does happen the way I want it to. The terminated employees get added to the Terminated table and they delete from the Active table. I don't understand what the error is telling me and why its doing the job anyway. Thanks for looking.

INSERT INTO tblEmployeesTerminated ( EmpID, LastName, FirstName, Status, [Position], EmpDate, TermDate, LastChgDate )
SELECT tblEmployeeRecord.EmpID, tblEmployeeRecord.LastName, tblEmployeeRecord.FirstName, tblEmployeeRecord.Status, tblEmployeeRecord.Position, tblEmployeeRecord.EmpDate, tblEmployeeRecord.TermDate, tblEmployeeRecord.LastChgDate
FROM tblEmployeeRecord
WHERE (((tblEmployeeRecord.Status)="Terminated") AND ((tblEmployeeRecord.TermDate) Is Not Null));

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Weird Access Runtime Error

Jun 15, 2006

I have been writing databases for several years now, so I know my way around access pretty good. I have come upon a strange error though. which is confusing me to now end. I wrote a Database on my work machine which has the latest version of MS Access and SP2 for Office. I just tried to send it to another employee for them to test. Now they do not have the full version of MS Access installed on their machine, they only have the runtime version which only runs the Database. The load works fine and the first screen uses ADO to lookup some value and display them in a list box, nothing crazy, everything works fine. Now using this form, when they click a button the info in the list box is used to set the Fields a new Unbound form. And this is where the error happens. The on_load event of the form fails for some reason, and gives a msgbox which says, "Runtime error occured and the App needs to close", but the prog works fine on my machine. I am baffled. The file is a MS Access 2000 format, I tried changing it to MS Access 2002/2003 Format, and when I do that they cannot open the file because it says they do not have thje latest MS Access version. I have no idea what, why the error occurs, any ideas??

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Syntax Error With Append Query In VBA

Sep 28, 2005

I keep getting a syntax error (missing operator) with this bit of code when executing SQL in VBA.

"WHERE [tbl_Student_Roster].[Student Name]= " & [Forms]![form_Student_Roster]![Student_Name] & ";"

It is part of a larger piece, but the rest works (or does not give me an error).

Any ideas?


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Error When Running Append Query.

Jun 5, 2007

I have an MS Access 2003 front-end (queries, forms, reports) connected to a SQL server back-end database (SQL Server 2000).

When I try to run an append query against any of my SQL tables with a unique identifier, I get the error...

"Explicit value must be specified for Identity Column it table 'table1' when IDENTITY_INSERT is set to ON (#545)"

I am trying to create a duplicate record process for my users, by appending data using append queries to the same table. I used the MS Access built in wizard to duplicate the main record on the form, but was going to have to use append query code to duplicate the sub-form records.

Is there anyway around this error, or am I stuck as far as writing code to run this append query on the fly?

Thank you!


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Queries :: Append Query Error

Apr 27, 2014

I am having problems adding details from StudentForm to student table. When I click on the add student button it throws back an error Microsoft Access cant append all the records in the append query.I have attached the error as a pdf and the database for info.

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I Am Getting A Weird Driver Error When Connecting To Access DB

Feb 15, 2007

I am coding an ASP front end for an Access database. I actually had it working yesterday but I still had some tweaks to make. My development has come to a stand still because of this crazy error I awoke to this morning. I went to the url of my ASP page and all of a sudden I get this error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver]General error Unable to open registry key 'Temporary (volatile) Jet DSN for process 0xbac Thread 0xc84 DBC 0x19e6fc4 Jet'.

So after doing some research, I decided to change my connection string to use Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0

Once I changed over to the Jet driver, I got this error message:

Microsoft JET Database Engine error '80004005'

Could not find installable ISAM.

I am totally stumped with this problem. I actually re-upped the database and it started working briefly but the error message soon returned. Everything I am reading is saying to change permisions and change some stuff in the registry but since it was working fine yesterday, I do not believe it is a registry setting.

Any ideas?

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Modules & VBA :: Append Query Syntax Error

Jul 20, 2015

Syntax error in this append query. What is it?

Dim DataToAdd As String
DataToAdd = "INSERT INTO Address " & _
"customerId, addressNr, addressType, firstname, lastname, companyName, postalcode, country, workphone, email, notes, streetaddress, city, contactTypeId " & _


I am trying to append data from the query into the table where the value on function field in the query is equal to the word ADD

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Weird Error Message On Prevent Duplicate Name Entry

Mar 7, 2005

So now, I'm using the code below to prevent duplicate name entry and it is working great - EXCEPT when I enter a first or last name which contains a ' (ie, O'Tool, O'Malley, O'Hern)...anyone got any ideas for me on how to make this not happen?

The error I get is:

Run Time error '3075'

Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression '[Last Name]='O'Hern' And [First Name]='Lori'.

The code i'm using is:

Private Sub Last_Name_AfterUpdate()

'Check for duplicate first and last name using DCount

If DCount("*", "[Constituents]", "[Last Name]= '" & Me![Last Name] & "' And [First Name] = '" & Me![First Name] & "'") > 0 Then
MsgBox "This first and last name already exists in the database. Please check that you are not entering a duplicate constituent before continuing.", vbOKOnly, "Duplicate Value"
Cancel = True
End If

Exit Sub

MsgBox Error$
Resume CustID_Exit

End Sub

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Weird Query Results

Feb 6, 2008

I have a simple query based on two fields that saysComponent4 total = no of hours sleep/no of hours in bed * 100where no of hours sleep = 9no of hours in bed = 10therefore component 4 total should = 90 instead it equals 89.999999How can this be?For all the other records the answer is correct down to the very last decimal place.When I right click on the query for this component 4 total and change the format from general number to standard it will correctly respond to 90 but only because the numbers are being rounded up.PS. THe numbers are definitely being stored and recalled as 9 and 10 and arent being rounded up because I inputed it as 9.0 and 10.0.

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Weird Bug: OutputTo Deletes (!) Query

Dec 1, 2007

Hi guys & gals,

I recently came across this really strange behaviour and was wondering if anyone else knows this bug or knows a better workaround than mine.

I've attached a little Events DB, which has a search interface. I've included an export button, which runs a macro that does an OutputTo (xls) of the search query.

Now if you do an export once, everthing is fine. The bug (at least I think it's a bug) occurs if you export a *second* time and *overwrite* the file you created earlier. The search query (which sits under the "Queries") tab is now empty and you get an error message.

My workaround idea was to dump the query to a new table every time you export and then do an OutputTo with this table. Not very elegant and you also have to do the whole error handling (e.g. user presses cancel) manually.

Does anyone have a better idea? Or am I doing somethng completely wrong and this is actually "by design"?!

Thanks in advance for any ideas!

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Query - Weird Decimals Return

Sep 7, 2005

I enter values into a table with 2 decimal places.

I have a query that applies percents to the values - I have set the results to have 2 decimal places.

I have another query that summarises data from the previous query, however the results I get are not right, the decimals differ from the actual result, if I make a sum of the values by hand.

It seems as if the query I have made to apply percents only DISPLAYS data with 2 decimals instead of actually rounding it, so that the other query summarises data with more than 2 decimals, and thats where the difference int the end result comes from. I don't know how to fix this however.

Can someone please help.


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Weird Query Select Behavior

Nov 13, 2006


I have one table that deals with project details. Then I have one table that deals with project history. Obviously each project has a bunch of unique details and several related records detailing the project history.

My goal is to be able to read details of any project along with the last history entry.

1-I have one query that gives me the last history comment. It creates a table.
2-Then I have another query that gives me the details of the project along with all the project history. It creates another table.
3-Then I have a select query that joins the first table and the second table comparing the project history comments and only showing the records that have the same comment. Therefore I get exactly what I need; The details of a project along with the last history comment.

The problem: I get the correct records selected, however 1) if the first entry in the project history table in one or several records is one word, then the query results include those records repeated a random numebr of times. 2)If the first entry in the project history table in one or several records is two words, then the query results include those records repeated a random number of times, but less times. 3) If the first entry in the project history table in one or several records is three words, then the query results include those records repeated a random number of times, but only a few times. 4) If the first entry in the project history table in one or several records is three words or more (on average), then the query results include only the record I wanted once.

What is going on?!??!?!?!

It almost looks like the query is runing once and again until a certain number of words are compared....

This is weird.

Anyone has any idea?



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MS Access Can't Append All The Records In The Append Query

Feb 18, 2007

hi Guys,
I have been looking at different post and checking Microsoft help files as well, but still can't seem to fix this problem.

I am having 2 tables. The first table is connected to a form for viewing and entering data, and in the second table i am just copying 3-4 fields from the first table.

I am trying to use the insert statement to insert records in the second table, and everytime i click on the "Add" button to add the records i get the following error "MS access can't append all the records in the append query ... blah blah blah"

However if i close the form and reopen it, and goto the record (as it is saved in the first database) and now click on the add button to add the fields to the second table/database, it works.

What am i doing wrong???

Any inputs will be greatly appreciated.

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Error You Are About To Append 0 Rows

Sep 24, 2005

I have an append query attached to a text box called client on a form, and every time I enter data into this text box and click the next text box last name I get this error from microsoft office Access that says
(You are about to append 0 rows)
(Are you sure you want to append selected rows?) I click yes and every thing to work fine. I just wish this error message would go away.

I'm using Access 2003.

Thanks--Any Suggestions would be very appreciated.

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Yet Another Append Key Violation Error....

Mar 30, 2008

Wow, this thing is annoying me. I give up! I've attached the database for anyone here to have a look at. I promise there's no nasty code on it, although you should be able to see my code and hopefully pick the problem if you disable macros anyway.

I use VBA to prompt users to enter their staff number, the member's number and the book ID. The same VBA checks to make sure that it's a valid number that they're entering, that's it's actually present in the table it's being referenced from. (Command0 button. Command1 is to return an item)

It then takes these values, the current date and another date variable and inserts into the LOAN table. The loan table has enforced referential relationships with the book, member and staff tables.

The insert code is:
vInsertLoanSQL = "INSERT INTO Loan(BookID, MemberID, StaffID, BorrowingDate, ReturnDate) VALUES (" & vBook & ", " & vMember & ", " & vStaff & ", #" & Format(Date, "Short Date") & "#, #" & Format(vDueDate, "dd/mm/yyyy") & "#)"

All the fields in Loan (except for the autonumber PK) are not required, and have no validation formulas, zero-length is permitted where applicable.

I KNOW that the numbers being inserted are in the related tables! They're the same data type - long integers, and the related tables' primary keys are not autonumbers.

So why am I still getting a key constraint violation??

Can someone please help me??

Correction: I'm trying to attach the database, but it's too big, even zipped. Why isn't RAR accepted? Anyway, the file is hosted here:

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Error When Trying To Append The TempTable

Jul 7, 2014

I'm trying to write a code so that it gets the data from a query (QryPrint) and then to put them in a temporary table (tblWeekData) so that I can present them in a report.

I have written the following code but the vba gives error constantly on DietID which is a field (into query).

Sub OpenReport()
Dim i As Integer, x As Integer, tmpMax As Integer, TheFood As String
Dim rsSource As DAO.Recordset
Dim rsTarget As DAO.Recordset
CurrentDb.Execute "DELETE * FROM tblWeekPlan"
Set rsTarget = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("tblWeekPlan", dbOpenDynaset)

[Code] .....

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Common Append Error, Online Solutions Not Working

Jul 31, 2007

Hi, when I run a simple append query, I get the following message below (See attached) I tried the solution in microsofts website that I have to set all text fields to AllowZeroLength to Yes, and i did that in both the table the data comes from, and the table the data is appended to. Still cant get it to work? Any other suggestions or is there somthign simple that im missing?

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Access Error 3027 When Using VBA To Append Table To A Linked Table?

Apr 7, 2014

I have two tables, submit and imgdest. Submit is edited by front-end users to load pictures for back-end users who then delete the images when they're done with them. Submit is edited by a form, in the form I've placed a button (Command37) that has code:

Private Sub Command37_Click()
Call InsertData
MsgBox "Completed", "0", "Completed Backup"
Exit Sub
End Sub
Private Sub InsertData()


This code was working for a short while, now anytime it's run I get error 3027 - Cannot update. Database or object is read-only. However, I can open the linked table and manually change information in it with no problems.

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Queries :: Opening Design View Of Append Query Without Timing Out Source Query

Mar 4, 2015

In some cases I create pass-through queries and use these in an Append or Make-table query to bring data locally.

All is well and fine until source data changes and the pass-through query runs too long and times out.

If needed, I can extend the timeout value in the Parameters of the pass-through query no problem, but when I try to open the Append or Make-table query in Design view to do the same, the pass-through query is first triggered and then throws the timeout, and I cannot access the Design view of the Append or Make-table

Is there a way to open an Append or Make-table query in Design view without invoking the source query?

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Weird Bug ?

Oct 12, 2007

Access 2003 -

I have many queries in a DB. they work fine, but *sometimes* some of my queries are wiped - when i try to run them they say "query must contain at least one cell" or something..

when i check the query then, its empty!

I have saved out the SQL code into a word doc because this has happened a few times now.. so i just copy and paste the query back in - but this is very inconvenient! what is going on?

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Oct 25, 2004

I have 2 unbound boxes in the footer of my continuous form. Both total up separate sets of fields using DSum and do it correctly. I have used Conditional Formatting on Total1 to make the numbers turn bold and red whenever Total1 is greater than Total2.

Here comes the weird part. It will always work whenever Total1 is greater than Total2, but sometimes when Total2 is bigger, Total1 is still red, even after I attempt to modify it and it requeries, or I go to a different record and come back. Any thoughts??



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Weird Issue

Jan 24, 2006

I have a weird issue going on...I'm running a "Find Duplicates" query on one of my tables, I'm only checking for duplicate values in 2 fields and outputting a third. now this runs fine, unless I use the total's button to group them. When I group them that access instance stops responding. The reason I'm doing this is the third column can have duplicate values, for my purposes it doesn't matter, but I need to be able to see it.

I'm running this against 120k records.

Anyone help a poor man out?

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