Weird - Font On Text Labels Gets Bolder As I Move Through Records

Oct 19, 2005

Hi all,
title says it all!

I've got a form with numerous controls and labels. When i first open the form, all looks fine - all labels are Black Arial 8 Bold. But when i start scrolling through the records, the text on three of my text labels gets bolder. I haven't a clue what is causing this - the labels are just standard - two are associated with controls and one is all on its own.

I have no code written to do this, and in fact i'm not sure you could write code to do this. I've tried renaming the labels, changing the font, deleting and recreating them, but it's always the same three that get darker.



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Changing Font Size Of Labels Depending On Text Length

Jul 28, 2014

I have a report that prints labels (similar to avery labels) which pulls data from a query. These labels are all unique and vary in length. Due to the length variance, I want the font size to get smaller for labels with more characters. I want the text to go down to another line when necessary.

In my report under the OnPage Event Procedure I wrote this:

Private Sub Report_Page()
If Len(Text2) > 20 Then Text2.FontSize = 8
If Len(Text2) > 10 And Len(Text2) < 21 Then Text2.FontSize = 10
If Len(Text2) < 11 Then Text2.FontSize = 14
End Sub

This works to some degree but the problem is that once there is a longer label, all of the proceeding labels are resized & the longer label that should have been resized was not.

Is there another place I should be writing this code? I looked under events for the textbox but there doesn't seem to be anything that would work since none of them would trigger when printing labels

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Forms :: Layout View - Move Labels Separately

Feb 4, 2014

There is a light border that is still there after I remove the text that was in the box. I want to remove the ghost image, for lack of a better name, that is left.

Also all the images, fields, are locked together. I want to remove some individually,without moving everything.

I'm in the "LayOut View" of Access 15.0.4551 Office 365 Home Premium.

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Can You Make Just One Part Of The Text In A Text Box Bold Or A Different Font Size?

Aug 20, 2004

Is there a way to make just part of the text in a text box bold, or to use different font sizes in the same text box?

Something like this:

Heading in bold: description in regular (not bold)
(a smaller height line used as a line space)
Another "normal" line
a larger height line
a normal line....all in one text box!

One thing I'd like to be able to do is to specify the line height of a blank line in a text box. I'm using carriage returns created with: Chr(13) & Chr(10). I could see defining the font size of a hidden character, but I'd need to know how to assign a font size to a piece of the text in a font box.

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Font Change Within Text

Sep 7, 2005

How do I change font withing a text string?

for example, to issue a message in which one word is bolded such as...

MsgBox "This macro will not work on Wednesdays"

where I would like to display the word "not" in bold, or even a different colour.

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Font Type In Form Changes When Change Font Colour

Aug 1, 2014

I am experiencing a problem in MS Access 2013. I have a form which was working just fine until now. It has form labels in Calibri font and their font colour is one shade lighter than black. Today, I changed the font colour of the form labels to be Automatic - black (shows as 'Text 1' colour in the form properties). I did this in Design view.

I find that when I switch to layout view, the font of the labels appears as Century Gothic. This is the font that appears in the Form view. So while the font colour is correctly changed, the font name is not what I had set in the Design view. When I go back to the Design view, and change the font colour back to the original colour which was one shade lighter than black (Text 1, Lighter 50%), the font is correct in the Layout view and the Form view (Calibri).

So it seems that there is some sort of binding between the font colour (black) and the font name (Century Gothic). When I change the font colour, the font also changes. When I restore the original colour (one shade lighter than black), the font Calibri is correctly retained.

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Command Button To Change Font In Text Field

Dec 2, 2004

I would like to make a command button to change the font in a text field on a form.

Can any one give me an example of the code that I would use to do this? I would greatly appriciat it.

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Modules & VBA :: Text Font Color Based On Tab Selected?

Aug 8, 2014

We have a navigation page with 5 tabs and several navigation buttons underneath their respective tabs linking to reports.

In the main part of the navigation page we have 17 search parameters (text boxes and combo boxes)that the user can use to sort through all the reports we have in the different tabs.

What we would like to do is to have the label text to change to "red" if one of the 17 fields are "required", remain "black" if it is included in the report but not a mandatory search parameter, or turn "light grey" if that parameter is not included in that report.

For example:

My search parameters are: people, phone, and cars

If I were looking at a report of people that included addresses, phones, and phone would be required search parameters. However, even though I can search by car, it is not in this particular report and the label text should be greyed out. (If the actual text box could go inactive that would be even better).

I have read about buttons being turned colors based on a drop down box choice, but I have not been able to find anything about using a navigation tab subform button to make the colors change in the main navigation form.

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Very Weird. Records Not Showing Up

Apr 7, 2005

This is so weird.

I have a form that I built and is based on a relationship between four different tables. I can enter info into the form, save it, and verify that it saved to each of these tables. The problem is that once I close the form and re-open it, none of the previously entered info shows up. Bottom of the page shows 1 record, but I can still see all of the info when I open the tables. Please help.

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Making Some Specific Records With Different Font Style

Nov 18, 2007

Hi ,I have to make some specific records in a table in bold.Can any body suggest me how to make a particular record in bold or set some color fonts in order to high light the record.
I have to design a report which shows some priority records with different font style in ms access


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Making Some Specific Records With Different Font Style

Nov 19, 2007

Hi ,I have to make some specific records in a table in bold.Can any body suggest me how to make a particular record in bold or set some color fonts in order to high light the record.
I have to design a report which shows some priority records with different font style in ms access


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Removing Text Labels

Jul 30, 2007

I have large sets of data that has labels on them. For example "25.56 lbs". I just want the raw numbers. Can someone help with what to type in the update to field of an update query to just keep the numbers? Thanks

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Show All Records... Highlight Specific Data Using Red Font

Mar 6, 2008

Microsoft Access 2003

One more question... I'm loving Access... much more than Lotus Approach!! :-) Here's something I've wanted to do in Approach... how do I do this in Access???

REPORT showing all customers

1. John Doe, owes 9.00
2. Jane Kane, owes 10.00
3. Rob Johnson, owes 30.00
4. Albert Icar, owes 22.00
5. Johnny James, owes 5.00

Query all customers owing more than 10.00 (in this example it would be Rob and Albert).

In the report, I want Rob and Albert's name to be red font only, while everyone else is just regular black font.

Thanks to all posters who have assisted me thusfar, and anyone that can help with this.

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Forms :: Strange Font Effect While Running Through Records

Nov 28, 2013

It is a strange effect I get when switching among records.

In a form I have a TAB Control with some pages, when I open the form everything is ok:

But, when switching continuosly among records, the font becomes strange, looking like being bold.

It seems to happen only when using TAB control or, if you prefer, only on every TAB control's page except for the first one. Tried on different pc with different resolution.

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Seperate Text Boxes From Labels

Jun 8, 2006

I am learning access on my own using MS Press step by step manual and it tells me to hold down the shift key while selecting the text boxes that are next to the labels, but when I do the labels get selected also . how do I disconnect the labels from the text boxes in order to insert space between the labels and the text boxes as it intructs me to in the book. I am able to select the labels separately, but it will not allow the text to be selected separately.

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Forms :: Labels And Text Fields

May 28, 2015

I have a problem with the connection between the labels and fields in designing my form.Is there a command do eliminate the association between the two? If not I was thinking if there is a problem to delete the labels and make new ones but by doing this Access (2010) says the label is unassociated.

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Embedded Table Showing ID's Rather Than Text Labels

Jun 2, 2006

I apologise in advance for my newbish question - I'm very green at Access. I'm trying to build a contact database for our company that lists Jobs done by customer.

I'll confess I "borrowed" the sample database provided with Access to help me out - which has worked well up until this issue.

The problem I am having is when I am working on our "Client Service History" form. (Basically the Workorders by Customer from the template - I can take a screen grab or something if it helps).

This form includes a sub-table which lists the WorkOrder ID by customer, the Date Entered, the Job Type, the Engineer and whether it was chargeable. The latter three options are choices controlled by combo boxes from the Workorders Form/Table. Where the status for "Chargeable" always comes up correctly, the Job Type and Engineer always show a number - which I presume is the ID of the label of each type - I.e. "5" refers to "Warranty Repair".

There are separate Data Tables for Engineers (EmployeeID) and Job Types (JobTypes). How do I get it to display each item correctly; as a summary of jobs done for each customer?

Any help would be particularly appreciated!!! :D

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Getting Results From 7 Query's And Populate Text Labels

May 18, 2005

Ok, i have tried and searched but could not find a good start to a solution for my problem.
I have a calendar form, which shows the dates and under it text labels.
Now whenever something is present in my table (tblKalender) on those dates, i want it to show in the text labels under the correct date.
Now, i have the results through a query, but i dont want to link the query to the form. Only thing that i have trouble with now is getting the information i need to show to those labels. I have written some code (early stages) which i want to show me the results for testing, later on i can fill the fields. I keep getting an error saying not enough parameters, expected is 1.

Can anybody take a look at the code or help me with this?
My query for day one is called qerKal1 and the fields i need to get back are the hour and the task. The query gets it's criteria from the label above that day (lbDag1), which shows the date.

I have this code in a module and when the form is opened it runs the fucntion.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit

Const strSQLWhere1 As String = "" & _
"SELECT qerKal1.Uur, qerkal1.Taak, qerKal1.Datum " & _
"FROM qerKal1 " & _
"WHERE (((qerKal1.Datum) = [Forms]![frmKalender]![lbDag1].[Caption]));"

Public Function fFillDay1()
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset

Dim strSQL As String
Dim strText As String
Dim strText2 As String

strSQL = strSQLWhere1
Set db = CurrentDb

Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(strSQL, dbOpenForwardOnly)
Do Until rs.EOF
If strText = "" Then
strText = rs!Uur
strText2 = rs!Taak
strText = strText & ", " & rs!Uur
strText2 = strText & "," & rs!Taak
End If

MsgBox strText & strText2
Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing

End Function

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Changing Text Colour Of Labels On Activate

Nov 23, 2005

Hi, im working on my school project for A2.

When the user clicks on say; the customer ID dropdown menu, i want the label text on the right of it to get darker (make it more visible). How can i do this?

(i have attached a picture of my form)

thanks, Robin

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Forms :: Align Text In Labels Vertically

Jun 1, 2015

Is there a way to align text in Labels vertically (top, center, bottom) ?

I see the horizontal text align property (right, left, etc) but do I miss the vertical or there is non?

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Forms :: Changing Color Of Text On Labels

Aug 14, 2015

I have three labels that I can't change the text color. I must have them locked or something. What should I check?

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Forms :: How To Make Text Fields Or Labels Curved

Apr 16, 2015

Is there a way to make text fields or text labels curved?

Is this even possible?

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Reports :: Text Within Report Labels Different Size In Preview / Print?

Jan 12, 2015

I have always noticed that when creating a report, when you make a paragraph using a label, the alignment and size of the text/paragraph is always different when you preview the report than when you design it.

This makes alignment of paragraphs tricky, especially when you are trying to insert a bold faced word into the middle of a block of text by using a separate label.

I am using Access 2000

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Move Text From One Field To Another Automatically

Jun 28, 2006

Hi, I have a form set up, among other fields in the form is a Weekly update
free form field. I have another field called Historical Weekly updates. What
I want to happen is that when a user clicks in the Weekly updae field, the
text that is in there should pop down to the Historical field and have the
date of the move post next to the text in the historical field. I have no idea if this is a click action, a macro, or if it's even possible.Any help would be greatly appreciated!!


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Move Records

May 6, 2005

is there a way by which i can move one or more records from one form to another when clicked on the 'YES/NO' button ??? :confused:

thanks in advance.

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Move Records Between Tables

Nov 22, 2005

hiya, im new to this sql scene..!

i have an MS Access db containing a few tables of 'calls recorded' and 'finished calls'.

(i want to move all 'Finished calls' to a seperate 'Finished Calls' table)

anyway, the thing i want to do is to move records from Table1 to Table2, i am able to do this using the following code...

FROM Table1
WHERE Finished='Yes';

this code does work, however it does not delete the records that were moved out of Table1 - they are still there, its more or less copying and pasting them..

any help would be much appreciated!

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