What Does The 'Order By' Property Of A Form Do?

Oct 28, 2005


I've sorted out a problem that I had with a Form that had a subtable on it, by setting on the properties of the form for the 'Order by' criteria to equal the Id number of the form. eg: if each record has an Idnumber I have put [Idnumber] as the Order by property.

I have no idea what this does though, even though it seems intuitive? it's a form... so what is there to order? hope i'm not just being very stupid!



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Order By Property Not Working

Oct 27, 2006

i have two forms - frmOne and frmTwo. frmOne opens frmTwo with this code:
intVar = Me!l_id
intRoom = Me!l_room
stDocName = "l_surveys"
stLinkCriteria = "[l_id]=" & "'" & intVar & "'"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria
on frmTwo i have the property for Order By set to "frmTwo.l_date DESC" but it never orders it by the date DESC....i've even tried to set it using VBA and i can't get it to work properly...


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Form Property

Aug 27, 2007

Is there a way to change the background color of an field that has enable = off from the default "gray"? I can set it to transparent but I can't change the font color to see the data clearly.

Just trying to make the form "nice looking" to the user.


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Allow More Than Order In ORDER Form

Apr 4, 2013

I have a problem when I want to create an "ORDER" form, that will allow user to enter more than one order.

I have no clue how to do it.

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Set Form's Visible Property To False

Feb 17, 2005

This seems really straight forward to me. I have 3 forms - FormA, FormB and FormC. When I open FormA the user inputs some information, when they tab to the last field, FormB opens (which I want to be invisible) and Form C opens.

I've tried putting this coding on the Open event of FormB:
Me.Visible = False

I've also tried putting this code on the Open event of FormC
Forms!FormB.Visible= False

Neither work. My form (FormB) still displays when eithr event occurs.

Any suggestions?


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Access Query Property From Form?

Jun 9, 2005

I have a form that is to be used to browse through parts using various filters (like category, snippets of part number or description) to find particular components, and then draw information from those components onto the form to be used for other things.

Queries I seem to understand - I've made a query which I've embedded on the form which happily filters the parts using the combo-boxes and text boxes on the form.

What I can't figure out is how to access the information IN the query! There doesn't seem to be a "double-click" event, or a "highlighted row" property, that I can use to tell the query WHICH of the parts returned after filtering is the particular one Im interested in, to draw information from the row.

What I want is a command button that, once the desired part is selected, "sucks" the data out of the query into text boxes on the form.

I've tried something like -

Private Sub cmdSelect_Click()

Me.txtSelectedPartID = Me.qryPartFinder.PartID

End Sub

...but it tells me that the method or data member is not found. When I'm typing the code the auto-complete thingy happily finds "qryPartFinder" when I type "me", but none of the available properties in the list for qryPartFinder seem to be what I need.

How DO you access the data in a highlighted (and/or somehow selected) row?



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How To Check Property Of A Closed Form

Nov 23, 2005

I have a DB with 20 forms. All of the forms are closed. I opened a new form and added a button. I would like to do the following when the button is clicked:

Check the "Tag" property of each form and count whichever is not null.

Can anybody help me out??::o

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Form Inserts Due To Allow Additions Property

Nov 18, 2006

Hi All,

I have been searching and can't seem to find how to solve my problem. I have a sub form that allows adding new rows to a database. The detail contains a combobox and a few text fields. When I enter data everything works fine. However when I accidently tab into the next row (new blank row) and then try to get out of the form without adding a new row I get an error about "Index or Primary Key cannot be null" or something like that.

It is very frustrating because I can't exit the form until I add data to the new row and then leave without tabbing to much (thus creating another new row with no data).

How do I trap the new row and only allow the insert if it has data in it?


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Forms :: How To Check For TOP Property Of Form

May 25, 2015

I've saved a form to an text file to investigate a corrupted form issue. The output text file has below extracted text. I am wondering where I can find the TOP, RIGHT BOTTOM property of the form in design time? I could see some properties such as GridX, GridY, but not sure where are TOP property.

Version =20
VersionRequired =20
Checksum =-1566200859
Begin Form
RecordSelectors = NotDefault

[Code] ....

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Short Date Property For Form Field

Mar 21, 2006

On one of my forms two of the fields are "Date Contact Initiated" and "Date Contact Concluded". I have the property for this field set to Short Date.

These two fields autofill with the current date when the form is opened. When the date for both of these fields is the same there is no problem. When the "Date Contact Initiated" is different from the "Date Contact Concluded", the user has to manually go to the "Date Contact Initiated" and change the date ( most often to the previous day.)

What is causing some confusion is that when they go to the "Date Contact Initiated" field to change the information it displays not only the autofilled date but also the autofilled time. There is another field on the form where the time for the contact initiated is to be entered.

Is there a way to format this date field to only show the autofilled date and not the autofilled time?

Thanks for the help!

Chris :)

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Set Property For Form Size In Pixels Rather Than Inches?

Nov 3, 2014

I want to set the size and shape of my forms to exactly fill a screen at a particular screen resolution. I can only see a width property in inches and nothing in pixels. Is this possible?

I know I can set the fit-to-screen property to yes but this isn't what I want. I don't want a form to fill a screen at any resolution. If a screen is a higher res than the size I've formatted the form for I want it to appear the same size on the higher res screen (i.e. with a border of background around it.)

Is this possible?

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Access Form Text Box Name Property With A Bracket

Oct 3, 2014

Is there any way to name the text box like "Contract (1)" I can write it this way but it is recognized as Me.Contract_1_.

I need to name it Contract(1) as I have to run some iteration in VBA.

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Want Check Box On Switchboard Form To Set A Text Box's Visible Property In A Report

Sep 23, 2004

On my switchboard form, I have a check box which the user can check to make a text box (which appears in several different reports) visible and uncheck to make it invisible. The text box in the reports has the same name on all of them.

I am having trouble making this work.

I can think of two solutions, but haven't had success with either yet.

1. I could simply change the visible property of the report(s) control from the form. This works if the report is open, but throws an error if the report is not open.

Code:Public Sub showNumOrgsInReportCB_AfterUpdate()If Me!showNumOrgsInReportCB.Value = 0 ThenReports![publishZipR]![numOrgsF].Visible = FalseElseReports![publishZipR]![numOrgsF].Visible = TrueEnd IfEnd Sub

Is there a property or function I can use to test whether the report is open before I set the text box visibility?

2. Alternatively, a less elegant solution would be to run an event procedure to close all open reports. This would eliminate that issue, but I haven't gotten the code to work yet:

Code:Public Sub showNumOrgsInReportCB_AfterUpdate() Dim rpt As Report ' Enumerate Reports collection.For Each rpt In ReportsDoCmd.Close rpt.nameNext rptEnd Sub

This line:
DoCmd.Close rpt.name
throws a Run-time Error '13', Type mismatch.

How do I fix that?

I'm open to better ideas!


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Forms :: Full Info For All Property Options Of Any Form Control

Jun 26, 2015

How to set all controls in the form I would like to get complete information about all property options.

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Forms :: Set Form Property To Window In Database Set To Use Tabbed Documents

Oct 16, 2013

I'm using access 2010.

How to set a single form's property to act as it's own "overlapping window" in a database that is set to use tabbed documents. I want most windows to have the tabbed layout but there are a few that I would like to have pop out and be their own windows.

I noticed that the Northwind database did this somehow. if you click on one of the products from the home screen a form pops up in its own window. I tried reverse engineering it, but no luck so far.

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Forms :: Use Buttons On A Form To Change Sort Order On A Continuous Form

Jul 23, 2013

I want to use buttons on a form to change the sort order on a continuous form. In the buttons click event I am using a public function (named Sort_1) to change the sort order. The first element of the event call is the name of a generic query (named Sort_1_Query1) and the query field to sort (LAST_NAME OR FRIST_NAME, depending on the button.)This is the Click Statement.


This is the Public Function
Public Function Sort_1(SortName As String, FieldName1 As String)
DoCmd.ApplyFilter SortName, FieldName1 & "between 'A' and 'Z'"
End Function

I think the problem is in the use of quotation marks or trying to pass the query field name to the Do Command or the use of an ampersand.

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Duplicate A Form And Sort A Form In Ascending Or Descending Order?

Oct 2, 2005


Is their a a way I can have a button or something in which duplicates all the data in the text boxes instead of re-entering data?

Also how can I sort data (DATES) that is in a form in descending order.

Thank you,


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How To Order A Sub Form

Jun 16, 2005

I have a form (Members of the club), linked to a sub form (payments of membership).

When I open the record of Mr John, I want to see all his payments order by date of payment.

How do I do?

Thanks in advance,

Jackske - Belgium

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How To Order A Sub Form

Jun 16, 2005

I have a form (Members of the club), linked to a sub form (payments of membership).

When I open the record of Mr John, I want to see all his payments order by date of payment.

How do I do?

Thanks in advance,

Jackske - Belgium

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Need Help With Order Form

Jan 3, 2006

I've been trying to sort out my order form for quite a while now with no luck but i am hoping someone will be able to help me so that i can complete the form and finish off the system. I want the order form to have combo boxes that actually work (At the moment all my combo boxes bring up a message at the bottom saying something like 'control cannot be edited'), The product subform does not work where i want to be able to created the order (and i need the rest of the boxes in the row to be updated some how with the product information when i choose the product), Also non of the other boxes seem to work either and need to know how to update fields when employee and customer are selected in the combo boxes. Also i want to be able to show previous customer orders in the 'View Customer' form.

Here is the system:
Gamez System (http://www.savefile.com/files/6926006)

Any help is appreciated but please try and keep any help simple as i haven't really been using access for very long.:)

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Sub Form Order

Jan 5, 2006

I have a form/subform linked to 2 tables, staff and training. The subform lists training done and is sorted by course. How can I change the sort order to a different field? E.g. date?


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ORder Form Help

Jan 19, 2006

i am really struggling in access creating an order form and an invoice report.

the attached example shows what i have so far.

however for the order form what i would like to do is have a drop down menu at the top which will have a list of invoice reference number for that particular student. which will in in the format of surname/date eg Bannister11/01/2006

as people will be ordering things at different times and need a new invoice each time. i see this as the easiest way. could any body help me with this??

Help is much appreciated


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TAB Order On Form?

Mar 10, 2006


I have a form containing several fields for users to import data. The data comes from multiple sources, and I have arranged my layout the way I want it on the page. I have noticed though, that when you are using the database and pressing the TAB key, it isn't in a particular order (shoots to different fields across the form). Can you change the order of the fields that are selected when the TAB key is pressed?


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Order Form

Oct 30, 2006

please save me!!!!
I have an order form called OrderForm. It has multiple combo boxes, where i select data.
e.g i have a page in this form, where i select the company details, and a second page, where i select the order specifications, all based on combo boxes. The form is linked to 2 tables, Order and Customers. First page is linked to Customers, second to OrderForm.
When i open the form, i can select the company name in the first page, where the fields are automatically filled. When i go to the second page, i select the type of product, e.t.c. Ok by now. What i can do to save this new order? I mean the Order specs to create a new order at Order table, and link this order to Customers table. The tables are linked correct.
Thanks in advance

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Order By - In A Form

Aug 8, 2005

On a form i have a combo box called DATE
The row source for this box is
SELECT tblCleftClinics.Date FROM tblCleftClinics ORDER BY tblCleftClinics.Date DESC;

On the form what do i put in the "Order by" field to make the dates appear in descending order?

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VAT Check Box On Order Form

Jan 31, 2005

OK....I have done a search but am still none the wiser regards allowing for VAT (added to an old thread but no luck!).

I am designing a little DB for an accountant at work. He wants to be able to keep tabs on orders he places with various vendors (currently uses excel) but he needs to generate reports etc. I have done this but would like to afford him the ability to add VAT to the order total if required.

So here is what I want to do. I want to add a check box to an Order Form that will add VAT at the current rate. If the VAT rate changes at some point in the future I do not want historic data updated to the new rate.

I want to add it to the Order Form as not all companies being invoiced are VAT registered. This will give the user the option to add VAT or not.

I have had a little play (see attached) but do not know how to get it all working!

Help, advice appreciated (or if anybody has a working example of VAT?).

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