What Feilds Should Be Editable From Website?

May 10, 2005

Hi every body. I have an access database that u can see the tables and their reletionship in the link i posted.
I would like to web enable this db and would like to get some suggetion on what fields should i allow to be edited and what records should i put delete option for? In order to keep the refrential integerity of the acces db.i be happy to get some feed back from u guys.Thanks


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Make A Checkbox Editable On A Non-editable Form??

Dec 28, 2004

i have a form that doesn't allow edits... but i also have an 'inactive' check box.. how can i allow this to be editable.. without the rest of the form editable? thanks.

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Accessing Feilds In A Table

Jan 13, 2006

Ill start from the dawn of time

right all tables are like a 2d array so does any body know how i can access a field in a row of a table ie like in most languages it goes a bit like this ArrayName(1,1) with ArrayName being the name of the table and that access the first field of the first row. im new to Vba and access 2000 but all i want to do is access the fields in a column of a sub-form displayed as a table add them all up and place the answer in a text box on the main form stick all this in a function so i can run it inside a macro

q1 is this possable
q2 how do you do it

thanks in advance john

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Autosum For Highlighted Feilds

Sep 21, 2006

Can anyone please help or advise where I can look for help on this problem.
I have a subform which shows all my outstanding orders. Below it is a calculated field which shows the total weight of all the orders. (Steel Beams)
I would like to be able to highlight the weights on certain orders & show total weight for only these orders. (Similar to the way it can be done in excel)
I have been trying to do it via a query with a Yes/No check box & when I check the orders required the total weight changes. But I cannot get it to work properly as this puts a Yes in the field & the record disappears.
I only want it for a quick reference to save doing mental summing up so don’t want to change or add anything to a field to get answer.
Can anyone give me any ideas please?


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Subtraction Issuse 4 Feilds

Dec 2, 2004

I have four feilds and im trying to subtract them in a query

This is what the SQL looks liek for two feilds. but i have 4, i was gettign and error when i added other feilds
Format(Val([CFR_ALLOWED])-Val([CFR_DEDUCT]),"0000000000") AS [Form Total],
im trying to subtract these feilds
Here are my feilds

Much help needed thanks

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Generating A Numbering System Dependant On Other Feilds

Apr 20, 2007

I have used and maintained Access databases in the past but this is my first experience with building a new database. I started by borrowing every Access book my Tech department has on hand and going through them. I have gotten to the point where my tech department can not help me because my question is beyond their own knowledge. I have searched through many different website’s forums and have failed to find what I am looking for. It very well may be out there and I am using the wrong terminology in my searches. The most important piece of information to be stored in my entire database is of course the one that I am having the hardest time figuring out how to set up.

I have a table called “Document Index” which will be a master log of every document that passes through my department. This table has the three fields which are important to my problem/question.
1. The “LOC” field represents the location at which the document was logged. The “LOC” field has a working validation rule that only allows a “D” or “S”, representing the department head’s office or the site office.
2. The “DUO” field value represents the three digit unique number assigned to a project by another department (accounting)
3. The “ID Number” field is a unique number we will assign to each document that is this table’s primary key. It is also where my problem sits. The “ID Number” format has been decided upon by my boss and the rest of the office has already begun stamping these ID Numbers onto every document (which I will have to go through and enter once the database is complete). I am stuck with the format as it is shown in the example below.
“ID Number” format is: value of “LOC”- value of “DUO”-number

I know what I want the field to do but I have no idea how to turn my ideas into the proper code to see if it works. So here is my idea of a solution with example values entered.
A.Fill in form for “LOC” and “DUO”
B.At this point Access would run a behind the scenes search and return all ID #’s that had a that “LOC and “DUO”
C.At this point Access would run a behind the scenes search through only those records found in step B to find the highest “ID Number” previously assigned
D.At this point Access would make a calculation: adding one (+1) to the “ID Number” found in step C
E.At this point Access would insert the result found in step D into the “ID Number” field of my current entry (which until this step the record only contained the “LOC” and “DUO”)

For example: if my first 4 entries had this info:
LOCDUOID NumberDocument Description
D410D-410-1 Wendy’s Ransom Note
S410S-410-1 Priate's Demands
D415D-415-1 Cinderella’s Birthday Invitation
D410D-410-2 Peter Pan’s Response to Ransom Note

Then I complete step A by typing into the form:
LOCDUOID NumberDocument Description
D410D-410-1 Wendy’s Ransom Note
S410S-410-1 Priate's Demands
D415D-415-1 Cinderella’s Birthday Invitation
D410D-410-2 Peter's Response to Ransom Note

Access would execute step B finding:
LOCDUOID NumberDocument Description
D410D-410-1 Wendy’s Ransom Note
D410D-410-2 Peter's Response to Ransom Note

Access would execute step C finding:
LOCDUOID NumberDocument Description
D410D-410-2 Peter's Response to Ransom Note

Access would execute step D finding:
D-410-2 + 1 = D-410-3

Access would execute step E:
LOCDUOID NumberDocument Description
D410D-410-1 Wendy’s Ransom Note
S410S-410-1 Priate's Demands
D415D-415-1 Cinderella’s Birthday Invitation
D410D-410-2 Peter's Response to Ransom Note
Then I would finish entering the information for that record.

I would appreciate any help you can offer, even if just pointing me in the right direction or correct terminology for my searches.

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Current Week Query In 2 Date Feilds

Nov 17, 2006

I have a query with below formular which return's all records between Sunday and Saturday

Between Date()-Weekday(Date())+1 And Date()-Weekday(Date())+7

I can get this formular to work when it is looking at one date feild. (Date Received). I would also like it to look at the (date completed) feild so I get all records entered & completed in the previous week.
I have tried putting same formular in the OR critiria as well but cannot get it to show all records at same time.
What am I doing wrong ???


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Yes/No Feilds Display In Numeric Format When In Union Query

Jan 25, 2008

Hi all,

I have looked everywhere for a solution to this and found none. Its an annoying issue which I would like to get around.

Here is what happens.

I have a union query that gathers rows with different criteria together. The query works execept that the yes/no feild which is set to display as "Yes" or "No" is displayes as 0 for No and -1 for Yes.

I understand that the numeric values are the underlying values of yes/no feilds in access, however they are displayed as yes/no in all my queries and reports execept my union query.

I will include the union query here in case.

The following code is a function that I use to build the union query on the fly based on some parameters. If you are asking why I am doing it like this is becasue I need the rows that have a value for the feild schFeilds(0) to be on top of the final results followed by the rows that don't have any values for the above mentioned feild, and I want them sorted. I found this method to be the only one that gives me the result in the order I need.

' ----------------------------------------------------------

Public Function makeMainPanelQry()
On Error GoTo Err_makeMainPanelQry

Dim db As Database
Dim qd_window As QueryDef
Dim qd_nowindow As QueryDef
Dim strSQL As String, sql_window As String, sql_nowindow As String

Set db = CurrentDb
Set qd_window = db.QueryDefs("Q1")
Set qd_nowindow = db.QueryDefs("Q2")

strStatus = cmbStatus.Value
strReboot = cmbARStatus.Value

strFilter = makeHostFilter(strStatus, strReboot)

schFeilds = Split(getRSchechuleFeild(), ",")

sql_window = "SELECT " & pbl_ReleaseTable & ".Hostname, " & pbl_ReleaseTable & ".Status, " & pbl_ReleaseTable & ".Excluded, " & _
pbl_ReleaseTable & ".AutoReboot as Auto, " & HEAT_PROFILE_NODECOM & "." & schFeilds(0) & ", " & _
HEAT_PROFILE_NODECOM & "." & schFeilds(1) & _
", Technician.FirstName as Assigned, 1 as Priority FROM (" & pbl_ReleaseTable & " LEFT JOIN " & HEAT_PROFILE_NODECOM & " ON " & _
pbl_ReleaseTable & ".Hostname = " & HEAT_PROFILE_NODECOM & ".DeviceName) " & _
"LEFT JOIN Technician ON " & pbl_ReleaseTable & ".TechID = Technician.TechID " & _
"WHERE ((" & pbl_ReleaseTable & ".Excluded) = False) " & _
strFilter & "and " & HEAT_PROFILE_NODECOM & "." & schFeilds(0) & " Not Like """" "
'" ORDER BY " & HEAT_PROFILE_NODECOM & "." & schFeilds(0) & ", " & pbl_ReleaseTable & ".Status"

qd_window.sql = sql_window

sql_nowindow = "SELECT " & pbl_ReleaseTable & ".Hostname, " & pbl_ReleaseTable & ".Status, " & pbl_ReleaseTable & ".Excluded, " & _
pbl_ReleaseTable & ".AutoReboot as Auto, " & HEAT_PROFILE_NODECOM & "." & schFeilds(0) & ", " & _
HEAT_PROFILE_NODECOM & "." & schFeilds(1) & _
", Technician.FirstName as Assigned, 2 as Priority FROM (" & pbl_ReleaseTable & " LEFT JOIN " & HEAT_PROFILE_NODECOM & " ON " & _
pbl_ReleaseTable & ".Hostname = " & HEAT_PROFILE_NODECOM & ".DeviceName) " & _
"LEFT JOIN Technician ON " & pbl_ReleaseTable & ".TechID = Technician.TechID " & _
"WHERE ((" & pbl_ReleaseTable & ".Excluded) = False)" & _
strFilter & "and " & HEAT_PROFILE_NODECOM & "." & schFeilds(0) & " Like """" or " & _
HEAT_PROFILE_NODECOM & "." & schFeilds(0) & " is NULL"
'" ORDER BY Priority, " & HEAT_PROFILE_NODECOM & "." & schFeilds(0) & _
'", " & HEAT_PROFILE_NODECOM & ".Status;"

qd_nowindow.sql = sql_nowindow

strSQL = "SELECT * FROM Q1 " & _
"order by Priority, " & schFeilds(0)

Set qd_window = Nothing
Set qd_nowindow = Nothing
Set db = Nothing

makeMainPanelQry = strSQL

Exit Function

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_makeMainPanelQry

End Function

' ----------------------------------------------------------

I woudl really appreciate any assitance as its my last hope for a solution.

Thanks and regards

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Non Editable Queries

Nov 3, 2006

What will cause the results of a query to be uneditable? One to many relationships?

Sometimes they are editable, sometimes I get that fantastic *ding whenever I try to edit the results of a query...

Thank you!

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Non Editable Query

May 15, 2007

Hi mates!

I want my query to be displayed only and no one can add/edit/delete. How can I do this?



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Editable Form

Jun 30, 2005

Hi. I created a form to be used for editing records. It displays ALL records in a "Files" table that match the BoxNo entered on a previous form. The record source is a query which has a relationship between the tblBoxes (one) and tblFiles (many). The records are showing in the form correctly but it will not allow me to edit.

I have set the allow edit, addition, deletion properties of the form to YES, and data entry to NO. Fields are not locked, and they have active tab stops. I also tried using VBA and set the datamode to edit.

Help please!?!

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Not-editable Combo

Oct 24, 2005

how can i make the combo like the user cannot enter the vales into that?
i want the user to only select the values from combo.He should not be able to enter values into it.

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Synchronising A LAN BE With A Website DB

Feb 10, 2006


The situation is that we have a split DB on a LAN using Windows Server. The BE is on the server and the FE are distributed to each user PC on the LAN. (For historical reasons there are differing versions of Access at each user which was the primary motivation to split the DB)

We also have a copy of the DB on the company website which is to be updated via FTP on a regular basis. This is used for queries only by visitors. We now want our clients to be able to update their information on line in tandem with our local users.

The question is - what is the best method to keep these DBs synchronised?

My thought is to use replication with the LAN BE as the master DB and the website having a replicated version. Then we can periodically download the website version and synchronise the two - presumably we would have to disable the updating function on the website while we do this and then reload the new replicated version up to the website.

A problem I see already is that the website DB is not split where the local version is - is it possible to rejoin a split database? Synchronise it, upload a a replica and then split the BE and FE again?

All Ideas / Suggestions welcome

Tony Randell

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Website Parsing

Mar 25, 2008

I need some assistance parsing some information from a web address. Here is an example of what the web address is.-http://www.websitename.com/ct20/pages2/client_bcphone_service_order.aspx?client_id=160399 4&contract_document_id=924182&cipid=206123444-What I am trying to do is get the client ID and the contract id. The client id being 1603994 and the contract id being 924182. Any ideas would be appreciated.Gregg

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Website .mdb Locking Up

Nov 18, 2004

I am having a problem with locking, and it is crashing our website.
I suspect it is a locking problem because everytime the database goes down, I ftp into the site and see the dreaded *.ldb file.
Access is suspose to support from 15 to 20 concurrent users, right? The log files show no more than two or three users accessing the database at the same time. By "same time" I mean within one second.

Below is the code which updates the database. Can anyone see anything wrong with this?

Also, if I wrote the information to a text file with the FileSystemObject instead to Access, would I solve the problem of locking?

BEGIN CODE -----------------

sub OpenDB(sConn)
'Opens the given connection and initializes the recordset
conn.open sConn
set rs.ActiveConnection = conn
rs.CursorType = adOpenStatic
end sub

OpenDB sConnStats

'Get ID's by Names
lIdOS = GetIdOS(sOS)
lIdColor = GetIdColor(sColor)
lIdBrowser = GetIdBrowser(sBrowser)
lIdPath = GetIdPath(sPath)
lIdRef = GetIdRef(sReferer)
lIdRes = GetIdRes(sResolution)

sSQL = "SELECT * FROM Stats"
rs.Open sSQL,,,adCmdTable

'Save the data
rs("OsID") = lIdOS
rs("ColorID") = lIdColor
rs("BrowserID") = lIdBrowser
rs("PathID") = lIdPath
rs("RefID") = lIdRef
rs("ResID") = lIdRes
rs("Date") = date
rs("Time") = time
rs("IP") = sIP

'Terminate database connection

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Editable Textbox Creation

Jan 16, 2006

I have a continous form bound to a query which also has a group by function. Is it possible to create an editable bounded textbox because Access is giving a message saying recordset not updatable.

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Looking For An Editable Varient Of DLookUp

Feb 16, 2006

I've been using DLookUp in controls on forms, for instance, the control source would be:
=DLookUp("[BookPrice]","[BookBeltInfo]","[Soc Sec] = Forms![Apprentice Information]![Soc Sec #]")

I'd like to put some sort of direct SQL statement into the control source so that the displayed value is directly editable. I.e., the user can type in the control to directly change the value in the proper field. As it now stands, the user is told, "Control can't be edited; it's bound to the expression..." How can I get something like:
SELECT [BookBeltInfo].[BookPrice]
FROM [BookBeltInfo]
WHERE [BookBeltInfo].[Soc Sec] = Forms![Apprentice Information]![Soc Sec #]
to display directly so that the user can edit the field through the control in the form?

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Can't Seem To Add Any Editable Text Boxes

Aug 31, 2006

I have a form which retrieves and lists data from a query.
I need to add 2 textboxes on the end, which allow a user to add comments about the particular record, which are then saved directy to the database.
Unfortunately, the query has joins in it so it is impossible to have the data directly linked to a particular record in the database as per the following detail:

So, any ideas about how to go about this? Ideally, it all needs to e on the same form.


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Populating An Editable Text Box

Sep 22, 2004

I have a complex problem:
I have a form that displays the result of a query in a listbox (lst_dp_results).

Upon selecting a result in the listbox other data about the selected record is displayed on the same form in listboxes
Code:Private Sub lst_dp_results_AfterUpdate() With Me.lst_dp_productname .RowSource = _ "Select M_Paint.Product_Name FROM M_Paint " & _ "WHERE M_Paint.Catalogue_Code = '" & Me.lst_dp_results & "'"End Sub
As all these fields are listboxes displaying a single value based on the "rowsource" string, they are not editable.

I will like to have these as textboxes instead of list boxes but I guess textboxes do not have anything like 'rowsource'...

Can anyone suggest some method to display value from a field in a textboxt AND be able to edit it??

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Database Driven Website

May 15, 2007

Hi all,

I work for a construction company and am after a bit of advice.

We are looking in to designing a database system to manage one of our property maintenance contracts.

We want to be able to accesss and update the database using a website, so users can gain access via Laptops / Smartphones etc. For Example a plumber can log on to the site on his PDA using a username and password and view a list of jobs outstanding for him and update the status once completed.

We also want to have a section for clients where they can log on and view reports on the status of the project.

What is the best way to impliment this? I have been looking at Access 2007, SQL, Coldfusion, Sharepoint but still so confused.....:confused:

Any advice would be great.

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Getting A Database Ready For A Website

Jul 14, 2007

Hello! intermediate databaser here and its good to be here.

I own a bridal shop and i'm creating a website to sell my dresses. I know the first step is to have a database ready, since I have so many dresses. I have my tables done with one table holding customer attributes, including name, address, and other personal information, one holding dress attributes such as color, quantity, style, price etc., and other look up tables that has to do with the styles, colors, and quantity (up to 5). Here is where the problem comes in at:

I want to keep up with the orders placed such as the date ordered, what dress they ordered, who ordered it, price paid, shipping and handling (flat rate), etc. but I do not know how to link this up to run off the website. I would like to know what are the key fields I would need in order to place orders appropriately.

Do I need special type of tables since this will be going online?

Would this be the easiest way to go about doing such a thing?

If you could point me in the right way, or to a tutorial I would greatly appreciate it.

Forever Yours

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Database Help Needed For Website

Mar 6, 2005

here is a link to my website http://www.justevents.biz if there is anyone who would be kind enough to look at it and tell me how to build an access database for the categories and search by zip, etc. i would be greatly appreciative. I have tried all the tutorial helps and built about 15 different databases and can't get a single one of them searchable under any circumstances. I have tried all I know to do.

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Linking Local DB To Website DB

Oct 25, 2005


I've searched the web for almost 2 days...and i'm completely lost:

I've got a simple online DB which stores information from a webform (e.g. name, adress, order, etc). Let's say it's called: www.mywebsite.com/onlineDB.mdb

Is it possible to link the online DB to my local DB (e.g. c:localDB.mdb), without downloading it manually?

Or do I have to put the webform information in a MySQL DB and link that one to my online DB?


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General :: Sending PDF To A Website

May 5, 2013

I have a DB that runs on a user's pc. It creates a pdf from a report automatically at a specific time of day. The user now wants me to automatically send this pdf to his web site so that his customers can view the report over the internet. The pc that the db runs on has an internet connection but no email system (they do not want email on this pc).

I have not been able to find code to do this. I can find code for sending email but this is not what I want to do. I'm sure it must be possible but I've never done anything like this before.

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Editable Default Value From Lookup Module

May 22, 2006

I'm still learning here, so please don't get annoyed if I don't know what I'm talking about.

I have a Module that I created that looks up a value in a table.. It is shown below.

Public Function DescLookup()

DescLookup = DLookup("[Projdescription]", "ProjDescTable", "[OrderN] = [Forms]![Production]![ProjIncList]")
End Function

I want this to be the default value for a field, however I want the field to be editable and I will later have a button that calls on an update query that will update the field with whatever changes are made to the Text Box, however when I set DescLookup() as the default value of the text box, it will not let me edit the text box in the form.

Am I describing this correctly? Can anyone help?

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How To Make Fields In Form Non-editable

Mar 6, 2007


how do i make the fields in my form uneditable(cannot delete or add but can copy a field from form), i tried setting the properties..allow additions deletions by setting it to no, but even then when i open the form and when data is dispalyed , if i go jus delete (say address field)a field it just gets deletd,
i tried locking the fields too!..nothing worked,
so how do i do this,?
p.s IF i set allow edits to No then i am not able to copy the field (say name has to be copied and pasted into another application or something) how could this be accomplished.
tried setting it in VBA as formname.form.allowdeletions=false , still no luck!

Pls help!

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