What Is A Form Level Variable?

Aug 24, 2006

When you are given the instruction (for code) which says "Create a form level variable" - what does this mean?

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Report With Three Labels As Heading On One Level / Display Rest Of Headings On Another Level

Nov 21, 2011

I need to create a report that has three labels as a heading on one level and then it will display the rest of the headings on another level.

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Modules & VBA :: Key Trapping At Form Level

Sep 26, 2013

We are currently developing a simple Point Of Sale Form which consists of 2 text boxes and a list box.We need to trap numeric input from either the keyboard or a barcode scanner at form level,then setfocus on a textbox and enter the input into the textbox.So far have used the keydown event on the form to trap numeric input and setfocus using the following code.

Private Sub Form_KeyDown(KeyCode As Integer, Shift As Integer)
If KeyCode >= 48 And KeyCode <= 57 And KeyCode >= 96 And KeyCode <= 105 Then
End If
End Sub

This does not however enter the keyboard or scanner input into the textbox.Is there a method to trap the input,set the focus and enter the input into the textbox once it has recieved the focus.

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How To Create Login Form With Different Level Of Authorization

Feb 12, 2015

How can I create a log-in form with different level of authorization? It means different user is allowed to access specified content (table, query, report, form).

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Forms :: 2 Level Navigation Form Auto Loading First Tab

Oct 11, 2014

I have a 2 level navigation form, which loads various subforms (obviously) - however i have an issue - i have mutiple security levels and for example when i click on 'view errors' it shows me 4 subtabs - Departments - now certain people are only able to view certain departments

However if say the depts are laid out like this - Dept 1 - Dept 2 - Dept 3 - Dept 4

Then i can on form load say if strsec = 1 then dept2.enabled=false etc - however if i want to set dept 1 enabled to false it loads it by default - is there a way around this?

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How To Hide/disable A Button On A Form Based On SecurityID Level

Sep 29, 2005


Trying to remember how to hide/disable buttons on a form based on the users security levl they have. :)

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Forms :: Three-Level Navigation Form - First Two In Horizontal And Third In Vertical Orientation

Sep 20, 2014

How to Creating a Three-Level Navigation Form, First and second level must be in horizontal orientation, third level desirable be to vertical orientation and dependent of level 2.

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Reports :: Subform Field Linker Error - Obj Variable Or With Block Variable Not Set

Apr 16, 2013

I am creating a 2 level report to confirm an order. Main report already created, runs successfully called as subform/subreport under "OrderDetails" form. Linked to master using Order.ID. There are two versions of the confirmation report that have different layouts for different program types.

The hangup comes when I try to add a "Class Dates" subreport. It lists dates of individual classes and Skip dates. I have created the subreport as "srClassDates". When I add it to the main report, it lists the records. However, when I try to link it to the Main report, an error message box appears with the "object variable or With block variable not set".

I have tried rebuilding both the main and subreports, rebuilt the query, have not found anything that changes the result.

Linker has been working successfully on other subforms. Report with groupings works fine, but I need data from 2 tables both linked to order.id.

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Modules & VBA :: Error 91 - Object Variable Or With Block Variable Not Set

Jul 8, 2013

Error 91 - Object variable or With block variable not set

I am getting this error telling me that an object variable is not set.

I know which variable it is but when I step through the debugger it sets the variable and all is fine? Issue is that public variable of a class is not getting set when the VBA Editor is not open?

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Modules & VBA :: Sorting / Object Variable Or With Block Variable Not Set

Oct 3, 2014

This code runs fine the FIRST time, however trows up a message the SECOND time it is run.

The error is on the line ".Range"

I am trying to sort records which have been exported to Excel.

Dim LR As Integer
LR = 5
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
xlApp.Visible = True
Set wbRef = xlApp.Workbooks.Add
With wbRef

With ActiveSheet
.Range("A2", .Cells(LR, "O").End(xlUp)).Sort Key1:=.Range("C2"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlYes
End With
end With

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Modules & VBA :: Update Contents Of Variable But Not The Variable Itself?

Aug 20, 2014

I look at a lot of files to see when they were last updated. I wanted to write a generic procedure to manage that so ..

Public fDate As Variant
Public vField As String
Public vFile As String

vField = "txt_gts_data"

[Code] ....

What I hoped Me.vField would do is update the date field [txt_gts_data] on my form with the date the file was last saved.

i.e. me. txt_gts_data = fDate

What actually happens is the variable vfield gets updated from "txt_gts_data" to 19/08/2014 then later code falls over because the fieldname is lost .

Me.[vField] corrects itself to me.vField (and does not work)
Me!vfield falls over (cannot find the field vField, not surprising J)

How do I say update the contents of the variable, not the variable itself?

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Reports :: Object Variable Or With Block Variable Not Set

Apr 15, 2015

Runtime error '91'

Running Access 2010.

I have two reports running off of the same crosstab query. I copied one report to make the second report, then modified the second report to change the background of column fields satisfying certain conditions. These lines of code were added to the Detail_Format section, in color below. The report with the extra code lines does not error--the original report errors.

Option Compare Database
' Constant for maximum number of columns EmployeeSales query would
' create plus 1 for a Totals column. Here, you have 9 employees.
Const conTotalColumns = 11

[Code] .....

If I say OK (rather than debug) after the error message, I can then click the button for the report again and it runs without complaint. And, as I said, the report with the added code never errors.

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Passing A Variable From One Form To Another

Mar 5, 2008

how can i pass a variable from one form to another

this works fine
Tracking_Number = Forms("Main").Control("mytext")

but if "mytext" was in vb (rather than from a text box as shown above) how can i do this

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Forms :: Using Variable For Form Name?

Feb 21, 2014

Is there a way to use a variable instead of a form name?

e.g. FRM1 is a form


Instead of FRM1 , a variable is used which can be any other form name.??????

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Assign Value To Variable On Other Form

Aug 16, 2013

I have set a "form-wide" variable on a certain form to contain integers. I want to populate this variable from a subform located on this form.

So, for example, if the form has an integer for CompanyID, I want to populate this variable from the subform so that when I am back on the main form I can use this variable with the populated variable. What is the syntax for this?

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Object Variable Or With Block Variable Not Set

Apr 23, 2006

I have a networked database. It is accessed with computers that have both Office 2002, and office 2003. I get the following error message on computers with Office 2003:

"Object variable or With block variable not set"

It happens occasionally and the problem generally fixes itself so I dont think there is anything wrong with my coding.

And when it happens on the computers with office 2003 the ones with office 2002 can open the database fine.

What can be causing this?

Thank you in advance

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Object Variable Or With Block Variable Not Set

Dec 14, 2006

Good afternoon all,

The following block of code was working great until I came into work this morning. This routine is called from the OnClick event of several combo boxes. When it does, I recieve the error listed above (Object variable or With block variable not set) on line:

If Me.cbxAss_Filter <> "All" Then

Any ideas? I'm running on no sleep in the last 24 hours so I'm sure I'm missing something simple

The code itself checks the contents of a form and builds a string of conditions which I apply to the Form's filter property to filter records.

Code:Public Sub CreateFilter() '************************************************* **** 'Name: CreateFilter 'Purpose: Generate a string to filter the form 'Inputs: None 'Outputs: None 'Instigates: Me.Filter ' 'Updated: 11/30/06 'By: Chris Lounsbury '************************************************* **** 'Vars Dim strFilter Dim lngLength As Long strFilter = Null strFilter = "" 'Each filter box has its own check for contents If Me.cbxAss_Filter <> "All" Then strFilter = "assigned = '" & Me.cbxAss_Filter & "' AND " End If If Me.cbxAction_filter <> "All" Then strFilter = strFilter & "action = '" & Me.cbxAction_filter & "' AND " End If If Me.cbxStatus_filter <> "All" Then strFilter = strFilter & "status_rsrch = '" & Me.cbxStatus_filter & "' AND " End If If Me.Combo34 <> "All" Then strFilter = strFilter & "rims_flags = '" & Me.Combo34 & "' AND " End If If Me.cbxAAMB_filter <> "All" Then strFilter = strFilter & "aamb = '" & Me.cbxAAMB_filter & "' AND " End If 'Check if filter string was built If strFilter = "" Then Me.FilterOn = False Else 'Determine length of Filter String 'minus the trailing ' AND' lngLength = Len(strFilter) - 5 'Chop off ending ' AND' and set the form filter If lngLength <= 0 Then Else Me.Filter = Left(strFilter, lngLength) Me.FilterOn = True End If End If 'debug 'MsgBox (strFilter) End Sub

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Form Variable Passed To Query

May 7, 2007

Not sure if I am asking the right question, but....

I would like to pass a string variable to a query but it does not seem to work.

In the query, my criteria for the date field is (and works):

>=[forms]![frmDisposition]![FromDate] And <=[forms]![frmDisposition]![ToDate]

But, this is not working for the ID field criteria:


In the forms code, I have a string based on the result of 3 check box. I tried using an unbound (ID) control to display the string so I know that the value of the string is correct. EX: "FW" Or "MA" Or "PD"

Is it possible to pass the value of the string to the query or do I need to try and pass the value of the unbound control to the query?

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Insert Form Variable Into Table

Apr 7, 2005

I have a form that displays line items and their cost. At the bottom of the form I have a text field called text17 that uses a sum to total the value of all the line item costs with this : =Sum([Line Cost])

How would I pass that value into a database table?

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Passing Variable Between Form And Report

Jul 13, 2005


I have a matrix variable (ex: test(7,3)) define as private in a form's code vba. In this form, I open a report in which I would like to show the values of my matrix variable. How can I do this efficienly ... what i use now is a public buffer variable in a module(it eats memory for nothing)

can someone tell me a trick ...

tanks a lot

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Passing Variable - Form Must Be Open?

Sep 21, 2005

I'm attempting to pass a variable from form to form...I'm having trouble doing it...I checked the forum and read a little that the form I'm passing it from must stay open...is this correct? I have my variable as: Public strUserName as String. It does work fine if I leave the form open then I can pass it...

But I want to be able to close the form and still pass the variable...How can this be acheived?

Thanks in advance.

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Forms :: Displaying Variable On A Form?

Aug 28, 2013

I have been given a form that you pass a parameter into and on the basis of this it performs certain amendments to the particular data AND also runs 2 stored procedures on this data. I need to get the data to display on the form so that the user can visually verify if it is the correct data and then they will on click to execute the amendments and stored procedures.

I cannot get the data to display on the screen? I have tried to create a variable in the VBA code to store the data in and then used a message box to try to display it but to no avail?

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Modules & VBA :: Load Sub Form From Variable?

Dec 29, 2013

I have a form which load data from variables in record set where i can make insert update and delete i need to load sub form when the form load the problem is that all text boxes in main box load from variable which are in rerecord set and how can navigate using navigation buttons in main form.

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Modules & VBA :: Variable Retrieving From Another Form

Jan 23, 2014

I am new to access programming.Is it possible to store a variable in one form and then retrieve it to auto fill a field on another form .

I know hot to Dim and store on the same form but trying to retrieve from another form i cant do .

I presume the second form would be something like this OnLoad Variable=forms"customers"customersFK...

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Modules & VBA :: Variable Declaration Within A Form

Jul 24, 2014

How to declarate variable to working with in a form, subform and subform2


I tried to

Public ...

And always variable working only in Form. I don't want to declarate variable in a separate Module.

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Modules & VBA :: How To See Value From Form As Global Variable

Apr 16, 2015

I want to use several values entered in form controls as variables within multiple subs triggered by further form edits. I do not want to define the variables in each sub as this will bloat my code, but I am not being successful in declaring my variables outside of an individual sub, and it is the 'Form!' reference that is throwing it I think.

Here are my variables:

Dim limit0txt, limit1txt, limit2txt, limit3txt As Integer
limit0txt = Forms!F_Samples_CF_FF_FLot!SF_EnviroCountLimitscntrl.Form!Limit0
limit1txt = Forms!F_Samples_CF_FF_FLot!SF_EnviroCountLimitscntrl.Form!Limit1
limit2txt = Forms!F_Samples_CF_FF_FLot!SF_EnviroCountLimitscntrl.Form!Limit2
limit3txt = Forms!F_Samples_CF_FF_FLot!SF_EnviroCountLimitscntrl.Form!Limit3

If I put these at the top of a module I get an "invalid outside procedure" error message. If I put these in their own module as 'Public' I get the same error. how within a forms code module I can make these variables available to as many events as I like?

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