What Is The Logic On How Report Fields Are Exported To Excel

Nov 13, 2007

Tried to export a report to Excel using Tools>Office Links>Analyze It With Microsoft Excel menu. The order of the fields appearing in Excel doesn't seem to match the order on the Access report layout. What is the logic on how the fields exported? Thanks.

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Report Footer Textbox Disappears When Exported To Excel

Jul 21, 2014

I have a footer in my Report that contains subtotals. I'd like to add a textbox that says "Total" to my report, and although this label shows up when I view the report, it disappears if I export to Excel. How to prevent the label from disappearing when I export? (Attached a screenshot of my report's design.)

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Exported Excel File Has No Formatting

Oct 20, 2006

I've posted this question in the Excel Forum, but maybe it's better suited here. I need some help with an excel file that is created from an Access Query. I’ve managed to create a button on my form that creates the .xls file and open excel, but the formatting is wrong. I need to define the columns in date and time format so that the created file looks right. I’ve already tried one suggestion to change the default .xls file to be the format I need, but that didn’t help. Is there any way to do that? I really appreciate any help I can get. Cheers. -Tom

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Auto Update Exported Excel Spreadsheet

Jan 18, 2012

I have a query that runs the saved export that exports data to an excel spreadsheet. When I go to run it again, it does not update the spreadsheet with the new data.

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Date Format Problem When Exported From Access To Excel !!!!!!!!

Aug 5, 2005

Hello , I have a date format problem , I have an access database which when run by a macro, gives me a date format of 05-AUg-05( data type is text)and the same applies when it 's exported toexcel , it appears as 05-Aug-05. But , when exported to excel i need it in the format 05/08/05.
What should i do for this ?

I think the problem is ,When I run a macro i think the date field is automatically assigned to text , what should i do so tht when it runs a macro it should be in date/time type ?

Thanks for the help in advance .

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Modules & VBA :: Exported To Excel But Column Headers Are Missing

Jun 9, 2015

The data is pasted in cell B1, but there are no column headings.

Dim rs As dao.Recordset
Dim oExcel As Object
Dim oBook As Object
Dim oSheet As Object
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Name of my Query")

[Code] ....

If I copy the query manually and paste to Excel I get headings, so how should I edit this code to make it do that?

Secondly, I'll need to do a lot of formatting: set some column widths, wrap text, set borders etc. Theoretically I could export the data to a preformatted template, but the output could be anything from 10 rows to over 200, so I don't know how that could work.

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Reports :: Table In Access From Where Specific Columns Need To Get Exported In Excel

Jul 11, 2013

i am having a table in access from where specific columns need to get exported in excel.these things i need to do:

1) Excel where the data is exported, some cells have formulas which is needed by customers
2) The column names are different
3) and at the end of all the data there need to be sum of specific columns how do i do it?

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Modules & VBA :: Access Exported Data To Excel / File Error

May 28, 2014

I've vba in Report onformat the vba code does some data copying to External Excel file (premade by vba).Now on first run, i got success.But on opening the excel file, it showed blank space + Error"File already opened"

No White Spreadsheet is shown with data to see into file, i created new excel file in windows, and inserted the vba created/exported file as an Obj.Now Obj is showing correct and full data with spreadsheet as normal view.

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Queries :: Pass Through Query Results To Matrix Which Is Then Exported To Excel

Sep 5, 2013

I have wrote some code which calls a query using querydefs and then pulls all the records into a table. This table is then exported to excel, however I seem to be having some trouble with the export and am finding it difficult to identify where the problem is coming from. When I run my code in step by step, more of than not the code passes fine and exports to excel. However, most of the time when I run the code as a whole without step by step, then the excel application will load but the workbook will not. The application then continues to close and the code completes without error? The code for the opening of the excel file is below.

The pause is a function i created to see if it was a problem of giving the exel application some time to load!


Sub MiseEnForme1_Excel()
Dim AppExcel As Excel.Application
Dim WkbExcel As Excel.Workbook
Dim WksExcel As Excel.Worksheet


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How To Update Existing Tables Of Data From Exported Excel Files

Aug 7, 2014

Ive tried making command buttons for each of the three tables that when you click on it, it automatically updates the tables, but it doesnt seem to be updating them. Is this the right code for that to happen?

Private Sub Command0_Click()
Dim strFile As String
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
' Set file directory for files to be imported
strPath = "C:SharesPublicStaff Public FilesBrandon PenlandUS Food Product Prices Newest"
' Tell it to import all Excel files from the file directory
strFile = Dir(strPath & "*.xls*")


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Exporting To Excel - Column Headers Exported With True Names

Jan 10, 2014

I have a report in Access that produces variable headers as the output is different from client to client. When exporting to PDF everything works great but when exporting to Excel these variable headers are exported with their true names. Col8, Col9, Col10 etc. And our clients insist on Excel reports. Is there a way to get the assigned name to export to Excel? Assigned names would be something like Medical, Dental, Vision or whatever is applicable to the client and is assigned to the report through VBA code. BTW, the data for the report is pulled from a cross-tab query so exporting directly from the query has its own set of formatting issues and is the reason I am using a report with variable column headers.

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Sum Logic For Report

Dec 19, 2005

I have a report that takes money values form several records and sums them up in various category's making a list of departments with the total amount of balance for each (positive and negative numbers). I need to categorize the positive values form the negative and calculate the totals of each and the grand final total (invoice style)

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Help On Sql And Logic

Jun 14, 2006

Have this table

ID | NAME | Progresscomplete | Release
1 | a | 20% | July
2 | b | 65% | July
3 | c | 33% | July
4 | h | 15% | Sept
5 | i | 30% | Sept
6 | r | 5% | Dec
7 | s | 50% | Dec
8 | t | 15% | Dec
9 | u | 20% | Dec

now I want to create a query that shows the Progresscomplete for each task as a percentage for a Release

so the total progress for each release is
July 300%
Sept 200%
Dec 400%

and the current level of progress for each release is
July 39.33% (118/300*100)
Sept 22.5 % (45/200*100)
Dec 22.5 % (90/400*100)

thus the current level of progress for each task within a release is
1 | a | 16.9% (20/118*100) | July
2 | b | 55% (65/118*100) | July
3 | c | 28% (33/118*100) | July
4 | h | 33% (15/45*100) | Sept
5 | i | 66% (30/45*100) | Sept
6 | r | 5% (5/90*100) | Dec
7 | s | 55% (50/90*100) | Dec
8 | t | 16.6% (15/90*100) | Dec
9 | u | 22% (20/90*100) | Dec

I have queries for the first two not sure about the last also
not sure if i should have the base of the last output be the current level of progress for each release or the total progress for each release

I have tried this for the last output

SELECT ID, NAME, ((Progresscomplete/Count(Progresscomplete))*100) AS currentprogresslevel, Release
GROUP BY Release;

but get an error "tried to execute a query that does not include specified expression... as part of an aggregate function.

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Any Way To Populate Fields In Access From Fields In Excel?

Jun 26, 2012

Is there a way to populate fields in Access from fields in Excel in Office 2010? If so, what do I need to do?

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Don't Understand The Logic

Jan 28, 2006

I created a db, tested it with dummy info and all was fine. I then imported live data from another db. When I came to add new records, discovered that, in the table design, a default value of 0 (zero) has been entered for fields where a look up table is used (where I had used Autonumber for the ID). Solved that easily enough, but later I amended a text box to a combo box and the same thing happened. Why does it do this?

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Please Help With Query Logic

Oct 18, 2006

Access is making my brain hurt - can anybody please help?

Here's what I have and what I am trying to get it to do...

I have a table, maba_registrations, into which students are entered according to which course they are doing in which semester - eg -

autonumber student_id course_code semester year
1 1 A123 1 2006
2 2 A124 1 2006
3 2 A124 2 2006
4 2 A126 1 2006
5 3 A132 1 2006

What I need to do is to pull four subsets of data out of this table -

1) A unique list of courses that student x is taking in semester 1 (only) of a given year
2) A unique list of courses that student x is taking in semester 2 (only) of a given year
3) A unique list of courses that student x is taking over 2 semesters (both semester 1 and semester 2 of a given year)
4) A unique list of courses that student x is taking over 2 semesters (semester 2 of a given year and semester 1 of the following year)

Obviously there should be no overlap... and that's where I get a bit stuck

I can craft a simple query that will show me the courses a student is taking in semester 1 of a given year, but I cannot figure out how to get it to exclude those courses which are also still being taken in semester 2. In the above example, the query pulls out records 2 and 4 for student 2; I only want record 4.

I think what I need is to have 2 queries -

a) pulls out all courses for student x in semester 1 for the current year
b) pulls out all courses for student x in semester 2 for the current year

- and then subtract the results of query (b) from query (a) (ie remove the rows that are matched). Is there any way to do something like that?

Or is there a simple part of query syntax that I can use to make a query that just says "pull out all the courses for student x where semester=1 and there is no row for this course and this student where semester=2"?

Any ideas would be hugely appreciated!

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Logic On Percent Format????

Dec 8, 2005

Maybe someone knows the logic behind MS Access for the display of percents in the formating..... ie.... If you input 3 you get 300.00%. I really dont think ANY user would look at a form... with a field called...say "Commission percent" and expect an input of a 5 to return 500.00% Does this need to be corrected with coding?

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Date Query Logic Help

May 4, 2007

Hey guys, I'm a little lost in my logic here for some reason.

I have a table that has 6 dates. I'll label them as 1 to 6.
Date 1 > Date 2 > Date 3 > Date 4 > Date 5 > Date 6.

I would like to run a query to ensure that this holds true. Can anyone give me a little help on this?

Do I have to do an individual compare from 1 field to the 5 other fields 6 times? for example

Select if
Date 1 < Date 2
Date 1 < Date 3
Date 1 < Date 4
etc etc.?

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Faulty Query Logic?

Apr 4, 2008

I realize my newbness shows here...

Im trying to run a query that looks in a table to see if product a and product b were purchased and then return the id but i never get any data, and I know there are some results that should be showing up. If I remove either one of the products it returns data but not when both are requested. here's the query:
SELECT [Copy Of data].id, data.purchase_product, data.purchase_product
FROM data INNER JOIN [Copy Of data] ON data.email = [Copy Of data].email
WHERE (((data.purchase_product)="ProdA") AND ((data.purchase_product)="ProdB"));

what am i not getting?

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Creating A New ID Field With Logic

Apr 24, 2008

I am looking for some direction on how to approach this.

I have a table that has a field call DocumentID and I don't like it. I would like to create my own.

In the same table I also have 10 fields of data called L1, L2, to L10.

I would like my new DocumentID to be the 10 fields concatenated together, with a period between them unless the value of the field is null.

If this is a query I need to then move the data back to a table in the same database.

Any suggestions on a good strategy/approach?


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Logic Commands: IF Function

Feb 26, 2007

I have been working on customizing MS ACCESS to
produce a report that involves one mathematical
computation from my input data. However, I've run
into a problem because I can't get the program to
carry out a logic command that would work fine in
MS Excel: the "IF" command. Specifically, what I'm
doing involves a calculation, where one data input is
subtracted from another data input, but if the difference
is a negative number, I would like to substitute the value
of ZERO. The closest I've come to achieving this is to
enter the condition ">0" while in Query Design mode, but
the problem with this approach is that if the difference
is a negative number, the report does not display the
data that resulted in the calculation of the negative number.
In other words, I want the data to be included in the report,
but I want a "Zero" to be substituted for all calculations that
produce a negative number. For example, if I enter a set of
data, and the two numbers that get subtracted are 40 minus
36, then the difference is positive 4, and so I want a "4" to
be displayed; But if the two numbers to be subtracted are
36 minus 40, the result is negative, and so I'd want the
report to display a "zero" in the calculation.
Please advise me on how to set this up, as the only approach
I've found resulted in all negative calculations being omitted
from the report.
Thanks for your help.

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Change Filename Of Exported Textfile

Jun 6, 2006

Hi All,

I have this line of code:

DoCmd.TransferText acExportDelim, "Dhcp Specification", "tblDHCP", "U:" & [Forms]![frmExportDHCP]![cmbServer] & ".txt", False, "", 850

Where the section highlighted is a combo box on a form. I was trying to use the value in this combo box to describe the filename of the text file I was exporting to. However I get the error:

The Microsoft Jet Databse Engine could not fond the object 'X#txt'. Make sure the object exists and the you spell it name and path name coreectly.

Where X is the string stored in the combo box.

Any ideas where I have gone wrong/what could be improved?



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Can Someone Please Explain Basic Query Logic To Me?

May 11, 2006

I am not sure if I understand this...

I have MainTable, on which I base MainForm. I would like to have MainForm show only the records that have a null value in CertainField. If I write NullQuery to select only those records, can I redirect MainForm to NullQuery? Well, I know I can do that... but how does MainTable get updated with new records if MainForm is based on NullQuery????

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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Logic Testing For Incremental Numbers

Jan 7, 2005

I need some help with code. I can do this in Excel, but I am not sure how to do it in Access.

Here are the fields:


Here is the scenario: If a customer orders custom paint for their equipment, we need to total how many pounds of Powder Coat paint it takes to paint all the units (PoundsPerOrder). When we order this from the vendor we have to order it by the box which is measured in pounds. In this example, the vendor will sell us a box of white Poweder Coat paint in increments of 55 pounds. (55, 110, 165,...)

Verbally, the logic reads like this: If PoundsPerOrder is less than or equal to PoundsPerBox, then BoxesToOrder equals 1. This logic needs to be tested for each increment value (indefinately) of PoundsPerBox.

Am I making sense? How do I accomplish this in Access? And, as a side note, I need to capture and store this value in a table for future reference.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Pre-processes Queries Before They Are Exported

Dec 2, 2013

I was wondering if it is possible to pre-processes queries before they are exported.

I wanted to do a few things like, conditional formating, column widths and some simple formatting.

I currently have a macro to export to an xlsx excel spreadsheet and i dont know if i can code in the formatting or if i have to create an additional excel spreadsheet with the macro on it so that I can do this:

In Access -->
Export Query
Open export
Open Pre-programmed macro
run macro
save the export with the macro completed
close macro

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Reports :: Subreport Based On Logic

Oct 21, 2013

I would like to create a report based on a query. The first part is simple enough. However within this query I have a 'Count field' (a total of the number of duplicated this record has appeared in the table). And would like to create a subreport (if possible) based on that value for example. if count > 1 then show subreport.

My question therefore; is the above possible? How would I go about linking this logic with the subreport

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