What Is The Syntax Of Create Table And Insert Statement For Access 2000 Db.

Jun 26, 2005

What is the syntax of create table and insert statement for access 2000 db.

I want to paste the create table and insert statement to access 2000 "sql view window".
Therefore i want the correct syntax and format for these statements.
The reason that i want do this is that I created an application that generates create
table and insert statements for access db in text file and this way i want to test my application if it
generated the statement correctly.

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Create Table Statement Syntax Error In Access 2000

Aug 7, 2005

Hi guys i tried to run this create table statement and each time i get syntax error.
I pasted the code in sql view windows of access 2000 and pressed the run code and i get
this error massage saying there is syntax error. Could any one help me write correct
create table statement that does not give me this error.I know u might tell me why u
do not create table in design view or .. but i want to do this since i want learn this
method as well.thanks


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Create Table Statement Syntax Error In Access 2000

Aug 8, 2005

Hi guys i tried to run this create table statement and each time i get syntax error.
I pasted the code in sql view windows of access 2000 and pressed the run code and i get
this error massage saying there is syntax error. Could any one help me write correct
create table statement that does not give me this error.I know u might tell me why u
do not create table in design view or .. but i want to do this since i want learn this
method as well.thanks


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Syntax Error In Insert Into Statement

Feb 1, 2007

What is the syntax error in this Insert Into statement ?

INSERT INTO RawData(RunID,fullName,name,category,type,subType, numberOfLines,virtual,date,namespace) SELECT 257 ,fullName,name,category,type,subType,numberOfLines ,virtual,#1/3/2007#,namespace FROM RawData WHERE namespace ='customer.demo' AND RunID =256

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Modules & VBA :: Syntax Error In INSERT INTO Statement

Jan 22, 2014

I am having a problem with below and getting a run-time error 3134

LastOrderNumber = DMax("Order", "Model_types")
NewOrderNumber = CLng(LastOrderNumber + 1)

CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO Model_types (Order) " _
& "VALUES (" & NewOrderNumber & ")"

The field 'Order' in Model_types is a Long Integer.

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General :: Syntax Error In INSERT INTO Statement

Jul 31, 2012

I'm trying to run the following query

INSERT INTO Enrolled_Students (Last Name, First Name, Address, town/city, county, postcode, phone number, date of birth, age)
SELECT Last Name, First Name, Address, Town/City, County, Postcode, Phone Number, Date of Birth, Age
From Candidate Details
Where IsNumeric (Student ID);

and i'm receiving the error stated above

what im doing wrong?

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Modules & VBA :: Syntax Error With INSERT Statement And Subform

Mar 13, 2015

I am getting a syntax error on my SQL statement.

On a form I have a sub form containing the field txtGuestID - whose control source is GuestID.

On the main form I have a button that fires the code below.

I am sure I am not referring to the control txtGuestID correctly.

Private Sub cmdInbound_Transport_Click()
Dim iProductID As Integer
Dim sSQL As String
On Error GoTo cmdInbound_Transport_Err

[Code] ....

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CREATE TABLE In Access Database Syntax Error..

Aug 13, 2006

Hi folks.. I'm trying to dynamicly create a table in an existing ACCESS database..

Here's wat i'm using:

PHP Code:<%
strDB = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("../../../imgdbase/vrienden.mdb") & ";Uid=Admin;Pwd=mljiscool;"
sql = "CREATE TABLE " & request("login") & " (id INT(10) PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, email VARCHAR(155), gevalideerd VARCHAR(10) DEFAULT 'nee', inlogCount INT(10) DEFAULT 0, lastLogin DATETIME)"
Set DBConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") 
DBConn.Open strDB
DBConn.Execute sql
Set DBConn=Nothing    

Code:I'm getting this error:Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80040e14'[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in CREATE TABLE statement./mljnew/welcomeportal/registration/registration/test.asp, line 7

What am I doing wrong ??? The code here is probably the MySql correct code (Access uses different data types / field names ???) Hope somebody can help me out, because I can't find the correct data types anywhere ! (like use TEXT instead of VARCHAR, that's all I know...)

Here's the actual sql i'm using (displayed by response.write sql):
CREATE TABLE roel (id INT(10) PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, email VARCHAR(155), gevalideerd VARCHAR(10) DEFAULT 'nee', inlogCount INT(10) DEFAULT 0, lastLogin DATETIME)

Thnx !!!!

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Access 2000: Wilcard In Access SQL Statement?

Mar 6, 2008

I have an Access SQL statement (Using Access 2000)that contains the line:

WHERE ((([tblResupplyOrder Numbers].[Our Order Number])=[Forms]![frmEditOrder]![Combo51])

This query is used to populate a report, but being conditional it only works when I drive it from form [frmEditOrder].

I want to wildcard [frmEditOrder] so that any form with a Combo51 can drive the query and the report.

Otherwise I have to replicate the query and report with a new form name for each one.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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Queries :: Insert If Statement In Access Report

Jul 25, 2013

I want to insert an if statement in Access report that states.If the interviewer field is not null them put in the interviewer. If it is null then don't put anything.I have 5 of the interviewer fields and don't want empty lines in the report.

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Create Table And Insert Into...

Jan 24, 2005

I've got two queries:
create table oversikt
ansatt_nr number not null,
first_name text Null)

INSERT INTO oversikt ( ansatt_nr, first_name )
VALUES (777, 'Andrew');

Is it possible to combine these in one query?


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Queries :: SQL Stored Procedure - INSERT Statement On Single Table

Jan 6, 2014

SQL stored procedure which is simple INSERT statement on a single table 'tblSOF'

-- ================================================
-- Template generated from Template Explorer using:
-- Create Procedure (New Menu).SQL
-- Use the Specify Values for Template Parameters
-- command (Ctrl-Shift-M) to fill in the parameter values below.

[Code] ....

I am stumped with the following error.

Error: Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Procedure InsertINTO_tblSOF_sp, Line 80 Incorrect syntax near ')'.

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Modules & VBA :: Allow User To Select Record From Subform And Add It To Table - Insert Statement

Jun 18, 2013

I have a sub form with staff records on it within a main form. I am trying to allow the user to select a record from the sub form and add it to a table, here is my code which, to me, looks correct. However it gives me an error saying "Syntax error in INSERT INTO"

Private Sub Command3_Click()
Dim dbs As Database
Dim sqlstr As String
Set dbs = CurrentDb
Forename = Nz(Forms!frm_Capex_Submission!frm_staffSub.Form.shy_forename, "")
Surname = Nz(Forms!frm_Capex_Submission!frm_staffSub.Form.shy_surname, "")

[Code] ....

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Create Table DDL Statement

Jan 26, 2008

I am writing ddl statement for creating tables in access, i would need to provide a default date for a date column, how can i do this in a ddl statement ?

In the table design window in the gui, i can do it by providing the default as "=format(now())" but it seems not to work in the ddl statement.

also, is it possible to generate the ddl sql statement for an existing table in the database, i would need to know how can this be done too.

Thanks for the help

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Creating SQL Statement To Create Table

Apr 19, 2007

Hey all

I have an online Access database and dont want to have to take it offline (download, update, upload) to create a new table.

Therefore I want to use a CREATE statement that I can run via an ASP page to create any additional tables.

I don't want to have to create the statements by hand so im looking for a way to create a table on my local version of access and export the SQL statement that would be used to create this table.

Any idea?


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Validation Rules In CREATE TABLE Statement

Oct 9, 2007

Hi, I'm fairly new to Access and I'm trying to figure out how to create a validation rule via SQL. I searched through the forums but didn't find anything. Hope someone can point me in the right direction. For simplicity say I have the following extremely simple CREATE STATEMENT.


How could I rewrite the above query to specify that the only valid amounts allowed are say between 1 and 10?
I'm familiar with the Constraint statement and the Check clause but I can't get these to work in Access.

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INSERT INTO Syntax Error ???

Oct 30, 2005

Hello All,
I'm am writing an App in Java connecting to an MS Access database. I am now getting a syntax error on the following insert into statement:

source = "jdbc:odbc:DKOperations";
connection = DriverManager.getConnection(source);
Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();
String CustInfoTable = "CUSTOMER_INFORMATION";
stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO " + CustInfoTable + " CUSTOMER_FIRST_NAME VALUES " + CustFirstName);

This is the error:
An SQLException occurred: [Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.

I cannot figure out what the syntax error is. Anyone have an insight on this for me? Most likely something easy that I am missing.


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Insert Into Syntax Error

Apr 2, 2008


This may be a very silly question but I have the following code which is meant to take data from textboxes, checkboxes etc and insert it into a new record on a table using the INSERT INTO statment. However I am getting a Syntax error in my INSERT INTO statement which i cannot figure out.

Please Help!!?

Private Sub cmdSaveRecord_Click()

Dim SQL As String
Dim Today As String
Dim Ref As String
Dim HK As String
Dim Site As String
Dim Equip As String
Dim Serial As String
Dim Invoice As String
Dim Client As String
Dim HKRef As String
Dim Tested As String
Dim Completed As String
Dim chkHKr As String
Dim Repaired As String
Dim Spares As String
Dim CompDate As String
Dim Exp As String

Today = txtDate
Ref = txtRef
HK = txtHK
Site = txtSite
Equip = txtEquipment
Serial = txtSerial
Invoice = txtInvoice
If cboClient.Column(0) <> Null Then Client = cboClient.Column(0) Else Client = ""
HKRef = txtHKRef
Tested = chkTested.Value
Completed = chkCompleted.Value
chkHKr = chkHK.Value
Repaired = chkRepaired.Value
Spares = chkSpares.Value
CompDate = cldComp.Value
Exp = cldExp.Value

SQL = "INSERT INTO ServiceReport (Date, CallReferenceNo, HongKongFaultNo, Client, Site, Equipment, SerialNo, Tested, Repaired, Spares, HK, ExpectedDate, Completed, InvoiceNo, CompletedDate VALUES (Today, Ref, HK, Site, Equip, Serial, Invoice, Client, HKRef, Tested, Completed, chkHKr, Repaired, Spares, CompDate, Exp)"


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Insert Into Syntax Eror?

Aug 24, 2007

Uhhh...For the life of me I can't understand why this doesn't work:----------insert into IDProjectData(IDCFirstName, IDCLastName, IDCDepartment, EmpNo)values (SELECT P_FNAME, P_LNAME, P_LEVEL2, P_EMPNOFROM HRPERSNLWHERE HRPERSNL.P_TERMDATE Is Null);----------basically all I want is the four columns returned from the sub query inserted into the IDProjectData. I keep getting a syntax error in query expression ("SELECT P_FNAME" but I don't see the problem - not to mention the sub query runs just fine by itself. Pulling my hair out...

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INSERT Syntax Issue

Dec 20, 2007

Hey, I'm having trouble for some reason with this query. It's telling me it can't find the object "Deletions" which is a valid table. Directly above this I do another operation with the same table referenced the same exact way. Is this a syntax thing?'this worksDim qryImportRecords As StringqryImportRecords = "INSERT INTO [Deletions] IN '" & _ strPathToCurrentDatabase & _ "' SELECT * FROM [table2$] WHERE NOT IsNull([table2$].field1)"Cn.Execute qryImportDeletionRecords'this doesn't work... ?!?Dim qryTestAndTransfer As StringqryTestAndTransfer = "INSERT INTO tempTable SELECT * FROM [Deletions]"Cn.Execute qryTestAndTransferI am going to add on some WHERE restrictions at the end here, but I took those off hoping it would solve my problem. But it didn't. What's wrong with this query - shouldn't it be putting everything from one table into the other as-is?! I've also tried this as a DoCmd.RunSQL, but still, same issue...

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Syntax Error-during Insert

Mar 22, 2007

This is a simple code for inserting values to database.But I'm getting syntax error in the insert statement.I'm attaching the code for reference.Do help me out

Dim mail,Login,password,conn,strSql
'Creating connection Object
Set conn=Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Open "PROVIDER=MICROSOFT.JET.OLEDB.4.0;DATA SOURCE=C:/example/login.mdb"
strSql = "INSERT INTO Names (UserName, Password, Email) VALUES ('"&Login&"','"&password&"','"&mail&"')"
Set conn=nothing

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Syntax Error Insert Into

Oct 7, 2007

Can anyone tell me what is wrong with this statement. I get the error "Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement". I am the worst kind of user as I did not write this database and am trying to learn on the fly. Any help is greatly appreciated.
This macro is supposed to insert an amount into an "Activity" record based on the Co_Default_Rate field setup in the CompanyInfo table.

INSERT INTO [FORMS]![Activity]![Amount] SELECT (CompanyInfo.Co_Default_Rate)
FROM CompanyInfo
WHERE CompanyInfo.Co_Number = [FORMS]![Installs]![Installs_Co_Number];

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Syntax-error In INSERT INTO-expression

Apr 13, 2005


I've managed to create an access-database and (fill it with some data), retrieve data from it with asp, but
when I try to insert or update data with asp, I get the same error:

"Syntax-error in Insert expression" or "Syntax-error in update expression"

Do I have to "chmod" the database to write to it, or what?

(I usually work with sql-databases, and the code/syntax I believe is not wrong,as it works on another database)
Conn.Execute("INSERT INTO tour(date,venue,city,link) VALUES('" & datum & "','" & venue & "','" & city & "','" & link & "')")

Thank you in advanced for answering my query.


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Access 2000 Security - Authenticate With Windows 2000 Server Credentials

Oct 24, 2005


I have a database that currently has security in place so that users input their own usernames and passwords to access the database. The users have recently been added to a windows 2000 server and I want to be able to use their windows 2000 server logon credentials to provide them with automatic access to the database. Is there anyone out there who knows how to set this up? It is a rather urgent request if you could get back to me either on this forum or via email


many thanks


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Opening & Closing Excel 2000 Workbooks From Access 2000

Jun 2, 2006

I am opening and closing a series of Excel 2000 Workbooks using Access 2000 VBA and want this sequence to be able to complete without any human intervention.

However, there are 2 instances when this stops and waits for a human option to be selected:

1. When the spreadsheet is password protected
2. When the spreadsheet has automatic links I get the message:

"The Workbook you opened contains automatic links to information in another workbook. Do you want to update this workbook with changes made to the other workbook?"

How can I code it so that in situation 1 it skips this file and in situation 2 it automatically defaults to do not update?

Any help most appreciated.


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Link/Transfer Data From Access 2000 To Excel 2000

Mar 27, 2006

If I have a report in MS Access 2000 generated based on the criteria selected of a project with work order "9999" with the labor costs, materials costs and the Totals of each crew1, crew2,... and I would like to have those expenditures populated in corresponding cel in Excel for each crew, HOW would I do it?

To think it out loud, could I create a button on a form, so when I select the criteria for the work order, and when I click the button, it should refresh/update the Exel file with the new data...?? How do I write VBA code for that...?

Please help...Thank you so much....

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