What Is Wrong In This Querie?

Jul 2, 2005

Hi everyone,

Now, I'm totally lost!
When I create a query with the Query Design view in Access with this SQL query:

SELECT T_Cryzout_Disponibles.LCLCL_Disponibles_Total, T_Cryzout_Disponibles.DateEmission, T_Cryzout_Disponibles.NomReceveur, T_Cryzout_Disponibles.Ordre
FROM T_Cryzout_Disponibles
WHERE (((T_Cryzout_Disponibles.LCLCL_Disponibles_Total) Like 'C*') AND ((T_Cryzout_Disponibles.DateEmission) Is Null) AND ((T_Cryzout_Disponibles.NomReceveur) Is Null Or (T_Cryzout_Disponibles.NomReceveur)=''))
ORDER BY T_Cryzout_Disponibles.Ordre;

everything is good, I get what I'm suppose to get. But When I'm doing it in VBA with this code:

RExtraction.Open "SELECT TOP " & NbrLCLCL & " LCLCL_Disponibles_Total FROM " & QuelleTable & " WHERE (((LCLCL_Disponibles_Total) like 'C*') AND ((DateEmission) Is Null) AND ((NomReceveur) Is Null)) ORDER BY Ordre", ConnectionBD, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic


It gives me an error that says:
BOF or EOF is egal to True.

And I really don't know what is wrong with this. It is pretty much the same as the query I entered in the Query Design.

I'm really confuse.

Thank you in advance for your help!!!

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Help With A Querie

Sep 12, 2005

i have 2 tables jobs and jobs_details jobs have the fields name date account etc.
jobs_details have the print area, file, etc.
i need a querie to give me the total print area for each account on a particular date but i can't get it to work.
I've tryed this:
"SELECT DISTINCT jobs.Account, Sum(jobs_details.PlottedArea) AS SomaDePlottedArea, Sum(jobs_details.UsedArea) AS SomaDeUsedArea, jobs.JobDate
FROM jobs LEFT JOIN jobs_details ON jobs.JobID = jobs_details.JobID
GROUP BY jobs.Account, jobs.JobDate
HAVING (((jobs.JobDate) Between #3/1/2005# And #4/1/2005#))
ORDER BY jobs.Account;"
but it returns all the jobs.Account(it doesn't give the distinct) by all the dates

what am i doing wrong???

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Between Querie

Jul 13, 2007

Hi there

I've got the following query in my application:
SQL = "INSERT INTO tblreport3 ( exchange, NoCustomers2, [time] )"
SQL = SQL & "SELECT Table1.Exchange1, Table1.Customers1, Table1.Duration"
SQL = SQL & "FROM Table1"
SQL = SQL & "WHERE (Table1.IncStart Between #txtdatefrom# And #txtdateto#);"
DoCmd.RunSQL (SQL)

The problemis when I run the application it gives me a error 3075 saying missing operator in query expression.

Can someone please tell me what is missing here?


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How I Can Run The Querie With VB???

Feb 18, 2005


How i cun Run Queries with VB

My Querie : Delete Records in table1, It Query in access no string of VB

I want when i delete one record in table2 run this Querie

I try with this command DoCmd.OpenQuerie DelNoExistsRec.
but i hav one message : The action or method requires a Query name argement????

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My Querie Keeps Duplicating

Nov 25, 2005


Please can some help me asap. I need to do a querie which joins two tables together. I have a telemarketing table and an appointment table. The idea is that when an appointment is made telemarketing should be done afterwards to the same company. Therefore I want to view all of the telemarketing done and all of the appointments done and then match companies which have had both an appointment and telemarketing. However when i do this if there has been more appointments made for one company that there has been telemarketing the telemarketing duplicates itself so that the two have the same amount done which is not what I want??? Does this make sense?? Can some one please help????


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Another Date Querie

Aug 27, 2005

I'm trying to construct a query that will show all fields where the date is greater than today’s date less eight days, and also pick up fields which contain no data.

The first part I have achieved with the criteria >Now()-8

But I've been unable to find the correct syntax for picking up fields which contain no data.

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My Querie Keeps Duplicating

Nov 25, 2005


Please can some help me asap. I need to do a querie which joins two tables together. I have a telemarketing table and an appointment table. The idea is that when an appointment is made telemarketing should be done afterwards to the same company. Therefore I want to view all of the telemarketing done and all of the appointments done and then match companies which have had both an appointment and telemarketing. However when i do this if there has been more appointments made for one company that there has been telemarketing the telemarketing duplicates itself so that the two have the same amount done which is not what I want??? Does this make sense?? Can some one please help????


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2 Table Querie

Nov 25, 2005

Hi Guys

I have two tables appointments and telemarketing. I want to be able to view all companies which have had appointments AND telemarking. However when i have previously tried to do this if more appointments have been made to say the company called *lucy* than there has telemarketing the telemarketing will duplicate itself?? Does anyone know how to stop this from occurring.


Company Tele date, month, appt date, month
Lucy 12 nov 14 nov
Lucy 12 nov 15 nov

So here the telemarketing has only been done once on the 12th but the query is saying that 2 calls have been made on the 12th??!!

This is the SQL statement but I am a newbie to access and don't have a clue how to resolve this. Can anyone help please?
SELECT [Appointment Commentary].Day, [Appointment Commentary].Date, [Appointment Commentary].Month, Telemarketing.[Company Name], Telemarketing.Day, Telemarketing.Date, Telemarketing.Month
FROM [Appointment Commentary] LEFT JOIN Telemarketing ON [Appointment Commentary].[Company Name] = Telemarketing.[Company Name];


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Printing Querie

Jul 20, 2006

How Come When I Change The Page Setup To Landscape In A Querrie..
Then Hit File Save...when I Close And Reopen This Querrie And Go To Print Preview It Is Still In Portrait Mode

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Multi Querie

Nov 7, 2006

Good Afternoon,

I need to be to create a Query that will show a 0 for no record.
My form is made up of a Name and a Course name.


Michael Underwriting
Scott Underwriting
Michael Claims
Michael IT

My End result needs to be

Name Underwriting Claims IT
Scott Yes 0 0

I have created 10 individual Queries filtering out each course
but then I join them together by Name it will only show Michael.

I hope its not a case of adding records for scott as I have 10,000 Names

Thank you

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Querie Criteria

Apr 27, 2007

I havent used access very much but I am wondering if there is a way to write a criteria that would take info from a field if it wasnt eqaul to another field? I tried a couple time but it doesnt querie anything. If the data in the cells are the same I would like the data to not populate in the single cell! if c3 = a1 set c3 to null or blank, something like this. Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks Neal.

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Querie Help Needed

Sep 4, 2007

I need to build a Querie that will filter about 50 fields for "Trainer", but all i need to know is if I have more than 2 for each field. I am drawing a blank. Any Ideas on how to do this?


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Percentile In The Querie

Oct 29, 2007

I found the code to calculate percentile value and It works fine,
my problem is that code is calculating value for the whole data set, not for the filtered data.
PercentileRst («RstName»; «fldName»; «PercentileValue»)
is it possible to put some function that can filter or sort data like it do access queries for the mean calculation
for example:
dp1 100
dp1 90
dp2 89
dp2 78
percentile value for dp1, dp2....

thx in advance

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Creating A Querie

Aug 19, 2007

I'm currently trying to create a database for a estate agent, its a little project just to help get used to access. criteria i need to fullfill is the estate agent wants to record each time a buyer goes to visit a property, also the time date and what estate agent showed the buyer needs to be recorded.

so from that i figured that 3 entities would be required - Buyer, Properties and Agent. ive create each of them and put in what i think are relevent fields for each one. but im just not sure how to go about actually creating this requirement, i had a go with Queries but couldnt get them to work. any help would be great.


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Date Querie

Aug 26, 2007


I have a table that contains customer orders (customer name, order date, items etc.), and i need to build a querie that lists all the orders from this week (so lets say Aug 12 -18) of each prior year. Does anyone know how i would do this ??


Matt Cameron

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Join Querie Help For A Newbie

Aug 3, 2005

I just got done creating a join querie (two tables one relationship to make one querie) and now I can't edit the fields. is this normal? if its normal is there any way I can edit the fields?

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Advanced Querie Problem

Apr 5, 2006

Hello gurus
I have a d/base (Access 2000) and within this I need to filter out some records

insurnace related
so I have a location code of ten venues coded 2-11 in a table
and I need to extract out informaiton on all of these in one table

I date a date of event and a sum insured , what I need is date difference between date to be enter on a form (default Now()) and the date of the event - this is the easy bit

Now i need to split these out in batches of 30 days into columns
ie 1-30 days
31-60 days
etc until >240 days

the sums insured need to be in the right date column

example event 1 sum insured @ 25,000 is 45 days away from now so it should appear in the 31-60 column and if there more than 2 events at that venue one being 45 days and the other being 55 and with sums insured @ 25,000 and 35,000 I need them to either be on a line each or combined to give a total of 60,000 in the 31-60 date column

There could be up to 20,000 - to 100,000 of which the code will extract the venue codes of 2-11 and these could be high hundreds records to check and this will be a regularly run question

any thoughts on this would be welcome - each appraoch I take seems to weird and getting nowhere -

i thought about putting a date difference field on my table but it doesn't seem liek the right thing to do as I would have to update this consantly or rather remember to run this query before I run my report - and this just seems wrong

any thoughts

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Querie Then Count The Results...

Apr 13, 2006

I have two tables: "Vender" and "Jobs". I want a field (named "2006") in my vender-profile form to display the number of times in 2006 that that vender's name appears in the "Vender" field of my Jobs table. I hope to repeat the code for other fields ("2005", "2004" & "2003").

Any suggestions?


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Is This A Querie Or Sorting Problem?

Jul 11, 2006

Ok, new to this relm. First off I'm using Access 2002 working in a retooling company, writing a tool tracking DB. What I have is :

Liner ID # Inspected Date Dia 1 Dia 2 Dia 3 Dia 4 OD 1 ID 1

I have only 15 liners now but will add more in future, that we use and inspected and enter measuring data. I have tolerances in place, when the liner gets out of tolerance it's flagged and replaced. So when I put in measurments I have multi-number of liners in my records.


Is there a way to do a query to only show only the lastest or most currert by [inspected date], liners with all the measurements?

If there is a way.... Can there be a drop down box for the other dates bringing the other data with it?

Any help with my quest for knowledge

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Querie For Last Entry Date

Feb 8, 2007

I manage an Access 97 database that tracks production entries per requisition by date stamp. I need to create a query that will show me the latest entry. I created a query that would sort the requisition number by ascending order and sort the entry date by ascending order. Then on the total field I entered "last".

The problem I am having is the consistency of the data. Some of the results are the last entry in the production field. Others are not. I cannot find anything that would cause this discrepancy.

Am I doing it right? Is there a better way? Any idea why this is happening?

Thanks for any help you can offer

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Excel To Access Querie - Help!

Apr 22, 2007


Below is my data as in Excel which I have to put into Access as shown:

CDate PlotPalm Pos2 CDate Pos2 FP1
19-Aug-06 11 19 04-Jan-07 12 11.2

FP1 = (04-Jan-07 minus 19-Aug-06)/Pos2

In access

CDATE Plot Palm Pos2 FP1
09-Dec-05 1 1 23
19-Aug-06 1 1 19 12.2
04-Jan-07 1 1 12 11.2

FP1 calculated using current date - previous date / Pos2

Please assist - is this better in a query or should I code it?


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Selecting Parts Of A Field For Querie

Aug 8, 2006

I have one field with complete url´s.




I like to make a groupby but only from the left side up to ".com"
Is there a way to select only the text untill ".com"



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Querie Order By Num Then Text In 1 Column?

Nov 20, 2006

Hi, I have a querie that returns various data based on the page of a part's Sub-Assembly. There are 4 basic items returned for each page that display in my subform it displays as follows:

SpecID - Page # - Part# - Description - etc.

4 basic SubAssembly Descriptions are

1 - A Text Description of Assembly as a whole (varies for each record and usually has a number such as 2" or 3" or 4" etc at beginning of field)
2 - Valve
3 - Selenoid
4 - Actuator

I want to sort these records so that the first field is that Text description field. I tried sort descending and this does sort descending but puts text field last. (i Know that this is because it is sorting on text first and then intergers. But I don't know how to program multiple OrderBy for this column. How can I sort by intergers first and then by text on this field? :o

Thanks for any help!

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Update/amend Querie Woes!

Mar 23, 2007


I have a table exported from excel. I intially imported this in to access to form a list of due dates for services.

Every week I get and e mail with the updated version.

I am trying to figure out how to update the dates in the 1st table with the new weekly ones.

I can't get it to update. Also there may be the addition of new services as well.

Any tips would be grealty recieved.

Many thanks in advance.

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Querie Involving Related Tables

Mar 28, 2007

hello, I have tables which have relationships in them. for example, ID appears within 3 different tables for the same item. How can I set up a query to delete all records with that ID from all of the tables in one go?
Thank you,

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Entering Data In Form And Updating A Querie

Mar 21, 2007

I apologies for this sinmple quesiotn to some of oyu, but being fairly new with Access, Im having problems when I update my form and then print our a querie, to obtain certain information, the new data is missing.

HOw can I make sure that my querie gets updated when I update my form.

Thanks you

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