Whats Controlling These Decimals?

Jan 5, 2007


Dont understand what is controlling these decimals. I dont need any decimals for this database. The currency is talking bout money in 1000's and the probability is whole numbers.

Here is where I cant get the decimals to stop:


I have tried different things but no luck...anyone have any suggestions.


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Whats The Best Way To Do This?

Jun 13, 2007


I have a database which every week I have to import an excel spreadsheet. Now this spread sheet will always have rows that repeat and will have somewhere between 700-1500 rows.

What is my best option to delete the rows that repeat? Meaning if a rows 1-10 have the same data then delete 9 of them. It will vary but I only need the unique record and the others can be deleted.

Would this be best way using a query? VB or something else?

There are 6 columns that will always be in the spreadsheet with the same column names:


There will be rows that will repeat on every spreadsheet everytime. The only column that will not repeat will be CONTACT_COMMENTS. This column is needs to be deleted everytime.

I guess I didnt know if when I import the spreadsheet if something was possible that would:

Delete the CONTACT_COMMENTS then delete the duplicate rows upon importing or even after since this will have to be done everytime.


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Whats Your Price?

Jan 2, 2006

After being a member on this site for a while now I would like to get some opinions on "cost of application development" I know the forum covers a wide geographic area and the members cover a wide spectrum of degrees of expertise on Access and application development. So the question is this..What would your rates be and how would you determine your charges for developing Access applications for a business?PS... Please include your location if not in your profile.

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Whats Going Wrong

Jul 3, 2007

I am trying to do a partial duplication query. this is the code from the SQL view in accessSELECT filtered1.Company_NameFROM filtered1WHERE (((filtered1.Company_Name) In (SELECT [Company_Name] FROM [filtered1] As Tmp GROUP BY [Company_Name], Left([Company_Name],7) HAVING Count(*)>1 And Left([Company_Name],7) = Left([filtered1].[Company_Name],7))))ORDER BY filtered1.Company_Name;the table filtered1 has 1300 records, under the field Company_Name.the 7's apparently should get it to compare the first 7 letters, and if the same show me them. A whats going wrong, its not showing me any, asthough there are none, (which i know there are) and B. How would i get it to compare the first 7 letters across tables, with fields of the same name?thanksalex

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Whats Your Thought On This?

Aug 30, 2004

If I am going to get a Invoice/Statement programme made for me should it be in MS Access or Visual Basic, Thanks for your thoughts, Bob Vance

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Whats Wrong?

Jan 19, 2005

Private Sub Save_Click()

Dim sSemester As String

sSemester = Semester1.value

DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO Hours (Semester) " & _
" VALUES('" + [sSemester] + "'); "

End Sub

keep getting syntax error
basically Semester1 is a text box with an input mask : LLL???" '"00;0;

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Whats Wrong?!

Feb 25, 2005

"Microsoft JScript runtime error 'null' is null or not an object line = 126, col = 7 (line is offset from the start of the script block). Error returned from property or method call." what does that mean?

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Whats Wrong With This Formula?

Oct 23, 2005

As state above that whats wrong with the following formula?



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Whats Better For Database Design?

Aug 17, 2007

I need to store a question like...

I felt scared...
[]Before I was on the roller coaster
[]When I was on the roller coaster
[]After I was on the roller coaster

I need to be able to query/search the database for people that were scared "before", "during", "after", "before and during", "before and after", "during and after". Then I can categorize these people. What would be the best way to do it? Should I have 3 "yes/no" fields in my table, or one text field with those 3 as the lookup field? What one would make organizing the people easier? :D Thanks!

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Whats Wrong With This Sql Statement?

Sep 1, 2005

FROM table1 RIGHT JOIN table2 ON table1.Pubid = table2.PubID
WHERE (table1.PubType=[Forms]![frmCirculationByTitle]![comMemberType] Or [Forms]![frmCirculationByTitle]![comMemberType] Is null)
AND (table2.lAuditPeriod=[Forms]![frmCirculationByTitle]![comStartPeriod] Or [Forms]![frmCirculationByTitle]![comStartPeriod] IS null)
And (table2.lAuditPeriod=[Forms]![frmCirculationByTitle]![comEndPeriod] Or [Forms]![frmCirculationByTitle]![comEndPeriod] is null)
AND (table2.Unfinancial=[Forms]![frmCirculationByTitle]![chkCurrent] Or [Forms]![frmCirculationByTitle]![chkCurrent] IS null);

even if i only have one parameter (a member type, which should bring back at least 20 for each type of member) it returns nothing. if i do the same sql statement in a query and hard codee the value in i get data. it seems to be ignoring whatever is on the form.



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Whats Wrong With This Query?

Aug 15, 2006

trying to create a table using a query, and I'm not sure whats wrong with this query:

FYI_Title varchar(100),
FYI_Text memo,
FYI_Date date

Sorry it its noobish :(

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Whats Wrong With This Code

Jul 11, 2006

I placed a combo box named CboSearchItem on form to select and bring the record onto the form. Its working smoothly.

Set rst1 = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select * From Product_Master " & _
"where Productname= " & """" & CboSearchItem & """")

But when data in field 'ProductName' contains " mark, it produces error 3075 :

Syntax error in string in query expression "ProductName = "Hose White 3/4"'"

When I replaced all " mark from the data / record, it works fine.
For example Product Name are as follows:

Elbow 2 Way
ABC Pipe 3"
Shower Pipe 1 1/5 Meter

Reading all the above record but not the second one because it contains " mark.

I can not tell my client not to use " symbol while entering the product name. There should be a solution.

Please extend your help.

With kind regards,

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Whats Better For Database Design?

Aug 17, 2007

I need to store a question like...

I felt scared...
[]Before I was on the roller coaster
[]When I was on the roller coaster
[]After I was on the roller coaster

I need to be able to query/search the database for people that were scared "before", "during", "after", "before and during", "before and after", "during and after". Then I can categorize these people. What would be the best way to do it? Should I have 3 "yes/no" fields in my table, or one text field with those 3 as the lookup field? What one would make organizing the people easier?

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Switchboard Whats The Real Advantage?

Jan 25, 2007


My database is due tommorrow and my switchboard has gone crazy on me, it doesnt work anymore. When you scrolll your mouse it then goes through the links thats the only way to get to the section you want.

So question is this, whats the advantage of using it?

Cant I just set some hyperlinks to the items I want and it would be the same. Wondering cause dont know if I should spend time trying to fix it or just make hyperlinks...and its due tommorrow.

Thanks for any opinions.

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Help Needed Urgently - Whats Wrong In This SQL Statement

Mar 11, 2006

SELECT (Max(ReferenceDescription.ReferenceID))
FROM (ReferenceDescription)
WHERE (ReferenceDescription.ReferenceID >= (ReferenceDescription.CategoryID * ReferenceDescription.DepartmentID) AND ReferenceDescription.ReferenceID <= (INT(ReferenceDescription.CategoryID * ReferenceDescription.DepartmentID * 0.9999))

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Whats The Difference Between Frontend And Backend Database

Jun 22, 2006

Hi people,
Does anyone knows the difference between frontend and backend database? I look 4ward to hearing from any database expert.


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Controlling Changes To Combo Box

Jan 17, 2007

I have a form. In it is a status field that can be:


When the item is created, it is given a "NEW" Status. And there is a command button on the form that can change the status to "SENT". However, based on external factors (email received or system report examined) the user can manually change the status to the CREDIT, COLLECT or CLOSED. Now, I want to make sure that then can't change the status manually to "SENT", only the system is allowed to do that via the command button.

How can I allow them to use some of the allowed values, but not others?


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Updating Another DB And Controlling From A Differnt DB

Jun 16, 2005

Hello All,

How would I run a procedure in DB2 from DB1?

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Controlling Time/date

Jan 12, 2007

In a simple access table, I have the follwiing:

Data type: Date/Time

Format: mm/yyyy
Input Mask: 99/99

It restricts me to enter 2006 for instance. It converts to 2007. I want to be able to enter any year. Please help. Thank you.

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Controlling Subforms With A Combo Box

Jun 29, 2005

Is it possible to control the data of a subform by making selection in a combo box?

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Controlling Forms And Subforms

Dec 10, 2006

Howdie y'all

I need a few pointers wrt the relationship between a form and its subform.

I have the following form:


Top part of the form is for adding/editing etc.

The subform is based on a query. The two are linked on the 'week' value.

Now, this is what I want to do:

The user must not be able to edit data in the subform (so should I use a report instead... but then will I be able to do 2...).
Selecting a row in the subform should cause the whole form to go to that record so that the user can then modify info in the fields of the main form.

I don't know VB - the only code I've used is gleened from searching these forums (a great resource, so I'm learning slowly), so I'll need a bit more than 'Do a wrzmitchigob on the bleedlethrop'!

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Controlling Height Of Section In VBA

Mar 27, 2008

My report has the Section's Footer.
Each time the section runs, it will take up a different amount of space.
I have already run all the code, to move all the different controls to the top (and be invisible) when they are not needed.
So to the best of my knowledge, I have no controls sitting in the lower part of the section.
The last thing I run is:
Code: Me.S123.Height = Me.S123.Height - 300
s123 is the name of the Footer SEctions. The idea is that it gets progressively smaller.
This is all running in:
Code:Private Sub S123_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)

All the other things work.
Here is a sample of it all..
Code:If Me.txt2 = 0 Then Me.a2.Visible = False Me.b2.Visible = False Me.a2.Top = 0 Me.b2.Top = 0 Me.box.Height = Me.box.Height - 300 Me.S123.Height = Me.S123.Height - 300End IfIf Me.txt2 <> 0 Then Me.a2.Visible = True Me.b2.Visible = TrueEnd IfIf Me.txt3 = 0 Then Me.a3.Visible = False Me.b3.Visible = False Me.a3.Top = 0 Me.b3.Top = 0 Me.box.Height = Me.box.Height - 300 Me.S123.Height = Me.S123.Height - 300End If

This runs through 8 different numbers.
as I said, all the other things operate properly. They get hidden and move.

Any thoughts?


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Hiding Decimals

Aug 31, 2005

Hello,I was wondering if anybody knew if it was posslble to show an aproximated value of a field with decimal records. I would like to see only integer values on my form.

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Decimals And Rounding

Oct 27, 2005

I have a field that holds a unit price. I can't use currency as the data type because the currency type is different for each client. I have another field that specifies the currency type for each department. Up to now I've been using a double format with a 2 decimal places. We now need to increase the decimal places to 4 but don't necessarily want to see all four places if only 2 are required - 1.5000 against 1.50. However if I make the decimals as auto, if I have 1.50 it rounds to 1.5.

Any other way to give a bit of flexibility to this?



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Rouning Decimals

Feb 23, 2005

I am trying to round decimals to either .5 or 0 right now i have it set to 1 decimal place and it rounds to to the next place. So if a user puts in 1.23 it would round to 1.2 instead of 1.0, is there a simple way to solve this issue?

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Return Age With Decimals?

Oct 18, 2012

Is it possible to return an age as: 21.45 or 64.93?

I have done some searching and can't find any formatting or code to make it work.

I have changed the field format to Fixed and then it gives: 21.00 or 64.00

I like the 2 decimal places for quick at-a-glance-knowing of the age.

Of course I have a formula that returns an age with decimals in EXCEL, that's why I think it should somehow be possible in Access.

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