Whats The Difference Between Frontend And Backend Database

Jun 22, 2006

Hi people,
Does anyone knows the difference between frontend and backend database? I look 4ward to hearing from any database expert.


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Using MySQL BackEnd With Access FrontEnd For Multi-User Database

Mar 31, 2015

If I want to distribute a front end to connect with a MySQL back end ... do I need to set up the system DSN on each workstation that will be using the front end?

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General :: Block Pathway To Backend Folder But Allow Access Via Frontend Database

Jul 17, 2012

If I have an MS Access frontend that connects to an MS Access backend, is there a way to hide/permission block the pathway to the backend's folder but still allow access via the frontend db?

Right now I can't dedicate a server to a more "secure" form of DB or anything like that so I'm stuck with MS Access for now. I just don't want someone looking at, say, a link table path and then navigating to that folder and getting access to backend information.

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Jun 24, 2005

I have created a form that I want to share with other people. They will never add or change any of the data - they will only use the form as an information source. I need to be able to access the database to add/change information.

What is the best way to do this?

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Backend - Frontend..

Dec 10, 2004

Hi Experts,

I am trying to develop a multiuser database. I heard that in a multiuser setup the back end should be on the network and front end on the users machines. Could anyone please explain what is these back end front ends and how should I set it up.

And one more (silly) question... Do we really need MS Access to be installed in the users machines in order to do this?

Any help is appretiated..

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Frontend Backend Problem

Dec 8, 2005

I have a database split with a frontend (FE) and backend (BE). Both reside on our network. I give a copy of the FE to all users. The FE is linked to itself so if I make a change to the network copy the next time a user opens theirs it tells them to close down and it recopies itself. This works really good. The problem we're having is people going and making a shortcut to the networked FE. So WHENEVER they open their FE everyone gets a message saying to close and recopy. The database is about 10mb but for someone across with a slow intranet connection it can take a bit to download. I'm looking ways to prevent users from accessing the networked FE. Can you simply hide it?


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Frontend- Backend Problem

Jan 31, 2006

I´ve just made a frontend backend solution with a db i Access2002.
I made this because my users 5 persons have a booking system wich they use at tehe same time.

But the db locks all the time... I thougt we would get rid of that problem now.

Is there something I have to check?

I have some lookup tables, can this cause this kind of trouble?


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Guidance On Backend/Frontend

Apr 18, 2007

A simple personal database created by me is to be deployed on a home network having two PCs. I did splitting to FE and BE. The BE shows only tables. I would like to have the guidance of experts in this forum for the following:
1. Whether BE to be copied first in the host PC?
2. FE to be copied in the other PC?
3. After copying the Access DB how to link FE and BE between the two PCs?
4. Whether data entry, edit, search etc. possible from both the PCs?
5. If I test with dummy records, how do I delete dummy records, from BE or FE?
Shall be grateful for help.

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VB Frontend, Access Backend, No Relationships?

Apr 2, 2007

I am evaluating a program for the use of a customer. It's a VB frontend attached to an Access database.

The backend has no relationships. No table in the backend even has a primary key.

My question: Is this scenario acceptable in any way?

I tend to think not, but am unsure whether the design of the frontend application establishes relationships "on the fly". Even if so, the fact that there are no primary keys makes me think I should dismiss this application out of hand.


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Multi User Frontend/backend

Feb 3, 2008

At work i have a newtwork of computers each with a frontend of my database on it and 1 computer with the backend on it, once there's about 8-10 computers using it, it wont let anymore in it saying something like unable to open, exculsively opened etc. How to i get round this?

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Access Switching To Frontend And Backend

Nov 18, 2012

I am very good at excel and can program macros. I am being asked to build something in access for my company, or at least manage a build. So here is my question... If we build it without both a front and back end, is it easier to take what you have and switch it to a front and back end? Also, when and why is it better?

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Frontend - Backend Databases Security Question

Nov 2, 2006

I'm wondering about the following.

If I would have a backend table with the data kept in tables and a frontend database with forms and reports and queries etc. and linked tables to the backend db, what would be the right way to secure both.

In my situation I have salary information in some of the tables, which should not be wide open to the holy world. I also need to restrict the access of some queries and forms in the frontend database to different users. That means I need to set up a secured frontend database with different usergroups having different object permissions. So in that frontend database the Users Group and the Admin User do not have any permissions any more. Thats why I created a shortcut where I kept the database and workgroup information in the target. Every user needs to open the database via the shortcut.

Unfortunately I was not able to secure both the backend and the frontend database, because the linked tables in the frontend db are only pointing to a database not to a shortcut. Because the backend database is secured as well (no permission to Admin and Users any more) it can't be opened directly - only by shortcut.

Am I right that there is obviously no possibility to have a secured backend and frontend db via the Jet database engine and Access?

I hope somebody can answer my questions. At least I know that I can't do anything else and I did not something wrong ;)

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2007 Frontend 2000-2003 Backend...

Jun 26, 2007

Wondering if anyone had tried this yet, and if so, encountered any problems. I have a few existing DB's in the office. Split with backend on server in mdb format. I am now using both 2003 and 2007... BUT.. Now that the runtime is out I would like to make my future updates in 2007. So the question is... Has anyone used a 2007 file format frontend with a 2000 to 2003 file format backend? I understand that the new field properties wouldn't be available in the mdb backend, but besides that, would they still link properly?Thanks

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Multi User (read Only) Frontend & Backend

Apr 12, 2005

Hello all
I have a "Read only" frontend and Backend as 2 different files on the LAN shared drive.
i have around 50 users logging on to this to view information (No editing allowed by the user).
I read on some of the previous forums that Multiuser frontend does not work that well. I want to know if this is true even if my users are in read only mode??? I have tried with 3 users and it works with out a hitch. i just want to be sure before i roll out this to the entire 50users.

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Tables :: Frontend Table Relationships Different Than Backend?

May 28, 2014

I created a database a few years ago and it has been working well. This database is split.

Recently I started to update the front end based on user feedback and I am adding some queries.

I am noticing that sometimes I try to create a new query and Access tells me that the tables that are involved in the query are not related. Sure enough if I check in the front end, the table relationships are not the same as those in the back end and while the table relationships I need exist in the back end, they do not in the front end.

While the relationships were initially created in the unsplit database, it is possible that I added some of them later during past development/updating processes when the database was already split. This is the only reason I can think of for them to be different.

When I add a relationship in the back end (new table or bug fix) do I also need to add it to the front end if the database is split? if not, why would they be different? What kind of issues can this create?

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Frontend Showing Data / Backend Not Updating?

Jan 12, 2012

I have a backend-database on a network disk shared by 6 users. All users have a frontend client wich they use to administer the datebase. Everything in the frontend looks ok and they can query the latest data. However if I open up the backend database tables nothing has been updated since the middle of december. If i make a copy of the backend I can open it up and create new posts with ID-numbers that has already been taken by the frontend.

Ofcourse I have doublechecked that the clients are connected to the right backend file (there's only on backend file in the directory).

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Modify Bob Larsons FrontEnd BackEnd AutoUpdate Utility

Nov 22, 2007

Hello everyone,

I was looking for a great way to link and relink BackEnd to FrontEnd and I sort of found it.
Bob larson build a great extensive tool to autoupdate backend en master frontend. You can find his great post here: http://www.access-programmers.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=111132&highlight=back+end

Here is my problem or wish is more appropriate.

I just want to relink the backend and if the backend isnt found I want to select it using the filedialog.

Who can help me...
Perhaps you can Bob???

I included the file

I realy hope that you can help me guys.

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Whats Better For Database Design?

Aug 17, 2007

I need to store a question like...

I felt scared...
[]Before I was on the roller coaster
[]When I was on the roller coaster
[]After I was on the roller coaster

I need to be able to query/search the database for people that were scared "before", "during", "after", "before and during", "before and after", "during and after". Then I can categorize these people. What would be the best way to do it? Should I have 3 "yes/no" fields in my table, or one text field with those 3 as the lookup field? What one would make organizing the people easier? :D Thanks!

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Whats Better For Database Design?

Aug 17, 2007

I need to store a question like...

I felt scared...
[]Before I was on the roller coaster
[]When I was on the roller coaster
[]After I was on the roller coaster

I need to be able to query/search the database for people that were scared "before", "during", "after", "before and during", "before and after", "during and after". Then I can categorize these people. What would be the best way to do it? Should I have 3 "yes/no" fields in my table, or one text field with those 3 as the lookup field? What one would make organizing the people easier?

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Backend Database

Nov 2, 2007

I have been given the responsibility for a database that resides on a company network. The Database has been created by using Access 2000 in Windows XP. There are windows folders fro each team that needs use of the database and within these folders is a macro that loads the form for each team. There is a shortcut folder to the Admin Entrance point wher the actual database and tables_be are located. I have looked at both the properties of both these files and both are Access 2000 databases?

The Database called Database( not my choice of name ) contains all the forms, queries, reports,modules etc and the tables are linked to what seems to be the Admin Entrance point. Unfortunately I am unable to see the full link when using linked table manager. This I presume is the tables located in tables_be. The database table_be contains all the tables.

When trying to store the Autonumbering to the database after corruption using a solution kindly supplied by Pat Hartmann by taking a copy of both the database and table_be and working on these I successfully got the autonumbering working.

What do I need to do to successfully implemting these on the network. I have tried to copy the new files back to the network with the same names and in the same location but am getting error messages when I try access some of the forms.

Unfortuately there is no documentation as to how this database has been constructed hence the long winded post.

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Closing A Backend Database

Jun 13, 2007

I have a front end and back end database

I have broken the links between the 2 databases

how can I close the backend database using VB from code in the front end database?

I keep getting errors that the DB is not exclusive

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Linking To More Than One Backend Database

Nov 13, 2007

Hi - I have a front end database that is linked to 2 backend databases. I'd like to add code so that after the splashscreen pops up it checks to see if the front end is linked. If not then asks the user to enter the path for the two backend databases. I need your HELP!!1


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Updating A Backend Database

Aug 21, 2006

A client has had a database in operation for about a year. They requested some updates. I have been trying to figure out an easy way to update table structer with out having the client go into the backend and add a field or two.

I wrote an update program, that copies the table from their backend, and copied it to the updated table and tried to copy it back to thier backend, but since it is in a relationship, it won't let me.

Any suggestions?

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Closing A Backend Database

Jun 13, 2007

I have a front end and back end database

I have broken the links between the 2 databases

how can I close the backend database using VB from code in the front end database?

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Connect Program To Database Backend

Jun 16, 2005

Hey guys... I created a reaaaally simple wages calculation program some time ago in VB6. When you click the save button, the records are saved to a .txt file stored in the same directoy as the program itself.

However, I'd like to take this a step further and connect this program with some tables setup in an Access database. I know this has something to do with ADO, right? But not quite sure how to set this up..

Would it be possible to get some guidance on this? If you'd like to see the program, let me know.

Thanks for any input!

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Stop The Editing Of The Backend Database

May 12, 2006

How can you stop people editing the data in the backend database from the linked table in the front end?

The back end is passworded but you can still change data manually from the front end.

Can this be stopped?

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